INHS Collections Data

Dataset: INHS-FISH
Search Criteria: [USA] OR United States OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 32, records 3101-3200 of 148857

Illinois Natural History Survey - Fish Collection

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114467D.H. Webb & Berryman   1972-08-19
United States, Kentucky, Fulton, Bayou de Chien, 1 mi NE Hickman, 36.5847 -89.1697

Etheostoma oophylax Ceas and Page in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992
114468R.M. Strange   1999-04-10
United States, Kentucky, Livingston, Jones Creek, 6 mi SE Smithland, at junction of Hwy. 93 & 453, 37.0793 -88.309

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114469B.M. Burr, J.G. Stewart, D.B. Henry, M.R. Thomas, R.R. Cicerello, et al.   2000-09-23
United States, Kentucky, Hart, Green River, Sim's Bend, 37.2967 -85.8469

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114470J.G. Stewart, M.R. Thomas & K.A. Elkin   2000-09-24
United States, Kentucky, Hart, Green River, 1.5 mi downstream of the H.H. Wilson Park, 37.2686 -85.8805

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114471D.B. Henry, J.G. Stewart, R.M. Gerwig & M.R. Thomas   2000-10-31
United States, Kentucky, Green, Green River, 0.5 mi S of Roachville, Roachville ford on Dick Canes Rd., 37.2351 -85.4252

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114472D.B. Henry, J.G. Stewart, R.M. Gerwig & M.R. Thomas   2000-10-30
United States, Kentucky, Green, Green River, U.S. Rd. 68 bridge in Greensburg, 37.2541 -85.5028

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114473D.B. Henry, J.G. Stewart, R.M. Gerwig, M.P. Henry & A.M. Knott   2000-07-28
United States, Kentucky, Green, Green River, Greensburg, Hwy. 68, 37.2541 -85.5028

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114474D.B. Henry, J.G. Stewart, R.M. Gerwig & M.R. Thomas   2000-10-31
United States, Kentucky, Taylor, Green River, 200 m downstream Tebb's Bend bridge, 37.246 -85.3653

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114475D.B. Henry, J.G. Stewart, R.M. Gerwig & M.R. Thomas   2000-11-01
United States, Kentucky, Hart, Green River, first island upstream S.R. 31W, Munfordville, 37.2717 -85.8805

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114476R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   1997-04-18
United States, Kentucky, Hopkins, Long Pond, 2.6 km NE of the town of White Plains, 37.2358 -87.3722

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114477R.R. Cicerello, E.L. Laudermilk & M.A. Patterson   1995-05-31
United States, Kentucky, Breathitt, Troublesome Creek, 16.4 air km SE Jackson (Bearing 134oN); at Fugate Fork, 37.4586 -83.2405

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114478R.R. Cicerello, E.L. Laudermilk & M.A. Patterson   1995-05-31
United States, Kentucky, Breathitt, Troublesome Creek, 10.1 air km SE Jackson; at Hays Branch, 37.4819 -83.3125

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114479E.L. Laudermilk & M.A. Patterson   1995-07-19
United States, Kentucky, Breathitt, Quicksand Creek, 18.7 air km E Jackson; at Hollen Branch, 37.5564 -83.1725

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114480E.L. Laudermilk, S. McMurray & M. Patterson   1994-07-29
United States, Kentucky, Harlan, Cumberland River, 16.9 air km WSW Harlan; at Minton Branch confl., 36.8124 -83.508

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114481E.L. Laudermilk, S. McMurray & M. Patterson   1994-07-28
United States, Kentucky, Bell, Cumberland River, 5 air km SE Pineville; East Pineville, river mile 658.5, 36.7294 -83.6539

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114482R.R. Cicerello, E.L. Laudermilk & D. Peake   1997-08-14
United States, Kentucky, Lee, North Fork Kentucky River, NW Willba; at Fraley Creek, 37.6276 -83.572

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114483E.L. Laudermilk & B. Daniels   1996-06-18
United States, Kentucky, Leslie, Cutshin Creek, 7.2 air km ESE Hyden; at Raccoon Creek, 37.1463 -83.2952

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114484E.L. Laudermilk, M.A. Patterson & A.L. Covert   1995-06-30
United States, Kentucky, Perry, North Fork Kentucky River, 2.55 air km NW Hazard; at Lick Branch, 37.2633 -83.2147

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114485R.R. Cicerello, E.L. Laudermilk & D. Peake   1997-07-09
United States, Kentucky, Clay, Little Goose Creek, 8.13 air km W Manchester; at Urban Fork, 37.1497 -83.8536

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114486R.R. Cicerello, E.L. Laudermilk, M. Thomas & D. Peake   1997-06-26
United States, Kentucky, Laurel, South Fork Rockcastle River, 15 air km NE London, at unnamed road, 0.1 stream km upstream from Buffalo Branch, 37.2364 -83.9819

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114487R.R. Cicerello, E.L. Laudermilk, M.R. Thomas & D. Peake   1997-06-24
United States, Kentucky, Clay, Goose Creek, 20.9 air km SE Manchester, at Hurricane Branch, 36.997 -83.6311

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114488R.R. Cicerello, E.L. Laudermilk & D. Peake   1997-07-10
United States, Kentucky, Clay, Spring Creek, 21.3 air km SE Manchester, at Lynn Hollow, 37.0606 -83.5522

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114489R.R. Cicerello, E.L. Laudermilk & D. Peake   1997-08-06
United States, Kentucky, Clay, South Fork Kentucky River, 19.2 air km NNE Manchester; 0.4 km downstream Teges Creek, 37.3092 -83.6664

Notropis stramineus (Cope, 1865)
114490B.M. Burr, J.G. Stewart, D.B. Henry & M.R. Thomas   2001-05-22
United States, Illinois, Lake, Loon Lake, SW Loon Lake, at private boat ramp, 42.44788 -88.08625

Etheostoma oophylax Ceas and Page in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992
114491R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   1997-03-19
United States, Kentucky, Calloway, Panther Creek, S.R. 280, 36.5694 -88.1717

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114492R.R. Cicerello, E.L. Laudermilk & D. Peake   1997-07-09
United States, Kentucky, Clay, Goose Creek, 7.97 air km NE of Manchester, at Laurel Creek, 37.2161 -83.7175

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114493R.R. Cicerello & S.E. McMurray   1993-07-12
United States, Kentucky, Laurel, Sinking Creek, 5.9 air km E Ano; 0.4 km downstream from mouth of Big Branch, 37.1189 -84.2719

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114494R.R. Cicerello, E.L. Laudermilk & D. Peake   1994-09-29
United States, Kentucky, Harlan, Cumberland River, 6.59 air km W Harlan; at Watts Creek, 36.8406 -83.3969

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114495R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   1997-05-09
United States, Kentucky, Ballard, Axe Lake, Axe Lake State Nature Preserve, 5.4 air km NW of Barlow, 37.0694 -89.0769

114496R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   1997-04-24
United States, Kentucky, Cumberland, Crocus Creek, Pine Branch, 36.8758 -85.3442

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114497E.L. Laudermilk, B. Daniels & M.R. Thomas   1996-07-10
United States, Kentucky, Leslie, Greasy Creek, 14 air km S Hyden; 1 mi downstream of lower Bent Branch at S.R. 2009, 37.017 -83.3551

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114498R.R. Cicerello, E.L. Laudermilk & M. Patterson   1994-09-28
United States, Kentucky, Breathitt, North Fork Kentucky River, 8.03 air km SSE Jackson; at S.R. 1110, 37.4869 -83.3453

Etheostoma oophylax Ceas and Page in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992
114499R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   1997-03-25
United States, Kentucky, Calloway, Lax Creek, 2.7 air mi E New Providence; at State Line Rd., 36.5314 -88.1833

Etheostoma obeyense Kirsch, 1892
114500Moyer, Call & Metzmeier   2000-06-28
United States, Kentucky, Wayne, Beaver Creek, off Duncan Hollow Rd. at Bowman Hollow Rd, S Monticello, 36.77433 -84.88054

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114501R.R. Cicerello & L. Linnenkohl   2003-09-08
United States, Kentucky, Hickman, Three Ponds, 2.25 km SW Hailwell, 36.6725 -89.1306

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114502M.R. Thomas, J.G. Stewart, R.R. Cicerello, D.K. Zeman & B.J. Zeman   2004-07-12
United States, Kentucky, Green, Green River, S.R. 68 bridge; in Greensburg, 37.25393 -85.50273

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114503M.R. Thomas, D.B. Henry, J.G. Stewart & L.J. Pitcher   2002-06-11
United States, Kentucky, Green, Green River, S.R. 68 bridge; in Greensburg, 37.25393 -85.50273

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114504M.R. Thomas, D.B. Henry, J.G. Stewart & L.J. Pitcher   2002-06-13
United States, Kentucky, Hart, Green River, 1st island upstream S.R. 31W, at Munfordville, 37.27168 -85.88052

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114505M.R. Thomas, B.M. Burr, D.K. Zeman, S.J. Tripp & M.E. Compton   2004-10-30
United States, Kentucky, Green, Green River, S.R. 68 bridge; in Greensburg, 37.25393 -85.50273

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114506M.R. Thomas, D.B. Henry, J.G. Stewart & L.J. Pitcher   2002-08-17
United States, Kentucky, Green, Green River, S.R. 68; bridge in Greensburg, 37.25393 -85.50273

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114507M.R. Thomas, J.G. Stewart, A.M. Davis & M.E. Roberts   2003-09-12
United States, Kentucky, Hart, Green River, 1st island upstream S.R. 31W, at Munfordville, 37.27168 -85.88052

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114508M. Compton & J. Call   1998-09-15
United States, Kentucky, Butler/ Muhlenberg, Mud River, 0.2 mi below Biggerstaff Creek; Forgys Mill Bridge, 37.0888 -86.894

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114509M. Compton, J. Brumley & J. Schuster   2001-08-28
United States, Kentucky, Adair, Russell Creek, 0.2 mi above S.R. 768 bridge, at Milltown, 37.12291 -85.40516

Etheostoma obeyense Kirsch, 1892
114510Mayer, Metzmeier & Pierce   2000-07-11
United States, Kentucky, Wayne, Otter Creek, S.R. 200; bridge, 36.7126 -84.9615

Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr, 1982
114511J. Brumley & M. Compton   2000-08-08
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Middle Fork Rockcastle River, 0.3 mi below Robinson Creek; above ford, 37.3397 -84.1089

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114512M. Compton, S. Brumley & G. Pond   1998-05-21
United States, Kentucky, Adair, Russell Creek, 0.25 mi below Hwy. 757; below confl. with unnamed tributary, 37.1305 -85.3236

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114513G.R. Weddle   1993-08-03
United States, Kentucky, Green, Big Pitman Creek, Hwy. 61 bridge; downstream riffle, 37.305 -85.5274

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114514G.K. Weddle   1993-08-15
United States, Kentucky, Green, Big Pitman Creek, NNE Summersville; Hwy. 793, 37.3327 -85.5071

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114515R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   1998-04-02
United States, Kentucky, Hickman, Obion Creek, southern crossing of S.R. 51, 36.7583 -89.0036

Etheostoma obeyense Kirsch, 1892
114516M. Compton, et al.   2005-07-27
United States, Kentucky, Wayne, Beaver Creek, Cooper Hollow Rd., 36.7743 -84.8805

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114517R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   1999-08-12
United States, Kentucky, Hickman, Obion Creek, Hwy. 58, 36.7246 -89.0428

Etheostoma obeyense Kirsch, 1892
114518Metzmeir, Evans, Call & Toule   1987-10-22
United States, Kentucky, McCreary/ Wayne, Little South Fork Cumberland River, 0.4 mi NE Jones School, river mile 10.56, 36.7689 -84.6342

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114519M. Compton, G. Pond, S. Pace & J. Schuster   2001-07-12
United States, Kentucky, Hart, Lynn Camp Creek, 0.4 mi upstream S.R. 566, 37.32472 -85.71322

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114520R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   2000-05-24
United States, Kentucky, Hickman, Three Ponds, NNW Whaynes Corner, 36.6625 -89.1227

114521G. Pond, S. McMurray & L. Mabriar   1998-04-29
United States, Kentucky, Christian, West Fork Red River, Carter Rd. bridge; near the town of Oak Grove, 36.6516 -87.3776

114522R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   2000-03-14
United States, Kentucky, Pulaski, Pitman Creek, S.R. 692 bridge crossing, 37.1061 -84.55

Etheostoma oophylax Ceas and Page in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992
114523Kirkwood, et al.   1953-10-28
United States, Kentucky, Marshall, West Fork Clarks River, 1.5 mi NW Brewers, Hwy. 80, 36.7798 -88.4674

114524R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   2000-03-29
United States, Kentucky, Logan, Whippoorwill Creek, from S.R. 96 to the mouth, 36.6709 -86.9651

Etheostoma obeyense Kirsch, 1892
114525M. Compton, et al.   2005-08-23
United States, Kentucky, Wayne, Little South Fork Cumberland River, 0.4 mi below Kennedy Creek, offf Kidds Crossing Rd., 36.7421 -84.6902

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114526G. Pond & L. Metzmeier   1997-09-29
United States, Kentucky, Carlisle, Mayfield Creek, S.R. 121 bridge, 36.93 -88.9447

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114527R.R. Cicerello, et al.   2001-06-15
United States, Kentucky, Hopkins, Long Pond, 2 mi NE White Plains, 37.2358 -87.3722

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114528R.R. Cicerello, et al.   2001-07-09
United States, Kentucky, Green, Little Barren River, S.R. 218 bridge, 37.17037 -85.64549

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114529W.L. Fisher, et al.   1985-10-31
United States, Kentucky, Carlisle, Back Slough, Laketon, 36.8633 -89.1031

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114530G. Pond, et al.   1997-08-19
United States, Kentucky, Hickman, Bayou de Chien, S.R. 51 bridge, 36.6264 -88.9647

Etheostoma oophylax Ceas and Page in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992
114531R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   2000-03-29
United States, Kentucky, Calloway, Sugar Creek, Buzzards Roost-Old Newsburg Rd., 36.65787 -88.15799

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114532R.R. Cicerello & E. Laudermilk   2000-05-24
United States, Kentucky, Carlisle, Fish Lake, 2.45 km WNW S.R. 123 & 877 junction, Berkley, 36.806 -89.1086

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114533Compton, et al.   2004-05-12
United States, Kentucky, Adair, Butler Creek, 0.3 mi above Wildcat Cave Hollow, 37.1173 -85.1705

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114534Compton, et al.   2004-05-12
United States, Kentucky, Adair, Butler Creek, 0.35 mi above Wildcat Cave Hollow, 37.1117 -85.1785

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114535M. Compton & J. Brumley   2000-06-08
United States, Kentucky, Hickman, Obion Creek, 2.2 mi SW Milburn, Wildlife Management Area, 36.76909 -88.91636

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114536L.A. Krumholz, et al.   1957-09-11
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Big Creek, Elizabethtown, 37.4413 -88.3141

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114537L.A. Krumholz, et al.   1957-09-11
United States, Illinois, Pope, Big Grand Pierre Creek, between Golconda & Rosidare, 37.4212 -88.4317

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114538L.A. Krumholz, et al.   1957-09-11
United States, Illinois, Pope, Lusk Creek, Golconda, 37.3692 -88.4829

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114539W.M. Clay & D. Distler   1955-08-12
United States, Kentucky, Green, Little Brush Creek, Hwy. 61, 37.3526 -85.5661

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114540W. Clay & D. Distler   1955-08-11
United States, Kentucky, Adair, Sulfur Creek, 1 mi E Columbia, Sulfur Creek, near S.R. 206, above Russel Creek, 37.1044 -85.2872

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114541W.M. Clay & E.W. Whitney   1954-07-14
United States, Kentucky, Hardin, Billy's Creek, near Elizabethtown, U.S. Rt. 62, 37.6942 -85.8966

Etheostoma obeyense Kirsch, 1892
114542W.M. Clay & E.W. Whitney   1956-07-14
United States, Kentucky, Cumberland, Crocus Creek, 5.5 mi NNE Burkesville, on S.R. 704, 36.8957 -85.3104

Etheostoma obeyense Kirsch, 1892
114543W.M. Clay & E.W. Whitney   1956-08-16
United States, Kentucky, Cumberland, Crocus Creek, 5.5 mi NNE Burkesville, on S.R. 704, 36.8957 -85.3104

114544R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   2000-03-30
United States, Kentucky, Logan, South Fork Red River, Adairsville-Barren Plains Rd., 36.667 -86.897

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114545R.R. Cicerello & E.L. Laudermilk   2000-06-05
United States, Kentucky, Metcalfe, Little Barren River, Sulphur Well, 37.1004 -85.6338

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114546L.A. Krumholz, et al.   1957-09-10
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Ohio River, mouth of Cache River, 37.0677 -89.1736

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114547W.M. Clay   1964-06-25
United States, Kentucky, Fulton, State Line Slough, 1 mi W S.R. 311, on S.R.-Tennessee state line, 36.5069 -89.2897

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114548Compton & Brumley   2004-06-06
United States, Kentucky, McCracken, Blizzard Ponds, S.R. 1954, 36.9758 -88.5999

Etheostoma oophylax Ceas and Page in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992
114549W.M. Clay & J. Carter   1959-07-07
United States, Kentucky, Marshall, West Fork Clarks River, Hwy. 80 bridge, 36.7797 -88.4674

114550W.M. Clay, Carter & Henley   1969-09-25
United States, Kentucky, Logan, Red River, Dot-Tennessee State Line Rd. bridge crossing, at Dot, 36.6765 -86.952

Etheostoma oophylax Ceas and Page in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992
114551M. Compton & J. Brumley   2000-05-18
United States, Kentucky, Graves, Panther Creek, 0.3 mi SE Hwy. 301, Hwy. 2580, 36.8056 -88.5228

114552M. Compton & J. Brumley   2000-05-18
United States, Kentucky, Graves, Panther Creek, 0.3 mi SE Hwy. 301, Hwy. 2580, 36.8056 -88.5228

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114553W.R. Turner   1959-07-07
United States, Kentucky, Hart, Nolin River, mouth of Bacon Creek, 37.3598 -86.0655

114554Moyer, et al.   2000-06-20
United States, Kentucky, Pulaski, Fishing Creek, 1.75 mi E Kingbee, S.R. 1676 bridge, 37.1624 -84.7089

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114555M. Compton & J. Brumley   2001-07-25
United States, Kentucky, Edmonson, Alexander Creek, 0.25 mi above Brownsville- Pine Grove Rd. bridge; 3.25 mi S of Brownsville, 37.1447 -86.2804

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114556M. Compton & J. Brumley   2001-08-07
United States, Kentucky, Green, Little Russel Creek, 0.15 mi above JT Ward Rd., 37.2233 -85.569

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114557M. Compton, et al.   2001-08-08
United States, Kentucky, Adair, Russell Creek, 0.5 mi SSW of Gentrys Mill, 0.15 mi below Rt. 80, 37.0761 -85.1582

Etheostoma obeyense Kirsch, 1892
114558M. Compton & J. Brumley   2000-07-14
United States, Kentucky, Wayne, Little South Fork Cumberland River, S.R. 1756, 4 mi below Horse Hollow, 36.6822 -84.7506

Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page in Page and Burr, 1982
114559M. Compton, et al.   2001-07-03
United States, Kentucky, Casey, Green River, above Liberty off U.S. Rt. 127, 0.1 mi below Mocassin Creek, 37.3376 -84.9034

114560M. Compton, M. Thomas & J. Vogel   2005-05-24
United States, Kentucky, Marshall, West Fork Clarks River, Hwy. 80 bridge, 36.7782 -88.4663

Etheostoma obeyense Kirsch, 1892
114561Compton, et al.   2005-06-30
United States, Kentucky, Cumberland, Marrowbone Creek, 2 mi E of Marrowbone, Mill Hole Rd., 36.8211 -85.4825

Etheostoma oophylax Ceas and Page in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992
114562M. Compton, et al.   2005-05-11
United States, Kentucky, Graves, Panther Creek, 0.3 mi SE Hwy. 301, Hwy. 2580, 36.8056 -88.5228

114563M. Compton, et al.   2005-05-11
United States, Kentucky, Graves, Panther Creek, 0.3 mi SE Hwy. 301, Hwy. 2580, 36.8056 -88.5228

Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes in Jordan, 1878)
114564M.R. Thomas, et al.   2006-05-17
United States, Kentucky, Logan, Wolf Lick Creek, 0.15 km below U.S. Rt. 431 bridge, 37.02001 -86.95826

Etheostoma oophylax Ceas and Page in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992
114565M. Compton, M. Vogel & D. Perke   2000-10-04
United States, Kentucky, Calloway, East Fork Clarks River, 2.5 mi W Van Cleave, Squire Holland Rd., 36.6549 -88.2792

Etheostoma oophylax Ceas and Page in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992
114566M. Compton, et al.   2003-04-01
United States, Kentucky, Graves, Trace Creek, 0.1 mi below S.R. 483, 36.8257 -88.551

Page 32, records 3101-3200 of 148857

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Google Maps is a web mapping service provided by Google that features a map that users can pan (by dragging the mouse) and zoom (by using the mouse wheel). Collection points are displayed as colored markers that when clicked on, displays the full information for that collection. When multiple species are queried (separated by semi-colons), different colored markers denote each individual species.

Google Earth (KML)

This creates an KML file that can be opened in the Google Earth mapping application. Note that you must have Google Earth installed on your computer to make use of this option.
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