INHS Collections Data

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Page 1858, records 185701-185800 of 272199

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection

Pityopsis graminifolia var. tenuifolia (Michx.) Nutt.
Mark A. Basinger & Robert N. Basinger   s.n.2016-10-23
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Roberts Road off of NC 211 north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland.

Mark A. Basinger & Robert N. Basinger   s.n.2016-10-23
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Little Sawmp Road off NC 211 north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland.

Paspalum laeve var. circulare Michx.
Mark A. Basinger & Robert N. Basinger   s.n.2016-10-23
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Roberts Road off of NC 211 just north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland.

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.
ILLS00140972R.A. Evers & C.J. Sheviak   1088791972-08-11
United States, Illinois, Lee, South of Amboy., 41.702923 -89.330423

Eupatorium scabridum Elliott
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-10-17
United States, Mississippi, Lee, along trail at Chickasaw Village Site (MP 262) on the Natchez Trace Parkway.

Agalinis purpurea (L.) Pennell
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-10-31
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, On Tram Road, approx. 1/2 mile N of Point Camp Branch Road, Juniper Creek Gameland, Green Swamp.

Cyperus strigosus L.
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-10-13
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Ohio River at Tower Rock Recreation Area off of IL 146 between Elizabethtown and Cave in Rock, Shawnee National Forest., 37.458851 -88.226943

Leptochloa panicoides (Presl.) Hitchcock
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-10-13
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Ohio River at Tower Rock Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, off of IL 146 between Elizabethtown and Cave in Rock., 37.458851 -88.226943

Mark A. Basinger & Linda B. Basinger   s.n.2016-08-03
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Along Roberts Road/Little Swamp Road off of NC 211 north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland.

Heliotropium europaeum L.
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-10-16
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Fort Defiance Park.

Acalypha deamii (Weatherby) Ahles
ILLS00126401Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-10-13
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Along Ohio River at Tower Rock Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, off of IL 146 between Elizabethtown and Cave in Rock., 37.6167 -89.5

Eurybia paludosa (Alton) G.L. Nesom
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-10-31
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, On Myrtle Head Road within 0.2 mile north of Exum intersection with Big Neck & Makatoka Roads, Green Swamp area.

Eryngium aquaticum var. ravenelii L.
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-10-31
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, On Myrtle Head Road within 0.2 mile north of Exum intersection with Big Neck & Makatoka Roads, Green Swamp area.

Mark A. Basinger & Linda B. Basinger   s.n.2016-08-03
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Roberts Road/Little Swamp Road (west of Tram Road) off of NC 211 north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland., 34.1814 -78.44549

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.
ILLS00140973Charles John Sheviak   338-a1970-06-27
United States, Illinois, McHenry, North of Crystal Lake., 42.263074 -88.306023

Verbena scabra Vahl
Mark A. Basinger & Linda B. Basinger   s.n.2016-08-03
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Along Roberts Road/Little Swamp Road off of NC 211, north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland., 34.1814 -78.44549

Centella erecta (L. f.) Fernald
Mark A. Basinger & Linda B. Basinger   s.n.2016-08-03
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Roberts Road/Little Swamp Road off of NC 211, north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland., 34.1814 -78.44549

Hypericum drummondii (Grev. & Hook.) & A. Gray
Mark A. Basinger & Linda B. Basinger   s.n.2016-08-03
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Roberts Road/Little Swamp Road off of NC 211, north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland.

Ilex glabra (L.) A. Gray
Mark A. Basinger & Linda B. Basinger   s.n.2016-08-03
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Roberts Road/Little Swamp Road off of NC 211, north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland., 34.1814 -78.44549

Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) BSP.
Mark A. Basinger & Linda B. Basinger   s.n.2016-08-03
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Roberts Road/Little Swamp Road off of NC 211, north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland., 34.1814 -78.44549

Mark A. Basinger & Linda B. Basinger   s.n.2016-08-03
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Roberts Road/Little Swamp Road off of NC 211, north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland., 34.1814 -78.44549

Mark A. Basinger & Linda B. Basinger   s.n.2016-08-03
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Roberts Road/Little Swamp Road west of NC 211, north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland., 34.1814 -78.44549

Setaria parviflora (Poiret) Kerguelen
Mark A. Basinger & Linda B. Basinger   s.n.2016-08-03
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, Roberts Road/Little Swamp Road west of NC 211, north of Brunswick County line, Juniper Creek Gameland., 34.1814 -78.44549

Hedysarum alpinum subsp. americanum L.
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-21
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Government Peak, on Hatcher Pass Road paralleling Little Susitna River, Hatcher Pass Public Day Use Area.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-21
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, on Gold Cord Road north of Hatcher Pass Road at Independence Mine State Historical Park.

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.
ILLS00140974Charles John Sheviak   401-a1971-09-25
United States, Illinois, Ogle, Castle Rock, south of Oregon., 41.967194 -89.386477

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-23
United States, Alaska, Anchorage Borough, Westchester Lake (South Addition) on Spenard Road that merges with Minnesota Drive in downtown Anchorage.

Arabis kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) Ledeb.
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-23
United States, Alaska, Anchorage Borough, McHugh Creek Day Use Area along AK 1, Seward Hwy, south of Anchorage.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-23
United States, Alaska, Anchorage Borough, McHugh Creek Day Use Area along AK 1, Seward Hwy, south of Anchorage.

Pedicularis verticillata L.
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Along Hatcher Pass Road downslope from the Hatcher Pass monument., 61.769722 -149.308889

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Along Hatcher Pass Road downslope from the Hatcher Pass monument., 61.769722 -149.308889

Claytonia sarmentosa C.A. Meyer
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Along Hatcher Pass Road downslope from the Hatcher Pass monument., 61.769722 -149.308889

Luzula piperi (Coville) M.E. Jones
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Along Hatcher Pass Road at first sharp curve within 0.2 mile where road goes from paved to gravel at Independence Mine.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Along Hatcher Pass Road downslope from the Hatcher Pass monument., 61.769722 -149.308889

Gentianella amarella subsp. acuta (L.) Borner
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Along Hatcher Pass Road downslope from the Hatcher Pass monument., 61.769722 -149.308889

Geum rossii (R. Brown) Seringe
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Along Hatcher Pass Road at first sharp curve within 0.2 mile from where the road changes from paved to gravel at Independence Mine.

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.
ILLS00140975R.A. Evers & C.J. Sheviak   1088651972-08-10
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Cold Spring marsh, north of East Peoria., 40.730701 -89.536839

Petasites hyperboreus Rydberg
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Along Hatcher Pass Road at first sharp curve within 0.2 mile from where the road changes from paved to gravel at Independence Mine.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Anchorage Borough, Lot (E 24th Avenue) off Lake Otis Parkway between Debarr Road & Northern Lights Boulevard in Anchorage (across from Davenport Fields).

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Reindeer Farm off of Old Glenn Hwy and Bouregard Loop Road, approx. 7 miles from Palmer.

Clarkia amoena (Lehm.) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbride
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-17
United States, Alaska, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Homer Bluff Scenic Overlook along AK 1, Sterling Hwy, at top of hill above Homer.

Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roemer & J.A. Schultes
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-23
United States, Alaska, Anchorage Borough, At south end of Potter Marsh along AK 1, Seward Hwy, south of Anchorage.

ILLS00135699Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Along Hatcher Pass Road at first sharp curve within 0.2 mile where the road goes from paved to gravel at Independence Mine., 61.792222 -149.293611

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.
ILLS00140979Charles John Sheviak   467-a1971-07-08
United States, Illinois, Will, Southeast of Braidwood., 41.253303 -88.197772

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.
ILLS00140978John B. Taft & M. DeMaurro   7161990-06-13
United States, Illinois, Will, Des Plaines River, Keepatau Forest Preserve., 41.53433 -88.082758

Hordeum pusillum Nutt.
Irene M. Cull   s.n.1978-07-19
United States, Wisconsin, Jefferson, Palmyra.

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.
ILLS00140985Galen Smith, Michael Jones & Donald McFall   s.n.1970-06-19
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, 100 feet east of Boy Scout entrance (west) to Rock Cut State Park., 42.352839 -88.990264

Krascheninnikovia lanata (Pursh) Guldenstaedt
C. T. Mason & R. W. Hoshaw   36911983-09-16
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Highway 186 north of Chiricahua National Monument turnoff.

Cystopteris protrusa (Weath.) Blasdell
R.A. Evers   17251947-04-22
United States, Illinois, De Witt, Along Salt Creek, 5 miles north of Weldon.

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.
ILLS00140989R.A. Evers   431071954-06-05
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Near Spring Bay., 40.824481 -89.522315

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.
ILLS00140988R.A. Evers   589571958-09-24
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Near Spring Bay., 40.824481 -89.522315

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.
ILLS00140987Virginius H. Chase   148881957-09-19
United States, Illinois, Woodford, South of Spring Bay., 40.824481 -89.522315

ILLS00141000George Vasey   3366
United States, Illinois, Kane, Elgin., 42.037249 -88.28119

ILLS00143001L.J. Stannard   s.n.1958-07-09
United States, Missouri, Unknown, At Pickle's Spring, near Weingarten., 37.80268 -90.312536

Melica nitens Nuttall
Irene M. Cull   s.n.1982-05-22
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Powerton.

Platanthera blephariglottis (Willd.) Lindl.
ILLS00143038I.M. Clakey   s.n.1900-00-00
United States, Illinois, Macon, Decatur., 39.840315 -88.9548

Platanthera blephariglottis var. conspicua (Willd.) Lindl.
ILLS00143039Rev. R. Brinker   4691941-08-18
United States, Florida, 3 miles north of Pensacola., 30.464859 -87.216915

Platanthera ciliaris (Linnaeus) Lindl.
ILLS00143040L.J. Stannard   
United States, Illinois, Cook, detailed locality information protected

Cystopteris protrusa (Weath.) Blasdell
R.A. Evers   649551960-06-22
United States, Illinois, Douglas, North of Camargo.

ILLS00143018John R. Bozeman, Nick L. Pense & Barry L. King   
United States, North Carolina, Macon, detailed locality information protected

Platanthera clavellata (Michaux) Luer
ILLS00143043R.A. Evers   
United States, Illinois, Pope, detailed locality information protected

Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindl. ex Beck
ILLS00140938   s.n.1886-06-02
United States, Illinois, Carroll, Thomson Marsh., 41.958916 -90.099292

Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx.
Irene M. Cull   s.n.1982-09-08
United States, Illinois, Peoria, Pottstown.

Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindl. ex Beck
ILLS00143061J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht   17-821982-07-28
United States, Montana, Unknown, Road No. 8 from Camas Creek to Fisk Creek Campground, Glacier National Park., 48.63333 -113.75028

Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindl. ex Beck
ILLS00143063J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht   7-821982-07-28
United States, Montana, Unknown, By Camas Creek, Glacier National Park., 48.7333 -113.9

Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindl. ex Beck
J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht   s.n.1980-08-05
United States, New Hampshire, Unknown, Jefferson Knotch, White Mountain National Forest., 44.296731 -71.353688

Paspalum dilatatum Poir.
Trent & Robert Mohlenbrock   Ill-661982-09-30
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Waste ground, campus of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Cystopteris protrusa (Weath.) Blasdell
R.A. Evers   20051947-05-10
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Along Embarras River, southwst of Camargo.

Phalaris arundinacea Linnaeus
Irene M. Cull   s.n.1978-07-05
United States, Illinois, Peoria, Alta.

Platanthera flava flava (Linnaeus) Lindley
ILLS00143073R.A. Evers   1135091974-08-06
United States, Illinois, Johnson, West of Vienna., 37.413967 -88.940416

Platanthera flava flava (Linnaeus) Lindley
ILLS00143072Charles John Sheviak   4081971-08-02
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Heron Pond Nature Preserve, 3 miles southwest of Vienna., 37.384563 -88.936572

Platanthera flava var. herbiola (Linnaeus) Lindley
ILLS00143075Charles John Sheviak   538-a1972-07-02
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, East end of Iroquois County Conservation Area, northeast of Beaverville., 40.987788 -87.543928

Psilotum complanatum Swartz
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-14
United States, Hawaii, Puna Forest Reserve, off of HI 130, Pahoa-Kalapana Road.

Toona ciliata var. australis M. Roem.
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-14
United States, Hawaii, Stainback Highway off of HI 11, Hawaii Belt Road, south of Hilo, Waiakea Forest Reserve.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-09
United States, Hawaii, HI 137 between Kaimu and Kehena.

ILLS00138507Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-12
United States, Hawaii, Kaalaiki Road near dry gulch drainage area 0.5-1 mile north of Naalehu off of HI 11, Hawaii Belt Road., 19.064539 -155.5833

Asclepias physocarpa (E. Meyer) Schlechter
ILLS00145060Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-12
United States, Hawaii, Kaalaiki Road 1-2 miles north-northeast of Naalehu off of HI 11, Hawaii Belt Road., 19.207671 -155.468728

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-12
United States, Hawaii, Kaalaiki Road 0.5-1 mile north of Naalehu off of HI 11, Hawaii Belt Road.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-14
United States, Hawaii, Upper Puna Road, Puna Forest Reserve, off of HI 130, Pahoa-Kalapana Road.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-14
United States, Hawaii, Upper Puna Road, Puna Forest Reserve, off of HI 130, Pahoa-Kalapana Road.

Platanthera flava var. herbiola (Linnaeus) Lindley
ILLS00143079L.M. Umbach   37431909-07-03
United States, Illinois, Lake, Vicinity of Beach (Dunes Park), on Lake Michigan, north of Chicago., 42.119523 -87.737943

Xyris complanata R. Brown
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-14
United States, Hawaii, Stainback Highway near intersection with Kulani Road, off of HI 11, Hawaii Belt Road.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-04
United States, Hawaii, On Saddle Road, HI 200, Hilo Forest Reserve, between mile markers 9 and 16.

Gahnia gahniiformis (Gaudichaud) A. Heller
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-04
United States, Hawaii, On Saddle Road, HI 200, Hilo Forest Reserve, between mile markers 9 and 16.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-04
United States, Hawaii, On Saddle Road, HI 200, Hilo Forest Reserve, between mile markers 9 and 16.

Plantago major L.
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-04
United States, Hawaii, On Saddle Road, HI 200, Hilo Forest Reserve, between mile markers 9 and 16.

Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis (L.) R. Brown
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-15
United States, Hawaii, At Lehia Beach Park at end of Kalanianaole Street in Hilo.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-06
United States, Hawaii, Growing at pullover to access Waiale Falls on the Wailua River along Piihonua Road in Hilo.

Arthrostemma ciliatum Pavon ex D. Don
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-06
United States, Hawaii, Stainback Highway south of Hilo off of HI 11, Hawaii Belt Road.

Ardisia elliptica Thunberg
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-06
United States, Hawaii, At upper overlook of Rainbow Falls off Waianuenue Avenue and Rainbow Drive in Hilo.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-06
United States, Hawaii, Stainback Highway south of Hilo off of HI 11, Hawaii Belt Road, Waiakea Forest Reserve.

Irene M. Cull   s.n.1980-06-17
United States, Illinois, Peoria, Peoria.

ILLS00143197Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-09
United States, Hawaii, Upper Puna Road, Puna Forest Reserve, off of HI 130, Pahoa-Kalapana Road., 19.4333 -155.0333

Schizostachyum glaucifolium (Rupr) Munro
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-09
United States, Hawaii, Upper Puna Road, Puna Forest Reserve, off of HI 130, Pahoa-Kalapana Road.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-09
United States, Hawaii, Upper Puna Road, in Puna Forest Reserve, off of HI 130, Pahoa-Kalapana Road.

Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora (Lemoine ex E. Morren) N.E. Brown
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-04
United States, Hawaii, On Saddle Road, HI 200, Hilo Forest Reserve, between mile markers 9 and 16.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-04
United States, Hawaii, On Saddle Road, HI 200, Hilo Forest Reserve, between mile markers 9 and 16.

Styphelia tameiameiae (Chamisso & Schlechtendahl) F.v. Mueller
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-04
United States, Hawaii, On Saddle Road, HI 200, Hilo Forest Reserve, between mile markers 9 and 16.

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-04
United States, Hawaii, On Saddle Road, HI 200, Hilo Forest Reserve, between mile markers 9 and 16.

Paspalum urvillei Steudel
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-04
United States, Hawaii, On Saddle Road, HI 200, Hilo Forest Reserve, between mile markers 9 and 16.

Page 1858, records 185701-185800 of 272199

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