INHS Collections Data

Dataset: INHS-FISH
Search Criteria: Peru; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 30, records 2901-3000 of 5527

Illinois Natural History Survey - Fish Collection

Cynopotamus amazonas
127166J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, et al.   1999-07-30
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Napo, north side of large island, across the river from the town of Mazán, -3.4831 -73.08672

Galeocharax gulo (Cope, 1870)
127167J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, et al.   1999-07-30
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Napo, north side of large island, across the river from the town of Mazán, -3.4831 -73.08672

Roeboides affinis (Günther, 1868)
127168J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, et al.   1999-07-30
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Napo, north side of large island, across the river from the town of Mazán, -3.4831 -73.08672

Serrasalmus rhombeus (Linnaeus, 1766)
127169J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, et al.   1999-07-30
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Napo, north side of large island, across the river from the town of Mazán, -3.4831 -73.08672

127170J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, et al.   1999-08-09
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Itaya, Belén, -3.7654 -73.24911

Aphyocharax alburnus (Günther, 1869)
127171J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, J.A. Lopez, N.R. Lovejoy, L.I. Shuna & H.A. Williams   1999-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Tamshiyacu, confluence with the Rio Amazonas, -4.02814 -73.1459

Cheirodon Girard, 1855
127172J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, J.A. Lopez, N.R. Lovejoy, L.I. Shuna & H.A. Williams   1999-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Tamshiyacu, confluence with the Rio Amazonas, -4.02814 -73.1459

Cynopotamus amazonas
127173J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, J.A. Lopez, N.R. Lovejoy, L.I. Shuna & H.A. Williams   1999-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Tamshiyacu, confluence with the Rio Amazonas, -4.02814 -73.1459

Roeboides affinis (Günther, 1868)
127174J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, J.A. Lopez, N.R. Lovejoy, L.I. Shuna & H.A. Williams   1999-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Tamshiyacu, confluence with the Rio Amazonas, -4.02814 -73.1459

127175J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, J.A. Lopez, N.R. Lovejoy, L.I. Shuna & H.A. Williams   1999-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Tamshiyacu, confluence with the Rio Amazonas, -4.02814 -73.1459

127178J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, N.R. Lovejoy & J.A. Lopez   1999-08-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Playa Pampachica, barrio of Iquitos, -3.75218 -73.28332

Bryconops affinis (Günther, 1864)
127179J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, N.R. Lovejoy & J.A. Lopez   1999-08-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Playa Pampachica, barrio of Iquitos, -3.75218 -73.28332

Serrasalmus rhombeus (Linnaeus, 1766)
127180J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, N.R. Lovejoy & J.A. Lopez   1999-08-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Playa Pampachica, barrio of Iquitos, -3.75218 -73.28332

Satanoperca jurupari
127181J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, N.R. Lovejoy & J.A. Lopez   1999-08-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Playa Pampachica, barrio of Iquitos, -3.75218 -73.28332

Acestrorhynchus heterolepis
127182J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, N.R. Lovejoy & J.A. Lopez   1999-08-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Playa Pampachica, barrio of Iquitos, -3.75218 -73.28332

Cheirodon Girard, 1855
127183J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, N.R. Lovejoy & J.A. Lopez   1999-08-04
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Marañon, directly across the river from city of Nauta, -4.51082 -73.56821

Roeboides affinis (Günther, 1868)
127184J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, N.R. Lovejoy & J.A. Lopez   1999-08-04
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Marañon, directly across the river from city of Nauta, -4.51082 -73.56821

Aphyocharax alburnus (Günther, 1869)
127186J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, et al.   1999-08-09
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Amazonas, Beach on Island directly across braid of Amazonas from the mouth of the Rio Itaya, -3.70834 -73.22667

127187J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, et al.   1999-08-09
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Amazonas, Beach on Island directly across braid of Amazonas from the mouth of the Rio Itaya, -3.70834 -73.22667

Galeocharax gulo (Cope, 1870)
127188J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, et al.   1999-08-09
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Amazonas, Beach on Island directly across braid of Amazonas from the mouth of the Rio Itaya, -3.70834 -73.22667

Roeboides affinis (Günther, 1868)
127189J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, et al.   1999-08-09
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Amazonas, Beach on Island directly across braid of Amazonas from the mouth of the Rio Itaya, -3.70834 -73.22667

Crenuchus Günther, 1863
127191J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, J.A. Lopez & N.R. Lovejoy   1999-07-27
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Santa Rita, 0.75 mi upstream of confl. with Rio Nanay, near barrio of Santa Rita, -3.75649 -73.29097

Serrasalmus rhombeus (Linnaeus, 1766)
127192J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, G.R. Moyer, J.A. Lopez & N.R. Lovejoy   1999-07-27
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Santa Rita, 0.75 mi upstream of confl. with Rio Nanay, near barrio of Santa Rita, -3.75649 -73.29097

Roeboides affinis (Günther, 1868)
127193J.G. Stewart, M.W. Littmann, M.H. Sabaj, N.R. Lovejoy, G.R. Moyer, L.I. Shuña, et al.   1999-08-06
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, 50- 100 m upstream of confluence with Moena Caño, -3.78611 -73.23806

127194J.G. Stewart, M.W. Littmann, M.H. Sabaj, N.R. Lovejoy, G.R. Moyer, L.I. Shuña, et al.   1999-08-06
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, 50- 100 m upstream of confluence with Moena Caño, -3.78611 -73.23806

Cichlasoma amazonarum
127195J.G. Stewart, M.W. Littmann, M.H. Sabaj, N.R. Lovejoy, G.R. Moyer, L.I. Shuña, et al.   1999-08-06
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, 50- 100 m upstream of confluence with Moena Caño, -3.78611 -73.23806

Cichlasoma amazonarum
127196J.G. Stewart, M.W. Littmann, M.H. Sabaj, N.R. Lovejoy, G.R. Moyer, L.I. Shuña, et al.   1999-08-06
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, Near the dentist's house, -3.79355 -73.22877

Serrasalmus rhombeus (Linnaeus, 1766)
127197J.G.Stewart, M.W.Littmann, N.R.Lovejoy & K. Elkin   2001-08-12
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Yanayacu, 0.5 mi upstream of confluence with Rio Amazonas, -4.24845 -73.29834

Cheirodon Girard, 1855
127198J.G. Stewart, M.H. Littmann, N.R. Lovejoy, M. Thomas, C. Skelton & S. Curran   2001-08-02
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Santa Rita, upstream of confluence with Rio Nanay, -3.75201 -73.28957

Crenuchus spilurus Günther, 1863
127199J.G. Stewart, M.H. Littmann, N.R. Lovejoy, M. Thomas, C. Skelton & S. Curran   2001-08-02
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Santa Rita, upstream of confluence with Rio Nanay, -3.75201 -73.28957

127200J.G. Stewart, M.H. Littmann, N.R. Lovejoy, M. Thomas, C. Skelton & S. Curran   2001-08-02
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Santa Rita, upstream of confluence with Rio Nanay, -3.75201 -73.28957

Cichlasoma amazonarum
127201J.G. Stewart, M.H. Littmann, N.R. Lovejoy, M. Thomas, C. Skelton & S. Curran   2001-08-02
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Santa Rita, upstream of confluence with Rio Nanay, -3.75201 -73.28957

Satanoperca jurupari
127202J.G. Stewart, M.H. Littmann, N.R. Lovejoy, M. Thomas, C. Skelton & S. Curran   2001-08-02
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Santa Rita, upstream of confluence with Rio Nanay, -3.75201 -73.28957

Agoniates ladigesi
127216J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, N.R. Lovejoy, M.R. Thomas, et al.   2001-08-03
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Amazonas, upstream of confluence with Rio Itaya, -3.72914 -73.20171

Roeboides affinis (Günther, 1868)
127217J.G. Stewart, M.H. Sabaj, M.W. Littmann, N.R. Lovejoy, M.R. Thomas, et al.   2001-08-03
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Amazonas, upstream of confluence with Rio Itaya, -3.72914 -73.20171

Aphyocharax alburnus (Günther, 1869)
127218J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & A. Peña   2001-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Yanayacu, 20 minute boat ride upstream of confluence with Rio Amazonas, Emerald Forest Camp, -4.24833 -73.29834

Serrasalmus rhombeus (Linnaeus, 1766)
127219J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & A. Peña   2001-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Yanayacu, 20 minute boat ride upstream of confluence with Rio Amazonas, Emerald Forest Camp, -4.24833 -73.29834

Astronotus ocellatus
127220J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & A. Peña   2001-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Yanayacu, 20 minute boat ride upstream of confluence with Rio Amazonas, Emerald Forest Camp, -4.24833 -73.29834

Cichlasoma amazonarum
127221J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & A. Peña   2001-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Yanayacu, 20 minute boat ride upstream of confluence with Rio Amazonas, Emerald Forest Camp, -4.24833 -73.29834

Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis
127222J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & A. Peña   2001-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Yanayacu, 20 minute boat ride upstream of confluence with Rio Amazonas, Emerald Forest Camp, -4.24833 -73.29834

Cichlasoma amazonarum
127223J.G. Stewart, M.W. Littmann & N.R. Lovejoy   2001-08-10
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Yanayacu, 20 minute boat ride upstream of confluence with Rio Amazonas, Emerald Forest Camp, -4.24833 -73.29834

Aphyocharax alburnus (Günther, 1869)
127225J.G. Stewart, M.W. Littmann, N.R. Lovejoy & K.A. Elkin   2001-08-11
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Amazonas, ca. 300 m upstream of Rio Yanayacu, -4.23371 -73.32046

Cynopotamus amazonas
127226J.G. Stewart, M.W. Littmann, N.R. Lovejoy & K.A. Elkin   2001-08-11
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Amazonas, ca. 300 m upstream of Rio Yanayacu, -4.23371 -73.32046

Roeboides affinis (Günther, 1868)
127227J.G. Stewart, M.W. Littmann, N.R. Lovejoy & K.A. Elkin   2001-08-11
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Amazonas, ca. 300 m upstream of Rio Yanayacu, -4.23371 -73.32046

Aphyocharax alburnus (Günther, 1869)
127241J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & D.L. Crosswhite   2001-07-24
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, 20 minute hike upstream of confluence with Moena Caño, -3.79089 -73.23445

127242J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & D.L. Crosswhite   2001-07-24
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, 20 minute hike upstream of confluence with Moena Caño, -3.79089 -73.23445

Cichlasoma amazonarum
127243J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & D.L. Crosswhite   2001-07-24
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, 20 minute hike upstream of confluence with Moena Caño, -3.79089 -73.23445

Moenkhausia Eigenmann, 1903
127244J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & D.L. Crosswhite   2001-07-24
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, 20 minute hike upstream of confluence with Moena Caño, -3.79089 -73.23445

Aphyocharax alburnus (Günther, 1869)
127245J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & D.L. Crosswhite   2001-07-24
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, ca. 15 minute hike upstream of confluence with Moena Caño, -3.78038 -73.2363

Cheirodon Girard, 1855
127246J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & D.L. Crosswhite   2001-07-24
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, ca. 15 minute hike upstream of confluence with Moena Caño, -3.78038 -73.2363

Serrasalmus rhombeus (Linnaeus, 1766)
127247J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & D.L. Crosswhite   2001-07-24
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, ca. 15 minute hike upstream of confluence with Moena Caño, -3.78038 -73.2363

Cichlasoma amazonarum
127248J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton & D.L. Crosswhite   2001-07-24
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Ullpa Caño, ca. 15 minute hike upstream of confluence with Moena Caño, -3.78038 -73.2363

Bryconamericus Eigenmann in Eigenmann, McAtee and Ward, 1907
127252J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton, V.A. Barko, A. Peña, J. Peña, et al.   2001-07-29
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Sabalito, from head of first island in the Rio Amazona upstream of the confluence of Rio Yanayacu, 1 hour hike W of the Rio Amazonas, -4.24572 -73.41589

Bryconamericus Eigenmann in Eigenmann, McAtee and Ward, 1907
127253J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton, V.A. Barko, A. Peña, J. Peña, et al.   2001-07-29
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Sabalito, from head of first island in the Rio Amazona upstream of the confluence of Rio Yanayacu, 1 hour hike W of the Rio Amazonas, -4.24572 -73.41589

Cheirodon Girard, 1855
127254J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton, V.A. Barko, A. Peña, J. Peña, et al.   2001-07-29
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Sabalito, from head of first island in the Rio Amazona upstream of the confluence of Rio Yanayacu, 1 hour hike W of the Rio Amazonas, -4.24572 -73.41589

Creagrutus cochui Géry, 1964
127255J.G. Stewart, C.E. Skelton, V.A. Barko, A. Peña, J. Peña, et al.   2001-07-29
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Sabalito, from head of first island in the Rio Amazona upstream of the confluence of Rio Yanayacu, 1 hour hike W of the Rio Amazonas, -4.24572 -73.41589

Bryconamericus Eigenmann in Eigenmann, McAtee and Ward, 1907
127256J.G. Stewart, M.W. Littmann, M.H. Sabaj, M.R. Thomas, et al.   2001-08-11
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Sabalito, from head of first island in the Rio Amazona upstream of the confluence of Rio Yanayacu, 1 hour hike W of the Rio Amazonas, -4.24572 -73.41589

Cheirodon Girard, 1855
127257J.G. Stewart, M.W. Littmann, M.H. Sabaj, M.R. Thomas, et al.   2001-08-11
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Sabalito, from head of first island in the Rio Amazona upstream of the confluence of Rio Yanayacu, 1 hour hike W of the Rio Amazonas, -4.24572 -73.41589

Creagrutus cochui Géry, 1964
127258J.G. Stewart, M.W. Littmann, M.H. Sabaj, M.R. Thomas, et al.   2001-08-11
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Sabalito, from head of first island in the Rio Amazona upstream of the confluence of Rio Yanayacu, 1 hour hike W of the Rio Amazonas, -4.24572 -73.41589

Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1816)
127325L. Campos- Baca   1992-01-15
Peru, Dept. Loreto, aquaculture stock from Amazon River placed in ponds, Quistacocha IIAP facility

127329B.M. Burr, et al.   1994-07-14
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Requena Province, unnamed arroyo (quebradita), 5 km E of Jenaro Herrera field station, -4.90913 -73.60244

127330B.M. Burr, et al.   1994-07-14
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Requena Province, unnamed arroyo (quebradita), arboretum area at Jenaro Herrera field station, -4.90276 -73.65087

127331B.M. Burr, et al.   1994-07-14
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Requena Province, unnamed arroyo (quebradita), arboretum area at Jenaro Herrera field station, -4.90276 -73.65087

Iguanodectes spilurus (Günther, 1864)
127332B.M. Burr & R.C. Heidinger, et al.   1994-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Santa Clara, NW of Iquitos, -3.783486 -73.342484

Iguanodectes spilurus (Günther, 1864)
127333B.M. Burr, R.C. Heidinger & A. Urteaga   1994-07-08
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Quebrada Corrientillo, Zungarococha, 15 km NW center of Iquitos, -3.83084 -73.3625

Aequidens diadema
127340B.M. Burr, R.C. Heidinger & A. Urteaga   1994-07-08
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Lago Quistococha, near town of Quistococha, S of Iquitos, -3.829445 -73.318652

127341B.M. Burr, H. Sanchez & R.J. Sheehan   1995-07-11
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Amazonas, El Gallito, near Iquitos

Leptagoniates pi Vari, 1978
127342B.M. Burr, H. Sanchez & R.J. Sheehan   1995-07-11
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Amazonas, El Gallito, near Iquitos

127343B.M. Burr, et al.   1994-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Santa Clara, flooded backwaters, -3.78821 -73.34362

Hemigrammus Gill, 1858
127344B.M. Burr, et al.   1994-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Santa Clara, flooded backwaters, -3.78821 -73.34362

Hemigrammus Gill, 1858
127345B.M. Burr, et al.   1994-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Santa Clara, flooded backwaters, -3.78821 -73.34362

Hemigrammus Gill, 1858
127346B.M. Burr, et al.   1994-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Santa Clara, flooded backwaters, -3.78821 -73.34362

Iguanodectes spilurus (Günther, 1864)
127347B.M. Burr, et al.   1994-07-28
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Santa Clara, flooded backwaters, -3.78821 -73.34362

Iguanodectes spilurus (Günther, 1864)
127348B.M. Burr & R.J. Sheehan   1995-07-10
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Lago Santo Tomas , Santo Tomas, -3.803376 -73.346868

127351B.M. Burr, et al.   1995-07-22
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Santa Clara, -3.783486 -73.342484

127352B.M. Burr, et al.   1995-07-22
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Santa Clara, -3.783486 -73.342484

Hyphessobrycon Durbin in Eigenmann, 1908
127353B.M. Burr, et al.   1995-07-22
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Santa Clara, -3.783486 -73.342484

Iguanodectes spilurus (Günther, 1864)
127354B.M. Burr, et al.   1995-07-22
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Santa Clara, -3.783486 -73.342484

Triportheus Cope, 1872
127355B.M. Burr, et al.   1995-07-22
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Santa Clara, -3.783486 -73.342484

127356B.M. Burr, R.C. Heidinger & A. Urteaga   1994-07-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Pampachica, Iquitos, backwater, -3.75245 -73.28337

Hemigrammus Gill, 1858
127357B.M. Burr, R.C. Heidinger & A. Urteaga   1994-07-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Pampachica, Iquitos, backwater, -3.75245 -73.28337

Hemigrammus Gill, 1858
127358B.M. Burr, R.C. Heidinger & A. Urteaga   1994-07-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Nanay, Pampachica, Iquitos, backwater, -3.75245 -73.28337

127359B.M. Burr, et al.   1995-07-27
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Quebradito, Pampachica in Iquitos, at aerial waterline, -3.750439 -73.287571

Triportheus Cope, 1872
127360B.M. Burr, et al.   1995-07-27
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Quebradito, Pampachica in Iquitos, at aerial waterline, -3.750439 -73.287571

127361B.M. Burr, L.M. Page, M.H. Sabaj & J.W. Armbruster   1995-07-20
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Napo, confluence with Rio Mazan, ca. 2- 3 km N of town of Mazán, -3.49361 -73.09222

Leptagoniates pi Vari, 1978
127362B.M. Burr, L.M. Page, M.H. Sabaj & J.W. Armbruster   1995-07-20
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Napo, confluence with Rio Mazan, ca. 2- 3 km N of town of Mazán, -3.49361 -73.09222

127363B.M. Burr, et al.   1996-08-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Rio Nanay, La Playa de Pampachica, Iquitos, -3.75245 -73.28337

Hemigrammus Gill, 1858
127364B.M. Burr, et al.   1996-08-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Rio Nanay, La Playa de Pampachica, Iquitos, -3.75245 -73.28337

Hyphessobrycon Durbin in Eigenmann, 1908
127365B.M. Burr, et al.   1996-08-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Rio Nanay, La Playa de Pampachica, Iquitos, -3.75245 -73.28337

Triportheus elongatus (Günther, 1864)
127366B.M. Burr, et al.   1996-08-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Rio Nanay, La Playa de Pampachica, Iquitos, -3.75245 -73.28337

Iguanodectes spilurus (Günther, 1864)
127367B.M. Burr, H. Sanchez, et al.   1995-07-00
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Lago Quistococha, near town of Quistococha, -3.83334 -73.28334

Triportheus angulatus (Spix and Agassiz, 1829)
127368B.M. Burr, H. Sanchez, et al.   1995-07-00
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Lago Quistococha, near town of Quistococha, -3.83334 -73.28334

Hyphessobrycon Durbin in Eigenmann, 1908
127369B.M. Burr, R.E. Weitzell & R.L. Powell   1996-08-14
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Shushuna, 3- 4 km SE Zungarococha, -3.83001 -73.3375

127370B.M. Burr, M.H. Sabaj, J.W. Armbruster, M. Hardman, R.L. Powell & R.E. Weitzell, Jr.   1996-08-08
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Itaya, ca. 4.5 km upriver of Belén, -3.79517 -73.28817

Hyphessobrycon Durbin in Eigenmann, 1908
127371B.M. Burr, M.H. Sabaj, J.W. Armbruster, M. Hardman, R.L. Powell & R.E. Weitzell, Jr.   1996-08-08
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Itaya, ca. 4.5 km upriver of Belén, -3.79517 -73.28817

Poptella orbicularis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1850)
127372B.M. Burr, M.H. Sabaj, J.W. Armbruster, M. Hardman, R.L. Powell & R.E. Weitzell, Jr.   1996-08-08
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Rio Itaya, ca. 4.5 km upriver of Belén, -3.79517 -73.28817

Iguanodectes spilurus (Günther, 1864)
127373R.E. Weitzell, et al.   1997-08-07
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Caño Shushuna, 3-4 km SE Zungarococha, 13.8 km from center of Iquitos (2330 bearing), -3.8299 -73.33729

127374M.W. Littmann, R.E. Weitzell & R.L. Powell   1997-07-31
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Maynas Province, Caño Santa Rita, just upstream of Pampachica, in Iquitos, -3.75201 -73.29064

Leptagoniates pi Vari, 1978
127375M.W. Littman, M.H. Sabaj & J. Armbruster   1997-08-01
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Rio Napo, Mazán, 33.3 km from center of Iquitos (340 bearing), -3.49236 -73.08665

Triportheus elongatus (Günther, 1864)
127376M.W. Littman, M.H. Sabaj & J. Armbruster   1997-08-01
Peru, Dept. Loreto, Rio Napo, Mazán, 33.3 km from center of Iquitos (340 bearing), -3.49236 -73.08665

Page 30, records 2901-3000 of 5527

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