INHS Collections Data

Search Criteria: U.S.A. OR USA OR United States OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1042, records 104101-104200 of 272199

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection

Polygonum persicaria Linnaeus
ILLS00080240Mark A. Basinger   109351996-07-27
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Mark A. Basinger   109361996-07-27
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Sida spinosa Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   109371996-07-27
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Chamaesyce nutans (Lag.) Small
ILLS00139397Mark A. Basinger   109381996-07-27
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127., 37.38693 -89.27929

Hedeoma pulegioides (Linnaeus) Pers.
ILLS00046573Mark A. Basinger   109391996-07-27
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Kummerowia stipulacea (Maxim.) Makino
ILLS00057095Mark A. Basinger   109401996-07-27
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Strophostyles leiosperma (Torrey & Gray) Piper
Mark A. Basinger   109411996-07-27
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Plantago rugelii Dcne.
Mark A. Basinger   109421996-07-27
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Panicum linearifolium Scribn.
Robert A. Evers   290361951-05-23
United States, Illinois, Union, Government Rock, Pine Hills, east of La Rue.

Eupatorium coelestinum Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   109431996-08-17
United States, Illinois, Union, Rare in old roadbed through mesic forest at island preserve at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area.

Scutellaria lateriflora Linnaeus
ILLS00052972Mark A. Basinger   109441996-08-17
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Occasional in wet-mesic and wet forest at island preserve at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area.

Scirpus cyperinus (Linnaeus) Kunth
ILLS00030868Mark A. Basinger   109451996-08-17
United States, Illinois, Union, Rare in disturbed ridge on island preserve at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area.

Pluchea camphorata (Linnaeus) DC.
ILLS00063274Mark A. Basinger   109461996-08-17
United States, Illinois, Union, Uncommon in flood disturbed wet-mesic forest opening on island preserve at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area.

Mikania scandens (Linnaeus) Willdenow
Mark A. Basinger   109471996-08-17
United States, Illinois, Union, Occasional in flood disturbed wet-mesic forest opening on island preserve at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area.

Panicum anceps Michaux
Mark A. Basinger   109481996-08-17
United States, Illinois, Union, Local along old roadbed in flood disturbed wet-mesic forest opening on island preserve at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area.

Eupatorium purpureum Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   109491996-08-17
United States, Illinois, Union, Rare in mesic forest on island preserve at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area.

Thelypteris palustris var. pubescens Schott
Mark A. Basinger   109501996-08-17
United States, Illinois, Union, Locally common in wet-mesic forest on island preserve at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area.

Triadenum tubulosum (Walt.) Gleason
Mark A. Basinger   109511996-08-17
United States, Illinois, Union, Rare in wet-mesic forest on island preserve at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area.

Helianthus strumosus Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   109521996-08-17
United States, Illinois, Union, Local and rare along forest edge at entrance road to island preserve at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area.

Panicum linearifolium Scribn.
Loy R. Phillippe & David Ketzner   186531991-05-07
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area.

Mark A. Basinger   109531996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Amphicarpaea bracteata (Linnaeus) Fernald
ILLS00041233Mark A. Basinger   109541996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

ILLS00064634Mark A. Basinger   109551996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Eleocharis obtusa (Willdenow) Schult.
ILLS00029965Mark A. Basinger   109561996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

ILLS00030276Mark A. Basinger   109571996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Rudbeckia laciniata L.
Paul A. Tessene & Jeffrey W. Olson   2831992-08-26
United States, Illinois, Shelby, Woods east of Brush Creek and north of dead-end dirt road. Shumway 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Tenore
ILLS00063244Mark A. Basinger   109591996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Polygonum lapathifolium Linnaeus
ILLS00079328Mark A. Basinger   109601996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Bidens bipinnata Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   109611996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Eupatorium coelestinum Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   109621996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Panicum linearifolium Scribn.
Loy R. Phillippe, R. Smith, E. Ulaszek & K. Nash   190601991-06-05
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area.

Mark A. Basinger   109631996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Eupatorium perfoliatum Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   109641996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl.
ILLS00057127Mark A. Basinger   109651996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Echinochloa muricata (Beauv.) Fernald
ILLS00088716Mark A. Basinger   109661996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Chenopodium ambrosioides Linnaeus
ILLS00037313Mark A. Basinger   109671996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Lactuca canadensis Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   109681996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Amaranthus hybridus Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   109691996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

ILLS00142174Mark A. Basinger   109701996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127., 37.38693 -89.27929

Mark A. Basinger   109711996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Strophostyles helvula (Linnaeus) Elliott
Mark A. Basinger   10972A1996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Asplenium platyneuron (L.) B.S.P.
R.A. Evers   189721949-08-01
United States, Illinois, Mason, Along White Oak Creek, south of Havana.

Panicum linearifolium Scribn.
Robert A. Evers   1022681970-06-03
United States, Illinois, Union, Government Rock, Pine Hills, east of La Rue.

Mark A. Basinger   10972B1996-08-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods, dry-mesic and mesic upland forest remnant approximately 4 mile south of Jonesboro along Illinois 127.

Comandra umbellata (Linnaeus) Nuttall
Mark A. Basinger   93851995-04-26
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Along a paint test road at DeSoto Railroad Prairie off of US 51 around 4 miles north of DeSoto.

Spiraea x vanhouttei (Briot) Carrière
ILLS00061393Mark A. Basinger   94661995-05-07
United States, Illinois, Union, Persistent at old homesite off of Illinois 127 (Weaver Property) around 4 miles south of Jonesboro.

Smilax pulverulenta Michaux
Mark A. Basinger   94721995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

ILLS00140619Mark A. Basinger   94741995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127., 37.38693 -89.27929

Corydalis flavula (Rafinesque) DC.
Mark A. Basinger   94751995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Carex laxiflora Lam.
ILLS00022415Mark A. Basinger   94761995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Carex cephalophora Willdenow
ILLS00019290Mark A. Basinger   94771995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

ILLS00150681Mark A. Basinger   94781995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Mark A. Basinger   94791995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Panicum linearifolium Scribn.
Robert A. Evers   1022751970-06-03
United States, Illinois, Union, Government Rock, Pine Hills, east of La Rue.

Allium canadense var. canadense Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   94801995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Asplenium platyneuron (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenburg
Mark A. Basinger   94811995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Morus rubra Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   94821995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Smilax glauca Walter
Mark A. Basinger   94831995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Cardamine concatenata (Michaux) O. Schwarz
Mark A. Basinger   94841995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Botrychium virginianum (Linnaeus) Swartz
Mark A. Basinger   94851995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Thalictrum dasycarpum var. hypoglaucum Fisch. & Ave-Lall.
Paul A. Tessene & Jeffrey W. Olson   3141992-08-26
United States, Illinois, Shelby, Woods east of Brush Creek and north of dead-end dirt road. Shumway 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Ranunculus micranthus Nuttall
Mark A. Basinger   94871995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Trillium recurvatum Beck
Mark A. Basinger   94881995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Mark A. Basinger   94891995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Panicum linearifolium Scribn.
Robert A. Evers   950591968-06-12
United States, Illinois, Union, Union State Forest.

ILLS00081993Mark A. Basinger   94901995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Packera glabella (Poiret) C. Jeffrey
Mark A. Basinger   94911995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Erigeron philadelphicus Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   94921995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Mark A. Basinger   94931995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Carex digitalis var. digitalis Willdenow
ILLS00020139Mark A. Basinger   94941995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Ranunculus abortivus Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   94951995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Carex jamesii Schweinitz
ILLS00022312Mark A. Basinger   94961995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Polystichum acrostichoides (Michaux) Schott
Mark A. Basinger   94971995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Paul A. Tessene & Jeffrey W. Olson   3261992-08-26
United States, Illinois, Shelby, Woods east of Brush Creek and north of dead-end dirt road. Shumway 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Magnolia acuminata Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   94991995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Panicum linearifolium Scribn.
Robert A. Evers   290491951-05-23
United States, Illinois, Union, Government Rock, Pine Hills, east of La Rue.

Mark A. Basinger   95001995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Carex albicans Willdenow ex Spreng.
ILLS00017477Mark A. Basinger   95011995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Smilax hispida Muhl.
Mark A. Basinger   95021995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) Hand.-Maz.
Mark A. Basinger   95031995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Mark A. Basinger   95041995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Mark A. Basinger   95051995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Carex blanda Dewey
ILLS00018436Mark A. Basinger   95061995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Chaerophyllum procumbens (Linnaeus) Crantz
ILLS00038764Mark A. Basinger   95071995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Mark A. Basinger   95081995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Arisaema dracontium (Linnaeus) Schott
ILLS00146050Mark A. Basinger   95091995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127., 37.393715 -89.26814

Panicum linearifolium Scribn.
H. S. Pepoon & E. G. Barrett   41711932-05-26
United States, Illinois, Whiteside, Unknown.

Phegopteris hexagonoptera (Michaux) Fée
Mark A. Basinger   95101995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Mark A. Basinger   95111995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Carex hirtifolia Mackenzie
ILLS00021951Mark A. Basinger   95121995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Carex oligocarpa Schk. ex Willdenow
ILLS00023936Mark A. Basinger   95131995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Mark A. Basinger   95141995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

ILLS00042395Mark A. Basinger   95151995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Maianthemum racemosum (Linnaeus) Link
Mark A. Basinger   95161995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Polygonatum biflorum (Walter) Elliott
Mark A. Basinger   95171995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Adiantum pedatum Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger   95181995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Arisaema triphyllum (Linnaeus) Schott
ILLS00146310Mark A. Basinger   95191995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127., 37.393715 -89.26814

Panicum linearifolium Scribn.
Robert A. Evers   1104861973-06-19
United States, Illinois, Whiteside, Southeast of Fulton.

Dioscorea quaternata (Walter) J.F. Gmelin
Mark A. Basinger   95201995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Mark A. Basinger   95211995-05-14
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.

Page 1042, records 104101-104200 of 272199

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