INHS Collections Data

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Illinois Natural History Survey - Crustacean Collection

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12162W.L. Pflieger   1984-10-17
United States, Missouri, Washington, Cedar Creek, 2 mi E Caledonia, 37.75989 -90.74244

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12163W.L. Pflieger & W. Probst   1979-03-27
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Dry Fork, 3.5 mi NE Avilla, 37.23345 -94.08859

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12164W.L. Pflieger   1985-10-08
United States, Missouri, Moniteau, Straight Fork, 3 mi NW Latham, 38.58709 -92.72907

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12165W.L. Pflieger   1985-10-08
United States, Missouri, Moniteau, Straight Fork, 3 mi NW Latham, 38.58709 -92.72907

Faxonius immunis Hagen
12166W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels   1987-06-10
United States, Missouri, Holt, marsh, [1.5 mi E Forbes], railroad crossing near Rt. T, 39.90473 -95.05567

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
12167W.L. Pflieger & S. Carnett   1986-01-15
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Pond Creek, above gravel road below Blue Pond, 37.1777 -90.13408

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12168W.L. Pflieger & S. Carnett   1986-01-15
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Pond Creek, above gravel road below Blue Pond, 37.1777 -90.13408

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
12169W.L. Pflieger & S. Carnett   1986-01-15
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Pond Creek, above gravel road below Blue Pond, 37.1777 -90.13408

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
1217L.M. Page & E.L. List   1972-09-30
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, Illinois River, 0.5 mi S Hardin, 39.13971 -90.61566

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12170W.L. Pflieger & S. Carnett   1986-01-15
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Pond Creek, above gravel road below Blue Pond, 37.1777 -90.13408

12171W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels   1987-06-03
United States, Missouri, Johnson, roadside pools, along Hwy. 23, Perry Memorial State Wildlife Area, 38.90691 -93.56744

Faxonius immunis Hagen
12172W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels   1987-06-03
United States, Missouri, Johnson, roadside pools, along Hwy. 23, Perry Memorial State Wildlife Area, 38.90691 -93.56744

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12173W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels   1987-06-03
United States, Missouri, Johnson, roadside pools, along Hwy. 23, Perry Memorial State Wildlife Area, 38.90691 -93.56744

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12174W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels   1987-06-03
United States, Missouri, Johnson, roadside pools, along Hwy. 23, Perry Memorial State Wildlife Area, 38.90691 -93.56744

Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
12175W.L. Pflieger & W. Probst   1979-03-27
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Dry Fork, 3 mi NNE Avilla, 37.23656 -94.11401

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12176W.L. Pflieger & W. Probst   1979-03-27
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Dry Fork, 3 mi NNE Avilla, 37.23656 -94.11401

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12177W.L. Pflieger   1985-10-23
United States, Missouri, Greene, Sac River, 4 m S Ash Grove, 37.25839 -93.59551

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12178W.L. Pflieger   1985-10-23
United States, Missouri, Greene, Sac River, 4 m S Ash Grove, 37.25839 -93.59551

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12179W.L. Pflieger & W. Probst   1979-03-27
United States, Missouri, Jasper, trib. Dry Fork, 4 mi NE Avilla, 37.23779 -94.07677

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
1218L.M. Page & E.L. List   1972-09-30
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, slough, 1 mi S Bee Creek, 39.38726 -90.62158

Cambarus hubbsi Creaser, 1931
12180W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-10
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, tribs. Grasshopper Hollow, Grasshopper Hollow Natural Area, Mark Twain National Forest, 37.43415 -91.09576

Faxonius hylas (Faxon)
12181W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-10
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, tribs. Grasshopper Hollow, Grasshopper Hollow Natural Area, Mark Twain National Forest, 37.43415 -91.09576

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12182W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-10
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, tribs. Grasshopper Hollow, Grasshopper Hollow Natural Area, Mark Twain National Forest, 37.43415 -91.09576

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12183W.L. Pflieger & H.V. Wheeler   1984-11-20
United States, Missouri, Montgomery, Fonso Branch, 2 mi S I-70, 38.8655 -91.63126

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12184W.L. Pflieger & L. Georgie   1984-03-29
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Barren Fork, 1.5 mi NE Timber, Rt. A, 37.37275 -91.40578

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12185W.L. Pflieger & L. Georgie   1984-03-29
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Barren Fork, 1.5 mi NE Timber, Rt. A, 37.37275 -91.40578

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12186W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1985-07-18
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Little Black River, 10.25 mi NE Doniphan, Rt. K, 36.74652 -90.73613

Faxonius ozarkae Williams
12187W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1985-07-18
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Little Black River, 10.25 mi NE Doniphan, Rt. K, 36.74652 -90.73613

Faxonius immunis Hagen
12188W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels   1987-06-09
United States, Missouri, Ray, slough, 1 mi W Henrietta, along Rt. H, 39.22757 -93.9492

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12189W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels   1987-06-09
United States, Missouri, Ray, slough, 1 mi W Henrietta, along Rt. H, 39.22757 -93.9492

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
1219L.M. Page & E.L. List   1972-09-30
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, trib. Swan Lake, 1.5 mi SE Brussels, 38.93545 -90.57655

Faxonius macrus Williams
12190W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1985-07-16
United States, Missouri, Newton, Indian Creek, 2.75 mi SW Boulder City, 36.76216 -94.27244

Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
12191W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1985-07-16
United States, Missouri, Newton, Indian Creek, 2.75 mi SW Boulder City, 36.76216 -94.27244

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12192W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1984-10-29
United States, Missouri, Pulaski, Roubidoux Spring, Waynesville, 37.82511 -92.20156

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12193W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1984-10-29
United States, Missouri, Pulaski, Roubidoux Spring, Waynesville, 37.82511 -92.20156

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
12194W.L. Pflieger   1985-09-19
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Markham Spring, 3 mi W Williamsville, Markham Spring Conservation Area, 36.97828 -90.6036

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12195W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-06-20
United States, Missouri, Cooper, Moniteau Creek, 6.25 mi S Bunceton, 38.69544 -92.79925

Faxonius ozarkae Williams
12196W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1985-03-27
United States, Missouri, Oregon, Frederick Creek, 5 mi SSE Riverton, Rt. Y, 36.58217 -91.23716

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12197W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1985-03-27
United States, Missouri, Oregon, Frederick Creek, 5 mi SSE Riverton, Rt. Y, 36.58217 -91.23716

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12198W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-05
United States, Missouri, Putnam, Little Shoal Creek, near Mendota, 40.55929 -92.85288

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12199H.V. Wheeler & R.L. Ross   1984-11-18
United States, Missouri, Boone, Silver Fork, 5.6 mi WNW Hallsville, at The Pinnacles, 39.13431 -92.32217

122E.A. Lisowski   1975-04-05
United States, Indiana, Monroe, Richland Spring, Rt. 48 & Garrison Chapel Rd., 39.16392 -86.65177

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
1220L.M. Page & E.L. List   1972-09-30
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, trib. Swan Lake, 1.5 mi SE Brussels, 38.93545 -90.57655

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12200W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-05
United States, Missouri, Putnam, Shoal Creek, Iowa state line, 40.58824 -92.85653

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12201W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-05
United States, Missouri, Putnam, Little Shoal Creek, Mendota, Hwy. 129, 40.56477 -92.89644

Faxonius immunis Hagen
12202W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-06
United States, Missouri, Putnam, South Branch Shoal Creek, 7.75 mi N Unionville, Iowa state line, 40.58648 -93.00167

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12203W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-06
United States, Missouri, Putnam, South Branch Shoal Creek, 3 mi WSW Mendota, Hwy. CC, 40.56018 -92.94991

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12204W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-10
United States, Missouri, Morgan, Middle Richland Creek, 2.3 mi SE Stover, 38.41533 -92.96455

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12205W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-10
United States, Missouri, Morgan, Middle Richland Creek, 2.75 mi S Stover, Hwy. 135, 38.40373 -92.98214

12206W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-17
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Otter Slough, 10 mi WSW Dexter, Otter Slough State Wildlife Management Area, 36.71938 -90.11535

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12207W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-10-17
United States, Missouri, Atchison, Rock Creek, 4.2 mi NNE Rockport, 40.46732 -95.48956

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12208W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-10-18
United States, Missouri, Andrew, One Hundred and Two River, 3.2 mi E Savannah, 39.94054 -94.7691

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12209W.L. Pflieger   1987-02-03
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Crooked Creek, 0.5 mi NNW Glenallen, 37.32392 -90.03211

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
1221L.M. Page & E.L. List   1972-09-30
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, Crater Creek, 1 mi N Michael, 39.25055 -90.62149

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12210W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-10-18
United States, Missouri, Andrew, Platte River, Rochester Falls, Hwy. 169, 39.90745 -94.69094

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12211W.L. Pflieger & W. Probst   1979-03-27
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Dry Fork, 3 mi E Carytown & Hwy. 71, 37.25916 -94.25218

Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
12212W.L. Pflieger & W. Probst   1979-03-27
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Dry Fork, 3 mi E Carytown & Hwy. 71, 37.25916 -94.25218

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12213W.L. Pflieger, W. Probst & H.V. Wheeler   1981-03-24
United States, Missouri, Dallas, Niangua River, 3.8 mi N Charity, 37.56951 -93.00781

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12214W.L. Pflieger, W. Probst & H.V. Wheeler   1981-03-24
United States, Missouri, Dallas, Niangua River, 3.6 mi NE Buffalo, 37.67519 -93.04068

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12215W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-10-17
United States, Missouri, Atchison, trib. High Creek, 1 mi NNW Farmers City, 40.56911 -95.4548

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12216W.L. Pflieger   1984-10-19
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Bourbeuse River, 2.75 mi NW St. James, Hwy. 68, 38.03428 -91.64611

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12217W.L. Pflieger   1984-10-19
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Bourbeuse River, 2.75 mi NW St. James, Hwy. 68, 38.03428 -91.64611

Faxonius ozarkae Williams
12218W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1985-03-27
United States, Missouri, Howell, South Fork Spring River, 1.8 mi W Lanton, Hwy. 142, 36.51945 -91.83351

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12219W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1985-03-27
United States, Missouri, Howell, South Fork Spring River, 1.8 mi W Lanton, Hwy. 142, 36.51945 -91.83351

1222L.M. Page & E.L. List   1972-09-30
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, trib. Illinois River, 4 mi SSE Brussels, 38.90463 -90.569

Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
12220W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1985-03-27
United States, Missouri, Howell, Spring Creek, Carmen Springs Wildlife Area, S.R. Ap, Mark Twain National Forest, 36.90762 -92.07893

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12221W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson   1985-03-27
United States, Missouri, Howell, Spring Creek, Carmen Springs Wildlife Area, S.R. Ap, Mark Twain National Forest, 36.90762 -92.07893

Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
12222W.L. Pflieger & W. Probst   1979-03-28
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Dry Fork, 4.5 mi SW Jasper, 37.28911 -94.35745

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12223W.L. Pflieger & W. Probst   1979-03-28
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Dry Fork, 4.5 mi SW Jasper, 37.28911 -94.35745

Faxonius immunis Hagen
12224W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-10-16
United States, Missouri, Atchison, trib. Old Channel Nishnabotna River, Brickyard Hill Wildlife Area, 40.47232 -95.58144

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12225W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-10-16
United States, Missouri, Atchison, trib. Old Channel Nishnabotna River, Brickyard Hill Wildlife Area, 40.47232 -95.58144

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12226W.L. Pflieger & S. Olson   1980-04-17
United States, Missouri, Texas, Big Piney River, Slabtown, Slabtown Rd., 37.56625 -92.02642

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12227W.L. Pflieger & S. Olson   1980-04-17
United States, Missouri, Texas, Big Piney River, Slabtown, Slabtown Rd., 37.56625 -92.02642

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12228W.L. Pflieger & L.R. Adams   1982-07-08
United States, Missouri, Boone, Big Branch, 3.2 mi NE Columbia Regional Airport, Mark Twain National Forest, 38.84248 -92.1719

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12229W.L. Pflieger & L.R. Adams   1982-05-19
United States, Missouri, Vernon, Little Dry Wood Creek, Bushwacker Lake Conservation Area, 37.67652 -94.40264

Gammarus pseudolimnaeus
1223L.M. Page & E.L. List   1972-09-30
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, trib. Illinois River, 4 mi SSE Brussels, 38.90463 -90.569

12230W.L. Pflieger & D. Menown   1981-11-18
United States, Missouri, Butler, Allred Lake, 5.8 mi ESE Neelyville, 36.52074 -90.41632

Faxonius hylas (Faxon)
12231W.L. Pflieger, W.V. Wheeler & E. Buckner   1981-06-05
United States, Missouri, Iron, Guyser Hollow, 6.8 mi SSW Belgrade, 37.70209 -90.91418

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12232W.L. Pflieger, W. Probst & W.V. Wheeler   1981-03-26
United States, Missouri, Dade, Sac River, 10 mi E Greenfield, Rt. U, 37.42833 -93.65324

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12233W.L. Pflieger, W. Probst & W.V. Wheeler   1981-03-25
United States, Missouri, Polk, Pomme de Terre River, 5 mi NE Bolivar, Rt. D, 37.68233 -93.37066

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12234W.L. Pflieger, W. Probst & W.V. Wheeler   1981-03-24
United States, Missouri, Polk, Pomme de Terre River, 6.1 mi ESE Bolivar, 37.56642 -93.31671

Faxonius palmeri (Faxon)
12235W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-17
United States, Missouri, New Madrid, Main Ditch, 3.2 mi NNW Gideon, 36.49163 -89.94714

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12236W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-09-19
United States, Missouri, Miller, trib. South Moreau Creek, 3.9 mi WSW Eldon, Rt. Y, 38.33287 -92.65075

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12237W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-09-19
United States, Missouri, Miller, South Moreau Creek, 3.9 mi W Eldon, 38.34758 -92.64114

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12238W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-10-16
United States, Missouri, Nodaway, Honey Creek, 2.7 mi N Ravenwood, 40.39131 -94.68305

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12239W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-09-24
United States, Missouri, Cole, Moreau River, 6.2 mi SW Jefferson City, 38.52242 -92.26417

1224L.M. Page & R.A. Evers   1975-05-15
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, Cave Spring, 0.5 mi SSW Batchtown, 39.01567 -90.66736

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12240W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-10-16
United States, Missouri, Nodaway, One Hundred and Two River, 3.7 mi NE Maryville, 40.38676 -94.82716

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12241W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-10-16
United States, Missouri, Atchison, High Creek, 3.4 mi NE Watson, 40.512 -95.575

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12242W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-10-16
United States, Missouri, Atchison, High Creek, Hwy. 275, near jct. Rt. T, 40.51865 -95.52858

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12243W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-06-20
United States, Missouri, Cooper, Moniteau Creek, 4.75 mi SSW Bunceton, Rt. B, 38.73467 -92.78641

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12244W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-06-20
United States, Missouri, Cooper, Moniteau Creek, Cotton, end of Hwy. T, 38.72694 -92.71869

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12245W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-06-21
United States, Missouri, Moniteau, Moniteau Creek, 5 mi SSE Prairie Home, 38.74294 -92.56578

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12246W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-03
United States, Missouri, Boone, Bonne Femme Creek, 1.75 mi NE Easley, 38.81015 -92.35322

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12247W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-03
United States, Missouri, Boone, Bonne Femme Creek, 5.2 mi NW Ashland, 38.82155 -92.33112

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12248W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-06-03
United States, Missouri, Boone, Bass Creek, 4.25 mi NW Ashland, 38.83199 -92.28335

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12249W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-05
United States, Missouri, Putnam, Shoal Creek, 5.5 mi W Livonia, 40.49921 -92.80366

1225L.M. Page & R.A. Evers   1975-05-15
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, Cave Spring, 0.5 mi SSW Batchtown, 39.01567 -90.66736

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12250W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-06
United States, Missouri, Schuyler, South Fork North Fabius River, 2.5 mi N Lancaster, Hwy. 63, 40.5608 -92.52454

12251W.L. Pflieger   1979-05-23
United States, Missouri, St. Clair, trib. Little Clear Creek, 6.75 mi SSE Taberville, near Hwy. 82, 37.90848 -93.98851

Page 25, records 2401-2500 of 17636

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