Carex basiantha Steud.
ILLS00068794 Steven R. Hill 31291 1999-04-17
United States, NORTH CAROLINA, JONES, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side Co. Rt. 1004, ca. 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville
Carex planispicata Naczi ?
ILLS00070234 Steven R. Hill 31292 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side Co. Rt. 1004, ca. 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville
Carex rosea Schkuhr ex Willd.
ILLS00070350 Steven R. Hill 31293 1999-04-17
United States, NORTH CAROLINA, JONES, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side Co. Rt. 1004, ca. 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville
Carex albicans var. albicans Willd.
ILLS00068606 Steven R. Hill 31298 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side Co. Rt. 1004, ca. 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville
Carex digitalis var. floridana Willd.
ILLS00069295 Steven R. Hill 31307 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Jones, Croatan National Forest; trail along Island Creek, north side Co. Rt. 1004, ca. 5.5 miles northeast of Pollocksville
ILLS00068899 Steven R. Hill
United States, North Carolina, Jones, detailed locality information protected
Carex laevivaginata (Kukenth.) Mackenzie
ILLS00069684 Steven R. Hill 31316 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Bolivia, 0.7 km southeast of Business Rt. 17, ca. 100 miles south of Green Lewis Road; Bolivia Branch of Middle Swamp
Carex styloflexa Buckley
ILLS00070594 Steven R. Hill 31317 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Bolivia, 0.7 km southeast of Business Rt. 17, ca. 100 miles south of Green Lewis Road; Bolivia Branch of Middle Swamp
Loy R. Phillippe 39467 2007-05-02
United States, Illinois, Will, Wilmington Shrub Prairie Nature Preserve. 3 miles east of Braidwood (junction of Route 53 & 113) along Route 113, 1.5 mile north on Zilm Road, and then 0.5 mile west. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. In the Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division., 41.27702 -88.16791, 171m
Asplenium platyneuron (L.) B.S.P.
R.A. Evers 39481 1953-07-23
United States, Illinois, Woodford, North of Spring Bay.
Panicum xanthophysum Gray
L. M. Umbach s.n. 1896-05-23
United States, Indiana, Lake, Millers.
Carex styloflexa Buckley
ILLS00070593 Steven R. Hill 31318 1999-04-18
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Bolivia, 0.7 km southeast of Business Rt. 17, ca. 100 miles south of Green Lewis Road; Bolivia Branch of Middle Swamp
Carex lonchocarpa Willdenow
ILLS00069859 Steven R. Hill 31334 1999-04-21
United States, North Carolina, Moore, South side of Co. Rt. 2033, ca. 2 miles southeast of Southern Pines; at Mill Creek
Carex oxylepis var. oxylepis Torr. & Hook.
ILLS00070131 Steven R. Hill; Jim and Jane Wilson 31416 1999-04-25
United States, SOUTH CAROLINA, ABBEVILLE, Abbeville; Beulah Church Road, south of SC Rt. 72, ca. 2.4 miles south-southeast of junction southeast side of Curltail Creek
Carex oligocarpa Schkuhr ex Willd.
ILLS00070112 Steven R. Hill 31436 1999-04-26
United States, TENNESSEE, RUTHERFORD, Smyrna, just south of La Vergne town line, east side US Rt. 41, 3.8 miles north of Rt. 102, 0.6 mile north of Co. Rt. 266. For sale, to be developed
Carex oligocarpa Schkuhr ex Willd.
ILLS00070099 Steven R. Hill 31535A 1999-05-21
United States, INDIANA, La Porte, Along Trail Creek, south of US Rt. 20, near Michigan City
Carex suberecta (Olney) Britt.
ILLS00070610 Steven R. Hill; Anton A. Reznicek 31569 1999-05-22
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Northeast margin of Hankard Lake, south of Cassidy Rd, ca. 5.2 miles due northwest of Chelsea; Immature, 42.36667 -84.1
Carex leptonervia (Fern.) Fern.
ILLS00069846 Steven R. Hill 31632 1999-05-24
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Between south shore of Lake Huron and US Rt. 23, trail to Grass Bay; elev. 590 '; Just below hemlocks and old beach ridge, 45.65 -84.366667
Equisetum laevigatum A.Braun
Steven R. Hill 31707A 1999-06-16
United States, ILLINOIS, MORGAN, 1.4 miles west-southwest of Arenzville, south side Mud Creek.
ILLS00069181 Steven R. Hill; James A. Duke and class
United States, MAINE, Washington, detailed locality information protected
Steven R. Hill; W.Stan Tyson 31989 1999-09-09
United States, ILLINOIS, MORGAN, 1.4 miles west-southwest of Arenzville, elev. ca. 160 m, north side Mud Creek. Chapin quad.
Robert A. Evers & Clara V. Evers 113349 1974-06-23
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, 3 miles southwest of Carlsbad.
Lactuca canadensis L.
Steven R. Hill 32015 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Tamms Prairie, north end of Tamms, west side IL. Rt. 127. Mill Creek quad.
Bidens aristosa (Michx.) Britton
Steven R. Hill 32016A 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, 37.191599 -89.337643
Steven R. Hill 32017 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Tamms Prairie, north end of Tamms, west side IL Rt.127. Mill Creek quad.
Andropogon virginicus L.
Steven R. Hill 32018 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Tamms Prairie, north end of Tamms, west side IL Rt.127. Mill Creek quad.
Steven R. Hill
United States, Illinois, Alexander, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00140298 Steven R. Hill 32020 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Tamms, east side IL Rt. 127 at branch of Cache River, near flood control gate. Tamms quad., 37.12505 -89.273426
Cuscuta pentagona Engelm.
Steven R. Hill 32021 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Tamms, east side IL Rt. 127 at branch of Cache River, near flood control gate. Tamms quad.
Bidens tripartita L.
Steven R. Hill 32022 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Tamms, east side IL Rt. 127 at branch of Cache River, near flood control gate. Tamms quad.
Bidens discoidea (Torr.& A.Gray) Britt
Steven R. Hill 32023 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Tamms, east side IL Rt. 127 at branch of Cache River, near flood control gate. Tamms quad.
Steven R. Hill 32025 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Tamms, east side IL Rt. 127 at branch of Cache River, near flood control gate. Tamms quad.
J. O. Neill s.n. 1953-07-08
United States, Illinois, Perry, North of Cutler.
Steven R. Hill 32026 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Tamms, east side IL Rt. 127 at branch of Cache River, near flood control gate. Tamms quad.
Polygonum punctatum Ell.
ILLS00080291 Steven R. Hill 32027 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Tamms, east side IL Rt. 127 at branch of Cache River, near flood control gate. Tamms quad.
Cornus foemina Mill.
Steven R. Hill 32028 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Tamms, east side IL Rt. 127 at branch of Cache River, near flood control gate. Tamms quad.
Steven R. Hill 32030 1999-09-15
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, South end of Tamms, east side IL Rt. 127. Tamms quad.
Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich
ILLS00001295 Steven R. Hill 32031 1999-09-15
United States, Illinois, Alexander, South end of Tamms, east side IL Rt. 127. Tamms quad.
Eupatorium incarnatum Walter
Steven R. Hill; Sue Dees & Jennifer Coady 32032 1999-09-16
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Sandusky, south end, opposite Cypress Creek National Wildlife Reserve, Rt. 127. Abandoned railroad bed. Tamms quad.
ILLS00046610 Steven R. Hill; Sue Dees & Jennifer Coady 32033 1999-09-16
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Sandusky, south end, opposite Cypress Creek National Wildlife Reserve, Rt. 127. Abandoned railroad bed. Tamms quad.
Steven R. Hill; Sue Dees & Jennifer Coady 32034 1999-09-16
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Sandusky, south end, opposite Cypress Creek National Wildlife Reserve, Rt. 127. Abandoned railroad bed. Tamms quad.
Steven R. Hill; Sue Dees & Jennifer Coady 32035 1999-09-16
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Sandusky, south end, opposite Cypress Creek National Wildlife Reserve, Rt. 127. At abandoned railroad culvert.
Paspalum fluitans (Ell.) Kunth
Steven R. Hill; Sue Dees & Jennifer Coady 32036 1999-09-16
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Sandusky, south end, opposite Cypress Creek National Wildlife Reserve, Rt. 127. At abandoned railroad culvert.
H. S. Pepoon & E. G. Barrett 1903
United States, Illinois, Pope, Near Herod., 37.580327 -88.436155
Eupatorium incarnatum Walt.
Steven R. Hill 32082 1999-09-22
United States, ILLINOIS, ALEXANDER, Sandusky, south end, west side IL Rt. 127, along west side abandoned railroad bed and in slough. Tamms quad.
Steven R. Hill 32107 1999-09-23
United States, Illinois, Union, West side IL Rt. 127, north boundary of Mill Creek, 2.7 miles south of St.Johns Rd (350N); At margin of cattail marsh near road. Mill Creek quad.
ILLS00064110 Steven R. Hill; Christina Renda 18 1998-09-12
United States, CONNECTICUT, New Haven, Branford, CT. Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Long Island Sound.
ILLS00066633 Steven R. Hill; Christina Renda 19 1998-09-12
United States, CONNECTICUT, New Haven, Branford, CT. Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Long Island Sound.
Steven R. Hill; Christina Renda, T. Mione 11 1998-07-16
United States, CONNECTICUT, New Haven, Branford, CT. Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Long Island Sound.
Steven R. Hill; Christina Renda, T. Mione 23 1999-04-24
United States, CONNECTICUT, New Haven, Branford, CT. Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Long Island Sound.
Plantago lanceolata L.
Steven R. Hill; Christina Renda 31 1999-05-17
United States, CONNECTICUT, New Haven, Branford, CT. Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Long Island Sound.
Steven R. Hill; Christina Renda 33 1999-05-17
United States, CONNECTICUT, New Haven, Branford, CT. Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Long Island Sound.
Rumex acetosella L.
ILLS00077045 Steven R. Hill; Christina Renda 38 1999-05-17
United States, CONNECTICUT, New Haven, Branford, CT. Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Long Island Sound.
Silene latifolia Poiret
Steven R. Hill; Christina Renda 40 1999-05-17
United States, CONNECTICUT, New Haven, Branford, CT. Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Long Island Sound.
H. S. Pepoon & E. G. Barrett 1902
United States, Illinois, Pope, Near Herod., 37.580327 -88.436155
Steven R. Hill; Christina Renda 41 1999-05-17
United States, CONNECTICUT, New Haven, Branford, CT. Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Long Island Sound.
Steven R. Hill; Christina Renda 44 1999-06-19
United States, CONNECTICUT, New Haven, Branford, CT. Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Long Island Sound.
Festuca pratensis Hudson
Steven R. Hill; Christina Renda 47 1999-06-19
United States, CONNECTICUT, New Haven, Branford, CT. Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Long Island Sound.
Steven R. Hill 32155 2000-03-12
United States, ILLINOIS, CHAMPAIGN, Champaign; Illinois Natural History Survey, 607 East Peabody Drive, research greenhouse. Cuttings originally from a garden plot at Dodd's Park, Mattis Avenue, Champaign.
Steven R. Hill 32157 2000-04-05
United States, TENNESSEE, RUTHERFORD, Murfreesboro. Along Shelby Street behind (south of) Scottish Inn on east side of US Rt. 231, just northeast of junction with Rt. I-24. Elev. 646 ft.
Steven R. Hill 32158 2000-04-05
United States, TENNESSEE, RUTHERFORD, About 7 miles south of Murfreesboro, west side of Rt. I-24-S, just north of Buchanan Road [Epps Mill Road], exit 89. Elev. 667 ft.
Steven R. Hill 32159 2000-04-05
United States, TENNESSEE, RUTHERFORD, About 7 miles south of Murfreesboro, west side of Rt. I-24-S, just north of Buchanan Road [Epps Mill Road], exit 89. Elev. 667 ft.
Steven R. Hill 32160 2000-04-05
United States, TENNESSEE, RUTHERFORD, About 7 miles south of Murfreesboro, west side of Rt. I-24-S, just north of Buchanan Road [Epps Mill Road], exit 89. Elev. 667 ft.
Phacelia dubia (L.) Trel.
Steven R. Hill 32161 2000-04-05
United States, TENNESSEE, RUTHERFORD, About 7 miles south of Murfreesboro, west side of Rt. I-24-S, just north of Buchanan Road [Epps Mill Road], exit 89. Elev. 667 ft.
Steven R. Hill 32162 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Bank of Tennessee River at boat launch parking lot, north side of Middle Creek, south side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 630 ft.
J. O. Neill 7661 1951-04-26
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Near French Village.
Poa pratensis L.
ILLS00086589 Steven R. Hill 32163 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Bank of Tennessee River at boat launch parking lot, north side of Middle Creek, south side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 630 ft.
Carex leavenworthii Dewey
ILLS00069803 Steven R. Hill 32163A 2000-04-08
United States, Tennessee, Hamilton, Bank of Tennessee River at boat launch parking lot, north side of Middle Creek, south side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 630 ft., 35.115 -85.376667
Steven R. Hill 32164 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Bank of Tennessee River at boat launch parking lot, north side of Middle Creek, south side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 630 ft.
Steven R. Hill 32165 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 700-800 ft.
Steven R. Hill 32166 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain., 35.11833 -85.37333
Steven R. Hill 32167 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 700-800 ft.
Trillium cuneatum Raf.
Steven R. Hill 32168 2000-04-08
United States, Tennessee, Hamilton, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain., 35.11833 -85.37333
Steven R. Hill 32169 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 700-800 ft., 35.117273 -85.37446
ILLS00142321 Steven R. Hill 32170 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 700-800 ft., 35.100386 -85.347282
Poa autumnalis Michx. ex Ell.
ILLS00085589 Steven R. Hill 32171 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 700-800 ft.
J. O. Neill 7835 1956-08-27
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
Carex albicans var. albicans Willd. ex Spreng.
ILLS00068625 Steven R. Hill 32172 2000-04-08
United States, Tennessee, Hamilton, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 700-800 ft.
Carex cumberlandensis Naczi, Kral, & Bryson
ILLS00069179 Steven R. Hill 32172A 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 700-800 ft.
ILLS00070051 Steven R. Hill
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, detailed locality information protected
Steven R. Hill 32175 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 700-800 ft.
Iris cristata Aiton
ILLS00072871 Steven R. Hill 32176 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 700-800 ft.
Steven R. Hill 32177 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain. Elev. 700-800 ft.
Steven R. Hill
United States, TENNESSEE, HAMILTON, detailed locality information protected
Steven R. Hill 32179 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 miles west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft.
Carex digitalis var. digitalis Willdenow
ILLS00069290 Steven R. Hill 32180 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 miles west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft.
ILLS00070054 Steven R. Hill
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, detailed locality information protected
J. O. Neill 3651 1949-07-00
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, East of Mascoutah-Centerville Road.
Steven R. Hill 32182 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 mi les west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft.
Steven R. Hill 32183 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 miles west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft.
Steven R. Hill 32184 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 miles west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft.
Steven R. Hill
United States, Tennessee, Marion, detailed locality information protected
Carex striatula Michx.
ILLS00070566 Steven R. Hill 32186 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 miles west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft., 35.116667 -85.425
Carex albicans var. albicans Willd. ex Spreng.
ILLS00068627 Steven R. Hill 32187 2000-04-08
United States, Tennessee, Marion, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 miles west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft.
Steven R. Hill 32188 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 miles west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft., 35.145304 -85.388313
Steven R. Hill 32191 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 miles west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft.
Ranunculus hispidus Michx.
Steven R. Hill 32192 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 miles west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft.
Silene virginica L.
Steven R. Hill 32193 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 miles west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft.
Panicum villosissimum Nash
Robert A. Evers 69276 1961-06-08
United States, Illinois, Carroll, Southeast of Savanna.
Steven R. Hill 32194 2000-04-08
United States, TENNESSEE, MARION, North of Tennessee River north of Mullins Cove Road ca. 2 miles west-southwest of TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) near Suck Shoals, Prentice Cooper State Forest. Elev. 650 - 1300 ft.