Jay Raviell 697 1981-07-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 1022 1981-08-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 680 1981-07-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, South of Cresent Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Cornus racemosa Lam.
Jay Raveill 1044 1981-08-30
United States, Illinois, Perry, Blackberry Lake Trail. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
ILLS00088145 Jay Raveill 153 1981-05-21
United States, Illinois, Perry, East edge of Wesseln Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 18 1981-03-28
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow
s.n. 1939-08-28
United States, Illinois, Mason, Crane Lake Marsh.
Juniperus virginiana L.
Jay Raveill 487 1981-06-30
United States, Illinois, Perry, South of Chain Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Carex annectens Bickn.
ILLS00068980 Jay Raveill 372 1981-06-26
United States, Illinois, Perry, East of Boulder Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
ILLS00068981 Jay Raveill 1237 1982-04-23
United States, Illinois, Perry, North end of park. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Plantago rugelii Dcne.
Jay Raveill 584 1981-07-11
United States, Illinois, Perry, Roadside east of Boulder Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Agastache nepetiodes (L.) Ktze.
Jay Raveill 779 1981-07-31
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 448 1981-06-27
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 17 1981-03-28
United States, Illinois, Perry, Trail on spoils. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Lycopus americanus Muhl.
ILLS00073677 Jay Raveill 872 1981-08-11
United States, Illinois, Perry, East edge of Wesseln Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Lycopus virginicus L.
ILLS00073713 Jay Raveill 812 1981-07-30
United States, Illinois, Perry, Blackberry Lake Trail. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Botrychium dissectum var. obliquum Spreng.
Jay Raviell 777 1981-07-31
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Cystopteris bulbifera (L.) Bernh.
R.A. Evers 81210 1964-07-22
United States, Illinois, Adams, Burton Creek, southesat of Quincy., 39.865679 -91.320804
Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow
s.n. 1939-08-28
United States, Illinois, Mason, Crane Lake Marsh.
Jay Raveill 907 1981-08-11
United States, Illinois, Perry, North of Cottonwood Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 641 1981-07-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, North of Chain Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 639 1981-07-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, Chain Lake edge. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 225 1981-06-12
United States, Illinois, Perry, Roadside spoils north end of park. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
ILLS00143243 Jay Raveill 1072 1981-10-02
United States, Illinois, Perry, Roadside spoils north end of the park. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts., 38.003101 -89.408
ILLS00143298 Jay Raveill 911 1981-08-11
United States, Illinois, Perry, Roadside spoils at north end of park. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts., 38.003101 -89.408
Jay Raveill 644 1981-07-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, Near Hidden Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 1007 1981-08-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, Wet depression in Pine Lake Trail. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 840 1981-07-31
United States, Illinois, Perry, South of Chain Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 1003 1981-08-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow
s.n. 1939-08-28
United States, Illinois, Mason, Crane Lake Marsh.
Jay Raveill 821 1981-07-30
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 817 1981-07-30
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pine Lake Trail. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Ja Raveill 636 1981-07-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, North of Chain Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 1034 1981-08-30
United States, Illinois, Perry, North of Chain Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Carex muehlenbergii Schk.
ILLS00069994 Jay Raveill 673 1981-07-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, North of Chain Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Carex cristatella Britt.
ILLS00070292 Jay Raveill 335 1981-06-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 333 1981-06-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pine Lake Trail. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Plantago aristata Michx.
Jay Raveill 324 1981-06-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 494 1981-06-30
United States, Illinois, Perry, Planed north of Crystal Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts., 37.999994 -89.403499
Jay Raveill 898 1981-08-11
United States, Illinois, Perry, Northeast edge of Park. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow
s.n. 1939-08-28
United States, Illinois, Mason, Crane Lake Marsh.
Jay Raveill 480 1981-06-30
United States, Illinois, Perrt, South of Chain Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 918 1981-08-11
United States, Illinois, Perry, In beehive Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 634 1981-07-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, North of Chain Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.
Jay Raveill 509 1981-06-30
United States, Illinois, Perry, North roadside spoils. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 623 1981-07-11
United States, Illinois, Perry, Ten mile Trail north of Big Beaver Lake. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Trifolium compestre Schreb.
Jay Raveill 259 1981-06-12
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 327 1981-06-18
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pine Lake Trail. Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 216 1981-06-12
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Jay Raveill 905 1981-08-12
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. 2 miles west of Pyatts.
Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow
R.A. Evers 85852 1965-09-28
United States, Illinois, Massac, In Mermet Lake, southwest of Mermet.
Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow
R.A. Evers 93033 1967-08-22
United States, Illinois, Menard, Roadside ditch, northwest of Oakford.
R.A. Evers 65809 1960-07-14
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Shore of Moredock Lake, northeast of Valmeyer.
Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow
D.H. Thompson & L.R. Tehon 3 1926-09-03
United States, Illinois, Peoria, Peoria, in slough at Peoria narrows.
H.S. Pepoon & E.G. Barrett 6370 1932-07-25
United States, Illinois, Piatt, Swamps of Sangamon River bottom on Allerton tract.
Huperzia lucidulum (Michx.) Trevision
R.A. Evers 68361 1961-03-28
United States, Illinois, Johnson, On a sandstone block section 34, Burnside Twp, east of Reynoldsburg.
Equisetum arvense L.
R.A. Evers 29750 1951-06-13
United States, Illinois, Bureau, 1 mile west of Sheffield., 41.358368 -89.756628
ILLS00140515 Michael J.C. Murphy
United States, Illinois, Will, detailed locality information protected
Diane Donovan 1264 2009-10-02
United States, Arkansas, Boone, Bakers Prairie, Intersection of Burls Way and Goblin Drive, Harrison High School. WGS84., 41.94597 -88.49275
ILLS00071639 Diane Donovan 1263
United States, Arkansas, Boone, Harrison High School, Intersection of Burls Way and Goblin Drive. WGS84., 37.81919 -94.29295
Sagittaria montevidensis ssp. calycina Cham. & Shclecht.
R.A. Evers 66874 1960-08-24
United States, Illinois, Pope, Gravel bar in Big Grand Pierre Creek, east of Lusk., 37.481588 -88.441827
Diane Donovan 1261
United States, Arkansas, Boone, Harrison High School, Bakers Prairie, Intersection of Burls Way and Goblin Drive, WGS84., 37.97059 -92.76109
Diane Donovan 1260
United States, Arkansas, Boone, Bakers Prairie, Harrison High School, Intersection of Burls Way and Goblin Drive. WGS84., 38.05624 -92.58244
Andropogon gerardii Vitman
Diane Donovan 1259 2009-10-27
United States, Arkansas, Boone, Bakers Prairie, Harrison High School, Intersection of Burls Way and Goblin Drive. WGS84., 37.32389 -94.70658
Diane Donovan 1262 2009-10-02
United States, Arkansas, Boone, Harrison High School, Bakers Prairie, Harrison AR, intersection of Burls Way and Goblin Drive. WGS84., 37.97059 -92.76109
Juncus torreyi Coville
ILLS00076057 Pati Vitt 1146 2009-08-28
United States, North Dakota, Ransom, Sheyeen National Grassland, Roadside ditch on Route 27, North side of Road directly across from A Axex and approximately ‘27o mile from Horse trail access. NAD83., 38.16881 -95.265
ILLS00069586 Jeff Hansen
United States, South Dakota, Davison, detailed locality information protected
Bouteloua gracilis (HBK.) Lag.
Jeff Hansen 1100 2009-07-31
United States, South Dakota, Davison, Mom’s stockdam pasture, north of Highway 37, 8 mile north of Mitchell. WGS84., 38.47385 -90.81267
Cornus sericea subsp. sericea L.
Jeff Hansen 1113 2009-08-03
United States, South Dakota, Yankton, Gavins Point dam, outlet park. NAD83., 39.45194 -86.46667
Jeff Hansen 1098 2009-01-08
United States, South Dakota, Davison, Iner’s pasture, 7 mile north of Mitchell on Highway 37. WGS84., 38.46612 -90.82113
Jeff Hansen 1097 2009-01-08
United States, South Dakota, Davison, Iner’s pasture, 7 mile north of Mitchell, Hwy 37. WGS84., 41.10378 -87.76639
H.S. Pepoon & E.G. Barrett 5101 1932-06-21
United States, Illinois, Putnam, Goose Pond.
Liana May 1189 2009-06-24
United States, Michigan, Leelanau, Sleeping Bear Dunes National lakeshore, Pyramid Point hiking trail, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore east side of Pyramid Point on Trail 0.25 mile from meadow. NAD83., 37.18172 -94.6495
Campanula aparinoides Pursh
Liana May 1219 2009-10-08
United States, Michigan, Leelanau, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Port Oneida area north on Basch Road, past Lake Michigan overlook, to unnamed trail, north on trail 0.5 mile into medow, wetland east of trail. NAD83., 38.09244 -97.59238
Liana May 1184 2009-09-19
United States, Michigan, Leelanau, Glen Arbor - Property of Paul May and Kristin Hurtin, west side of South Ray Street behind house and shop. NAD83., 38.9149 -47.3233
ILLS00140540 Denise Wilson
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, detailed locality information protected
Dactylorhiza viridis (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.S. Chase
ILLS00140716 Denise Wilson 1121 2009-08-20
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, Golden Gate Canyon State Park Damascus Road to the curve where it meets the Racoon Trail and Elk Trail. Along the northern most part of this trail, the plants are found in the aspen grove east of the trail and by the spring-fed stream next to the old cabin. NAD83., 42.86944 -97.48578
Platanthera huronensis (Nutt.) Lindl.
ILLS00143096 Denise Wilson 1123 2009-08-21
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, Golden Gate Canyon State Park Damascus Road to the curve where it meets the Racoon Trail and Elk Trail. Along the northern most part of this trail, plants are found in the aspen grove east of the trail and by the spring-fed stream next to the old cabin. NAD83., 39.85653 -105.35728
Platanthera aquilonis Sheviak
ILLS00143032 Denise Wilson and Stan Smookler 1124 2009-08-21
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Boulder Creek West Trailhead, south Boulder Creek West Trailhead- west of trailhead parking lot and south of the dirt road. NAD83., 39.7518 -105.2081
Platanthera stricta Lindl.
ILLS00143176 Denise Wilson 1120 2009-08-20
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, Golden Gate Canyon State Park, parking at southern most area of Aspen Meadows Campground, plants are along the streambed on the Snowshoe Hare trail down to Dude’s Fishing Hole. NAD83., 38.46642 -90.82097
Ranunculus macounii Britton
United States, Colorado, Gilpin, On the bank of Kriley Pond, Golden Gate Canyon State Park, Hwy 46, 0.25 mile west of the visitor’s center. NAD83., 39.8506 -105.3597
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius A. Gray
Denise Wilson 1266
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Florence Grunchy Meadow, 34316 Gap Road, Golden, Colorado, south side of spring, south of large rock, also at Deer Creek confluence on north side of stream. NAD83., 41.93564 -88.38792
Loy R. Phillippe, Connie J. Carroll-Cunningham, Grant Cunningham, M.J.C. Murphy, and Paul B. Marcum 39524 2007-05-07
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. South side of State Highway 73/US Highway 321. Along Noisy Creek. Just south of Highway 73/321. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.76085 -83.3346, 497m
Cystopteris bulbifera (L.) Bernh.
R.A. Evers 739 1941-08-13
United States, Illinois, Adams, Burton Creek.
H.S. Pepoon & E.G. Barrett 5288 1932-06-10
United States, Illinois, Richland, Fox River, near # 130.
Ambrosia bidentata Michx.
Jeff Hansen 1176 2009-09-18
United States, Kansas, Woodson, 190th and Hwy. 75. WGS84., 38.463 -90.819456
ILLS00139443 Jeff Hansen 1188 2009-09-24
United States, Kansas, Shawnee, MacClenan Park, 6th St. and Boat Ramp Road, Topeka. WGS84., 37.04511 -94.64167
Jeff Hansen 1139
United States, Kansas, Anderson, Road-side ditch of SW 1000 Road, road ditch on SW 1000 Road. WGS84., 38.18158 -91.20292
ILLS00076467 A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-02
United States, California, Fresno, Ca 6.0 miles south of Parkfield Junction & Route 198 on Parkfield grade. About 2 miles north of Iron Spring. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 727781mE, 2988387mN., 36.0152 -120.4725
ILLS00076340 A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-02
United States, California, Fresno, Ca 6.0 miles south of Parkfield Junction & Route 198 on Parkfield grade. About 2 miles north of Iron Spring. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 727781mE, 2988387mN., 36.0152 -120.4725
Calochortus venustus Bentham
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-02
United States, California, Fresno, Ca 6.0 miles south of Parkfield Junction & Route 198 on Parkfield grade. About 2 miles north of Iron Spring. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 727781mE, 2988387mN., 36.0152 -120.4725
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-02
United States, California, Fresno, Ca 7.4 miles south of Parkfield Junction on Route 198 on Parkfield grade. About 2 miles north of Iron Spring. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 727949E, 3986829mN., 36.0011 -120.4711
Castilleja exerta (A.A. Heller) Chuang & Heckard
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-02
United States, California, Fresno, Ca 7.4 miles south of Parkfield Junction on Route 198 on Parkfield grade. About 2 miles north of Iron Spring. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 727949E, 3986829mN., 36.0011 -120.4711
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-02
United States, California, Fresno, Ca 7.4 miles south of Parkfield Junction on Route 198 on Parkfield grade. About 2 miles north of Iron Spring. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 727949E, 3986829mN., 35.958817 -120.47494
Penstemon centranthifolius (Bentham) Bentham
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-02
United States, California, Fresno, Ca 7.4 miles south of Parkfield Junction on Route 198 on Parkfield grade. About 2 miles north of Iron Spring. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 727949E, 3986829mN., 36.0011 -120.4711
Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow
R.A. Evers 35494 1952-08-15
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Marsh border, east of Cordova.
Linanthus androsaceus subsp. luteolus (Bentham) E. Greene
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-02
United States, California, Fresno, Ca 7.4 miles south of Parkfield Junction on Route 198 on Parkfield grade. About 2 miles north of Iron Spring. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 727949E, 3986829mN., 36.0011 -120.471
Clarkia purpurea subsp. quadrivulnera (Curtis) Nelson & J.F. Macbride
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-01
United States, California, San Benito, Bear Valley. Ca 5 miles northwest of San Benito turn-off (Route 25). (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 662457mE, 4049009mN., 36.5745 -121.1843
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-01
United States, California, San Benito, Bear Valley. Ca 5 miles northwest of San Benito turn-off (Route 25). (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 662457mE, 4049009mN., 36.5745 -121.1843
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-01
United States, California, San Benito, Bear Valley. Ca 5 miles northwest of San Benito turn-off (Route 25). (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 662457mE, 4049009mN., 36.5745 -121.1843