INHS Collections Data

Search Criteria: U.S.A. OR USA OR United States OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1850, records 184901-185000 of 272199

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection

Galium obtusum Bigel.
Loy R. Phillippe   137441989-06-21
United States, Illinois, Woodford, North side of US Route 24 along railroad tracks. About 5 miles west of El Paso on US 24.

Paspalum laeve Michaux
Loy R. Phillippe & Tom Brooks   13800.11989-08-02
United States, Illinois, Monroe, North edge of Waterloo, Illinois.

Cornus drummondii C.A. Mey.
Loy R. Phillippe & Tom Brooks   13801.11989-08-02
United States, Illinois, Monroe, North edge of Waterloo, Illinois. West of farm pond.

Loy R. Phillippe   13806.11989-08-03
United States, Illinois, Monroe, About 2.4 mile directly northwest of junction in Waterloo of Illinois Route 3 and 156 and about 0.9 mile west of Route 3.

Galium circaezans Michaux
Loy R. Phillippe   13808.11989-08-03
United States, Illinois, Monroe, About 2.4 mile directly northwest of junction in Waterloo of Illinois Route 3 and 156 and about 0.9 mile west of Route 3.

Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br.
ILLS00140812R.A. Evers   1063391971-08-10
United States, Illinois, Pope, Along stream in Jackson Hollow, southwest of McCormick., 37.5 -88.7

Loy R. Phillippe   13809.11989-08-03
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Just north and west of Waterloo.

Persicaria bicornis (Raf.) Nieuwl.
Loy R. Phillippe & Marilyn Morris   13811.11989-08-15
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, West of Harding Ditch and across State Route 15 from Cahokia Downs.

Persicaria bicornis (Raf.) Nieuwl.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris, & Eric Ulaszek   13812.11989-08-23
United States, Illinois, Madison, Horseshoe Lake on Walkers Island.

Persicaria bicornis (Raf.) Nieuwl.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris, & Eric Ulaszek   13813.11989-08-23
United States, Illinois, Madison, Growing along edge of blacktop road and cultivated field.

Sagittaria latifolia Willdenow
Loy R. Phillippe   13814.11989-08-28
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Growing in Goose Canal just south of Curtis/Steinburg Road. Northeast of Bi-State Parks Airport.

Cuscuta gronovii Willdenow
Loy R. Phillippe   13815.11989-08-28
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, About 0.75 mile west of Goose Canal north of Curtis/Steinburg Road. Northeast of Bi-State Parks Airport.

Desmodium paniculatum (Linnaeus) DC.
Loy R. Phillippe   13816.11989-08-28
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, About 0.75 mile west of Goose Canal north of Curtis/Steinburg Road. Northeast of Bi-State Parks Airport.

Carex tribuloides var. samgamonensis Wahlenb.
Loy R. Phillippe   138011989-09-19
United States, Illinois, Scott, Borrow Area, Hillview Blacktop along Sandy Creek.

Bidens frondosa Linnaeus
Loy R. Phillippe   138021989-09-19
United States, Illinois, Scott, Borrow Area, Hillview Blacktop along Sandy Creek.

Panicum capillare Linnaeus
Loy R. Phillippe   138031989-09-19
United States, Illinois, Scott, Borrow Area, Hillview Blacktop along Sandy Creek.

Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br.
ILLS00140811R.A. Evers   176551949-06-16
United States, Illinois, Pope, At Belle Smith Springs., 37.518591 -88.667051

Solanum sarachoides Sendtner
Loy R. Phillippe   138041989-09-20
United States, Illinois, Morgan, About 2.5 mile southeast of Meredosia. East side of State Route 100 between Spring Run and Coon Run.

Physalis heterophylla Nees
Loy R. Phillippe   138051989-09-20
United States, Illinois, Morgan, About 2.5 mile southeast of Meredosia. East side of State Route 100 between Spring Run and Coon Run.

Paspalum fluitans (Ell.) Dunth
Loy R. Phillippe   138061989-09-26
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek about 10 feet east of creek channel and 80 feet south of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer
Loy R. Phillippe   138071989-09-26
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek about 10 feet east of creek channel and 10 feet south of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Bidens tripartita Linnaeus
Loy R. Phillippe   138081989-09-26
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek about 10 feet east of creek channel and 10 feet south of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Cuscuta glomerata Choisy
Loy R. Phillippe   138091989-09-26
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Phleum alpinum L.
Gloria Zager   s.n.1980-10-09
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka Lake., 40.705 -89.288

Gloria Zager   s.n.1980-10-09
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka Lake., 40.705 -89.288

ILLS00144909Gloria Zager   s.n.1980-10-09
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka Lake., 40.705 -89.288

Gloria Zager   s.n.1980-10-09
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka Lake., 40.705 -89.288

Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br.
ILLS00140810R.A. Evers   349671952-07-28
United States, Illinois, Pope, Jackson Hollow, southwest of McCormick., 37.5 -88.7

Mitt Greek   s.n.1980-09-00
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka College campus., 40.714 -89.268

Persicaria vulgaris Web.. & Moq.
Gloria Zager   s.n.1980-10-09
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka College campus., 40.714 -89.268

Tom Persech   s.n.1980-10-00
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka., 40.72 -89.28

Juniperus virginiana L.
Mitt Greek   s.n.1980-09-00
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Farm 2 miles N.E. of Eureka, 40.74 -89.27

Commelina communis L.
Mitt Greek   s.n.1980-10-00
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka College campus., 40.714 -89.268

Mitt Greek   51980-09-00
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka College campus., 40.714 -89.268

Liriodendron tulipfera L.
Michael Williams   s.n.1980-10-11
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka., 40.72 -89.28

Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauvois
Tom Persech   s.n.1980-10-00
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka., 40.72 -89.28

Liriodendron tulipfera L.
Regina Huff   s.n.1978-10-21
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka., 40.72 -89.28

Michael Williams   s.n.1978-10-12
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka., 40.72 -89.28

Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br.
ILLS00140809R.A. Evers   407391953-08-18
United States, Illinois, Pope, Jackson Hollow, southwest of McCormick., 37.5 -88.7

Tom Persich   s.n.1980-10-00
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka., 40.72 -89.28

Loy R. Phillippe   138201989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Muhlenbergia sylvatica Torrey
Loy R. Phillippe   138211989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Eupatorium serotinum Michaux
Loy R. Phillippe   138221989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Boltonia asteroides (Linnaeus) L'Her
Loy R. Phillippe   138231989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Loy R. Phillippe   138241989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Eleocharis obtusa (Willdenow) Schult.
Loy R. Phillippe   138251989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) BSP.
Loy R. Phillippe   138261989-09-26
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Persicaria punctata (Ell.) Small
Loy R. Phillippe   138281989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Persicaria pensylvanica (Linnaeus) Small
Loy R. Phillippe   138291989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br.
ILLS00140815R.A. Evers   558511958-04-03
United States, Illinois, Pope, Along Bay Creek, south of Belle Smith Springs., 37.261193 -88.512281

Chenopodium ambrosioides Linnaeaus
Loy R. Phillippe   138301989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Loy R. Phillippe   138311989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Fraxinus americana Linnaeus
Loy R. Phillippe   138321989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).

Cyperus filiculmis Vahl
Loy R. Phillippe   138331989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, About 1.5 mile southeast of Marissa. South of State Route 13 and 4 and west of Marissa Recreation Lake.

Lespedeza repens (Linnaeus) Bart.
Loy R. Phillippe   138341989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, About 1.5 mile southeast of Marissa. South of State Route 13 and 4 and west of Marissa Recreation Lake.

Scirpus cyperinus (Linnaeus) Kunth
Loy R. Phillippe   138351989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, About 1.5 mile southeast of Marissa. South of State Route 13 and 4 and west of Marissa Recreation Lake.

Paspalum floridanum Michaux
Loy R. Phillippe   138361989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, About 1.5 mile southeast of Marissa. South of State Route 13 and 4 at Marissa Recreation Lake.

Paspalum laeve Michaux
Loy R. Phillippe   138371989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, About 1.5 mile southeast of Marissa. South of State Route 13 and 4 at Marissa Recreation Lake.

Loy R. Phillippe   138511989-10-03
United States, Illinois, Lake, North of Campbell Airport.

Loy R. Phillippe   138521989-10-03
United States, Illinois, Lake, North of Campbell Airport.

Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br.
ILLS00140816R.A. Evers   594601958-10-15
United States, Illinois, Pope, Jackson Hollow, southwest of McCormick., 37.5 -88.7

Loy R. Phillippe   138591989-10-04
United States, Illinois, Lake, Campbell Airport.

Juncus nodosus Linnaeus
Loy R. Phillippe   138671989-10-04
United States, Illinois, Lake, Campbell Airport.

Loy R. Phillippe & Marilyn Morris   138821989-10-26
United States, Illinois, Hancock, Along US Route 136 about 6 mile east of Carthage, Illinois.

Sassafras albidum (Nuttall) Nees.
Loy R. Phillippe   139321990-04-19
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond. 0.5 mile east of Grantsburg and north of State Route 146.

Asplenium rhizophyllum Linnaeus
Loy R. Phillippe   139331990-04-21
United States, Illinois, Saline, Murray Bluff. About 4 mile east and 1 mile south of Stonefort, Illinois.

Polypodium virginianum Linnaeus
Loy R. Phillippe   139351990-04-21
United States, Illinois, Saline, Murray Bluff. About 4 mile east and 1 mile south of Stonefort, Illinois.

Athyrium filix-femina ssp. angustum (L.) Roth ex Mertens
Loy R. Phillippe & Eric Ulaszek   139931990-05-22
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area.

Galium mollugo L.
Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-06-02
United States, Illinois, Lee, Compton site.

Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhl. ex Willd.) Trin.
Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-06-02
United States, Illinois, Lee, S of int. of 251 & Merriman Rd. At waste site near Compton.

Carex lanuginosa Michx.
Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-06-10
United States, Illinois, Ford, Paxton RR Prairie.

Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br.
ILLS00140814R.A. Evers   720771962-03-28
United States, Illinois, Pope, Along Bear Creek, northeast of Eddyville., 37.316712 -88.675687

Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-06-10
United States, Illinois, Will, On DuPage River tributary.

Solidago patula Muhl. ex Willd.
Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-10-07
United States, Illinois, Kane, S of Boncosky Road.

Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Siebold
Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-10-08
United States, Illinois, Kane, Jelkes Creek N of Boncosky Rd.

Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-10-20
United States, Illinois, Kane, N. of Jelkes Creek. Estes’ land.

ILLS00150114Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-10-19
United States, Illinois, Kane, S. of R.R. E. of IL 25 W. of Stearns Rd.

Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-10-20
United States, Illinois, Kane, Estes land.

Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-10-19
United States, Illinois, Kane, Brewster Creek Fen.

Duchesnea indica (Andrews) Teschem.
Paul Tessene   s.n.1992-10-20
United States, Illinois, Kane, East of IL 31. Near ex-spring house.

Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Siebold
Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-10-20
United States, Illinois, Kane, Jelkes Creek. Near Fox Estes’ land

Rorippa islandica (Oeder ex Mrray) Borbas
Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-11-22
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, N. of west Panther Creek and west of IL 97.

Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br.
ILLS00140813R.A. Evers   748511962-07-18
United States, Illinois, Pope, Lusk Creek Canyon, northeast of Eddyville., 37.5062 -88.53683

Ilex decidua Walter
Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-12-07
United States, Illinois, White, Emma.

Paul Tessene   s.n.1993-12-07
United States, Illinois, White, Emma Rd.

Phyla lanceolata (Michx.) Greene
Paul Tessene, MAF, JK   s.n.2000-10-25
United States, Illinois, Kane, US 34, just west of Orchard Rd.

Paul Tessene, JK, MAF   s.n.2000-10-29
United States, Illinois, Lake, Lake Zurich

Paul Tessene   s.n.2000-10-12
United States, Illinois, Will, Savanna

ILLS00150115Paul Tessene   s.n.2000-10-17
United States, Illinois, Lake, Behind target store. Lake Zurich

Thymelaea passerina (L.) Coss. & Germ.
Paul Tessene   s.n.2000-10-17
United States, Illinois, Lake, Near Bakerite Factory, Lake Zurich

Paul Tessene, SW, AP   s.n.2000-10-17
United States, Illinois, Lake, West of US 12 south of IL 22. Lake Zurich

Paul Tessene   s.n.
United States, Illinois, Lake, Lake Zurich

Paul Tessene, SW, AP   s.n.2000-10-18
United States, Illinois, Lake, East of old Rand Rd. on RR. Lake Zurich.

Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br.
ILLS00140818Eric F. Ulaszek   8521984-08-26
United States, Illinois, Williamson, Pine plantation, Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge., 37.635207 -89.105569

Sporobolus asper (P. Beauv.) Kunth
Paul Tessene, SW, AP   s.n.2000-10-18
United States, Illinois, Lake, Lake Zurich. Trash Pr? along east of Old Rand Road.

Panicum miliaceum L.
Paul Tessene, SW, AP   s.n.2000-10-18
United States, Illinois, Lake, East of Old Rand Rd. Lake Zurich near Casper True Value.

Crataegus phaenopyrum (L.f.) Medik.
Paul Tessene, SW, AV   sn.2000-10-22
United States, Illinois, Lake, Nursery north of IL 22 west along Quentin Rd.

Paul Tessene, SM, AP   s.n.2000-10-18
United States, Illinois, Jersey, West of Kemper Dr. IL 22

Symphyotrichum praealtum (Poir.) G.L. Nesom
Paul Tessene   s.n.2000-09-26
United States, Illinois, Stephenson, Freeport bypass.

Paul Tessene, JM, DJK, JK   s.n.2000-09-26
United States, Illinois, Stephenson, Freeport bypass.

Page 1850, records 184901-185000 of 272199

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