Antennaria parlinii ssp. fallax Fern.
Steven R. Hill 30119 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Polk, AR Rt. 88, Rich Mountain, 0.6 mile east of Rich Mountain. Firetower, northwest of Mena.
Steven R. Hill 30120 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Polk, Ouchitqua National Forest, AR Rt. 272, ca. 0.5 mile northeast of AR Rt. 88, Rich Mountain. Near entrance to Queen Wilhemina State Park. Northwest of Mena.
Steven R. Hill 30121 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Polk, Ouchitqua National Forest, AR Rt. 272, ca. 0.5 mile northeast of AR Rt. 88, Rich Mountain. Near entrance to Queen Wilhemina State Park. Northwest of Mena.
Steven R. Hill
United States, Arkansas, Logan, detailed locality information protected
Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
G. H. Boewe s.n. 1939-05-19
United States, Illinois, Jefferson, In cemetery, 7 miles north of Mt. Vernon.
Steven R. Hill 30123 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Logan, AR Rt. 23, 5.8 miles southwest of AR Rt. 116, 3.0 miles northeast of Ione.
Steven R. Hill 30124 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, AR Rt. 41 at sharp bend in road, 2.3 miles south of AR Rt. 22, south of Branch.
Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willd.
ILLS00069322 Steven R. Hill 30125 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, AR Rt. 41 at sharp bend in road, 2.3 miles south of AR Rt. 22, south of Branch.
Delphinium carolinianum ssp. carolinianum Walt.
Steven R. Hill 30126 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, AR Rt. 41 at sharp bend in road, 2.3 miles south of AR Rt. 22, south of Branch.
Scutellaria parvula var. australis Michx.
Steven R. Hill 30127 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, AR Rt. 41 at sharp bend in road, 2.3 miles south of AR Rt. 22, south of Branch.
Steven R. Hill 30128 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, AR Rt. 41 at sharp bend in road, 2.3 miles south of AR Rt. 22, south of Branch.
Carex bicknellii var. opaca Britt.
ILLS00068822 Steven R. Hill 30129 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, AR Rt. 41 at sharp bend in road, 2.3 miles south of AR Rt. 22, south of Branch.
Steven R. Hill 30130 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, AR Rt. 41 at sharp bend in road, 2.3 miles south of AR Rt. 22, south of Branch.
Panicum boscii Lam.
Mark A. Basinger 9877 1995-07-06
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.
Scirpus koilolepis (Steud.) Gleason
Steven R. Hill 30132 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, AR Rt. 41 at sharp bend in road, 2.3 miles south of AR Rt. 22, south of Branch.
Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers 29318 1951-05-25
United States, Illinois, Jersey, Pere Marquette State Park.
Steven R. Hill 30134 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, Branch, south side old RR right-of-way, fenced pasture ca. 0.4 mile west of AR Rt. 41. South of AR Rt. 22.
Agrostis elliottiana Schultes
ILLS00086864 Steven R. Hill 30134A 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, Branch, south side old RR right-of-way, fenced pasture ca. 0.4 mile west of AR Rt. 41. South of AR Rt. 22.
Steven R. Hill 30135 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, Branch, south side old RR right-of-way, fenced pasture ca. 0.4 mile west of AR Rt. 41. South of AR Rt. 22.
Steven R. Hill 30136 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, Branch, south side old RR right-of-way, fenced pasture ca. 0.4 mile west of AR Rt. 41. South of AR Rt. 22.
Steven R. Hill 30137 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, Branch, south side old RR right-of-way, fenced pasture ca. 0.4 mile west of AR Rt. 41. South of AR Rt. 22.
Elymus hystrix Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger 9884 1995-07-06
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.
Plantago pusilla Nutt.
Steven R. Hill 30139 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, Branch, south side old RR right-of-way, fenced pasture ca. 0.4 mile west of AR Rt. 41. South of AR Rt. 22.
Steven R. Hill 30141 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, Branch, south side old RR right-of-way, fenced pasture ca. 0.4 mile west of AR Rt. 41. South of AR Rt. 22.
Steven R. Hill 30142 1998-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, Branch, south side old RR right-of-way, fenced pasture ca. 0.4 mile west of AR Rt. 41. South of AR Rt. 22.
Carex crawei Dewey
ILLS00069096 Steven R. Hill 30143 1998-04-25
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, Ca. 100 miles south of junction of US Rt. 62 & AR Rt. 187.
Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers 29300 1951-05-25
United States, Illinois, Jersey, West of Chautauqua.
Steven R. Hill 30145 1998-04-25
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, Ca. 100 miles south of junction of US Rt. 62 & AR Rt. 187.
ILLS00136761 Steven R. Hill 30146 1998-04-25
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, Ca. 100 miles south of junction of US Rt. 62 & AR Rt. 187., 36.460452 -93.839393
Steven R. Hill
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, detailed locality information protected
Steven R. Hill 30148 1998-04-25
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, Ca. 100 miles south of junction of US Rt. 62 & AR Rt. 187.
Steven R. Hill 30149 1998-04-25
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, Ca. 100 meters south of junction of US Rt. 62 & AR Rt. 187.
Steven R. Hill 30150 1998-04-25
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, North side AR Rt. 62, 8.8 miles east of east town line of Eureka Springs.
Delphinium treleasei Bush
Steven R. Hill 30151 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Barry, MO Rt. 86, 1 mile north of County Road east junction at curve in road, Wolfpen Gap.
Cornus florida Linnaeus
Mark A. Basinger 9896 1995-07-07
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.
Steven R. Hill 30153 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Barry, MO Rt. 86, 1 mile north of County Road east junction at curve in road, Wolfpen Gap.
Ophioglossum engelmannii Knerr
Steven R. Hill 30154 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Barry, MO Rt. 86, 1 mile north of County Road east junction at curve in road, Wolfpen Gap.
Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers 25020 1950-07-08
United States, Illinois, Jersey, Pere Marquette State Park.
Steven R. Hill
United States, Missouri, Barry, detailed locality information protected
Steven R. Hill
United States, Missouri, Barry, detailed locality information protected
Trillium viridescens Nutt.
Steven R. Hill 30157 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Barry, Cassville, drainage just west of city water towers opposite lumberyard. Northeast facing slope.
Trillium pusillum Michx.
Steven R. Hill 30158 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Barry, Cassville, drainage just west of city water towers opposite lumberyard. Northeast facing slope.
Steven R. Hill
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, detailed locality information protected
Isoetes melanopoda Gay & Durieu
Steven R. Hill 30163 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, 4-5 miles south of Halltown on private road west of Co. R. O.
Selaginella rupestris (L.) Spring
Steven R. Hill 30164 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, 4-5 miles south of Halltown on private road west of Co. R. O.
Steven R. Hill 30165 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, 4-5 miles south of Halltown on private road west of Co. R. O.
Steven R. Hill 30169 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, 4-5 miles south of Halltown on private road west of Co. R. O.
Steven R. Hill 30173A 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, 4-5 miles south of Halltown on private road west of Co. R. O.
Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers 108013 1972-06-08
United States, Illinois, Jersey, West of Chautauqua.
Carex umbellata Schkuhr ex Willd.
ILLS00070752 Steven R. Hill 30174 1998-04-26
United States, Missouri, Franklin, MO Rt. N, southeast quadrant of jct. with Country Woods Drive, Country Woods Estates. Ca. 2.5 miles south of Robertsville.
Clematis fremontii var. riehlii S. Wats.
Steven R. Hill 30175 1998-04-26
United States, Missouri, Franklin, MO Rt. N, southeast quadrant of jct. with Country Woods Drive, Country Woods Estates. Ca. 2.5 miles south of Robertsville.
Steven R. Hill
United States, Missouri, Franklin, detailed locality information protected
Steven R. Hill 30177 1998-04-26
United States, Missouri, Franklin, MO Rt. N, southeast quadrant of jct. with Country Woods Drive, Country Woods Estates. Ca. 2.5 miles south of Robertsville.
Steven R. Hill
United States, Missouri, Franklin, detailed locality information protected
Carex communis Bailey
ILLS00019326 Steven R. Hill 30183 1998-05-02
United States, Illinois, Champaign, 1411 Winding Lane, Champaign; private residence.
Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30185 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Cass, Arenzville West quadrant. Beardstown, southwest corner of old sanitary landfill along RR near new water pipeline. Sand prairie.
Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30186 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Cass, Arenzville West quadrant. Beardstown, southwest corner of old sanitary landfill along RR near new water pipeline. Sand prairie.
Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30187 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Cass, Arenzville West quadrant. Beardstown, southwest corner of old sanitary landfill along RR near new water pipeline. Sand prairie.
Ranunculus abortivus L.
Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30188 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Cass, Arenzville West quadrant. Beardstown, southwest corner of old sanitary landfill along RR near new water pipeline. Sand prairie.
Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers 95386 1968-06-18
United States, Illinois, Jersey, Unknown.
Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30189 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Cass, Arenzville West quadrant. Beardstown, southwest corner of old sanitary landfill along RR near new water pipeline. Sand prairie.
Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30190 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Cass, Arenzville West quadrant. Beardstown, southwest corner of old sanitary landfill along RR near new water pipeline. Sand prairie.
ILLS00081648 Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30191 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Cass, Arenzville West quadrant. Beardstown, southwest corner of old sanitary landfill along RR near new water pipeline. Sand prairie.
Steven R. Hill 30194 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Erigeron pulchellus Michx.
Steven R. Hill 30195 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Antennaria neglecta Greene
Steven R. Hill 30196 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Carex richardsonii R. Br.
ILLS00024639 Steven R. Hill 30197 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Steven R. Hill 30198 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Steven R. Hill 30199 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Carex blanda Dewey
ILLS00018351 Steven R. Hill 30200 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Asplenium platyneuron (L.) B.S.P.
R.A. Evers 65420 1960-07-07
United States, Illinois, Pope, 5 miles south of Bay City., 37.17644 -88.496709
Robert A. Evers 38924 1953-07-08
United States, Illinois, Perry, 5 miles southwest of Rice.
Senecio plattensis Nutt.
Steven R. Hill 30201 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Steven R. Hill 30202 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Steven R. Hill 30203 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Richards.
Steven R. Hill 30204 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Sisyrinchium campestre Bickn.
Steven R. Hill 30206 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Steven R. Hill 30207 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Carex umbellata Schkuhr ex Willd.
ILLS00026570 Steven R. Hill 30207 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Steven R. Hill 30209 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Chapin quadrant. Arenzville, west side Mud Creek.
Allium tricoccum Aiton
Steven R. Hill 30213 1998-05-05
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Rock Quarry Road near quarry, north-northeast facing slopes above Sugar Creek, Frederick.
Steven R. Hill 30215 1998-05-05
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Rock Quarry Road near quarry, north-northeast facing slopes above Sugar Creek, Frederick.
Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers 25376 1950-07-18
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Unknown.
Steven R. Hill 30216 1998-05-05
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Rock Quarry Road near quarry, north-northeast facing slopes above Sugar Creek, Frederick.
ILLS00033904 Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30220 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south of Tenmile Creek, west of Oak Ridge Park.
Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30221 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south side of Tenmile Creek, Caterpillar Inc. property.
Ranunculus recurvatus Poir.
Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30222 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south side of Tenmile Creek, Caterpillar Inc. property. Wet shaded slope; (southwest 1/4 section 4)
ILLS00058193 Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30223 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south side of Tenmile Creek, Caterpillar Inc. property. (southwest 1/4 section 4)
Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30234 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south side of Tenmile Creek, Caterpillar Inc. property.
Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30225 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south side of Tenmile Creek, Caterpillar Inc. property. (southwest 1/4 Sect. 4).
Poa sylvestris Gray
ILLS00086780 Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30226 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south side of Tenmile Creek, Caterpillar Inc. property.
Carex cephalophora Muhl. ex Willd.
ILLS00019285 Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30227 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south side of Tenmile Creek, Caterpillar Inc. property.
Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30228 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south side of Tenmile Creek, Caterpillar Inc. property.
Robert A. Evers 66202 1960-08-02
United States, Illinois, Pope, North of Golconda., 37.387463 -88.488835
ILLS00086832 Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, detailed locality information protected
Carex grisea Wahlenb.
ILLS00021452 Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30231 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south side of Tenmile Creek, Caterpillar Inc. property.
Carex blanda Dewey
ILLS00018429 Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30232 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south side of Tenmile Creek, Caterpillar Inc. property.
Carex grisea Wahlenb.
ILLS00021451 Steven R. Hill with Barb Traeger 30235 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5' quadrangle. Washington, south side of Tenmile Creek, Caterpillar Inc. property.
Steven R. Hill 30237 1998-05-12
United States, Illinois, Woodford, South side US Rt. 24, east end of RR overpass, ca. 1.8 miles west of Eureka.
ILLS00034221 Steven R. Hill 30245 1998-05-19
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Murphysboro, CH 5(20th Street) bridge over the Big Muddy River; Murphysboro quadrant. Elevation 350 ft.