INHS Collections Data

Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 732, records 73101-73200 of 75998

Illinois Natural History Survey - Mollusk Collection

93118Christopher J. Raithel   1990-08-04
United States, Connecticut, Windham, Quinebaug River, 200 yards upstream Brickyard Road, Thompson Township, North America, 41.99054 -71.92462

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93119Christopher J. Raithel   1990-09-01
United States, Connecticut, New London, Shetucket River, 100 yards upstream Rt. 97, North America, 41.61838 -72.08594

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
9312Robert W. Schanzle, Susan Lauzon & Don McFall   1989-08-26
United States, Illinois, Logan, Salt Creek, 2 mi E Middletown, North America, 40.10228 -89.55119

93120Christopher J. Raithel   1990-09-01
United States, Connecticut, New London, Shetucket River, 100 yards upstream Rt. 97, North America, 41.61838 -72.08594

93121Christopher J. Raithel   1990-09-01
United States, Connecticut, New London, Shetucket River, 100 yards upstream Rt. 97, North America, 41.61838 -72.08594

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93122Christopher J. Raithel   1990-05-02
United States, Rhode Island, Newport, Stafford Pond, shoreline in NW Cove, Thorton Township, North America, 41.64722 -71.16389

Callinina georgiana (Lea, 1834)
93123USGS-CERC   2020-08-10
United States, Illinois, Madison, Mississippi River, 5.5 km SSW Wood River, river mile 195.4, North America, 38.813133 -90.11175

Campeloma decisum (Say, 1817)
93124USGS-CERC   2021-08-01
United States, Illinois, Madison, Mississippi River, Maple Island, 3.3 km SW East Alton, river mile 200.1, North America, 38.86175 -90.141283

Callinina subpurpura (Say, 1829)
93125USGS-CERC   2021-08-01
United States, Illinois, Madison, Mississippi River, Maple Island, 3.3 km SW East Alton, river mile 200.1, North America, 38.86175 -90.141283

Campeloma decisum (Say, 1817)
93126USGS-CERC   2022-05-04
United States, Illinois, Peoria, Peoria Lake, 8.4 km NNE Peoria Heights, river mile 173, North America, 40.8188 -89.5433

Pleurocera acuta Rafinesque, 1831
93127USGS-CERC   2019-09-15
United States, Illinois, Madison, Mississippi River, 2.7 km SSW Wood River, river mile 197.2, North America, 38.837667 -90.105567

Callinina subpurpura (Say, 1829)
93128USGS-CERC   2019-09-15
United States, Illinois, Madison, Mississippi River, 2.7 km SSW Wood River, river mile 197.2, North America, 38.837667 -90.105567

Pleurocera acuta Rafinesque, 1831
93129USGS-CERC   2022-10-03
United States, Illinois, Madison, Mississippi River, 3.9 km SSW Wood River, river mile 196.5, North America, 38.82745 -90.10895

Pyganodon grandis (Say, 1829)
9313Robert W. Schanzle & H. Konzelman   1989-09-16
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, Sugar Creek, SE of Springfield, Rt. 29 bridge, North America, 39.78013 -89.58892

Pleurocera acuta Rafinesque, 1831
93130USGS-CERC   2022-11-17
United States, Illinois, Hancock, Mississippi River, downstream Keokuk-Hamilton Bridge, 1.5 km S Keokuk, Iowa, North America, 40.383811 -91.382963

Pleurocera acuta Rafinesque, 1831
93131USGS-CERC   2020-08-10
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Illinois River, 3.5 km N Beardstown, river mile 90.7, North America, 40.048333 -90.429639

Campeloma decisum (Say, 1817)
93132USGS-CERC   2020-08-10
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Illinois River, 3.5 km N Beardstown, river mile 90.7, North America, 40.048333 -90.429639

Callinina subpurpura (Say, 1829)
93133USGS-CERC   2020-08-05
United States, Illinois, Madison, Mississippi River, 4.2 km SSW Wood River, river mile 196.3, North America, 38.824883 -90.109217

Pleurocera acuta Rafinesque, 1831
93134USGS-CERC   2020-08-05
United States, Illinois, Madison, Mississippi River, 4.2 km SSW Wood River, river mile 196.3, North America, 38.824883 -90.109217

Lithasia verrucosa (Rafinesque, 1820)
93135USGS-CERC   2022-04-02
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Horseshoe Lake, 23.2 km N Charleston, Missouri, North America, 37.12868 -89.33289

93136USGS-CERC   2022-04-02
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Horseshoe Lake, 23.2 km N Charleston, Missouri, North America, 37.12868 -89.33289

93137USGS-CERC   2022-04-02
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Horseshoe Lake, 23.2 km N Charleston, Missouri, North America, 37.12868 -89.33289

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93138Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-20
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Worden Pond, E side Stony Point, South Kingston Township, North America, 41.44593 -71.5772

Lampsilis radiata (Gmelin, 1791)
93139Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-20
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Worden Pond, E side Stony Point, South Kingston Township, North America, 41.44593 -71.5772

Lasmigona complanata (Barnes, 1823)
9314Robert W. Schanzle & H. Konzelman   1989-09-16
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, Sugar Creek, SE of Springfield, Rt. 29 bridge, North America, 39.78013 -89.58892

Sagittunio nasutus (Say, 1817)
93140Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-20
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Worden Pond, E side Stony Point, South Kingston Township, North America, 41.44593 -71.5772

93141Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-23
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Wood River, 200 yards S of Plain Rd, Exeter Township, North America, 41.59813 -71.74542

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93142Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-23
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, Burdickville, border of Hopkinton and Charlestown Townships, North America, 41.41763 -71.72908

Utterbackiana implicata (Say, 1829)
93143Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-23
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, below gauging station at Rt. 91, border of Richmond and Charlestown Townships, North America, 41.44442 -71.68096

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93144Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-23
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, below gauging station at Rt. 91, border of Richmond and Charlestown Townships, North America, 41.44442 -71.68096

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93145Christopher J. Raithel   1993-09-03
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, riffle below water check station at Rt. 91, border of Richmond and Charlestown Townships, North America, 41.44442 -71.68096

Sagittunio nasutus (Say, 1817)
93146Christopher J. Raithel   1993-09-03
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, riffle below water check station at Rt. 91, border of Richmond and Charlestown Townships, North America, 41.44442 -71.68096

Utterbackiana implicata (Say, 1829)
93147Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-23
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, below dam at Bradford, Hopkinton Township, North America, 41.40781 -71.7499

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93148Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-23
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, below dam at Bradford, Hopkinton Township, North America, 41.40781 -71.7499

93149Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-23
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, below dam at Bradford, Hopkinton Township, North America, 41.40781 -71.7499

Leptodea fragilis (Rafinesque, 1820)
9315Robert W. Schanzle & H. Konzelman   1989-09-16
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, Sugar Creek, SE of Springfield, Rt. 29 bridge, North America, 39.78013 -89.58892

93150Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-16
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, below Potter HIll Dam, border of Westely and Hopkinton Townships, North America, 41.41442 -71.79661

Utterbackiana implicata (Say, 1829)
93151Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-16
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, below Potter HIll Dam, border of Westely and Hopkinton Townships, North America, 41.41442 -71.79661

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93152Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-20
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Watchaug Pond, North Camp and along W shoreline, Charlestown Township, North America, 41.39085 -71.70127

93153Christopher J. Raithel   1990-08-29
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Warden Pond, Warden Pond E & W side Stony Point, South Kingstown Township, North America, 41.44593 -71.5772

Utterbackiana implicata (Say, 1829)
93154Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-21
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, Potter HIll Dam, border of Westely and Hopkinton Township, North America, 41.41442 -71.79661

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93155Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-21
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, Potter HIll Dam, border of Westely and Hopkinton Township, North America, 41.41442 -71.79661

93156Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-21
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, Potter HIll Dam, border of Westely and Hopkinton Township, North America, 41.41442 -71.79661

93157Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-21
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, Potter HIll Dam, border of Westely and Hopkinton Township, North America, 41.41442 -71.79661

93158Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-21
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, Potter HIll Dam, border of Westely and Hopkinton Township, North America, 41.41442 -71.79661

Utterbackiana implicata (Say, 1829)
93159Christopher J. Raithel   1991-05-11
United States, Rhode Island, Bristol, Brickyard Pond, Barrington Township, North America, 41.73194 -71.32084

Obliquaria reflexa Rafinesque, 1820
9316Robert W. Schanzle & H. Konzelman   1989-09-16
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, Sugar Creek, SE of Springfield, Rt. 29 bridge, North America, 39.78013 -89.58892

Lampsilis radiata (Gmelin, 1791)
93160Christopher J. Raithel   1991-07-18
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pawcatuck River, Biscuit City landing area, Richmond and Charlestown Township, North America, 41.44963 -71.61575

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93161Christopher J. Raithel   1991-08-02
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Ashaway River, upstream from Wellstown Bridge Road, Hopkinton Township, North America, 41.437199 -71.79312

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93162Christopher J. Raithel   1993-04-04
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Blackstone River Canal, in the vicinity of Quinnulle, Lincoln Township, North America, 41.93198 -71.43292

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93163Alan Libby   1996-07-16
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Peeptoad Brook, Chestnut Rd, near Heritage Park, near Rt. 44, Clocester Township, North America, 41.8927 -71.63088

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93164Christopher J. Raithel   1993-09-14
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Omega Pond, just downstream from dam, North America, 41.83611 -71.3639

93165Christopher J. Raithel   1996-04-25
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, Acid Factory Brook, downstream of Eisenhower Lake, West Greenwich Township, North America, 41.61575 -71.71896

93166Christopher J. Raithel   1993-09-05
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pacwatuck River, Rt. 78 overpass and 200 yards upstream, 0.5 mi S of White Rock Dam, Westerly Township, North America, 41.39444 -71.84167

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93167Christopher J. Raithel   1993-09-05
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Pacwatuck River, Rt. 78 overpass and 200 yards upstream, 0.5 mi S of White Rock Dam, Westerly Township, North America, 41.39444 -71.84167

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93168Christopher J. Raithel   1993-09-15
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, North Branch Pawtuxet River, between Hope and Scituate Reserviors, North America, 41.74609 -71.57838

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93169Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-02
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, South Branch Pawtuxet River, between Washington and Moshassuck River, Coventry Township, North America, 41.68975 -71.57143

Potamilus ohiensis (Rafinesque, 1820)
9317Robert W. Schanzle & H. Konzelman   1989-09-16
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, Sugar Creek, SE of Springfield, Rt. 29 bridge, North America, 39.78013 -89.58892

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93170Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-16
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, Big River, upstream Burnt Sawmill Rd. access, West Greenwich Township, North America, 41.6317 -71.61784

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93171Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-28
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Asa Pond, South Kingstown Township, North America, 41.45972 -71.5139

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93172Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-17
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Annaquatucket River, Featherbed Lane, North Kingston Township, North America, 41.5521 -71.44789

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93173Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-22
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, North Branch Pawtuxet River, at road crossing W of Fiskeville, Scituate Township, North America, 41.73408 -71.55284

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93174Christopher J. Raithel   1993-08-00
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, Bucks Horn Brook, Lewis Farm Rd, Coventry Township, North America, 41.69616 -71.75807

93175Christopher J. Raithel   1993-08-00
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, Bucks Horn Brook, Lewis Farm Rd, Coventry Township, North America, 41.69616 -71.75807

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93176Alan Libby   1996-00-00
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Oak Swamp Reservoir, Johnston Township, North America, 41.82917 -71.54168

93177Alan Libby   1996-00-00
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Oak Swamp Reservoir, Johnston Township, North America, 41.82917 -71.54168

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93178Christopher J. Raithel   1996-05-03
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, Hardig Brook, between Rt 5 and Rt. 1, downstream from Farten, Warwick Township, North America, 41.70105 -71.46361

Lampsilis sietmani Keogh & Simons, 2019
93179John E. Schwegman   1998-09-12
United States, Illinois, Massac, Ohio River, downstream of Metropolis, Little Chain Bar, North America, 37.18342 -88.79294

Quadrula quadrula (Rafinesque, 1820)
9318Robert W. Schanzle & H. Konzelman   1989-09-16
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, Sugar Creek, SE of Springfield, Rt. 29 bridge, North America, 39.78013 -89.58892

Lampsilis teres (Rafinesque, 1820)
93180John E. Schwegman   1998-09-12
United States, Illinois, Massac, Ohio River, downstream of Metropolis, Little Chain Bar, North America, 37.18342 -88.79294

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93181Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-02
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, South Branch Pawtuxet River, 0.25 mi below Washington Bridge, Coventry Township, North America, 41.6861 -71.56112

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93182Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-17
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Indian Lake, South Kingstown Township, North America, 41.47361 -71.46945

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93183Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-17
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Mattatuxet River, below Mill Pond Dam, North Kingstown Township, North America, 41.53309 -71.46277

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93184Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-25
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, Lake Mishnock, West Greenwich Township, North America, 41.65491 -71.59144

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93185Christopher J. Raithel   1994-08-26
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Cherry Brook, Alice Street, North Smithfield and Woonsocket Townships, North America, 41.99434 -71.53774

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93186Christopher J. Raithel   1994-08-26
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Woonasquatucket River, Carpon Rd, between Stillwater Reservior and Georgiaville Pool, downstream to pool, below Rt. 295, Smithfield Township, North America, 41.90268 -71.5215

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93187Alan Libby, et. al.   1998-07-10
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Chipuxet River, outflow of The Reservoir, Exeter and N Kingstown Townships, North America, 41.5389 -71.51988

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93188Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-29
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Woonasquatucket River, Rt. 116, adjacent to Stillwater Reservoir, Smithfield Township, North America, 41.90834 -71.53644

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93189Christopher J. Raithel   1994-09-02
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Miscoe Lake, exit stream, North America, 42.00758 -71.41691

Tritogonia verrucosa (Rafinesque, 1820)
9319Robert W. Schanzle & H. Konzelman   1989-09-16
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, Sugar Creek, SE of Springfield, Rt. 29 bridge, North America, 39.78013 -89.58892

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93190Christopher J. Raithel   1994-09-21
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Wallum Lake, Burillville Township, North America, 42.00555 -71.76945

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93191Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-17
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Annaquatucket River, 100 yards downstream Bellville Pond dam, North Kingstown Township, North America, 41.55826 -71.47068

93192Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-17
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Annaquatucket River, 100 yards downstream Bellville Pond dam, North Kingstown Township, North America, 41.55826 -71.47068

93193Ray Hartenstine   1994-00-00
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Pawtuxet River, riffle between Hope Dam and Rt. 116, Scituate Township, North America, 41.73055 -71.56389

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93194Christopher J. Raithel   1993-09-15
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, Gorton Pond, 200 yards of SE shoreline near beach, Warrick Township, North America, 41.70416 -71.46112

93195Christopher J. Raithel   1993-09-15
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, Gorton Pond, 200 yards of SE shoreline near beach, Warrick Township, North America, 41.70416 -71.46112

93196Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-08
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Queens River, Mail Road & 0.25 mi downstream, North America, 41.53886 -71.56839

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93197Christopher J. Raithel   1990-08-09
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Schoolhouse Pond, S end of pond, Charlestown Township, North America, 41.39442 -71.66525

93198Christopher J. Raithel   1990-07-31
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Beaver River, Rt. 138, Richmond Township, North America, 41.49235 -71.62799

93199Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-08
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Queens River, head of Glen Rock Reservoir, Dugway Road bridge, South Kingstown Township, North America, 41.51667 -71.60139

Ellipsaria lineolata (Rafinesque, 1820)
932Charles A. Hart   1897-09-00
United States, Illinois, Mason, Illinois River, Havana, North America, 40.29708 -90.0684

Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
9320Robert W. Schanzle & H. Konzelman   1989-09-16
United States, Illinois, Sangamon, Sugar Creek, SE of Springfield, Rt. 29 bridge, North America, 39.78013 -89.58892

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93200Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-17
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, trib. Belleville Pond, canal between Secret Lake and Belleville Pond, North Kingstown Township, North America, 41.55782 -71.47266

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93201Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-18
United States, Rhode Island, Kent, Harding Brook, Rt. 117, Warwick Township, North America, 41.69722 -71.47779

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93202Christopher J. Raithel   1995-08-21
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Silver Spring Lake, North Kingston Township, North America, 41.53901 -71.47043

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93203Christopher J. Raithel   1994-08-24
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Abbott Run, downstream Howard Pond to below Rt. 295, Cumberland Township, North America, 41.95452 -71.38659

93204Christopher J. Raithel   1994-08-24
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Abbott Run, downstream Howard Pond to below Rt. 295, Cumberland Township, North America, 41.95452 -71.38659

93205Christopher J. Raithel   1994-08-26
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Stillwater Reservior, adjacent to Rt. 104, Smithfield Township, North America, 41.9082 -71.54151

Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786)
93206Christopher J. Raithel   1994-08-26
United States, Rhode Island, Providence, Stillwater Reservior, adjacent to Rt. 104, Smithfield Township, North America, 41.9082 -71.54151

93207Christopher J. Raithel   1994-09-08
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Barber Pond, 100 yards of shoreline along road, South Kingstown Township, North America, 41.50277 -71.56528

Page 732, records 73101-73200 of 75998

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