Panicum rigidulum Nees.
Robert A. Evers 104227 1970-10-07
United States, Illinois, Pike, Southwest of Atlas.
Ginkgo biloba L.
Steven R. Hill 31233 1999-03-21
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Private residence, 1411 Winding Lane, Champaign; Champaign, Illinois. Pl. 11/23/1998 indoors.
Eryngium foetidum Linnaeus
ILLS00040755 Steven R. Hill 31238 1999-04-04
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Illinois Natural History Survey, 607 East Peabody Drive, Champaign; Aroma of cilantro. Originally from Dominica.
Steven R. Hill 31240 1999-04-04
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Illinois Natural History Survey, 607 East Peabody Drive, Champaign; Fleshy weed with tuberous taproot, to 2 feet tall.
Steven R. Hill, Jim Wilson, & Jane Wilson 31421 1999-04-25
United States, South Carolina, Abbeville, Residence of Jim and Jane Wilson, 936 Drake Road, Donalds; West side of house.
Chionanthus retusus Lindl. & Paxt."Chinese fringe tree
Steven R. Hill, Jim Wilson & Jane Wilson 31422 1999-04-25
United States, South Carolina, Abbeville, Residence of Jim and Jane Wilson, 936 Drake Road, Donalds; Native to China
Steven R. Hill, Jim Wilson & Jane Wilson 31423 1999-04-25
United States, South Carolina, Abbeville, Residence of Jim and Jane Wilson, 936 Drake Road, Donalds; Native to northwest China.
Loy R. Phillippe & Jennifer Jawad 27870 1996-07-25
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Vermilion River Observatory. Danville 7.5 minute quadrangle.
Trillium flexipes Raf.
Steven R. Hill 31442 1999-05-02
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Flowers level with leaves, pointed down; leaves dull above; plants originally from Indiana., 40.1 -88.23
ILLS00033233 Steven R. Hill 31446 1999-05-02
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; northwest side of house.
Dicentra spectabilis (L.) Lem
Steven R. Hill 31448 1999-05-02
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Fleshy delicate perennial 0.5 m tall from rootstock; purchased locally.
Panicum rigidulum Nees.
Robert A. Evers 93798 1967-09-27
United States, Illinois, Pike, Along railroad, northwest of Pleasant Hill.
Ranunculus bulbosus L.
Steven R. Hill 31449 1999-05-02
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Garden weed, source uncertain [near birdbath]
Steven R. Hill, W.Whiteside & P.Tessene 31458 1999-05-14
United States, Illinois, Coles, Residence of Wesley Whiteside, south side Route 16, east edge of Charleston, County Road 800N; Very similar to Geranium maculatum.
Ephedra americana Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd
Steven R. Hill, W.Whiteside & P.Tessene 31459 1999-05-14
United States, Illinois, Coles, Residence of Wesley Whiteside, south side Route 16, east edge of Charleston, County Road 800N; Immature female cones; hardy here. Native to S. America.
ILLS00136587 Steven R. Hill & W.Stan Tyson 31528 1999-05-19
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Woodstock township, about 4 miles south-southwest of Rushville, Tyson property, 'Rivendel'; Horns olive-greenish; woody vine 5 m into tree., 40.067593 -90.592196
Carex siderosticta cv. ?
ILLS00025205 Steven R. Hill & W.Stan Tyson 31531 1999-05-19
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Woodstock township, about 4 miles south-southwest of Rushville, Tyson property, 'Rivendel'; Grown on mesic shaded slope.
Steven R. Hill 31572 1999-05-22
United States, Michigan, Isabella, Cultivated near parking lot of McDonalds Restaurant, Mt. Pleasant, Business Route 27.
ILLS00147213 Steven R. Hill 31677 1999-05-30
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Grown as hanging basket plant; originally from H. Oldham (UK)., 40.129612 -88.249005
Cornus kousa Hance
Steven R. Hill 31686 1999-06-11
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, University of Illinois campus, east side of Law School
Fraxinus excelsior L. "European ash
ILLS00035717 Steven R. Hill 31687 1999-06-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Urbana, University of Illinois Arboretum, east of Lincoln Avenue, east of Japan House; Planted tree 7 meters tall and wide.
Steven R. Hill 31855 1999-07-01
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Fruit black when ripe, shiny; grown from seed.
Panicum rigidulum Nees.
John B. Taft 637 1989-09-12
United States, Illinois, Pope, About 0.6 mile east of Big Grand Pierre Creek, south of Illinois Route 146., 37.45918 -88.430045
Steven R. Hill 31856 1999-07-01
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Long trailing-ascending stems 1 meter long; from Arkansas.
Steven R. Hill 31857 1999-07-01
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Multibranched. Native of Europe, grown from seed.
Steven R. Hill 31863 1999-07-01
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Cylindrical colonies.
ILLS00138225 Steven R. Hill 31899 1999-07-31
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane., 40.129542 -88.248723
Loy R. Phillippe & Jennifer Jawad 27888 1996-07-25
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Vermilion River Observatory. Danville 7.5 minute quadrangle.
Steven R. Hill & W.Stan Tyson 32003 1999-09-09
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, Springfield, private residence, 3500 Hazlett #9; Purchased as potted plant; in garden planting
ILLS00049668 Steven R. Hill & W.Stan Tyson 32005 1999-09-09
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, Springfield, private residence, 3500 Hazlett #9; Native to India ? Grown outdoors, purchased as plant.
Cyperus bipartitus Torr.
ILLS00027263 Steven R. Hill 32068 1999-09-22
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane.
Cyperus polystachyos var. texensis Rottb.
ILLS00028622 Steven R. Hill 32072 1999-09-22
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Spikelets shiny [possibly from Brunswick County, North Carolina].
ILLS00058234 Steven R. Hill 32078 1999-09-22
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Leaves turn bright red in autumn; front yard.
Panicum rigidulum Nees.
Robert A. Evers 71493 1961-09-14
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, 2 miles north of Ullin.
ILLS00033232 Steven R. Hill 32079 1999-09-22
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Few branched; west side of house next to Taxus.
Ipomoea X multifida I.coccinea X I. quamoclit] (Raf.) Shinners "cardinal climber"
Steven R. Hill 32080 1999-09-22
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Annual herbaceous vine 3.0 m. long, twining; front garden.
ILLS00036635 Steven R. Hill 32121 1999-09-26
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign, private residence, 1411 Winding Lane; Purchased from Woodlanders, South Carolina.
ILLS00066641 Steven R. Hill
United States, Missouri, ST, detailed locality information protected
Eupatorium luciae-brauniae Fern.
Steven R. Hill 32132 1999-10-09
United States, Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, Shaw Boulevard; Very similar to Eupatorium rugosum, barely fits description.
Steven R. Hill 32133 1999-10-09
United States, Missouri, ST, St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, Shaw Boulevard; Foliage with walnut aroma. Native in temperate China.
Steven R. Hill 32138 1999-10-09
United States, Missouri, ST, St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, Shaw Boulevard; Native to tropical and South Africa.
Steven R. Hill 32139 1999-10-09
United States, Missouri, ST, St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, Shaw Boulevard; Native to China.
Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata
Steven R. Hill 32140 1999-10-09
United States, Missouri, ST, St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, Shaw Boulevard; MO acc. 913157, Takaso s.n, native to Taiwan mountains.
Steven R. Hill
United States, Missouri, ST, detailed locality information protected
Panicum rigidulum Nees.
Robert A. Evers 55560 1957-09-25
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, West of Karnak.
Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A.Braun
Steven R. Hill 32142 1999-10-09
United States, Missouri, ST, St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden, Shaw Boulevard.
Diphasiastrum digitatum (Dillen. ex A.Braun) Holub
Steven R. Hill 31249 1999-04-13
United States, North Carolina, Yancey, Along entrance road to Mt. Mitchell State Park, north of North Carolina Route 128 (Blue Ridge Parkway).
Selaginella rupestris (L.) Spring
Steven R. Hill 31250 1999-04-13
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe, Blue Ridge Parkway (North Carolina Route 128), just east of Craven Gap, about 5 miles northeast of Asheville; With Phlox subulata, Plantago virginica, Antennaria.
Steven R. Hill 31251 1999-04-13
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe, Blue Ridge Parkway (North Carolina Route 128), just east of Craven Gap, about 5 miles northeast of Asheville; With Selaginella rupestris, Plantago virginiabout.
Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Richardson
Steven R. Hill 31252 1999-04-13
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe, Blue Ridge Parkway (North Carolina Route 128), just east of Craven Gap, about 5 miles northeast of Asheville; With Phlox subulata, Selaginella rupestris.
Loy R. Phillippe & Jennifer Jawad 27909 1996-07-25
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Vermilion River Observatory. Danville 7.5 minute quadrangle.
Diphasiastrum digitatum (Dillen. ex A.Braun) Holub
Steven R. Hill 31254 1999-04-13
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe, Blue Ridge Parkway (North Carolina 128) between Mt. Mitchell Park Road and Craggy Gardens.
Steven R. Hill 31255 1999-04-13
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe, Blue Ridge Parkway (North Carolina 128) between Mt. Mitchell Park Road and Craggy Gardens.
Diphasiastrum tristachyum (Pursh) Holub
Steven R. Hill 31256 1999-04-13
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe, Blue Ridge Parkway (North Carolina 128) between Mt. Mitchell Park Road and Craggy Gardens; Rhizomes subterranean.
Steven R. Hill 31257 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill; Wet peaty-sand, margin of forest clearcut.
Panicum rigidulum Nees.
Robert A. Evers 19995 1949-08-25
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, South of Ullin.
Steven R. Hill 31258 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill; Locally common on dry, sandy bank under pines; 0.3 mile north.
Steven R. Hill 31259 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill., 34.626393 -77.653962
Symplocos tinctoria (L.) L'Her
Steven R. Hill 31260 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill.
Steven R. Hill 31261 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill; Edge of pond-pine woods., 34.626393 -77.653962
Steven R. Hill 31262 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill; Edge of pond-pine woods., 34.626393 -77.653962
Krigia virginica (L.) Willd
Steven R. Hill 31264 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill; Along logging roads.
Carex striata
ILLS00070560 Steven R. Hill 31266 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill; Alongside drainage ditch.
Steven R. Hill 31267 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill.
Selaginella apoda (L.) Spring
Steven R. Hill 31269 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill; Wet peaty sand.
ILLS00147052 Steven R. Hill 31270 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill., 34.631815 -77.657595
Panicum rigidulum Nees.
H. S. Pepoon & Carl Mohr 26 1931-09-17
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, In Cache River bottoms, north of Mounds.
Trillium pusillum Michx.
Steven R. Hill 31271 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill; In shade, wet sand, near Chamaecyparis wetland.
Steven R. Hill
United States, North Carolina, Pender, detailed locality information protected
Sagittaria graminea var. weatherbiana Michx.
Steven R. Hill 31278 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest, At Carteret County line; north floodplain of Hunter Creek, east side North Carolina Route 58.
Steven R. Hill
United States, North Carolina, Jones, detailed locality information protected
Steven R. Hill 31281 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest, At Carteret County line; north floodplain of Hunter Creek, east side North Carolina Route 58
Steven R. Hill 31281A 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest, At Carteret County line; north floodplain of Hunter Creek, east side North Carolina Route 58.
ILLS00146463 Steven R. Hill 31282 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest, At Carteret County line; north floodplain of Hunter Creek, east side North Carolina Route 58., 34.8333 -77.0333
Steven R. Hill 31283 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest, At Carteret County line; north floodplain of Hunter Creek, east side North Carolina Route 58.
Gratiola neglecta Torr.
Steven R. Hill 31284 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest, At Carteret County line; north floodplain of Hunter Creek, east side North Carolina Route 58.
Steven R. Hill 31287 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Carteret, Croatan National Forest, 2.5 kilometers west of Nine Mile Road along FR 128 (Millis Road).
Panicum rigidulum Nees.
J. Schopf 1509-S 1931-08-27
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Along Route 2, about 2 miles south of Ullin.
Steven R. Hill 31288 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side County Route 1004, about 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville.
Steven R. Hill 31289 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side County Route 1004, about 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville.
Steven R. Hill 31290 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side County Route 1004, about 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville.
Steven R. Hill 31295 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side County Route 1004, about 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville.
Steven R. Hill
United States, North Carolina, Jones, detailed locality information protected
Pedicularis canadensis L.
Steven R. Hill 31299 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side County Route 1004, about 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville.
Asplenium platyneuron (L.) Oakes ex D.C.Eaton
Steven R. Hill 31304 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side County Route 1004, about 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville.
Steven R. Hill 31305 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side County Route 1004, about 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville.
Steven R. Hill 31308 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side County Route 1004, about 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville.
Isoetes microvela Brunton
Steven R. Hill 31311 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Bolivia, 0.7 kilometer southeast of Business Route 17, about 100 meters south of Green Lewis Road; Bolivia Branch of Middle Swamp.
Panicum rigidulum Nees.
Robert A. Evers 78289 1963-10-04
United States, Illinois, Richland, North of Olney.
Steven R. Hill 31312 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Bolivia, 0.7 kilometer southeast of Business Route 17, about 100 meters south of Green Lewis Road; Bolivia Branch of Middle Swamp.
Steven R. Hill 31313 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Bolivia, 0.7 kilometer southeast of Business Route 17, about 100 meters south of Green Lewis Road; Bolivia Branch of Middle Swamp.
Carex leptalea Wahl.
ILLS00069842 Steven R. Hill 31314 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Bolivia, 0.7 kilometer southeast of Business Route 17, about 100 meters south of Green Lewis Road; Bolivia Branch of Middle Swamp.
Carex lonchocarpa Willd.
ILLS00069858 Steven R. Hill 31319 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Bolivia, 0.7 kilometer Southeast of Business Route 17, about 100 meters South of Green Lewis Road; Bolivia Branch of Middle Southwamp.
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis L.
Steven R. Hill 31320 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Bolivia, 0.7 kilometer Southeast of Business Route 17, about 100 meters South of Green Lewis Road; Bolivia Branch of Middle Southwamp.
Isoetes microvela Brunton
Steven R. Hill 31321 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, North shore of River Swamp, tributary of Lockwood Folly River, 50 miles west of Midway Road.
ILLS00147051 Steven R. Hill 31324 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, North side Route 211 opposite junction North Carolina 133-S, about 2.2 miles northwest of Southport, at bank building., 33.94413 -78.047467
Steven R. Hill 31326 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, North side Route 211 opposite junction North Carolina 133-S, about 2.2 miles northwest of Southport, at bank building., 33.94413 -78.047467
Steven R. Hill 31327 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, North Carolina Route 130, southwest side, about 4 miles northwest of Shalotte, about 200 feet northwest of firetower.
Steven R. Hill 31328 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, North Carolina Route 130, southwest side, about 4 miles northwest of Shalotte, about 200 feet northwest of firetower., 34.312946 -78.161108
Panicum rigidulum Nees.
J. O. Neill 15445 1960-09-05
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Vicinity of F. City [?Fairmont City[.