INHS Collections Data

Search Criteria: U.S.A. OR USA OR United States OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 967, records 96601-96700 of 272199

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection

ILLS00065794Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   195931991-10-02
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve. Windfall Prairie Seep. West-facing bank of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

ILLS00065952Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   195941991-10-02
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve. Windfall Prairie Seep. West-facing bank of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

ILLS00066021Loy R. Phillippe & Ed Lisowski   195451991-09-11
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00066020Loy R. Phillippe   196491991-10-09
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00066019Loy R. Phillippe   196681991-10-09
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00066127Loy R. Phillippe & David Clark   207241992-09-11
United States, Illinois, Greene, Bland Hill Prairie, 3.9 mile north of Eldred. Kampsville 7.5 minute topo.

ILLS00066223Loy R. Phillippe   193871991-08-08
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx.
H. S. Pepoon & T. Dale Foster   12481931-09-11
United States, Illinois, Union, East of Alto Pass.

ILLS00066222Loy R. Phillippe & Ed Lisowski   195441991-09-11
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00066224Loy R. Phillippe   135301988-08-09
United States, Illinois, Union, Pine Hills, 200 yards from path to Government Rock. Wolf Lake 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00066273Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   196031991-10-02
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve. Windfall Prairie Seep. West-facing bank of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

ILLS00066418Loy R. Phillippe   138601989-10-04
United States, Illinois, Lake, Campbell Airport .

ILLS00066582Loy R. Phillippe   136541988-10-10
United States, Illinois, Pope, Shetlerville 7.5 minute topographic map., 37.460173 -88.423793

Loy R. Phillippe   136541988-10-10
United States, Illinois, Pope, Shetlerville 7.5 minute topographic map., 37.460173 -88.423793

ILLS00067036Loy R. Phillippe & Marilyn Morris   138691989-10-25
United States, Illinois, Hancock, Illinois Route 136, west of East Fork La Moine River.

ILLS00067249Loy R. Phillippe   195071991-09-10
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00067251Loy R. Phillippe   135311988-08-09
United States, Illinois, Union, McGee Hill. Wolf Lake 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00067250Loy R. Phillippe   136671988-10-10
United States, Illinois, Union, Government Rock, Pine Hills.

ILLS00076423Loy R. Phillippe   394482007-05-02
United States, Illinois, Will, Sand Ridge Savanna Nature Preserve. 2.7 miles east of Braidwood (junction of Route 53 & 113) along Route 113. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. In the Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division., 41.26052 -88.16376, 175m

Asplenium platyneuron (L.) B.S.P.
R.A. Evers   577381958-07-08
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, The Pounds, south of Gibsonia.

Panicum lanuginosum var. fasciculatum Ell.
Robert A. Evers   341841952-06-24
United States, Illinois, Franklin, North of Thompsonville.

Taraxacum officinale Weber
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   198441992-04-27
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Horseshoe Bottom Nature Preserve. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Loy R. Phillippe, Larry Stritch, Todd Fink, and Steve Widowski   143221990-08-31
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Research Natural Area; Shawnee National Forest. 0.25 mile east of Grantsburg on Route 146.

Loy R. Phillippe   195251991-09-10
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Loy R. Phillippe, R. Smith, E. Ulaszek & K. Nash   190671991-06-05
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Loy R. Phillippe   135141988-07-28
United States, Illinois, Lake, West side of Illinois 83, 800 to 1000 feet north of Westmoreland Drive.

Vernonia gigantea (Walt.) Trel.
Loy R. Phillippe, Larry Stritch, Todd Fink, and Steve Widowski   143301990-08-31
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Research Natural Area; Shawnee National Forest. 0.25 mile east of Grantsburg on Route 146.

Loy R. Phillippe   193701991-08-07
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Loy R. Phillippe   193711991-08-07
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Xanthium strumarium L.
Loy R. Phillippe   211491992-10-15
United States, Illinois, Lawrence, 1.6 mile north of Lawrenceville along Route 1, west side of Route 1. Birds 7.5 minute topo.

Krigia biflora (Walt.) Blake
Loy R. Phillippe   198921992-04-29
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topo.

Panicum lanuginosum var. fasciculatum Ell.
Robert A. Evers   701391961-08-04
United States, Illinois, Fulton, 4 miles southeast of Leesburg.

Krigia biflora (Walt.) Blake
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   189781991-05-29
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Orchid Hill Seep. 0.35 mile north of Power Plant and west side of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. 1.5 mile east of Newtown School. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Krigia dandelion (L.) Nutt.
Loy R. Phillippe   198951992-04-29
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topo.

Lactuca canadensis L.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   191531991-06-19
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve; Windfall Prairie Seep. Danville 7.5 minute topo. map.

Lactuca floridana (L.) Gaertn.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   193971991-07-17
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve; Windfall Prairie Seep. Danville 7.5 minute topo. map.

Liatris pycnostachya Michx.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   192651991-07-17
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve; Windfall Prairie Seep. Danville 7.5 minute topo. map.

Loy R. Phillippe & Eric Ulaszek   144361990-09-26
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Research Natural Area, Shawnee National Forest. Glendale 7.5 minute topo.

Loy R. Phillippe   196371991-10-08
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Rudbeckia laciniata L.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   194121991-07-17
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve; Windfall Prairie Seep. Danville 7.5 minute topo. map.

Rudbeckia triloba L.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   192541991-07-17
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Uncharted Hill Seep. 0.55 mile southeast of Illinois Power Plant, west side of and above the West Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Rudbeckia triloba L.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   194281991-08-14
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Uncharted Hill Seep. 0.55 mile southeast of Illinois Power Plant, west side of and above the West Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Panicum lanuginosum var. fasciculatum Ell.
Robert A. Evers   575001958-06-27
United States, Illinois, Fulton, Northeast of Summum.

Senecio aureus L.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   186171991-05-03
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Orchid Hill Seep. 0.35 mile north of Power Plant and west side of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. 1.5 mile east of Newtown School. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Senecio aureus L.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   186361991-05-03
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve. Windfall Prairie Seep. West-facing bank of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Silphium integrifolium Michx.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   192641991-07-17
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve; Windfall Prairie Seep. Danville 7.5 minute topo. map.

Silphium terebinthinaceum Jacq.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   194221991-07-17
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve; Windfall Prairie Seep. Danville 7.5 minute topo. map.

ILLS00063917Loy R. Phillippe   196301991-10-08
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00064412Loy R. Phillippe   196341991-10-08
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00065022Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   194331991-08-14
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Uncharted Hill Seep. 0.55 mile southeast of Illinois Power Plant, west side of and above the West Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

ILLS00065774Loy R. Phillippe   196291991-10-08
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Taraxacum officinale Weber
Loy R. Phillippe & Jeff Olson   197961992-04-08
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topo.

Taraxacum officinale Weber
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris, Scott Simon & Bob Szafoni   186031991-05-03
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Uncharted Hill Seep. 0.55 mile southeast of Illinois Power Plant, west side of and above the West Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx.
Robert A. Evers   779261963-10-01
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, East of Potomac.

Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   191391991-06-19
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve; Windfall Prairie Seep. Danville 7.5 minute topo. map.

Xanthium strumarium var. canadense L.
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   194031991-07-17
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve; Windfall Prairie Seep. Danville 7.5 minute topo. map.

Lindheimera texana Gray & Engelm.
Eric F. Ulaszek   16051992-05-26
United States, Texas, Grayson, Sneed Environmental Center (Austin College); 8 mi W of Sherman

Rudbeckia maxima Nutt.
Eric F. Ulaszek   16111992-05-27
United States, Texas, Hunt, approx. 5 mi N of Greenville, along US 69

Senecio multilobatus Torr. & Gray ex Gray
Eric F. Ulaszek   17341981-05-20
United States, New Mexico, Cibola, Malpais, near Bandera Volcano; along NM 53

Senecio multilobatus Torr. & Gray ex Gray
Eric F. Ulaszek   17541981-05-23
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Oak Creek Canyon, N of Sedona, 34.9139 -111.717275

Senecio neomexicanus Gray
Eric F. Ulaszek   18111981-05-31
United States, Arizona, Pima, Santa Catalina Mts, Coronado Nat'l Forest, Rose Canyon Campground

Silphium gracile Gray
Eric F. Ulaszek   16101992-05-27
United States, Texas, Hunt, approx. 5 mi N of Greenville, along US 69

Hieracium longipilum Torr.
Loy R. Phillippe   135541988-08-17
United States, Illinois, Mason, Long Branch Sand Prairie, Topo. Kilbourne. Located just west of the Mid State Dragway and about 2.5+ mile east of the Illinois River.

Liatris aspera Michx.
Loy R. Phillippe   136031988-09-30
United States, Illinois, Mason, Long Branch Sand Prairie, Topo. Kilbourne. Located just west of the Mid State Dragway and about 2.5+ mile east of the Illinois River.

Panicum lanuginosum var. fasciculatum Ell.
Robert A. Evers   407151953-08-12
United States, Illinois, Fulton, East of Seville.

ILLS00066738Loy R. Phillippe   136281988-09-30
United States, Illinois, Mason, Long Branch Sand Prairie, Topo. Kilbourne. Located just west of the Mid State Dragway and about 2.5+ mile east of the Illinois River.

ILLS00064063Loy R. Phillippe   136451988-09-30
United States, Illinois, Mason, Long Branch Sand Prairie, Topo. Kilbourne. Located just west of the Mid State Dragway and about 2.5+ mile east of the Illinois River.

Don Gardner   s.n.1990-05-26
United States, Illinois, Ford, Mona Township.

Krigia biflora (Walt.) Blake
Loy R. Phillippe & Eric Ulaszek   140051990-05-22
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area.

Krigia dandelion (L.) Nutt.
Loy R. Phillippe   131221988-05-10
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Cove Hollow west of Cedar Lake. Pomona 7.5 minute USGS Topographic map.

Krigia virginica (L.) Willd.
Loy R. Phillippe   131401988-05-14
United States, Illinois, Mason, Long Branch Sand Prairie, just west of Mid State Dragway and about 2.5+ mile east of Illinois River. Kilbourne 7.5 minute topo.

Liatris scabra (Greene) K. Schum.
Raymond Smith   14741989-10-11
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Shawnee National Forest, Northwest Sale Area # 18.

Packera glabella (Poiret) C. Jeffrey
Loy R. Phillippe   138981990-04-19
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond; 0.5 mile east of Grantsburg and north of State Route 146; Glendale 7.5 minute topographic map.

Packera glabella (Poiret) C. Jeffrey
Loy R. Phillippe   139491990-05-22
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area. Glendale 7.5 minute topographic map.

Senecio plattensis Nutt.
Loy R. Phillippe   131561988-05-14
United States, Illinois, Mason, Long Branch Sand Prairie, just west of Mid State Dragway and about 2.5+ mile east of Illinois River. Kilbourne 7.5 minute topo.

Panicum lanuginosum var. fasciculatum Ell.
Robert A. Evers   170231949-06-02
United States, Illinois, Fulton, Northeast of Banner.

Taraxacum officinale Weber
Loy R. Phillippe   130741988-04-22
United States, Illinois, Mason, Long Branch Sand Prairie, just west of Mid State Dragway and about 2.5+ mile east of Illinois River. Kilbourne 7.5 minute topo.

Tragopogon dubius Scop.
Loy R. Phillippe   131391988-05-14
United States, Illinois, Mason, Long Branch Sand Prairie, just west of Mid State Dragway and about 2.5+ mile east of Illinois River. Kilbourne 7.5 minute topo.

J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht   85-811981-08-04
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, 8 miles east of Monks Corner, along South Carolina Route 17, Francis Marion National Forest.

Iva annua Linnaeus
Kevin Winship   12991989-09-03
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Section 8 Woods Nature Preserve, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area. Voucher from Master of Science Thesis (SIU). Cypress 7.5 minute topographic map.

Krigia cespitosa (Raf.) Chambers
Kevin B. Winship   2791988-05-16
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Northwest of Karnak, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area, Voucher for Master of Science Thesis (SIU).

Krigia cespitosa (Raf.) Chambers
Kevin B. Winship   3311988-05-29
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Northwest of Karnak, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area, Voucher for Master of Science Thesis (SIU).

Lactuca floridana (L.) Gaertn.
Kevin Winship   9261988-09-18
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area. Voucher from Master of Science Thesis (SIU).

Lactuca serriola L.
Kevin Winship   12501989-08-27
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area. Voucher from Master of Science Thesis (SIU).

Lactuca serriola L.
Kevin B. Winship   5431988-07-02
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Northwest of Karnak, Karnak 7.5 minute topo, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area, Voucher for Master of Science Thesis (SIU).

Kevin B. Winship   5471988-07-09
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Northwest of Karnak, Karnak 7.5 minute topo, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area, Voucher for Master of Science Thesis (SIU).

Panicum lanuginosum var. fasciculatum Ell.
Robert A. Evers   654451960-07-08
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, High Knob, south of Kedron.

Packera glabella (Poiret) C. Jeffrey
Kevin B. Winship   3071988-05-20
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Northwest of Karnak, Karnak 7.5 minute topo. portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area, Voucher for Master of Science Thesis (SIU).

ILLS00063906Kevin Winship   13571989-09-25
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Section 8 Woods Nature Preserve, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area.

ILLS00065708Kevin Winship   13621989-09-25
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Section 8 Woods Nature Preserve, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area. Voucher from Master of Science Thesis (SIU). Cypress 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00066588Kevin Winship   956-A1988-09-30
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Section 8 Woods Nature Preserve, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area. Voucher from Master of Science Thesis (SIU). Cypress 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00066589Kevin Winship   956-B1988-09-30
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Section 8 Woods Nature Preserve, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area. Voucher from Master of Science Thesis (SIU). Cypress 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00066587Kevin Winship   13061989-09-12
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area. Voucher from Master of Science Thesis (SIU).

ILLS00066586Kevin Winship   13601989-09-25
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Section 8 Woods Nature Preserve, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area. Voucher from Master of Science Thesis (SIU). Cypress 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00066585Kevin Winship   13611989-09-25
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Section 8 Woods Nature Preserve, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area. Voucher from Master of Science Thesis (SIU). Cypress 7.5 minute topographic map.

Sonchus asper (L.) Hill
Kevin B. Winship   5401988-07-02
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Northwest of Karnak, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area, Voucher for Master of Science Thesis (SIU).

Kevin Winship   6331988-07-24
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Section 8 Woods Nature Preserve, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area.

Panicum lanuginosum var. fasciculatum Ell.
Robert A. Evers   527211956-10-16
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, On Gold Hill, south of New Shawneetown.

Vernonia gigantea (Walt.) Trel.
Kevin Winship   6341988-07-24
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Section 8 Woods Nature Preserve, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area. Voucher from Master of Science Thesis (SIU). Cypress 7.5 minute topographic map.

Mark A. Basinger   67361993-09-06
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Roadside of Illinois Route 127 just north of Unity.

Page 967, records 96601-96700 of 272199

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