INHS Collections Data

Dataset: INHS-FISH
Search Criteria: [USA] OR United States OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 21, records 2001-2100 of 150093

Illinois Natural History Survey - Fish Collection

Notropis volucellus (Cope, 1865)
113367Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Phenacobius mirabilis (Girard, 1856)
113368Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Pimephales notatus (Rafinesque, 1820)
113369Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Pimephales vigilax (Baird and Girard, 1853)
113370Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Hypentelium nigricans (Lesueur, 1817)
113371Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque, 1818)
113372Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur, 1817)
113373Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Noturus stigmosus Taylor, 1969
113374Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

113375Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Fundulus notatus (Rafinesque, 1820)
113376Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Gambusia affinis (Baird and Girard, 1853)
113377Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Cottus carolinae
113378Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque, 1819
113379Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Lepomis megalotis (Rafinesque, 1820)
113380Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113381Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Etheostoma blennioides Rafinesque, 1819
113382Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Etheostoma flabellare Rafinesque, 1819
113383Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Etheostoma zonale (Cope, 1868)
113384Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Percina caprodes (Rafinesque, 1818)
113385Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque, 1819
113386Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Lythrurus fasciolaris (Gilbert, 1891)
113387Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Etheostoma lawrencei Ceas and Burr, 2002
113388Compton, Brumley & J. Schuster   2004-10-14
United States, Kentucky, Bullitt, Salt River, Kentucky Rt. 61, 37.985 -85.7175

Notropis heterolepis Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1893
113389   2020-09-17
United States, Illinois, LaSalle, Illinois River, 3 mi downstream Ottawa, Sheehan Island, 41.3242 -88.9036

Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs and Greene in Hubbs, 1951)
113390B. Harris   2020-09-17
United States, Illinois, LaSalle, Illinois River, Ottawa, 2.5 mi downstream Hwy. 23, 41.319 -88.8986

Percina phoxocephala (Nelson, 1876)
113391LTEF staff   2020-09-02
United States, Illinois, Henderson, Mississippi River, Gulfport, 40.7935 -91.0889

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
113392LTEF staff   2020-07-16
United States, Illinois, Henderson, Mississippi River, mouth of Henderson creek, 40.8755 -91.031

Percina shumardi (Girard, 1859)
113393LTEF staff   2020-07-16
United States, Illinois, Henderson, Mississippi River, mouth of Henderson creek, 40.8755 -91.031

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
113394LTEF staff   2020-09-02
United States, Iowa, Lee, Mississippi River, Nauvoo, 40.5554 -91.4117

Etheostoma flabellare Rafinesque, 1819
113395LTEF staff   2020-09-02
United States, Iowa, Lee, Mississippi River, Nauvoo, 40.5554 -91.4117

Percina phoxocephala (Nelson, 1876)
113396LTEF staff   2020-09-22
United States, Missouri, Clark, Mississippi River, Warsaw, 40.359 -91.4502

Moxostoma duquesnei (Lesueur, 1817)
113397B. Harris, et al.   2020-10-19
United States, Illinois, LaSalle, Illinois River, 2 mi upstream Ottawa, 41.3332 -88.7683

Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs and Greene in Hubbs, 1951)
113398B. Harris, et al.   2020-09-18
United States, Illinois, Grundy, Illinois River, 2.5 mi upstream Morris, 41.377 -88.343

Notropis volucellus (Cope, 1865)
113399B. Harris, et al.   2020-09-18
United States, Illinois, Grundy, Illinois River, 2.5 mi upstream Morris, 41.377 -88.343

113400B. Harris, INHS   2020-06-18
United States, Illinois, Grundy, Illinois River, 0.5 mi downstream mouth of Kankakee River, 41.3993 -88.2688

113401B. Harris, INHS   2020-06-18
United States, Illinois, Will, Des Plaines River, 2 mi downstream I-55, 41.3972 -88.2254

113402B. Harris, INHS   2020-07-02
United States, Illinois, Grundy, Illinois River, 2 mi downstream Hwy. 47, 41.3461 -88.4697

Percopsis omiscomaycus
113403B. Harris, INHS   2020-07-02
United States, Illinois, Marshall, Illinois River, Hopewell, 40.9899 -89.4396

Percopsis omiscomaycus
113404B. Harris, INHS   2020-06-30
United States, Illinois, LaSalle, Illinois River, 2.5 mi upstream Starved Rock Lock & Dam, 41.312 -88.9289

Notropis heterolepis Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1893
113405B. Harris, INHS   2020-09-09
United States, Illinois, LaSalle, Illinois River, 3 mi upstream Hwy. 23, 41.3326 -88.7771

Macrhybopsis hyostoma (Gilbert, 1884)
113406B. Harris, INHS   2020-10-15
United States, Illinois, LaSalle, Illinois River, Ottawa, 1500 m upstream Hwy. 23, 41.3404 -88.8297

Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs and Greene in Hubbs, 1951)
113407B. Harris, INHS   2020-10-22
United States, Illinois, Grundy, Illinois River, 0.33 mi downstream Dresden Lock & Dam, 41.3984 -88.2915

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
113408B. Harris, INHS   2020-07-08
United States, Illinois, Marshall, Illinois River, 1 mi N Lacon, 41.0695 -89.3913

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
113409B. Harris, INHS   2020-07-08
United States, Illinois, Marshall, Illinois River, N edge Lacon, side channel, 41.0341 -89.4135

Notropis volucellus (Cope, 1865)
113410B. Harris, INHS   2020-08-21
United States, Illinois, Grundy, Illinois River, 2.5 mi upstream Missouri, 41.3748 -88.3492

Sander vitreus (Mitchill, 1818)
113411B.M. Burr & S.D. Ogle   1978-07-19
United States, Kentucky, Carlisle, Mississippi River, 7.5 mi S of Wickliffe, 1 mi NW of Laketon, 36.8692 -89.1185

Etheostoma Rafinesque, 1819
113412B.M. Burr & S.J. Walsh   1980-11-23
United States, Kentucky, Powell, Red River, 3.5 mi NE Nada, Kentucky Rt. 77, 37.8451 -83.677

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
113413B.M. Burr & L.M. Page   1980-10-28
United States, Kentucky, Laurel, Rockcastle River, 0.5 mi S Livingston; S.R. 25, 37.2929 -84.2207

Percina vigil (Hay, 1882)
113414B.M. Burr, W. Smith & M.L. Warren   1988-09-18
United States, Kentucky, Hickman, Bayou de Chien, 3 mi S Fulgan, Hwy. 307, 36.6125 -88.8717

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113415B.M. Burr & L.M. Page   1980-10-29
United States, Kentucky, Metcalfe, East Fork Little Barren River, 2 mi E Sulphur Well, U.S. Rt. 68, 37.1011 -85.5991

Percina vigil (Hay, 1882)
113416B.M. Burr & S.J. Walsh   1980-09-27
United States, Kentucky, Butler/ Muhlenberg, Mud River, 0.5 mi E Gus & 5 mi NW Quality; at Hwy. 949 bridge, 37.1236 -86.9008

Percina shumardi (Girard, 1859)
113417B.M. Burr & R.L. Mayden   1979-08-17
United States, Arkansas, Clay/ Randolph, Current River, 4 mi NW Success, 36.48798 -90.77073

Percina shumardi (Girard, 1859)
113418B.M. Burr & SIUC Zoology 465 class   1979-06-30
United States, Illinois, Union, Clear Creek, 2 mi E of Reynoldsville, 37.36867 -89.36017

Percina shumardi (Girard, 1859)
113419R.L. Mayden & Braasch   1976-09-05
United States, Illinois, Union, Clear Creek, 2 mi E of Reynoldsville, 37.36863 -89.36024

Micropterus punctulatus (Rafinesque, 1819)
113420T. Parker & T.E. Shepard   1980-07-30
United States, Mississippi, Choctaw/ Webster, Big Black River, 1 mi S of Eupora, Hwy. 9, 33.51768 -89.25416

Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède, 1802)
113421T. Parker & T.E. Shepard   1980-07-30
United States, Mississippi, Choctaw/ Webster, Big Black River, 1 mi S of Eupora, Hwy. 9, 33.51768 -89.25416

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113422B.M. Burr, et al.   1981-09-26
United States, Kentucky, Laurel/ Rockcastle, Rockcastle River, 1 mi NE mouth White Oak Creek, 37.3359 -84.122

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113423B.M. Burr, T.E. Shepard & S.J. Walsh   1981-09-24
United States, Kentucky, Monroe, McFarland Creek, 2 mi SW Vernon, 36.6224 -85.5441

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113424B.M. Burr, S.J. Walsh & T.E. Shepard   1981-09-24
United States, Kentucky, Monroe, Meshack Creek, 2 mi NNW Center Point, S.R. 100, 36.7322 -85.5442

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113425B.M. Burr, et al.   1981-09-25
United States, Kentucky, Cumberland, Bear Creek, 3 mi SE Burkesville, Hwy. 90, 36.7706 -85.2753

Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède, 1802)
113426T.E. Shepard & B.M. Burr   1981-08-22
United States, Kentucky, Fulton, Mississippi River, backwater at Hickman, 36.5891 -89.1906

Sander canadensis
113427U.S. Army Corps of Engineers   1972-08-21
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Mississippi River, Mississippi River, side channel 1, (Jefferson Barracks), river mile 168.8-166.5, 38.48671 -90.27088

Sander vitreus (Mitchill, 1818)
113428U.S. Army Corps of Engineers   1972-08-22
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Mississippi River, 2.5 mi N Forest Home, Calico sidechannel , river mile 147.4- 148.3, 38.21518 -90.34341

Sander vitreus (Mitchill, 1818)
113429U.S. Army Corps of Engineers   1973-07-19
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Mississippi River, 2 mi S Brickys, Missouri, Fort Chartes side channel, river mile 132.3-134.3, 38.07688 -90.16523

Percina sciera (Swain, 1883)
113430S.J. Walsh, T.E. Shepard & D.A. Carney   1982-10-02
United States, Illinois, Cumberland, Embarras River, 0.3 mi NW Greenup, Illinois Rt. 121 bridge, 39.250819 -88.173459

Sander vitreus (Mitchill, 1818)
113431T.E. Shepard & SIUC Zoology 465 Class   1981-07-11
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Mississippi River, Grand Tower, 37.62475 -89.5041

Sander canadensis
113432M.A. Klutho, T.E. Shepard & Zoology 118 Class   1981-10-22
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Mississippi River, Grand Tower, 37.62583 -89.50483

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113433M.L. Warren, et al.   1978-05-17
United States, Kentucky, Clay, Goose Creek, Lipps, Mud Lick confl, off S.R. 1524, 37.048 -83.6583

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113434M.L. Warren, et al.   1978-10-10
United States, Kentucky, Perry, Troublesome Creek, 1.6 km NE junction of Kentucky Rt. 476- 1087, 37.3842 -83.1586

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113435M.L. Warren, et al.   1978-10-25
United States, Kentucky, Wolfe, North Fork Red River, 10.2 km NNE Campton, 37.8 -83.4925

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113436M.L. Warren, et al.   1978-10-19
United States, Kentucky, Lee, Sturgeon Creek, Kentucky Rt. 587, 37.5006 -83.8098

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113437M.L. Warren, et al.   1978-10-13
United States, Kentucky, Leslie, Cutshin Creek, Kentucky Rt. 699, 37.0602 -83.2161

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113438M.L. Warren, et al.   1978-10-12
United States, Kentucky, Leslie, Greasy Creek, Kentucky Rt. 2009, 36.9997 -83.34

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113439M.L. Warren, Jr., K.E. Camburn & S.M. Call   1979-08-28
United States, Kentucky, Monroe, Sulphur Creek, 1.4 km above mouth, 36.6852 -85.5777

Percina vigil (Hay, 1882)
113440R.R. Cicerello, R. Rhew & G. Gigante   1980-10-03
United States, Kentucky, Logan, Mud River, 13.4 km above mouth of Wolf Lick Creek, bridge at Beechland-Quality Rd., 37.0376 -86.8989

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113441M.L. Warren, et al.   1978-06-15
United States, Kentucky, Wolfe, North Fork Red River, 10.2 km NNE Campton, 37.8 -83.4925

Sander canadensis
113442K.S. Cummings, M.A. Klutho & T.E. Shepard   1981-09-20
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Mississippi River, Grand Tower, 37.62475 -89.5041

Percina shumardi (Girard, 1859)
113443M.A. Klutho, R. Packauskas & T.E. Shepard   1981-06-13
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Mississippi River, Grand Tower, 37.62475 -89.5041

Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède, 1802)
113444M.A. Klutho, R. Packauskas & T.E. Shepard   1981-06-14
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Mississippi River, Grand Tower, 37.62475 -89.5041

Percina sciera (Swain, 1883)
113445B.R. Kuhajda & R. Johnson   1983-02-26
United States, Illinois, Effingham, Little Wabash River, 5 mi NNW Effingham, 39.18753 -88.57843

Percina vigil (Hay, 1882)
113446M.L. Warren, et al.   1980-09-22
United States, Kentucky, Butler, Mud River, 0.6 km below mouth Biggerstaff Creek, Dunmor-Forgy Mill Rd. bridge, 37.0889 -86.8936

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113447M.L. Warren, et al.   1978-10-10
United States, Kentucky, Knott, Laurel Fork, 1.5 km SE on Kentucky Rt. 1098 from junction with Kentucky Rt. 1516, 37.4936 -83.0872

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113448M.L. Warren, et al.   1978-06-28
United States, Kentucky, Magoffin, Licking River, Kentucky Rt. 7, 37.6261 -83.9925

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113449M.L. Warren, et al.   1979-08-22
United States, Kentucky, Whitley, Bunches Creek, 1.5 km above mouth, 36.8317 -84.3042

Percina sciera (Swain, 1883)
113450D.A. Carney & B.R. Kuhajda   1983-08-11
United States, Illinois, Cumberland, Embarras River, 2 mi N Greenup, 39.276118 -88.161156

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113451M.L. Warren, et al.   1979-08-29
United States, Kentucky, McCreary, Troublesome Creek, 5.6 km N Kentucky- Tennessee line, 36.6241 -84.5965

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113452M.L. Warren, et al.   1978-09-13
United States, Kentucky, Carter, Tygarts Creek, junction of S.R. 1662 & U.S. Rt. 60, 38.2972 -83.273

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113453M.L. Warren, et al.   1978-09-12
United States, Kentucky, Carter, Buffalo Creek, 1.5 km S Carter-Greenup Co. line S.R. 217, 38.4556 -83.0625

Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède, 1802)
113454L. Whiteside, J. Bremer & S. Liew   1983-06-20
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Dutchman Creek, 3.5 mi W Vienna, Rt. 136, 37.422526 -88.944586

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113455M.L. Warren Jr, et al.   1978-10-19
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Horse Lick Creek, Co. Rd. 1955, 37.431 -84.1416

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
113456Warren, Camburn & Call   1979-05-11
United States, Kentucky, Harlan, Martins Fork, Hwy. 987, 36.7028 -83.3613

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
113457W.L. Davis, et al.   1981-08-11
United States, Kentucky, Harlan, Poor Fork, Nolansburg, 36.9253 -83.163

Sander vitreus (Mitchill, 1818)
113458P.L. Smith   1982-06-23
United States, Kentucky, Fulton, Obion Creek, 3.5 km upstream from confl. with Bayou de Chien, 36.5994 -89.1715

Sander canadensis
113459B.R. Kuhajda, M.L. Warren & B.M. Burr   1985-03-24
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Mississippi River, Grand Tower, 37.62475 -89.5041

Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède, 1802)
113460M.L. Warren & B.R. Kuhajda   1985-08-27
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Campus Lake, Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Campus, 37.70915 -89.22598

Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède, 1802)
113461B.M. Burr   1986-05-13
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Cache River, 1.25 mi SSE Perks, 37.292175 -89.07173

Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède, 1802)
113462B.M. Burr   1986-05-13
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Eagle Pond, 1.25 mi SE Perks, 37.29484 -89.06875

Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802
113463R.R. Cicerello   1980-09-28
United States, Kentucky, Pulaski, Buck Creek, Kentucky Rt. 192, 37.0602 -84.4262

Percina sciera (Swain, 1883)
113464B.M. Burr, M.L. Warren & B.R. Kuhajda   1986-08-11
United States, Illinois, Effingham, Little Wabash River, 2.5 mi WSW Effingham, Illinois Rt. 40 bridge, 39.104159 -88.594121

Percina sciera (Swain, 1883)
113465B.M. Burr, M.L. Warren & B.R. Kuhajda   1986-08-12
United States, Illinois, Clark, North Fork Embarras River, 3.5 mi NE Moriah, Co. Rd. 800N, 39.26328 -87.90963

Percina sciera (Swain, 1883)
113466B.M. Burr, M.L. Warren & B.R. Kuhajda   1986-08-14
United States, Illinois, Clay, Little Wabash River, 4 mi N Flora, Co. Rd. 1300E, 38.747288 -88.477381

Page 21, records 2001-2100 of 150093

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