INHS Collections Data

Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 334, records 33301-33400 of 272199

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection

G.H. Boewe   s.n.1939-08-31
United States, Illinois, Jersey, Jerseyville., 39.120047 -90.328448

ILLS00137292Loy R. Phillippe   193851991-08-07
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map., 37.425795 -89.33148

Asclepias hirtella (Pennell) Woodson
ILLS00144565Loy R. Phillippe & Ed Lisowski   142971990-08-01
United States, Illinois, Saline, Northeast of Harrisburg, west side of Route 45 and south of the Middle Fork of the Saline River. Broughton Quadrangle., 37.696123 -88.455117

ILLS00144331Loy R. Phillippe & Marilyn Morris   141191990-06-25
United States, Illinois, Mason, Long Branch Sand Prairie., 40.224318 -90.047308

ILLS00144722Loy R. Phillippe, Larry Stritch, Todd Fink, and Steve Widowski   143631990-08-31
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Research Natural Area; Shawnee National Forest. 0.25 mile east of Grantsburg on Route 146., 37.401185 -88.719607

ILLS00145022Loy R. Phillippe & Scott Simon   140841990-06-21
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area, along Bell Pond, Shawnee National Forest., 37.401185 -88.719607

ILLS00142950R.A. Evers   918621967-07-13
United States, Illinois, Livingston, Southeast of Strawn., 40.644981 -88.389577

ILLS00145108Loy R. Phillippe   141541990-06-28
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, 42.246177 -90.30482

ILLS00145213Loy R. Phillippe & David Ketzner   186811991-05-08
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map., 37.415694 -89.334142

ILLS00145978Loy R. Phillippe, Eric Ulaszek & Philip E. Phillippe   190861991-06-06
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map., 37.402004 -89.334536

Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) BSP.
Robert A. Evers   1120541973-09-05
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Dark Chute, north of Hardin., 39.177826 -90.605955

Loy R. Phillippe & David Ketzner   141931990-07-11
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area., 37.401185 -88.719607

ILLS00143545Loy R. Phillippe, R. Smith, E. Ulaszek & K. Nash   190371991-06-05
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map., 37.415694 -89.334142

Loy R. Phillippe, Eric Ulaszek & Philip E. Phillippe   191291991-06-06
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Loy R. Phillippe, R. Smith, E. Ulaszek & K. Nash   190281991-06-05
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map., 37.402004 -89.334536

Forestiera acuminata (Michx.) Poir.
ILLS00034212Loy R. Phillippe   135471988-08-10
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, North-northeast end of Round Pond (Oxbow of the Ohio River). New Haven 15 minute topographic map.

Fraxinus americana L.
ILLS00035622Loy R. Phillippe, Eric Ulaszek & Philip E. Phillippe   191271991-06-06
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Fraxinus americana L.
ILLS00035634Loy R. Phillippe   189311991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Collison's Seep Swamp, north side of Collison Branch and south of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad. About one mile directly northeast of Collison; Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Fraxinus americana L.
ILLS00035633Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   198581992-04-27
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Horseshoe Bottom Nature Preserve. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Fraxinus nigra Marsh
ILLS00035749Loy R. Phillippe   199931992-05-10
United States, Illinois, Crawford, Seep just northwest of Hutsonville Powerplant, 0.3 mile west of Wabash River. West Union 7.5 minute topo.

Fraxinus nigra Marsh.
ILLS00035795Loy R. Phillippe   189091991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Collison's Seep, north side of Collison Branch and south of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad. About one mile directly northeast of Collison; Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) BSP.
Robert A. Evers   896381966-10-04
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, 4 miles northwest of Belleview.

Fraxinus nigra Marsh
ILLS00035794Loy R. Phillippe   189481991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Gimlet Branch Seep, 2.8 mile southeast of Collison, south side of Gimlet Branch. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh
ILLS00035959Loy R. Phillippe   140191990-05-22
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area.

Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.
ILLS00039021Loy R. Phillippe   134481988-07-25
United States, Illinois, Lake, Near Buffalo Creek.

Fraxinus profunda (Bush) Bush
ILLS00039199Loy R. Phillippe   135461988-08-10
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, North-northeast end of Round Pond (oxbow lake of the Ohio River). New Haven 15 minute topographic map.

Lysimachia lanceolata Walt.
ILLS00082929Loy R. Phillippe & Scott Simon   141091990-06-21
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area, Shawnee National Forest.

Lysimachia quadriflora Sims
ILLS00083188Loy R. Phillippe   134831988-07-27
United States, Illinois, Lake, East side of Illinois 83, along Indian Creek, about 1400 feet south of Route 45.

Lysimachia terrestris (L.) BSP
ILLS00083288Loy R. Phillippe   133441988-06-16
United States, Illinois, Union, La Rue Swamp.

Lysimachia vulgaris L.
ILLS00083363Loy R. Phillippe   133781988-06-23
United States, Illinois, Ogle, About 5.5 miles north of the Rock River. Oregon 7.5 minute topographic map.

Angelica atropurpurea Linnaeus
ILLS00038567Loy R. Phillippe   187631991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Kinney's Ford Seep, 1.25 mile directly northeast of Collison, north of Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad and 0.5 mile west of Kinney's Ford and the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Angelica atropurpurea Linnaeus
ILLS00038568Loy R. Phillippe   187631991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Kinney's Ford Seep, 1.25 mile directly northeast of Collison, north of Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad and 0.5 mile west of Kinney's Ford and the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Ophioglossum vulgatum Linnaeus
John Sheviak   4451971-05-01
United States, Illinois, Pope, Along Klondike Trail southwest of Bay City., 37.226258 -88.521085

Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) BSP.
Robert A. Evers   786721963-10-29
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, At Mozier.

Chaerophyllum procumbens (Linnaeus) Crantz
ILLS00038614Loy R. Phillippe   199211992-04-30
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topo.

Chaerophyllum procumbens (Linnaeus) Crantz
ILLS00038775Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   198461992-04-27
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Horseshoe Bottom Nature Preserve. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Chaerophyllum procumbens (Linnaeus) Crantz
ILLS00038774Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   19870-B1992-04-27
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Seep southeast of Horseshoe Bottoms Nature Preserve. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Chaerophyllum procumbens (Linnaeus) Crantz
ILLS00038765Loy R. Phillippe & David Ketzner   187031991-05-08
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00048388Loy R. Phillippe & Scott Simon   140771990-06-21
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area.

ILLS00040283Loy R. Phillippe & Scott Simon   140811990-06-21
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area, 10 feet from water in Bell Pond, Shawnee National Forest.

ILLS00040422Loy R. Phillippe, R. Smith, E. Ulaszek & K. Nash   190521991-06-05
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00040438Loy R. Phillippe   187731991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Kinney's Ford Seep, 1.25 mile directly northeast of Collison, north of Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad and 0.5 mile west of Kinney's Ford and the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

ILLS00040437Loy R. Phillippe   188971991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Collison's Seep, north side of Collison Branch and south of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad. About one mile directly northeast of Collison; Collison 7.5 minute topo.

ILLS00040436Loy R. Phillippe   189491991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Gimlet Branch Seep, 2.8 mile southeast of Collison, south side of Gimlet Branch. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) BSP.
Robert A. Evers   708721961-08-22
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, Cap au Gres bluff, south of West Point Landing, south of Batchtown.

ILLS00040435Loy R. Phillippe   189691991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Kickapoo Creek State Park, Pond 6 Seeps. South of I-74 and Power Line Right-of-way. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Daucus carota Linnaeus
ILLS00040687Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   192471991-07-17
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Uncharted Hill Seep. 0.55 mile southeast of Illinois Power Plant, west side of and above the West Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Erigenia bulbosa (Michaux) Nuttall
ILLS00040718Loy R. Phillippe & Jeff Olson   197851992-04-08
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topo.

Erigenia bulbosa (Michaux) Nuttall
ILLS00040751Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   198151992-04-27
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Horseshoe Bottom Nature Preserve. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Osmorhiza claytoni (Michaux) C.B. Clarke
ILLS00042174Loy R. Phillippe & David Ketzner   187201991-05-08
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Osmorhiza claytoni (Michaux) C.B. Clarke
ILLS00042180Loy R. Phillippe   189441991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Gimlet Branch Seep, 2.8 mile southeast of Collison, south side of Gimlet Branch. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

ILLS00042396Loy R. Phillippe, R. Smith, E. Ulaszek & K. Nash   19041-A1991-06-05
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00042403Loy R. Phillippe   189341991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Gimlet Branch Seep, 2.8 mile southeast of Collison, south side of Gimlet Branch. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Oxypolis rigidior (Linnaeus) Rafinesque
ILLS00042487Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   194111991-07-17
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve; Windfall Prairie Seep. Danville 7.5 minute topo. map.

ILLS00042629Loy R. Phillippe   134021988-06-23
United States, Illinois, Ogle, Southeast side of Route 2, northeast side of Silver Creek. Oregon 7.5 minute topographic map.

Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Link.
Robert A. Evers   963661968-07-09
United States, Illinois, Edwards, Northeast of Grayville.

Perideridia americana (Nutt.) Reichenb
ILLS00048374Loy R. Phillippe & Eric Ulaszek   139861990-05-22
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Just outside Bell Pond Natural Area in dry upland woods.

Ptilimnium costatum (Elliott) Rafinesque
ILLS00042806Loy R. Phillippe & Scott Simon   140751990-06-21
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area, Shawnee National Forest.

ILLS00044197Loy R. Phillippe   133621988-06-17
United States, Illinois, Madison, Lewis and Clark State Memorial Park. Wood River 7.5 minute topographic map.

ILLS00044347Loy R. Phillippe, R. Smith, E. Ulaszek & K. Nash   190491991-06-05
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Sanicula odorata (Raf.) K.M. Pryer & L.R. Phillippe
ILLS00044573Loy R. Phillippe   141331990-06-28
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, 3+ mile north of Blanding and just north of Ski Lift, woods on bluff over the Mississippi.

Sanicula odorata (Raf.) K.M. Pryer & L.R. Phillippe
ILLS00044582Loy R. Phillippe & Eric Ulaszek   144321990-09-26
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Research Natural Area, Shawnee National Forest. Glendale 7.5 minute topo.

Sanicula odorata (Raf.) K.M. Pryer & L.R. Phillippe
ILLS00044742Loy R. Phillippe & David Ketzner   187161991-05-08
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area, Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Sanicula odorata (Raf.) K.M. Pryer & L.R. Phillippe
ILLS00044751Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris, Scott Simon & Bob Szafoni   186091991-05-03
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Uncharted Hill Seep. 0.55 mile southeast of Illinois Power Plant, west side of and above the West Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Sanicula odorata (Raf.) K.M. Pryer & L.R. Phillippe
ILLS00044750Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   186341991-05-03
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Windfall Hill Prairie Nature Preserve. Windfall Prairie Seep. West-facing bank of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Sanicula odorata (Raf.) K.M. Pryer & L.R. Phillippe
ILLS00044749Loy R. Phillippe   189011991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Collison's Seep, north side of Collison Branch and south of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad. About one mile directly northeast of Collison; Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) BSP.
Robert A. Evers   412471953-09-19
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, Northwest of Belleview.

Sanicula odorata (Raf.) K.M. Pryer & L.R. Phillippe
ILLS00044748Loy R. Phillippe   189651991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Kickapoo Creek State Park, Pond 6 Seeps. South of I-74 and Power Line Right-of-way. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

ILLS00044784Loy R. Phillippe   141321990-06-28
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, 3+ mile north of Blanding and just north of Ski Lift, woods on bluff over the Mississippi.

ILLS00044792Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   192571991-07-17
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Uncharted Hill. 0.55 mile southeast of Illinois Power Plant, west side of and above the West Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Taenidia integerrima (Linnaeus) Drude
ILLS00044920Loy R. Phillippe   199011992-04-29
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topo.

Taenidia integerrima (Linnaeus) Drude
ILLS00044997Loy R. Phillippe & David Ketzner   186821991-05-08
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Thaspium barbinode (Michx.) Nutt.
ILLS00045035Loy R. Phillippe & Marilyn Morris   138711989-10-25
United States, Illinois, Hancock, Illinois Route 136, west of East Fork La Moine River.

Thaspium chapmanii (J.M. Coulter & Rose) Small
ILLS00045095Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   189771991-05-29
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Orchid Hill Seep. 0.35 mile north of Power Plant and west side of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. 1.5 mile east of Newtown School. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Thaspium chapmanii (J.M. Coulter & Rose) Small
ILLS00045094Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   189921991-05-29
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Uncharted Hill Seep. 0.55 mile southeast of Illinois Power Plant, west side of and above the West Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

ILLS00045176Loy R. Phillippe   136721988-10-12
United States, Illinois, Pope

ILLS00045210Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   189741991-05-29
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Orchid Hill Seep. 0.35 mile north of Power Plant and west side of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. 1.5 mile east of Newtown School. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) BSP.
Robert A. Evers   204181949-09-01
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, Illinois River, north of Hardin.

Loy R. Phillippe   141431990-06-28
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Bluff over the Mississippi River, 3+ mile north of Blanding and just north of Ski Lift.

Loy R. Phillippe   141431990-06-28
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Bluff over the Mississippi River, 3+ mile north of Blanding and just north of Ski Lift.

Loy R. Phillippe   193411991-08-06
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Loy R. Phillippe, Eric Ulaszek & Philip E. Phillippe   190961991-06-06
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Loy R. Phillippe   199231992-04-30
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topo.

Loy R. Phillippe & Scott Simon   140741990-06-21
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area, 50 feet east of Bell Pond and 80 feet north of Illinois 146.

Loy R. Phillippe   185921991-04-11
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Cornus alternifolia L. f.
Loy R. Phillippe   141221990-06-27
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Apple River Canyon State Park. Along Pine Ridge Trail, about 250 feet south of Apple River.

Cornus alternifolia L. f.
Loy R. Phillippe   188811991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Kinney's Ford Seep, 1.25 mile directly northeast of Collison, north of Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad and 0.5 mile west of Kinney's Ford and the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Cornus alternifolia L. f.
Loy R. Phillippe   189031991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Collison's Seep, north side of Collison Branch and south of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad. About one mile directly northeast of Collison; Collison 7.5 minute topo.

Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) BSP.
Robert A. Evers   1070951971-10-06
United States, Illinois, Carroll, North section, Mississippi Palisades State Park.

Cornus alternifolia L. f.
Loy R. Phillippe   189591991-05-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Kickapoo Creek State Park, Pond 6 Seeps. South of I-74 and Power Line Right-of-way. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Cornus drummondii C.A. Mey.
Loy R. Phillippe   135871988-08-26
United States, Illinois, Mercer, North of Pope Creek, at bridge over Keithsburg Road. Keithsburg 7.5 minute topographic map.

Cornus drummondii C.A. Mey
Loy R. Phillippe   185901991-04-11
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Cornus drummondii C.A. Mey
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   189751991-05-29
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Orchid Hill Seep. 0.35 mile north of Power Plant and west side of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. 1.5 mile east of Newtown School. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Cornus drummondii C.A. Mey
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   194311991-08-14
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Uncharted Hill Seep. 0.55 mile southeast of Illinois Power Plant, west side of and above the West Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Cornus drummondii C.A. Mey
Loy R. Phillippe, Marilyn Morris & Scott Simon   189991991-05-29
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Uncharted Hill Seep. 0.55 mile southeast of Illinois Power Plant, west side of and above the West Fork of the Vermilion River. Danville NW 7.5 minute topo.

Cornus florida L.
Loy R. Phillippe & Jeff Olson   197931992-04-08
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topo.

Cornus florida L.
Loy R. Phillippe   185251991-04-10
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area. Jonesboro 7.5 minute topographic map.

Cornus stricta Lam.
Loy R. Phillippe, Todd Fink & Steve Widowski   143201990-08-31
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bell Pond Natural Area, Glendale 7.5 minute topographic map.

Cornus obliqua Raf.
Loy R. Phillippe   134851988-07-27
United States, Illinois, Lake, East side of Illinois 83, along Indian Creek, about 1400 feet south of Route 45.

Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) BSP.
Robert A. Evers   817311964-09-21
United States, Illinois, Cass, East of Beardstown.

Page 334, records 33301-33400 of 272199

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