INHS Collections Data

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Page 1073, records 107201-107300 of 272199

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection

S.R. Hill   311381998-10-01
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, Rockford, south side of Kishwaukee River opposite Greater Rockford Airport. Elev. 700 ft. Rockford South quad.

ILLS00064672S.R. Hill   311391998-10-01
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, Rockford, south side of Kishwaukee River opposite Greater Rockford Airport. Elev. 700 ft. Rockford South quad.

ILLS00038519S.R. Hill   311401998-10-01
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, Rockford, south side of Kishwaukee River opposite Greater Rockford Airport. Elev. 700 ft. Rockford South quad.

Artemisia campestris ssp. caudata L.
S.R. Hill   311421998-10-01
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, Rockford, south side of Kishwaukee River opposite Greater Rockford Airport. Elev. 700 ft. Rockford South quad.

Artemisia campestris ssp. caudata L.
S.R. Hill   311421998-10-01
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, Rockford, south side of Kishwaukee River opposite Greater Rockford Airport. Elev. 700 ft. Rockford South quad.

Frangula alnus P. Miller
ILLS00038316S.R. Hill with George Rose   311451998-10-02
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, South Beloit, South Beloit 7.5' quad. IL Rt. 75. Elev. 750 ft.

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
J. O. Neill   107431959-05-30
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Along Southern Railroad.

Hieracium canadense var. fasciculatum Michx.
S.R. Hill with George Rose   311461998-10-02
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, South Beloit, South Beloit 7.5' quad. IL Rt. 75. Elev. 750 ft.

Ambrosia psilostachya DC.
S.R. Hill   311471998-10-02
United States, Illinois, Champaign, 1411 Winding Lane, Champaign, private residence.

Carex meadii Dewey
ILLS00022969Steven R. Hill   303001998-05-21
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5 quadrant. Morton, along Ackerman Creek, northeast of sewage plant.

S.R. Hill   311511998-10-09
United States, Missouri, St. Louis City, St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, Tower Grove Avenue.

S.R. Hill   311551998-10-09
United States, Missouri, St. Louis City, St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, Tower Grove Avenue.

Catalpa ovata G. Don
S.R. Hill   311571998-10-09
United States, Missouri, St. Louis City, St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, Tower Grove Avenue.

S.R. Hill with C.N. Horn   311591998-10-11
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Wartburg, E. side of Maestown Rd, Twin Lakes, 0.1 mile south of Co. Rt. 1500 N. (JJ Rd.). Elev. 600 ft.

Muhlenbergia frondosa (Poir.) Fern.
S.R. Hill with C.N. Horn   311601998-10-11
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Chalfin Bridge area, Maeystown and Long Lake roads along Maeystown Creek levee. Elev. 400-450 ft.

S.R. Hill with C.N. Horn   311611998-10-11
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Chalfin Bridge area, Maeystown and Long Lake roads along Maeystown Creek levee. Elev. 400-450 ft.

S.R. Hill with C.N. Horn   311621998-10-11
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Chalfin Bridge area, Maeystown and Long Lake roads along Maeystown Creek levee. Elev. 400-450 ft.

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
J.O. Neill   156351961-06-10
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.

Anoda cristata (L.) Schlecht.
S.R. Hill with C.N. Horn   311631998-10-11
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Chalfin Bridge area, Maeystown and Long Lake roads along Maeystown Creek levee. Elev. 400-450 ft.

Eupatorium rugosum Houttuyn
S.R. Hill with C.N. Horn   311641998-10-11
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Chalfin Bridge area, Maeystown and Long Lake roads along Maeystown Creek levee. Elev. 400-450 ft.

Bromus pubescens Muhl.
Steven R. Hill   303121998-05-21
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Washington 7.5 quadrant. Morton, along Ackerman Creek, northeast of sewage plant.

Chamaesyce humistrata (Engelmann) Small
ILLS00138686S.R. Hill with C.N. Horn   311661998-10-11
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Mississippi River floodplain, Chalfin Bridge area, Levee Road, east bank of river. Between levee and river; grain barge loading area., 38.211998 -90.268729

Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.
S.R. Hill with C.N. Horn   311671998-10-11
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Mississippi River floodplain, Chalfin Bridge area, Levee Road, east bank of river. Between levee and river; grain barge loading area.

S.R. Hill with C.N. Horn   311681998-10-11
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Mississippi River floodplain, Chalfin Bridge area, Levee Road, east bank of river. Between levee and river; grain barge loading area.

Amaranthus rudis Sauer
S.R. Hill   311691998-10-20
United States, Illinois, Champaign, 1411 Winding Lane, Champaign; private residence.

ILLS00139670S.R. Hill   311701998-10-20
United States, Illinois, Champaign, 1411 Winding Lane, Champaign; private residence., 40.129542 -88.248723

Anthurium scandens (Aubl.) Engl.
ILLS00147715S.R. Hill   311711998-10-20
United States, Illinois, Champaign, 1411 Winding Lane, Champaign; private residence., 40.129542 -88.248723

S.R. Hill   311751998-10-20
United States, Illinois, Champaign, 1411 Winding Lane, Champaign; private residence.

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
G. H. Boewe   s.n.1939-05-18
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Along small grove, northwest of Marissa.

S.R. Hill with W. Whiteside & W. S. Tyson   311771998-10-15
United States, Illinois, Coles, Charleston, south side Rt. 16 east of Charleston, Rt. 800 N (?). Wesley Whiteside residence. Elev. 600 ft.

S.R. Hill with W. Whiteside & W. S. Tyson   311781998-10-15
United States, Illinois, Coles, Charleston, south side Rt. 16 east of Charleston, Rt. 800 N (?). Wesley Whiteside residence. Elev. 600 ft.

Salvinia oblongifolia Mart.
S.R. Hill   311791998-10-15
United States, Illinois, Champaign, 1411 Winding Lane, Champaign; private residence.

S.R. Hill   311811998-10-18
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Urbana, west side Lincoln Ave. Arboretum, vicinity of new Japan House.

Symphyotrichum ericoides var. ericoides (L.) G.L. Nesom
S.R. Hill   311851998-10-18
United States, Illinois, Champaign, 1411 Winding Lane, Champaign; private residence.

Solanum seaforthianum Andr.
ILLS00017250S.R. Hill with W.S. Tyson, A.C. Koelling   311891998-10-23
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Woodstock township southwest of Rushville, Travis Lane; "Rivendell" Tyson property. Ca. 1.5 miles east of US Rt. 24.

Patrinia scabiosifolia Fisch. ex Link
S.R. Hill with W.S. Tyson, A.C. Koelling   311901998-10-23
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Woodstock township southwest of Rushville, Travis Lane; "Rivendell" Tyson property. Ca. 1.5 miles east of US Rt. 24.

Clematis recta L.
S.R. Hill with W.S. Tyson, A.C. Koelling   311911998-10-23
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Woodstock township southwest of Rushville, Travis Lane; "Rivendell" Tyson property. Ca. 1.5 miles east of US Rt. 24.

Thuja plicata J. Donn ex D. Don
ILLS00001384S.R. Hill with W.S. Tyson, A.C. Koelling   311921998-10-23
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Woodstock township southwest of Rushville, Travis Lane; "Rivendell" Tyson property. Ca. 1.5 miles east of US Rt. 24.

S.R. Hill with W.S. Tyson, A.C. Koelling   311931998-10-23
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Woodstock township southwest of Rushville, Travis Lane; "Rivendell" Tyson property. Ca. 1.5 miles east of US Rt. 24.

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers   292501951-05-24
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, North of Caseyville.

Hemiptelea davidii (Hance) Planch.
S.R. Hill with W.S. Tyson, A.C. Koelling   311941998-10-23
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Woodstock township southwest of Rushville, Travis Lane; "Rivendell" Tyson property. Ca. 1.5 miles east of US Rt. 24.

Solanum douglasii Dunal
ILLS00016913S.R. Hill with W.S. Tyson, A.C. Koelling   311951998-10-23
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Woodstock township southwest of Rushville, Travis Lane; "Rivendell" Tyson property. Ca. 1.5 miles east of US Rt. 24.

Regnellidium diphyllum Lindman
S.R. Hill with W.S. Tyson, A.C. Koelling   311971998-10-23
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Woodstock township southwest of Rushville, Travis Lane; "Rivendell" Tyson property. Ca. 1.5 miles east of US Rt. 24.

ILLS00030262S.R. Hill   
United States, Illinois, Cass, detailed locality information protected

Fimbristylis autumnalis (L.) Roem. & Schultes
ILLS00030191S.R. Hill   311991998-10-24
United States, Illinois, Cass, Beardstown, west side; 0.1-0.2 mile west of WalMart, north of US Rt. 67, southwest of Illinois River. Beardstown quad.

Lipocarpha micrantha (M. Vahl) G.C. Tucker
ILLS00030292S.R. Hill   312011998-10-24
United States, Illinois, Cass, Beardstown, west side; 0.1-0.2 mile west of WalMart, north of US Rt. 67, southwest of Illinois River. Beardstown quad.

Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer
S.R. Hill   312021998-10-24
United States, Illinois, Cass, Beardstown, west side; 0.1-0.2 mile west of WalMart, north of US Rt. 67, southwest of Illinois River. Beardstown quad.

Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schult.
ILLS00029450S.R. Hill   312031998-10-24
United States, Illinois, Cass, Beardstown, west side; 0.1-0.2 mile west of WalMart, north of US Rt. 67, southwest of Illinois River. Beardstown quad.

Eleocharis engelmannii Steud.
ILLS00029589S.R. Hill   312041998-10-24
United States, Illinois, Cass, Beardstown, west side; 0.1-0.2 mile west of WalMart, north of US Rt. 67, southwest of Illinois River. Beardstown quad.

S.R. Hill   312091998-10-24
United States, Illinois, Cass, East side of Boulevard Road, 3.5 miles south of Beardstown.

Asplenium platyneuron (L.) B.S.P.
Raymond Smith   1243b1986-09-13
United States, Illinois, Pope, Jackson Hollow Natural Area., 37.519266 -88.700626

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers   251331950-07-09
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Southeast of Dupo.

Lipocarpha micrantha (M. Vahl) G.C. Tucker
ILLS00030290S.R. Hill   312101998-10-24
United States, Illinois, Cass, East side of Boulevard Road, 3.5 miles south of Beardstown, Arenzville W. quad.

Boltonia asteroides (L.) L'Hér.
S.R. Hill   312121998-10-24
United States, Illinois, Cass, East side of Boulevard Road, 3.5 miles south of Beardstown, Arenzville W. quad.

Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S.T. Blake
S.R. Hill   312131998-11-04
United States, Illinois, Champaign, 1411 Winding Lane, Champaign; private residence.

Hieracium gronovii Linnaeus
R. Dale Thomas   202991970-07-26
United States, Arkansas, Independence, Rocky crest of ridge at NLSC Biology Camp, Lock & Dam #3, White River

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
J. O. Neill   8011947-06-01
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Vicinity of Edgemont.

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
J. O. Neill   9301947-06-20
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Vicinity of East St. Louis.

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
J. O. Neill   18181948-06-05
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Vicinity of O'Fallon.

ILLS00142398T.G. Lammers and M.A. Vincent   86641992-07-18
United States, Iowa, Monona, Sioux Township; 1 mile west of entrance to Preparation Canyon Sate Park on gravel road, about 4.5 miles southwest of Moorhead., 41.876368 -95.913361

ILLS00142309T.G. Lammers and M.A. Vincent   86701992-07-18
United States, Iowa, Plymouth, Sioux Township; along dead-end dirt road, 0.3 mile south of its junction with County Highway C43, about 5.5 miles southeast of Westfield., 42.69974 -96.52969

ILLS00126465Bruce Hansen, R.P. Wunderlin, R.P. Sauleda, Don Richardson   64611979-10-12
United States, Florida, Lake, 0.25 miles east of Pittman, 2.1 miles north of Altoona, along small road leading to Lake Dorr., 28.999985 -81.63759

ILLS00141820R.P. Sauleda and D.K. Sauleda   43981980-09-11
United States, North Carolina, Alleghany, Air Bellows Gap, Blue Ridge Parkway, mile marker 238, 13 miles southeast of Laurel Springs., 36.26657 -81.084369

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers   1079901972-06-07
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Edgemont, State Street and Illinois 147, East St. Louis.

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers   346241952-07-15
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, West of Pleasant Plains.

Verbena stricta Vent.
T. Antonio, S. Masi, J. Epting   77261996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Prairie, Burnham and Calumet Park; 2 blocks north of State Street at Alice Street; east side of tracks opposite prairie, above large marsh.

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
H. S. Pepoon & E. G. Barrett   43611932-05-30
United States, Illinois, Scott, Near Alton railroads, near Manchester.

ILLS00043513T. Antonio, S. Masi, J. Epting   77281996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Calumet Park Railroad Crossing, end of Alice Avenue; north of State Street; next to Max Saffrim and Company at railroad tracks.

Parthenocissus vitacea (Knerr) A. Hitchc.
T. Antonio, S. Masi, J. Epting   77291996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Calumet Park Railroad Crossing, end of Alice Avenue; north of State Street; next to Max Saffrim and Company at railroad tracks.

Hordeum jubatum Linnaeus
T. Antonio, S. Masi, J. Epting   77301996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Calumet Park Railroad Crossing, end of Alice Avenue; north of State Street; next to Max Saffrim and Company at railroad tracks.

Penstemon digitalis Nutt.
T. Antonio and J. Epting   77311996-07-09
United States, Illinois, Cook, Techny Railroad, Northbrook; 0.5 miles west of Waukegan Road, south of Techny Road; between two railroad tracks in middle of remnant prairie.

Cornus racemosa Lam.
T. Antonio and J. Epting   77321996-07-09
United States, Illinois, Cook, Techny Railroad, Northbrook; 0.5 miles west of Waukegan Road, south of Techny Road; between two railroad tracks in middle of remnant prairie.

Carex pensylvanica Lam.
ILLS00024187T. Antonio and S. Masi   75951996-05-14
United States, Illinois, Cook, Harms Woods Forest Preserve, Glenview; Harms Road south of Glenview Road; area west of trail heading north from bridge; area being restored.

Carex pensylvanica Lam.
ILLS00024186T. Antonio and S. Masi   75961996-05-14
United States, Illinois, Cook, Harms Woods Forest Preserve, Glenview; Harms Road south of Glenview Road; area west of trail heading north from bridge; area being restored.

Trillium grandiflorum (Michx.) Salisb.
T. Antonio and S. Masi   75981996-05-14
United States, Illinois, Cook, Harms Woods Forest Preserve, Glenview; Harms Road south of Glenview Road; area west of trail heading north from bridge; area being restored.

T. Antonio and S. Masi   75991996-05-14
United States, Illinois, Cook, Harms Woods Forest Preserve, Glenview; Harms Road south of Glenview Road; area west of trail in area being restored; south of bridge about 1 block.

T. Antonio and S. Masi   76001996-05-14
United States, Illinois, Cook, Harms Woods Forest Preserve, Glenview; Harms Road south of Glenview Road; to east of main trail at second fork, south of bridge about 1.5 blocks.

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers   34831947-05-31
United States, Illinois, Scott, 0.5 mile north of Naples.

Juncus arcticus var. balticus Willdenow
ILLS00073986T. Antonio, S. Masi and J. Epting   77241996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Prairie, Burnham and Calumet Park; 2 blocks north of State Street at Alice Street; collected in middle of prairie towards west edge.

T. Antonio, S. Masi and J. Epting   76441996-06-18
United States, Illinois, Cook, Paintbrush Prairie, Markham; Millard Avenue off Frontage Road of Interstate 294; north edge of site in mowed weedy area.

Elytrigia repens (Linnaeus) Nevski
T. Antonio, S. Masi and J. Epting   77181996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Prairie, Calumet Park at Alice Street and railroad tracks 2 blocks north of State Street; southeast edge of savanna.

Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) P. Beauv.
T. Antonio, S. Masi and J. Epting   77171996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Prairie, Calumet Park at Alice Street and railroad tracks 2 blocks north of State Street; southeast edge of bur oak savanna.

Panicum oligosanthes var. scribnerianum Schutt.
T. Antonio, S. Masi and J. Epting   77161996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Prairie, Calumet Park at Alice Street and railroad tracks 2 blocks north of State Street; southeast edge of bur oak savanna.

Carex molesta Mack ex Bright
ILLS00017972J.F. Steffen   8361998-07-21
United States, Illinois, Cook, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe; Lake Cook Road east of Edens Expressway; northeast corner of McDonald Woods in clearing near shelter building.

Carex projecta Mack.
ILLS00024351J.F. Steffen   7921998-07-21
United States, Illinois, Cook, Chicago Botanic Garden, McDonald Woods, Glencoe; Lake Cook Road and Edens Expressway; east of Chicago Botanic Garden fence in southeast section of woods.

Carex gracillima Schwein.
ILLS00020639D. Rowan and S. Thomas   14211996-05-29
United States, Illinois, Cook, Busse Woods, Ned Brown Forest Preserve, Elk Grove; off Higgins Road; approximately 650 feet north of restroom in parking lot, second entrance to preserve east of Salt Creek.

Carex annectens var. xanthocarpa E.P. Bicknell
ILLS00017787T.Antonio, S. Masi, J.Epting   76631996-06-18
United States, Illinois, Cook, Paintbrush Prairie, Markham; Millard Avenue off Frontage Road of Interstate 294; south end of prairie in drainage area next to path.

Carex molesta Bright
ILLS00023095T.Antonio, S. Masi, J.Epting   76431996-06-18
United States, Illinois, Cook, Paintbrush Prairie, Markham; Millard Avenue off Frontage Road of Interstate 294; next to path at drainage ditch on north end of prairie.

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers   953181968-06-18
United States, Illinois, Scott, West of Winchester.

Carex bicknellii Britton
ILLS00017973T.Antonio, S. Masi, J.Epting   77151996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Prairie, Calumet Park at Alice Street and railroad tracks 2 blocks north of State Street; southeast edge of bur oak savanna.

ILLS00071969J. Bland and D. Genz   
United States, Illinois, Cook, detailed locality information protected

Stuckenia filiformis ssp. occidentalis (Persoon) Börner
ILLS00071972N. Huber   11996-09-17
United States, Illinois, Cook, Cottage Grove Lake, Dolton; Dolton Road and Cottage Grove Road; collected just off shore.

Atriplex patula Linnaeus
ILLS00036928J. O'Shaughnessy and L. Quinn   1031998-09-01
United States, Illinois, Cook, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe; Lake Cook Road east of Edens Expressway; east side of Skokie River, south of South Causeway.

J. O'Shaughnessy and H. West   1011996-06-04
United States, Illinois, Cook, Skokie River at the Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe; west bank of the south end of river, 1/8 mile before it empties into lagoon.

Desmodium canadense (Linnaeus) DC.
ILLS00048570T. Antonio, S. Masi and J. Epting   77231996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Prairie, Burnham and Calumet Park; 2 blocks north of State Street at Alice Street; middle of prairie at west edge.

T. Antonio, S. Masi and J. Epting   77201996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Prairie, Burnham and Calumet Park; 2 blocks north of State Street at Alice Street; middle of prairie in wet area, north of marshy section.

T. Antonio, S. Masi and J. Epting   77101996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Prairie, Calumet Park at Alice Street and railroad tracks 2 blocks north of State Street; west side of tracks between savanna and railroad tracks.

Veronicastrum virginicum (Linnaeus) Farw.
T. Antonio, S. Masi and J. Epting   77111996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Prairie, Calumet Park at Alice Street and railroad tracks 2 blocks north of State Street; east of bur oak savanna between savanna and railroad tracks.

T. Antonio, S. Masi and J. Epting   77141996-07-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Burnham Prairie, Calumet Park at Alice Street and railroad tracks 2 blocks north of State Street; east of bur oak savanna between savanna and railroad tracks.

Panicum oligosanthes Schultes
Robert A. Evers   1080451972-06-09
United States, Illinois, Scott, 4 miles west of Winchester.

Page 1073, records 107201-107300 of 272199

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