INHS Collections Data

Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 686, records 68501-68600 of 75998

Illinois Natural History Survey - Mollusk Collection

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88710Jeremy S. Tiemann & Joshua L. Sherwood   2015-06-23
United States, Illinois, Boone, trib. South Branch Kishwaukee River, 3.9 mi WSW Belvidere, I-90 bridge, mile 20.25, North America, 42.23502 -88.90977

88711Jeremy S. Tiemann & Joshua L. Sherwood   2015-06-23
United States, Illinois, Boone, trib. South Branch Kishwaukee River, 3.9 mi WSW Belvidere, I-90 bridge, mile 20.25, North America, 42.23502 -88.90977

Ladislavella elodes (Say, 1821)
88712Jeremy S. Tiemann & Joshua L. Sherwood   2015-06-23
United States, Illinois, Boone, trib. South Branch Kishwaukee River, 3.9 mi WSW Belvidere, I-90 bridge, mile 20.25, North America, 42.23502 -88.90977

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88713Jeremy S. Tiemann & Christopher A. Taylor   2007-05-23
United States, Illinois, Kane, Big Rock Creek, 1.5 mi SSE Big Rock, North America, 41.743 -88.5385

88714Jeremy S. Tiemann & Christopher A. Taylor   2007-05-23
United States, Illinois, Kane, Big Rock Creek, 1.5 mi SSE Big Rock, North America, 41.743 -88.5385

88715Jeremy S. Tiemann & Christopher A. Taylor   2007-05-23
United States, Illinois, Kane, Big Rock Creek, 1.5 mi SSE Big Rock, North America, 41.743 -88.5385

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88716Robert E. DeWalt   2004-05-13
United States, Illinois, Kane, Blackberry Creek, 9 km S Elburn, Finley Road, North America, 41.8135 -88.4739

Helisoma anceps (Menke, 1830)
88717Robert E. DeWalt   2004-05-13
United States, Illinois, Kane, Blackberry Creek, 9 km S Elburn, Finley Road, North America, 41.8135 -88.4739

88718Robert E. DeWalt   2004-05-13
United States, Illinois, Kane, Blackberry Creek, 9 km S Elburn, Finley Road, North America, 41.8135 -88.4739

88719Ron Riesbeck   2009-05-15
United States, Illinois, Lake, Deep Lake, 0.8 mi NNE Lake Villa, North America, 42.42669 -88.0652

Megalonaias nervosa (Rafinesque, 1820)
8872Max R. Matteson, et al.   1960-08-29
United States, Illinois, Christian, South Fork Sangamon River, 2 mi W Edinburg, North America, 39.65477 -89.43395

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88720Barbara J. Kasprowicz & Mark J. Wetzel   1988-06-10
United States, Illinois, Kane, Ferson Creek, below Lake Campton spillway, North America, 41.95287 -88.40875

88721Barbara J. Kasprowicz & Mark J. Wetzel   1988-06-10
United States, Illinois, Kane, Ferson Creek, below Lake Campton spillway, North America, 41.95287 -88.40875

Helisoma anceps (Menke, 1830)
88722Barbara J. Kasprowicz & Mark J. Wetzel   1988-06-10
United States, Illinois, Kane, Ferson Creek, below Lake Campton spillway, North America, 41.95287 -88.40875

88723Eric Belt & Andrew Velez   2015-06-25
United States, Kansas, Sedgwick, trib. Arkansas River, McConnell Airforce Base, North America, 37.613881 -97.259066

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
88724Eric Belt & Andrew Velez   2015-06-25
United States, Kansas, Sedgwick, trib. Arkansas River, McConnell Airforce Base, North America, 37.613881 -97.259066

Cyclonaias nodulata (Rafinesque, 1820)
88725Emily Grossman, Nathan Badgett, D. Ford, R. Williams, J. Gottman & B. Dunn   2016-07-00
United States, Iowa, Scott, Mississippi River, 4.4 mi ENE Bettendorf, near Eagles Landing Park, North America, 41.55042 -90.43853

88726Emily Grossman, Nathan Badgett, D. Ford, R. Williams, J. Gottman & B. Dunn   2016-07-00
United States, Iowa, Scott, Mississippi River, 4.4 mi ENE Bettendorf, near Eagles Landing Park, North America, 41.55042 -90.43853

Lampsilis teres (Rafinesque, 1820)
88727Eric Belt, K. Cranney, B. Dunn, J. McCarthy & J. Gottman   2016-10-00
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Mississippi River, near Rosebrook Island, river mile 593- 595, North America, 42.66966 -90.86246

Cyclonaias nodulata (Rafinesque, 1820)
88728Eric Belt, K. Cranney, B. Dunn, J. McCarthy & J. Gottman   2016-10-00
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Mississippi River, near Rosebrook Island, river mile 593- 595, North America, 42.66966 -90.86246

Quadrula quadrula (Rafinesque, 1820)
88729R. Foley, D. Ford, K. Cranney, C. Clark & J. McCarthy   2016-07-00
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Mississippi River, Moline Pool, I-74 bridge, North America, 41.51771 -90.513041

Potamilus ohiensis (Rafinesque, 1820)
8873Max R. Matteson, et al.   1960-08-29
United States, Illinois, Christian, South Fork Sangamon River, 2 mi W Edinburg, North America, 39.65477 -89.43395

Amblema plicata (Say, 1817)
88730Nathan Badgett, Kendall Cranney, Ben Dunn, Jake McCarthy & Jeremy Gottman   2016-07-00
United States, Illinois, Adams, Mississippi River, Quincy, river mile 326.5, North America, 39.929732 -91.417032

United States, Iowa, Allamakee, detailed locality information protected

Obovaria olivaria (Rafinesque, 1820)
88732Emily Grossman, Nathan Badgett, R. Williams, J. Gottman & B. Dunn   2016-07-00
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Mississippi River, 1 mi NNE Hampton, Illiniwek Forest Preserve, river mile 492.5, North America, 41.56631 -90.40163

Potamilus ohiensis (Rafinesque, 1820)
88733R. Foley, Heidi Dunn, K. Cranney & J. Gottman   2016-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Mississippi River, Pine Bend near Flint Hills Resources refinery, North America, 44.77516 -93.017785

Fusconaia flava (Rafinesque, 1820)
88734R. Foley, Nathan Badgett, C. Clark, J. Brewer & A. Sprake   2016-11-00
United States, Illinois, Clinton, Mississippi River, Beaver Slough, ADM Corn processing facility, North America, 41.823427 -90.201032

Elimia livescens (Menke, 1830)
88735Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Copper Slough, 2.9 mi SE Bondville, S of Robert C. Porter Park, upstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.08432 -88.33107

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88736Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Copper Slough, 2.9 mi SE Bondville, S of Robert C. Porter Park, upstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.08432 -88.33107

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
88737Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Copper Slough, 2.9 mi SE Bondville, S of Robert C. Porter Park, upstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.08432 -88.33107

Pisidium Pfeiffer, 1821
88738Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Copper Slough, 2.9 mi SE Bondville, S of Robert C. Porter Park, upstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.08432 -88.33107

Elimia livescens (Menke, 1830)
88739Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Copper Slough, 2.8 mi SE Bondville, S of Robert C. Porter Park, downstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.08431 -88.33218

8874Max R. Matteson, et al.   1960-08-29
United States, Illinois, Christian, South Fork Sangamon River, 2 mi W Edinburg, North America, 39.65477 -89.43395

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88740Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Copper Slough, 2.8 mi SE Bondville, S of Robert C. Porter Park, downstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.08431 -88.33218

Sphaerium Scopoli, 1777
88741Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Copper Slough, 2.8 mi SE Bondville, S of Robert C. Porter Park, downstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.08431 -88.33218

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
88742Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Copper Slough, 2.8 mi SE Bondville, S of Robert C. Porter Park, downstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.08431 -88.33218

Galba obrussa (Say, 1825)
88743Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, upstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.78628 -88.27263

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88744Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, upstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.78628 -88.27263

88745Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, upstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.78628 -88.27263

Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817)
88746Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, upstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.78628 -88.27263

88747Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, upstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.78628 -88.27263

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
88748Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, upstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.78628 -88.27263

Pisidium Pfeiffer, 1821
88749Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, upstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.78628 -88.27263

Quadrula quadrula (Rafinesque, 1820)
8875Max R. Matteson, et al.   1960-08-29
United States, Illinois, Christian, South Fork Sangamon River, 2 mi W Edinburg, North America, 39.65477 -89.43395

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
88750Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, upstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.78628 -88.27263

Unidentified Pilsbry, 1900 (1879)
88751Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, upstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.78628 -88.27263

Leaunio lienosus (Conrad, 1834)
88752Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, upstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.78628 -88.27263

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88753Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, downstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.786 -88.27238

88754Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, downstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.786 -88.27238

Pisidium Pfeiffer, 1821
88755Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, downstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.786 -88.27238

Sphaerium striatinum (Lamarck, 1818)
88756Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, downstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.786 -88.27238

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
88757Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, downstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.786 -88.27238

Lasmigona complanata (Barnes, 1823)
88758Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Scattering Fork, Tuscola, near Wimple Park, downstream of Tuscola sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.786 -88.27238

Pisidium Pfeiffer, 1821
88759Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Saline Branch Drainage Ditch, 1.1 mi NE Urbana, near Ambucs Park, downstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.12005 -88.19086

Tritogonia verrucosa (Rafinesque, 1820)
8876Max R. Matteson, et al.   1960-08-29
United States, Illinois, Christian, South Fork Sangamon River, 2 mi W Edinburg, North America, 39.65477 -89.43395

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
88760Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Saline Branch Drainage Ditch, 1.1 mi NE Urbana, near Ambucs Park, downstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.12005 -88.19086

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88761Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Saline Branch Drainage Ditch, 1.1 mi NE Urbana, near Ambucs Park, downstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.12005 -88.19086

Galba Schrank, 1803
88762Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Saline Branch Drainage Ditch, 1.1 mi NE Urbana, near Ambucs Park, downstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.12005 -88.19086

88763Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Saline Branch Drainage Ditch, 1.1 mi NE Urbana, near Ambucs Park, downstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.12005 -88.19086

88764Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Saline Branch Drainage Ditch, 1 mi NE Urbana, near Ambucs Park, upstream Champaign- Urbana sewage treatment plant, North America, 40.12001 -88.19195

Galba obrussa (Say, 1825)
88765Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Upper Salt Fork Drainage Ditch, Rantoul, upstream Rantoul sewage treatment plant outfall, North America, 40.31474 -88.12184

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88766Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Upper Salt Fork Drainage Ditch, Rantoul, upstream Rantoul sewage treatment plant outfall, North America, 40.31474 -88.12184

Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817)
88767Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Upper Salt Fork Drainage Ditch, Rantoul, upstream Rantoul sewage treatment plant outfall, North America, 40.31474 -88.12184

Dilatata dilatata (Gould, 1841)
88768Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Upper Salt Fork Drainage Ditch, Rantoul, upstream Rantoul sewage treatment plant outfall, North America, 40.31474 -88.12184

Pisidium Pfeiffer, 1821
88769Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Upper Salt Fork Drainage Ditch, Rantoul, upstream Rantoul sewage treatment plant outfall, North America, 40.31474 -88.12184

8877Max R. Matteson, et al.   1960-08-29
United States, Illinois, Christian, South Fork Sangamon River, 2 mi W Edinburg, North America, 39.65477 -89.43395

Sphaerium Scopoli, 1777
88770Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Upper Salt Fork Drainage Ditch, Rantoul, upstream Rantoul sewage treatment plant outfall, North America, 40.31474 -88.12184

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88771Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Upper Salt Fork Drainage Ditch, Rantoul, downstream Rantoul sewage treatment plant outfall, North America, 40.31433 -88.12179

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
88772Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Upper Salt Fork Drainage Ditch, Rantoul, downstream Rantoul sewage treatment plant outfall, North America, 40.31433 -88.12179

Pisidium Pfeiffer, 1821
88773Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-13
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Upper Salt Fork Drainage Ditch, Rantoul, downstream Rantoul sewage treatment plant outfall, North America, 40.31433 -88.12179

Galba obrussa (Say, 1825)
88774Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Embarras River, 0.8 mi NNW Villa Grove, downstream Villa Grove sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.87233 -88.1688

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
88775Rachel M. Vinsel   2018-04-12
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Embarras River, 0.8 mi NNW Villa Grove, downstream Villa Grove sewage treatment plant, North America, 39.87233 -88.1688

88778Robert G. Howells   1998-07-25
United States, Texas, Tom Green, Nasworthy Reservoir, 6.8 mi SSW Angelo, North America, 31.37862 -100.49545

Lampsilis siliquoidea (Barnes, 1823)
8878Max R. Matteson, et al.   1960-08-29
United States, Illinois, Christian, South Fork Sangamon River, 2 mi W Edinburg, North America, 39.65477 -89.43395

Amblema plicata (Say, 1817)
8879Max R. Matteson & K. Williams   1960-08-29
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, South Fork Sangamon River, 1 mi E Springfield, 2 blocks above new bridge, North America, 39.75416 -89.56607

Lasmigona complanata (Barnes, 1823)
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Sangamon River, Mahomet, North America, 40.19166 -88.40005

8880Max R. Matteson & K. Williams   1960-08-29
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, South Fork Sangamon River, 1 mi E Springfield, 2 blocks above new bridge, North America, 39.75416 -89.56607

Galba obrussa (Say, 1825)
88804Alison P. Stodola, Jeremy S. Tiemann, Rachel M. Vinsel & Sara R. Andree   2018-05-15
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Little Beaver Creek, 2 mi SW St. Anne, Co. Rd. 2150E bridge, North America, 40.99762 -87.72246

Helisoma anceps (Menke, 1830)
88805Alison P. Stodola, Jeremy S. Tiemann, Rachel M. Vinsel & Sara R. Andree   2018-05-15
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Little Beaver Creek, 2 mi SW St. Anne, Co. Rd. 2150E bridge, North America, 40.99762 -87.72246

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
88806Alison P. Stodola, Jeremy S. Tiemann, Rachel M. Vinsel & Sara R. Andree   2018-05-15
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Little Beaver Creek, 2 mi SW St. Anne, Co. Rd. 2150E bridge, North America, 40.99762 -87.72246

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88807Kevin S. Cummings, Mark J. Wetzel & Christopher A. Taylor   1997-04-17
United States, Illinois, Kane, wetland, across street from trib. Brewster Creek, North America, 41.97906 -88.27157

88808Kevin S. Cummings, Mark J. Wetzel & Christopher A. Taylor   1997-04-17
United States, Illinois, Kane, wetland, across street from trib. Brewster Creek, North America, 41.97906 -88.27157

88809Kevin S. Cummings, Mark J. Wetzel & Christopher A. Taylor   1997-04-17
United States, Illinois, Kane, wetland, across street from trib. Brewster Creek, North America, 41.97906 -88.27157

Fusconaia flava (Rafinesque, 1820)
8881Max R. Matteson & K. Williams   1960-08-29
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, South Fork Sangamon River, 1 mi E Springfield, 2 blocks above new bridge, North America, 39.75416 -89.56607

88810Mark J. Wetzel & Barbara J. Kasprowicz   1987-10-20
United States, Illinois, Kendall, Big Rock Creek, 0.75 mi E Plano, Rt. 34 bridge, North America, 41.66304 -88.52416

88811Mark J. Wetzel & Barbara J. Kasprowicz   1987-10-20
United States, Illinois, Kendall, Big Rock Creek, 0.75 mi E Plano, Rt. 34 bridge, North America, 41.66304 -88.52416

Pleurocera acuta Rafinesque, 1831
88812Mark J. Wetzel & Barbara J. Kasprowicz   1987-10-20
United States, Illinois, Kendall, Big Rock Creek, 0.75 mi E Plano, Rt. 34 bridge, North America, 41.66304 -88.52416

Unidentified Turton, 1831
88813Mark J. Wetzel & Barbara J. Kasprowicz   1987-10-20
United States, Illinois, Kendall, Big Rock Creek, 0.75 mi E Plano, Rt. 34 bridge, North America, 41.66304 -88.52416

Gyraulus deflectus (Say, 1824)
88814Mark J. Wetzel & Barbara J. Kasprowicz   1987-10-20
United States, Illinois, Kendall, Big Rock Creek, 0.75 mi E Plano, Rt. 34 bridge, North America, 41.66304 -88.52416

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88815Mark J. Wetzel & Barbara J. Kasprowicz   1987-10-20
United States, Illinois, Kendall, Big Rock Creek, 0.75 mi E Plano, Rt. 34 bridge, North America, 41.66304 -88.52416

88816Mark J. Wetzel & Barbara J. Kasprowicz   1987-10-20
United States, Illinois, Kendall, Big Rock Creek, 0.75 mi E Plano, Rt. 34 bridge, North America, 41.66304 -88.52416

Physella Haldeman, 1842
88817M.A. Harris, Patrick A. Ceas & Jeanine M. Berlocher   1992-10-22
United States, Illinois, Lake, Indian Creek, 1 mi SW Diamond Lake, North America, 42.24086 -88.02508

88818M.A. Harris, Patrick A. Ceas & Jeanine M. Berlocher   1992-10-22
United States, Illinois, Lake, Indian Creek, 1 mi SW Diamond Lake, North America, 42.24086 -88.02508

Lithasia armigera (Say, 1821)
88819John E. Petzing   2012-08-25
United States, Illinois, Madison, Mississippi River, 4 mi NNW Granite City, Chain of Rocks dam, North America, 38.75552 -90.17172

Lasmigona complanata (Barnes, 1823)
8882Max R. Matteson & K. Williams   1960-08-29
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, South Fork Sangamon River, 1 mi E Springfield, 2 blocks above new bridge, North America, 39.75416 -89.56607

88820Erika E. Bilger & Allison N. Sieja   2018-05-03
United States, Illinois, Lake, pond, Pine Dunes Forest Preserve, North America, 42.48925 -87.96711

Cambarunio iris (Lea, 1829)
88821Jeremy S. Tiemann, Joshua L. Sherwood, Andrew J. Stites, Carter Tiemann & Mallory Tiemann   2018-05-25
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Jordan Creek, 5 mi WNW Catlin, Co. Rd. 750E, upstream 200 yards, North America, 40.07655 -87.80382

Ortmanniana ligamentina (Lamarck, 1819)
88823Jeremy S. Tiemann, Kevin S. Cummings, et al.   2015-08-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Mississippi River, Cordova, North America, 41.69706 -90.31175

Amblema plicata (Say, 1817)
88824Jeremy S. Tiemann, Kevin S. Cummings, et al.   2015-08-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Mississippi River, Cordova, North America, 41.69706 -90.31175

88825Jeremy S. Tiemann, Kevin S. Cummings, et al.   2015-08-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Mississippi River, Cordova, North America, 41.69706 -90.31175

Page 686, records 68501-68600 of 75998

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