Faxonius durelli Bouchard & Bouchard, 1995
4498 C.A. Taylor & P.A. Ceas 1994-11-04
United States, Tennessee, Perry, Toms Creek, 0.75 mi ESE Pineview, Toms Creek Ford Rd., 35.7226 -87.92512
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
4499 P.A. Ceas 1990-04-02
United States, Missouri, Webster, Turnbo Creek, 2.5 mi SW Marshfield, 37.30867 -92.93575
Faxonius meeki (Faxon, 1898)
45 L.M. Page & W.L. Keller 1979-08-15
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Mill Creek, 5 mi NE Scottsville, 35.5054 -93.00311
450 L.M. Page & B.M. Burr 1974-04-09
United States, Louisiana, St. Helena, swampy ditch, E Greensburg, 30.82353 -90.66002
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
4506 P.A. Ceas 1992-04-25
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Mill Spring, NE edge town of Mill Spring, 37.068 -90.67684
451 L.M. Page & B.M. Burr 1974-04-09
United States, Louisiana, St. Helena, swampy ditch, E Greensburg, 30.82353 -90.66002
Hyalella azteca
4513 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-11
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Pond #6 , Hunting #4, Avery Rd, 0.8 mi W jct. with G11 Rd, Camp Roberts, 35.77776 -120.83036
4514 L.M. Page, D.W. Webb & M.H. Sabaj 1993-03-06
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nacimiento River, river mile9.4, Twin Bridges, Boyscout Rd, S jct. Bivouac Rd, Camp Roberts, 35.76839 -120.84743
Hyalella azteca
4515 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-11
United States, California, Monterey, San Antonio River, 2.8 mi S Bradley, San Antonio Rd, 2.5 mi S jct. Bradley Rd, Camp Roberts, 35.83178 -120.81382
4516 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-11
United States, California, Monterey, San Antonio River, 2.8 mi S Bradley, San Antonio Rd, 2.5 mi S jct. Bradley Rd, Camp Roberts, 35.83178 -120.81382
Hyalella azteca
4517 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-10
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, "Boundary Springs", head of trib. to Chorro Creek, 0.1 mi SE jct. Jeep Trail & gravel rd, near NE boundary, Camp San Luis Obispo, 35.34489 -120.68091
Hyalella azteca
4518 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-09
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nacimiento River, river mile4.3, Low Water Bridge, Bee Rock Rd, W jct. Nacimiento Rd, Camp Roberts, 35.78335 -120.79073
4519 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-09
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nacimiento River, river mile4.3, Low Water Bridge, Bee Rock Rd, W jct. Nacimiento Rd, Camp Roberts, 35.78335 -120.79073
United States
Hyalella azteca
4520 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-09
United States, California, Monterey, Nacimiento River, river mile1.4, High Water Bridge, Tower Rd, E jct. Bradley Rd, Camp Roberts, 35.81312 -120.75889
4521 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-09
United States, California, Monterey, Nacimiento River, river mile1.4, High Water Bridge, Tower Rd, E jct. Bradley Rd, Camp Roberts, 35.81312 -120.75889
Hyalella azteca
4522 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-12
United States, California, Monterey, Salinas River, river mile108, 1 mi S East Garrison, gravel rd. 0.1 mi N pipeline, Camp Roberts, 35.80026 -120.73764
4523 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-12
United States, California, Monterey, Salinas River, river mile108, 1 mi S East Garrison, gravel rd. 0.1 mi N pipeline, Camp Roberts, 35.80026 -120.73764
Hyalella azteca
4524 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-09
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nacimiento River, river mile9.4, Twin Bridges, Boyscout Rd, S jct. Bivouac Rd, Camp Roberts, 35.76839 -120.84743
4525 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-09
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nacimiento River, river mile9.4, Twin Bridges, Boyscout Rd, S jct. Bivouac Rd, Camp Roberts, 35.76839 -120.84743
4526 L.M. Page, D.W. Webb & M.H. Sabaj 1993-03-08
United States, California, Monterey, San Antonio River, U.S. Rt. 101 bridge, Camp Roberts, 35.85492 -120.79989
4527 L.M. Page, D.W. Webb & M.H. Sabaj 1993-03-07
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Chorro Creek, wooden bridge 0.1 mi N jct. Glenn & Colusa Aves, near W boundary, Camp San Luis Obispo, 35.32398 -120.74356
4528 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-11
United States, California, Monterey, San Antonio River, U.S. Rt. 101 bridge, Camp Roberts, 35.85492 -120.79989
Hyalella azteca
4529 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-12
United States, California, Monterey, Salinas River, river mile103.7, 2.2 mi ESE Bradley, Camp Roberts, 35.85457 -120.7614
453 L.M. Page & B.M. Burr 1974-04-07
United States, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge, Sandy Creek, 1.5 mi N Greenwell Springs, Rt. 37 bridge, 30.60192 -90.99304
4530 L.M. Page, K.S. Cummings & C.A. Mayer 1992-11-12
United States, California, Monterey, Salinas River, river mile103.7, 2.2 mi ESE Bradley, Camp Roberts, 35.85457 -120.7614
4531 C.E. Johnston, W.R. Haag & M.L. Warren 1993-03-24
United States, Mississippi, Lafayette, Morris Creek, 5 mi S Oxford, 34.2829 -89.5439
Faxonius chickasawae Cooper & Hobbs, 1980
4532 C.E. Johnston, W.R. Haag & M.L. Warren 1993-03-24
United States, Mississippi, Lafayette, Morris Creek, 5 mi S Oxford, 34.2829 -89.5439
4533 C.E. Johnston, W.R. Haag & M.L. Warren 1993-03-24
United States, Mississippi, Lafayette, Morris Creek, 5 mi S Oxford, 34.2829 -89.5439
Faxonius rusticus (Girard, 1852)
4534 P.A. Ceas, M.H. Sabaj & J.W. Armbruster 1993-04-01
United States, Kentucky, Casey, Frey Creek, Kidds Store, U.S. Rt. 127, 37.41403 -84.85426
4535 P.A. Ceas, M.H. Sabaj & J.W. Armbruster 1993-04-03
United States, Tennessee, Cheatham, trib. Half Pone Creek, 1 mi N Thomasville, 36.42707 -87.12616
4536 P.A. Ceas, M.H. Sabaj & J.W. Armbruster 1993-04-01
United States, Kentucky, Casey, Green River, NE Liberty city limits, U.S. Rt. 127, 37.32774 -84.91494
Faxonius juvenilis (Hagen, 1870)
4537 P.A. Ceas, M.H. Sabaj & J.W. Armbruster 1993-03-31
United States, Kentucky, Boyle, Clarks Run, 1 mi SW Danville, Hwy. 34, 37.62329 -84.81087
Faxonius compressus (Faxon, 1884)
4538 P.A. Ceas, M.H. Sabaj & J.W. Armbruster 1993-04-01
United States, Tennessee, Clay, Hurricane Creek, Oak Grove, N Hwy. 52, 36.59909 -85.7022
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4539 P.A. Ceas, M.H. Sabaj & J.W. Armbruster 1993-04-04
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Haney Creek, 1 mi SE Lamb, 37.51555 -88.1108
454 B.M. Burr 1977-02-18
United States, Louisiana, Union, trib. Little Corney Bayou, 4 mi SE Junction City, Hwy. 167, 32.97245 -92.68242
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4540 L.M. Page, et al. 1993-04-18
United States, Illinois, Hardin, trib. Rock Creek, 3 mi NW Lamb, 37.55003 -88.1697
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4541 L.M. Page, et al. 1993-04-18
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Haney Creek, Lamb, 37.52838 -88.12016
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4542 L.M. Page, et al. 1993-04-18
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Haney Creek, Lamb, 37.52838 -88.12016
Faxonius rusticus (Girard, 1852)
4543 H.E. Kitchel & M.J. Wetzel 1993-05-11
United States, Illinois, Lake, trib. Des Plaines River, 3 mi N Libertyville, Hwy. 21, 42.34278 -87.94602
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
4544 H.E. Kitchel & M.J. Wetzel 1993-05-11
United States, Illinois, Lake, trib. Des Plaines River, 3 mi N Libertyville, Hwy. 21, 42.34278 -87.94602
Palaemon kadiakensis Rathbun, 1902
4547 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-25
United States, Indiana, Gibson, trib. Patoka River, 3.5 mi W Wheeling, 38.41395 -87.52421
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4548 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-25
United States, Indiana, Gibson, trib. Patoka River, 3.5 mi W Wheeling, 38.41395 -87.52421
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4549 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-25
United States, Indiana, Gibson, trib. Patoka River, 3.5 mi W Wheeling, 38.41395 -87.52421
Palaemon kadiakensis Rathbun, 1902
455 B.M. Burr & C. Thomas 1977-02-18
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita, Cheniere Lake, 3 mi SW Monroe, 32.46871 -92.19666
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4550 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-25
United States, Indiana, Gibson, trib. Patoka River, 2 mi E Kirkville, 38.41438 -87.44495
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4551 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-25
United States, Indiana, Gibson, trib. Patoka River, 2 mi E Kirkville, 38.41438 -87.44495
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4552 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Spencer, Hurricane Creek, 1 mi E St. Meinard, 38.18505 -86.79729
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4553 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Spencer, Hurricane Creek, 1 mi E St. Meinard, 38.18505 -86.79729
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4554 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-23
United States, Indiana, Posey, Little Fork Creek, 2 mi W St. Phillips, 37.98979 -87.75422
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4555 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-23
United States, Indiana, Vanderburg, trib. Locust Creek, 3 mi NW Evansville, Mohr Rd. bridge, 38.05112 -87.58833
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4556 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-23
United States, Indiana, Vanderburg, trib. Locust Creek, 3 mi NW Evansville, Mohr Rd. bridge, 38.05112 -87.58833
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4557 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-23
United States, Indiana, Vanderburg, trib. Locust Creek, 3 mi NW Evansville, Mohr Rd. bridge, 38.05112 -87.58833
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4558 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-25
United States, Indiana, Dubois, Ireland Creek, Ireland, 38.41655 -87.00312
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4559 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-25
United States, Indiana, Dubois, Ireland Creek, Ireland, 38.41655 -87.00312
456 B.M. Burr & C. Thomas 1977-02-18
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita, Cheniere Lake, 3 mi SW Monroe, 32.46871 -92.19666
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4560 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-25
United States, Indiana, Pike, trib. Patoka River, 0.25 mi W Dubois County line, 38.43707 -87.08001
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4561 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-25
United States, Indiana, Pike, trib. Patoka River, 0.25 mi W Dubois County line, 38.43707 -87.08001
4562 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Warrick, Cypress Creek, 3 mi SW Boonville, 38.01209 -87.31582
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4563 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Warrick, Cypress Creek, 3 mi SW Boonville, 38.01209 -87.31582
Palaemon kadiakensis Rathbun, 1902
4564 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-23
United States, Indiana, Posey, McFadden Creek, 1 mi NE Mt. Vernon, 37.94163 -87.87034
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4565 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-23
United States, Indiana, Posey, McFadden Creek, 1 mi NE Mt. Vernon, 37.94163 -87.87034
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4566 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-23
United States, Indiana, Posey, McFadden Creek, 1 mi NE Mt. Vernon, 37.94163 -87.87034
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4567 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-23
United States, Indiana, Posey, trib. Black River, 1.5 mi W Stewartsville, 38.16479 -87.8529
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4568 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-23
United States, Indiana, Posey, trib. Black River, 1.5 mi W Stewartsville, 38.16479 -87.8529
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4569 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-23
United States, Indiana, Posey, trib. Black River, 1.5 mi W Stewartsville, 38.16479 -87.8529
Faxonius lancifer (Hagen)
457 B.M. Burr & C. Thomas 1977-02-18
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita, Cheniere Lake, 3 mi SW Monroe, 32.46871 -92.19666
4570 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Warrick, Pigeon Creek, 1 mi E Elberfeld, 38.16135 -87.41559
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4571 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Warrick, Pigeon Creek, 1 mi E Elberfeld, 38.16135 -87.41559
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4572 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Warrick, Pigeon Creek, 1 mi E Elberfeld, 38.16135 -87.41559
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4573 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Warrick, Pigeon Creek, 1 mi E Elberfeld, 38.16135 -87.41559
4574 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Perry, Oil Creek, Branchville, 38.16639 -86.56718
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4575 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Warrick, Big Creek, 2 mi W Lynnville, Rt. 68 bridge, 38.19411 -87.37472
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4576 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-23
United States, Indiana, Posey, Big Creek, Solitude, 38.01324 -87.89956
Palaemon kadiakensis Rathbun, 1902
4577 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Warrick, Barren Fork, 6 mi E Boonville, Rt. 62/161 bridge, 38.06142 -87.16036
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4578 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Warrick, Barren Fork, 6 mi E Boonville, Rt. 62/161 bridge, 38.06142 -87.16036
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4579 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Warrick, Barren Fork, 6 mi E Boonville, Rt. 62/161 bridge, 38.06142 -87.16036
Palaemon kadiakensis Rathbun, 1902
458 L.M. Page & D.L. Swofford 1980-06-21
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita, Cheniere Lake, 3 mi SW Monroe, 32.46871 -92.19666
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4580 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Perry, Anderson River, 2 mi SE Siberia, 38.22222 -86.70552
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4581 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-06-24
United States, Indiana, Perry, Anderson River, 2 mi SE Siberia, 38.22222 -86.70552
4582 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-14
United States, Indiana, DuBois, Mill Creek, 2.5 mi SW Haysville, 38.46657 -86.9471
Faxonius propinquus (Girard, 1852)
4583 C.A. Taylor, C.A. Laird, M.A. Harris & H.E. Kitchel 1993-06-23
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Gar Creek Ditch, 2.4 mi SW Kankakee, 41.09834 -87.9068
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
4584 C.A. Taylor, C.A. Laird, M.A. Harris & H.E. Kitchel 1993-06-23
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Gar Creek Ditch, 2.4 mi SW Kankakee, 41.09834 -87.9068
Faxonius propinquus (Girard, 1852)
4585 C.A. Taylor, C.A. Laird, M.A. Harris & H.E. Kitchel 1993-06-23
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Davis Creek, 1.5 mi NW Bourbonnais, Co. Rd. 3100N, 41.16355 -87.91921
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4586 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-15
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Clifty Creek, 2 mi E New Burnside, 37.57072 -88.72581
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4587 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-15
United States, Illinois, Pope, Burden Creek, 2 mi NE McCormick, 37.56338 -88.6421
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4588 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-15
United States, Illinois, Saline, Rock Branch Battle Ford Creek, 4 mi SW Mitchellsville, 37.60692 -88.59087
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4589 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-15
United States, Illinois, Saline, Little Saline River, 3.5 mi E Stonefort, 37.61042 -88.62962
459 L.M. Page & D.L. Swofford 1980-06-21
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita, Cheniere Lake, 3 mi SW Monroe, 32.46871 -92.19666
4590 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, M.H. Sabaj & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-14
United States, Indiana, Crawford, Otter Creek, Mifflin, 38.30633 -86.54671
Faxonius rusticus (Girard, 1852)
4591 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, M.H. Sabaj & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-14
United States, Indiana, Orange, French Lick Creek, 3.5 mi S French Lick, Rt. 145, 38.50697 -86.6117
Palaemon kadiakensis Rathbun, 1902
4592 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, M.H. Sabaj & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-13
United States, Indiana, Gibson, Indian Creek, 2.5 mi NE Princeton, 38.3784 -87.53517
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4593 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, M.H. Sabaj & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-13
United States, Indiana, Gibson, trib. Patoka River, 2.5 mi NE Princeton, 38.3784 -87.53517
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
4594 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, M.H. Sabaj & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-13
United States, Indiana, Gibson, trib. Patoka River, 2.5 mi NE Princeton, 38.3784 -87.53517
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4595 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, M.H. Sabaj & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-14
United States, Indiana, Dubois, East Fork Mill Creek, 2 mi S Haysville, 38.46377 -86.92486
4596 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, M.H. Sabaj & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-14
United States, Indiana, Dubois, East Fork Mill Creek, 2 mi S Haysville, 38.46377 -86.92486
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4597 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, M.H. Sabaj & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-14
United States, Indiana, Orange, Dillon Creek, 5 mi SW French Lick, 38.50148 -86.67279
Faxonius indianensis (Hay), 1896
4598 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, M.H. Sabaj & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-14
United States, Indiana, Crawford, trib. Patoka Lake, 1.5 mi SW Wickliffe, 38.35664 -86.65514
Faxonius immunis Hagen
4599 L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, M.H. Sabaj & F.T. Burbrink 1993-07-13
United States, Indiana, Pike, Flat Creek, 3 mi NW Otwell, 38.46742 -87.14714
Faxonius meeki (Faxon, 1898)
46 L.M. Page & W.L. Keller 1979-08-16
United States, Arkansas, Van Buren, Middle Fork Little Red River, Shirley, 35.65893 -92.32295