ILLS00072701 Steven R. Hill 32461 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, South Ottawa; east of Salt Wells Stream; along south side of IL Rt. 71, south of bank of Illinois River. Elev. ca. 460 - 470 ft. Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Steven R. Hill 32462 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, South Ottawa; east of Salt Wells Stream; along south side of IL Rt. 71, south of bank of Illinois River. Elev. ca. 460 - 470 ft. Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Lonicera morrowii A.Gray
Steven R. Hill 32464 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, South Ottawa; east of Salt Wells Stream; along south side of IL Rt. 71, south of bank of Illinois River. Elev. ca. 460 - 470 ft. Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00060080 Steven R. Hill 32465 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, South Ottawa; east of Salt Wells Stream; along south side of IL Rt. 71, south of bank of Illinois River. Elev. ca. 460 - 470 ft. Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Steven R. Hill 32466 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, South Ottawa; east of Salt Wells Stream; along south side of IL Rt. 71, south of bank of Illinois River. Elev. ca. 460 - 470 ft. Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Steven R. Hill 32468 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, South Ottawa; east of Salt Wells Stream; along south side of IL Rt. 71, south of bank of Illinois River. Elev. ca. 460 - 470 ft. Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Steven R. Hill 32469 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, South Ottawa; east of Salt Wells Stream; along north side of IL Rt. 71, ca. 100 ft south of Illinois River. Elev. ca. 460 - 470 ft. Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Fraxinus nigra Marsh.
ILLS00035770 Steven R. Hill 32470 2000-06-20
United States, Illinois, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, South Ottawa; east of Salt Wells Stream; along north side of IL Rt. 71, ca. 100 ft south of Illinois River. Elev. ca. 460 - 470 ft. Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Steven R. Hill 32471 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, northwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Panicum villosissimum Nash
Raymond J. Dobbs s.n. 1938-05-24
United States, Illinois, Henry, Oakwood cemetery, few yards north of the pond at extreme west end.
Carex blanda Dewey
ILLS00018288 Steven R. Hill 32472 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, northwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Carex hirsutella Mack.
ILLS00021711 Steven R. Hill 32473 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, northwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Campanula rotundifolia L.
Steven R. Hill 32475 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; vicinity of Hennepin Canyon, northeast quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Steven R. Hill 32476 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; vicinity of Hennepin Canyon, northeast quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River., 41.31056 -88.95417
Steven R. Hill 32477 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, northwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Steven R. Hill 32478 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; vicinity of Hennepin Canyon, northeast quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Bromus pubescens Muhl.
Steven R. Hill 32481 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, northwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Dryopteris marginalis (L.) A.Gray
Steven R. Hill 32482 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, northwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Steven R. Hill 32483 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, northwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00032773 Steven R. Hill 32484 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, northwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Paspalum floridanum Michx.
Robert A. Evers 92421 1967-08-08
United States, Illinois, Randolph, Southeast of Eden.
Cornus racemosa Lam.
Steven R. Hill 32485 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, southwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, souht of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Steven R. Hill 32486 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, southwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, souht of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00033725 Steven R. Hill 32487 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, southwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, souht of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Steven R. Hill 32488 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; west of Hennepin Canyon, southwest quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, souht of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft). Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.
Carex grisea Wahl.
ILLS00021332 Steven R. Hill 32490 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; east of Hennepin Canyon, southeast quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft).
Elymus villosus Willd.
Steven R. Hill 32491 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; east of Hennepin Canyon, southeast quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71, south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft).
Fraxinus americana L.
ILLS00035510 Steven R. Hill 32492 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; east of Hennepin Canyon, northeast quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71 (north side), south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft).
ILLS00076534 Steven R. Hill 32493 2000-06-20
United States, Illinois, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; east of Hennepin Canyon, northeast quadrant of crossing of Illinois Route 71 (north side), south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 feet)., 41.3105 -88.9541
Carex gravida Bailey
ILLS00020890 Steven R. Hill 32494 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; east of Hennepin Canyon, northeast quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71 (north side), south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft).
Carex bicknellii Britt.
ILLS00018012 Steven R. Hill 32495 2000-06-20
United States, ILLINOIS, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park, west of South Ottawa; east of Hennepin Canyon, northeast quadrant of crossing of IL Rt. 71 (north side), south of lllinois River. Elev. 168-186 m (550-610 ft).
Paspalum floridanum Michx.
Robert A. Evers 92743 1967-08-10
United States, Illinois, Richland, Northwest of Parkersburg.
ILLS00061759 Steven R. Hill 32497 2000-06-22
United States, Illinois, McHenry, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00144123 Steven R. Hill 32498 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad., 42.297396 -88.355089
Ribes americanum Mill.
ILLS00031746 Steven R. Hill 32499 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Smilax lasioneura Hooker
Steven R. Hill 32500 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Silene latifolia Poiret
Steven R. Hill 32501 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Cornus racemosa Lam.
Steven R. Hill 32502 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00038407 Steven R. Hill 32503 2000-06-22
United States, Illinois, McHenry, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Ligustrum vulgare L.
ILLS00039365 Steven R. Hill 32504 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00060044 Steven R. Hill 32505 2000-06-22
United States, Illinois, McHenry, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00034544 Steven R. Hill 32506 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Asplenium platyneuron (L.) B.S.P.
R.A. Evers & J.L. Crane 114423 1974-05-13
United States, Indiana, Warren, Along Big Pine Creek, south of Rainsville.
Paspalum floridanum Michx.
Robert A. Evers 27878 1950-09-21
United States, Illinois, Williamson, North of Marion.
Carex molesta Mack. ex Bright
ILLS00023227 Steven R. Hill 32507 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Carex pellita Muhl. ex Willd.
ILLS00024106 Steven R. Hill 32508 2000-06-22
United States, Illinois, McHenry, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00029710 Steven R. Hill 32509 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00033978 Steven R. Hill 32510 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), 1.5-1.6 miles south of Bull Valley Road, McHenry, alongside agricultural land opposite industrial buildings. Elev. ca. 257 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad., 42.29916 -88.28708333
ILLS00038303 Steven R. Hill 32511 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00030446 Steven R. Hill 32512 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00030403 Steven R. Hill 32512A 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Scirpus atrovirens Willd.
ILLS00030709 Steven R. Hill 32513 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHenry, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Carex hystericina Muhl. ex Willd.
ILLS00022130 Steven R. Hill 32514 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Agrostis alba var. palustris L.
Steven R. Hill 32515 2000-06-22
United States, Illinois, McHenry, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Paspalum floridanum Michx.
J. L. Crane & J. D. Schoknecht s.n. 1979-05-23
United States, Florida, Bear Lake Trail, Everglades National Park, Flamingo., 25.16779 -80.945124
ILLS00073469 Steven R. Hill 32516 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Panicum villosissimum Nash
Steven R. Hill 32517 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00065912 Steven R. Hill 32518 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Juncus dudleyi Wieg.
ILLS00074536 Steven R. Hill 32519 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Juncus nodosus L.
ILLS00075214 Steven R. Hill 32520 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Equisetum laevigatum A. Braun
Steven R. Hill 32521 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00029709 Steven R. Hill 32522 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00126289 Steven R. Hill 32523 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, northeast of cleared construction entrance on slope. Elev. ca. 262 m.
Carex crawei Dewey
ILLS00019559 Steven R. Hill 32524 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Carex granularis Muhl. ex Willd.
ILLS00020742 Steven R. Hill 32525 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), opposite Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings. Within Terra Cotta Real Estate development, north edge of cleared construction entrance. Elev. ca. 244 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Paspalum floridanum Michx.
A. E. Radford 45081 1966-07-31
United States, North Carolina, Orange, Farrington Road, 2 miles south of Chapl Hill.
Steven R. Hill 32528 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), south of Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings, north of residential area. Elev. ca. 240 m. McHenry IL 7.5 min. quad.
Cornus racemosa Lam.
Steven R. Hill 32529 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, West side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), south of Terra Cotta Industries headquarters buildings, north of residential area. Elev. ca. 240 m.
ILLS00071487 Steven R. Hill 32530 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), north of housing development "The Fountains At Crystal Lake". Elev. 240 m (810-820 ft). Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad.
Equisetum arvense L.
Steven R. Hill 32531 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), north of housing development "The Fountains At Crystal Lake". Elev. 240 m (810-820 ft). Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad., 42.267227 -88.280254
Carex pellita Muhl. ex Willd.
ILLS00024105 Steven R. Hill 32532 2000-06-22
United States, Illinois, McHenry, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), north of housing development "The Fountains At Crystal Lake". Elev. 240 m (810-820 ft). Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad.
Carex vulpinoidea Michx.
ILLS00026915 Steven R. Hill 32533 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), north of housing development "The Fountains At Crystal Lake". Elev. 240 m (810-820 ft). Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad.
Carex hystericina Muhl. ex Willd.
ILLS00022129 Steven R. Hill 32534 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), north of housing development "The Fountains At Crystal Lake". Elev. 240 m (810-820 ft). Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00060043 Steven R. Hill 32535 2000-06-22
United States, Illinois, McHenry, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), north of housing development "The Fountains At Crystal Lake". Elev. 240 m (810-820 ft). Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad.
ILLS00035219 Steven R. Hill 32536 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), north of housing development "The Fountains At Crystal Lake". Elev. 240 m (810-820 ft). Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad.
Steven R. Hill 32537 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), north of housing development "The Fountains At Crystal Lake". Elev. 240 m (810-820 ft). Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad., 42.267227 -88.280254
Paspalum fluitans (Ell.) Kunth.
F. Bellrose s.n. 1941-09-12
United States, Illinois, Adams, Quincy Bay, Quincy.
Rumex obtusifolius Linnaeus
ILLS00077711 Steven R. Hill 32538 2000-06-22
United States, Illinois, McHenry, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), vicinity of 'water treatment' facility (Crystal Lake Utility Building) south of housing development "The Fountains At Crystal Lake". Elev. 238 m (760-770 ft). Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad., 42.27194 -88.28642
Steven R. Hill 32539 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, East side IL Rt. 31 (FAU 336), vicinity of 'water treatment' facility (Crystal Lake Utility Building) south of housing development "The Fountains At Crystal Lake". Elev. 238 m (760-770 ft). Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad., 42.267227 -88.280254
Scutellaria galericulata Linnaeus
ILLS00052824 Steven R. Hill 32540 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, South side of Hillside Road, ca. 0.2 mile south of railroad crossing, Crystal Lake. Elev. 259 m. Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad.
Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima L.
Steven R. Hill 32541 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, South side of Hillside Road, ca. 0.2 mile south of railroad crossing, Crystal Lake. Elev. 259 m. Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad., 42.267227 -88.280254
Bromus ciliatus var. intonsus L.
Steven R. Hill 32542 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, South side of Hillside Road, ca. 0.2 mile south of railroad crossing, Crystal Lake. Elev. 259 m. Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad., 42.267227 -88.280254
ILLS00053736 Steven R. Hill 32543 2000-06-22
United States, Illinois, McHenry, South side of Hillside Road, ca. 0.2 mile south of railroad crossing, Crystal Lake. Elev. 259 meters, Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 minute quadrangle., 42.2646 -88.3036, 259m
Thalictrum dasycarpum var. hypoglaucum Fisch & Ave-Lall.
Steven R. Hill 32544 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, South side of Hillside Road, ca. 0.2 mile south of railroad crossing, Crystal Lake. Elev. 259 m. Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad., 42.267227 -88.280254
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
ILLS00017949 Steven R. Hill 32546 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, South side of Hillside Road, ca. 0.2 mile south of railroad crossing, Crystal Lake. Elev. 259 m. Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad.
Juncus dudleyi Wieg.
ILLS00074535 Steven R. Hill 32548 2000-06-22
United States, ILLINOIS, McHENRY, South side of Hillside Road, ca. 0.2 mile south of railroad crossing, Crystal Lake. Elev. 259 m. Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad.
Carex pellita Muhl. ex Willd.
ILLS00024104 Steven R. Hill 32550 2000-06-22
United States, Illinois, McHenry, South side of Hillside Road, ca. 0.2 mile south of railroad crossing, Crystal Lake. Elev. 259 m. Mc Henry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad.
Panicum villosissimum Nash
Raymond J. Dobbs s.n. 1938-06-26
United States, Illinois, Henry, About 1 mile northeast of the junction of Route 92 and the Atkinson paved road.
Carex hyalinolepis Steud.
ILLS00021983 Steven R. Hill; D. Busemeyer, J. Koontz 32552 2000-06-29
United States, ILLINOIS, BROWN, IL Dept. of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel property); south side of La Moine River (Schuyler Co. line), west of lllinois River levee, north of Big Lake, ca. 4.5 miles east of Cooperstown. Cooperstown 7.5 min. quad., 39.982275 -90.525964
ILLS00053589 Steven R. Hill; D. Busemeyer, J. Koontz 32553 2000-06-29
United States, ILLINOIS, BROWN, IL Dept. of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel property); south side of La Moine River (Schuyler Co. line), west of lllinois River levee, north of Big Lake, ca. 4.5 miles east of Cooperstown. Cooperstown 7.5 min. quad., 39.982275 -90.525964
Carex conjuncta Boott
ILLS00019399 Steven R. Hill; D. Busemeyer, J. Koontz 32555 2000-06-29
United States, ILLINOIS, BROWN, IL Dept. of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel property); south side of La Moine River (Schuyler Co. line), west of lllinois River levee, north of Big Lake, ca. 4.5 miles east of Cooperstown. Cooperstown 7.5 min. quad., 39.982275 -90.525964
Carex tribuloides var. sangamonensis Wahlenb.
ILLS00026145 Steven R. Hill; D. Busemeyer, J. Koontz 32556 2000-06-29
United States, Illinois, Brown, IL Dept. of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel property); south side of La Moine River (Schuyler Co. line), west of lllinois River levee, north of Big Lake, ca. 4.5 miles east of Cooperstown. Cooperstown 7.5 min. quad., 39.982275 -90.525964
Chenopodium album Linnaeus
ILLS00037015 Steven R. Hill; D. Busemeyer, J. Koontz 32557 2000-06-29
United States, ILLINOIS, BROWN, IL Dept. of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel property); south side of La Moine River (Schuyler Co. line), west of lllinois River levee, north of Big Lake, ca. 4.5 miles east of Cooperstown. Cooperstown 7.5 min. quad., 39.982275 -90.525964
Polygonum lapathifolium L.
ILLS00079092 Steven R. Hill; D. Busemeyer, J. Koontz 32558 2000-06-29
United States, ILLINOIS, BROWN, IL Dept. of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel property); south side of La Moine River (Schuyler Co. line), west of lllinois River levee, north of Big Lake, ca. 4.5 miles east of Cooperstown. Cooperstown 7.5 min. quad., 39.982275 -90.525964
Steven R. Hill; D. Busemeyer, J. Koontz 32559 2000-06-29
United States, ILLINOIS, BROWN, IL Dept. of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel property); south side of La Moine River (Schuyler Co. line), west of lllinois River levee, north of Big Lake, ca. 4.5 miles east of Cooperstown. Cooperstown 7.5 min. quad., 39.970013 -90.526345
Cornus drummondii C.A. Mey.
Steven R. Hill; D. Busemeyer, J. Koontz 32561 2000-06-29
United States, ILLINOIS, BROWN, IL Dept. of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel property); south of La Moine River (Schuyler Co. line), west of lllinois River levee, north-northwest of Big Lake, ca. 4.5 miles east of Cooperstown. Cooperstown 7.5 min. quad., 39.970013 -90.526345
ILLS00014046 Steven R. Hill; D. Busemeyer, J. Koontz 32562 2000-06-29
United States, ILLINOIS, BROWN, IL Dept. of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel property); south of La Moine River (Schuyler Co. line), west of lllinois River levee, north-northwest of Big Lake, ca. 4.5 miles east of Cooperstown. Cooperstown 7.5 min. quad., 39.982275 -90.525964
Carex molesta Mack. ex Bright
ILLS00023061 Steven R. Hill; D. Busemeyer, J. Koontz 32563 2000-06-29
United States, ILLINOIS, BROWN, IL Dept. of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel property); south of La Moine River (Schuyler Co. line), west of lllinois River levee, north-northwest of Big Lake, ca. 4.5 miles east of Cooperstown. Cooperstown 7.5 min. quad., 39.982275 -90.525964
Paspalum fluitans (Ell.) Kunth.
Franklin B. Buser 5401 1954-08-26
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Below Horseshoe Lake outlet dam, 2 miles east of Miller City.
Carex grisea Wahl.
ILLS00021164 Steven R. Hill; D. Busemeyer, J. Koontz 32564 2000-06-29
United States, ILLINOIS, BROWN, IL Dept. of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel property); south of La Moine River (Schuyler Co. line), west of lllinois River levee, north-northwest of Big Lake, ca. 4.5 miles east of Cooperstown. Cooperstown 7.5 min. quad., 39.982275 -90.525964