12612 W.L. Pflieger & M.D. Henricks 1984-05-29
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Crooked Creek, 4.7 mi ESE Marble Hill, 37.27504 -89.89516
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12613 W.L. Pflieger & M.D. Henricks 1984-05-29
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Crooked Creek, 4.7 mi ESE Marble Hill, 37.27504 -89.89516
Faxonius palmeri (Faxon)
12614 W.L. Pflieger & M.D. Henricks 1984-05-29
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Crooked Creek, 4.7 mi ESE Marble Hill, 37.27504 -89.89516
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12615 W.L. Pflieger & L. Georgie 1983-08-31
United States, Missouri, Boone, Turkey Creek, Three Creeks Conservation Area, 38.84104 -92.27953
Faxonius palmeri (Faxon)
12616 W.L. Pflieger & L. Georgie 1983-07-25
United States, Missouri, Pemiscot, Ditch No. 1, 1.8 mi E Peach Orchard, Hwy. EE, 36.36155 -89.89975
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12617 W.L. Pflieger, K. West & T.B. Grace 1982-08-23
United States, Missouri, Atchison, Missouri River, just below mouth Nishnabotna River, 40.48227 -95.69499
Faxonius palmeri (Faxon)
12618 W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace 1978-10-18
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Castor River, 2.25 mi E Aquilla, 36.9491 -89.87593
Faxonius immunis Hagen
12619 W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels 1987-06-10
United States, Missouri, Holt, Davis Creek & Eagle Pool, Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge, due W of headquarters, 40.07025 -95.2346
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
1262 L.M. Page 1981-06-10
United States, Illinois, Carroll, Otter Creek, 2 mi NW Milledgeville, 41.9743 -89.81004
12620 W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels 1987-06-03
United States, Missouri, Vernon, roadside pools, 1.5 mi E Horton, near Spile Lake, 37.97418 -94.33823
Faxonius immunis Hagen
12621 W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels 1987-06-03
United States, Missouri, Vernon, roadside pools, 1.5 mi E Horton, near Spile Lake, 37.97418 -94.33823
12622 W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels 1987-06-03
United States, Missouri, Bates, roadside pools, 2.75 mi E Rich Hill, along Rt. B, 38.09654 -94.30411
Faxonius immunis Hagen
12623 W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels 1987-06-03
United States, Missouri, Bates, roadside pools, 2.75 mi E Rich Hill, along Rt. B, 38.09654 -94.30411
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12624 J.R. Whitley 1984-09-11
United States, Missouri, Saline, pond, 6 mi NNE Sweet Springs, Blind Pony Hatchery & Wildlife Area, 39.02998 -93.37112
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12625 W.L. Pflieger 1985-05-14
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, trib. Sandy Creek, 1.75 mi W Foley, 39.04189 -90.77497
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12626 W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson 1984-10-29
United States, Missouri, Greene, Little Sac River, Rt. H, 4.75 mi N I-44, 37.32314 -93.26225
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12627 W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson 1984-10-29
United States, Missouri, Greene, Little Sac River, Rt. H, 4.75 mi N I-44, 37.32314 -93.26225
Faxonius immunis Hagen
12628 W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels 1987-06-09
United States, Missouri, Saline, Van Meter Ditch, near Van Meter State Park, 39.27684 -93.27231
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12629 W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels 1987-06-09
United States, Missouri, Saline, Van Meter Ditch, near Van Meter State Park, 39.27684 -93.27231
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
1263 R. Stinauer 1974-07-10
United States, Illinois, Cass, Clear Creek, 4 mi W Virginia, 39.94684 -90.29579
Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
12630 W.L. Pflieger 1986-01-03
United States, Missouri, Jasper, spring, Rt. F, 0.5 mi W jct. Hwy. 37, 37.1458 -94.16401
Faxonius williamsi Fitzpatrick
12631 W.L. Pflieger & H.V. Wheeler 1984-03-21
United States, Missouri, Taney, Bear Creek, 1 mi NW Walnut Shade, 36.7436 -93.20008
Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
12632 W.L. Pflieger & H.V. Wheeler 1984-03-21
United States, Missouri, Taney, Bear Creek, 1 mi NW Walnut Shade, 36.7436 -93.20008
Faxonius ozarkae Williams
12633 W.L. Pflieger & H.V. Wheeler 1984-03-21
United States, Missouri, Taney, Bear Creek, 1 mi NW Walnut Shade, 36.7436 -93.20008
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12634 W.L. Pflieger 1985-10-08
United States, Missouri, Morgan, Haw Creek, 1.5 mi NW Florence, 38.61519 -93.00309
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12635 W.L. Pflieger 1985-10-08
United States, Missouri, Morgan, Haw Creek, 1.5 mi NW Florence, 38.61519 -93.00309
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12636 W.L. Pflieger & H.V. Wheeler 1984-11-20
United States, Missouri, Montgomery, West Fork Cuivre River, 1 mi N Middletown, 39.14095 -91.40614
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12637 W.L. Pflieger & H.V. Wheeler 1984-11-20
United States, Missouri, Montgomery, West Fork Cuivre River, 1 mi N Middletown, 39.14095 -91.40614
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12638 W.L. Pflieger 1987-02-03
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Whitewater River, Bollinger Mill State Park, 37.3661036 -89.80103
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12639 W.L. Pflieger 1987-02-03
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Whitewater River, Bollinger Mill State Park, 37.3661036 -89.80103
1264 W. Herridon 1974-07-10
United States, Illinois, Cass, Clear Creek, 3 mi SW Beardstown, 39.96941 -90.3858
Faxonius palmeri (Faxon)
12640 W.L. Pflieger 1987-02-03
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Whitewater River, Bollinger Mill State Park, 37.3661036 -89.80103
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12641 W.L. Pflieger & S. Olson 1980-05-20
United States, Missouri, Wright, Gasconade River, 1.75 mi SW Manes, Rt. H, 37.37142 -92.3922
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12642 W.L. Pflieger & S. Olson 1980-05-20
United States, Missouri, Wright, Gasconade River, 1.75 mi SW Manes, Rt. H, 37.37142 -92.3922
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12643 W.L. Pflieger & S. Olson 1980-05-19
United States, Missouri, Texas, Arthur Creek, 6 mi N Houston, near end of Rt. O, 37.41087 -91.92889
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12644 W.L. Pflieger & S. Olson 1980-05-19
United States, Missouri, Texas, Arthur Creek, 6 mi N Houston, near end of Rt. O, 37.41087 -91.92889
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12645 W.L. Pflieger 1985-10-09
United States, Missouri, Callaway, Whetstone Creek, 2.5 mi N Williamsburg, 38.9505 -91.68928
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12646 W.L. Pflieger, H.V. Wheeler & E. Buckner 1981-06-04
United States, Missouri, Iron, St. Francis River, 3.25 mi NE Elephant Rocks State Park, off Rt. U, 37.68742 -90.66424
Faxonius quadruncus (Creaser)
12647 W.L. Pflieger, H.V. Wheeler & E. Buckner 1981-06-04
United States, Missouri, Iron, St. Francis River, 3.25 mi NE Elephant Rocks State Park, off Rt. U, 37.68742 -90.66424
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12648 W.L. Pflieger 1985-10-24
United States, Missouri, Maries, Gasconade River, 2 mi E Vienna, Hwy. 42, 38.18871 -91.90832
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12649 W.L. Pflieger 1985-10-24
United States, Missouri, Maries, Gasconade River, 2 mi E Vienna, Hwy. 42, 38.18871 -91.90832
Faxonius immunis Hagen
1265 W. Herridon 1974-07-10
United States, Illinois, Cass, Clear Creek, 3 mi SW Beardstown, 39.96941 -90.3858
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12650 W.L. Pflieger 1985-09-20
United States, Missouri, Dent, Little Sinking Creek, 5 mi SW Bunker, near Rt. A, 37.42028 -91.28722
Faxonius ozarkae Williams
12651 W.L. Pflieger 1985-09-20
United States, Missouri, Dent, Little Sinking Creek, 5 mi SW Bunker, near Rt. A, 37.42028 -91.28722
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12652 W.L. Pflieger 1985-09-20
United States, Missouri, Dent, Little Sinking Creek, 5 mi SW Bunker, near Rt. A, 37.42028 -91.28722
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12653 W.L. Pflieger 1986-03-22
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Saint Johns Creek, 6 mi SW Washington, 38.52071 -91.1137
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12654 W.L. Pflieger 1986-03-22
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Saint Johns Creek, 6 mi SW Washington, 38.52071 -91.1137
Faxonius ozarkae Williams
12655 W.L. Pflieger & L.R. Adams 1982-08-03
United States, Missouri, Taney, Cane Creek, 4 mi E Kissee Mills, 5.4 mi SE Taneyville, 36.67844 -92.97691
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12656 W.L. Pflieger 1985-10-10
United States, Missouri, Ralls, Lick Creek, Perry, Hwy. 154, 39.43143 -91.67675
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12657 W.L. Pflieger 1985-10-10
United States, Missouri, Ralls, Lick Creek, Perry, Hwy. 154, 39.43143 -91.67675
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12658 W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson 1984-10-31
United States, Missouri, Cedar, Cedar Creek, 5.5 mi E Jerico Springs, Rt. B, 37.62216 -93.91177
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12659 W.L. Pflieger & S.K. Thomson 1984-10-31
United States, Missouri, Cedar, Cedar Creek, 5.5 mi E Jerico Springs, Rt. B, 37.62216 -93.91177
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
1266 W. Herridon 1974-07-10
United States, Illinois, Cass, Panther Creek, Chandlerville, 40.04199 -90.15608
12660 W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace 1979-07-19
United States, Missouri, Pemiscot, Wolf Bayou, 8.25 mi NE Hayti, Wolf Bayou Conservation Area, 36.31436 -89.63947
Faxonius lancifer (Hagen)
12661 W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace 1979-07-19
United States, Missouri, Pemiscot, Wolf Bayou, 8.25 mi NE Hayti, Wolf Bayou Conservation Area, 36.31436 -89.63947
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12662 W.L. Pflieger & L. Georgie 1983-05-23
United States, Missouri, Vernon, trib. Landon Branch, Osage Prairie Conservation Area, 37.74362 -94.32955
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12663 W.L. Pflieger & L. Georgie 1983-05-23
United States, Missouri, Vernon, trib. Landon Branch, Osage Prairie Conservation Area, 37.74584 -94.34013
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12664 W.L. Pflieger 1986-03-22
United States, Missouri, St. Louis, Wildhorse Creek, Babler State Park, 38.61529 -90.71334
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12665 W.L. Pflieger 1986-03-22
United States, Missouri, St. Louis, Wildhorse Creek, Babler State Park, 38.61529 -90.71334
Faxonius immunis Hagen
12666 W.L. Pflieger 1986-03-22
United States, Missouri, Warren, Peers Slough, 0.25 mi S Peers, 38.63229 -91.12319
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12667 W.L. Pflieger 1986-03-22
United States, Missouri, Warren, Peers Slough, 0.25 mi S Peers, 38.63229 -91.12319
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12668 W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels 1987-06-09
United States, Missouri, Saline, Cragg Branch, 3.5 mi SW Waverly, 39.17402 -93.56292
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12669 W.L. Pflieger & W. Probst 1979-03-26
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Spring River, 1.25 mi S Verona, just below Hwy. 60, 36.94554 -93.79148
1267 L.M. Page & B.M. Burr 1976-10-01
United States, Illinois, Cass, Schaad Ditch, 3.5 mi NNW Virginia, 40.01614 -90.25191
Faxonius macrus Williams
12670 W.L. Pflieger & W. Probst 1979-03-26
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Spring River, 1.25 mi S Verona, just below Hwy. 60, 36.94554 -93.79148
Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
12671 W.L. Pflieger & W. Probst 1979-03-26
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Spring River, 1.25 mi S Verona, just below Hwy. 60, 36.94554 -93.79148
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12672 W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace 1979-03-27
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Spring River, 2.25 mi NE Stotts City, 37.13001 -93.9171
Faxonius macrus Williams
12673 W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace 1979-03-27
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Spring River, 2.25 mi NE Stotts City, 37.13001 -93.9171
Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
12674 W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace 1979-03-27
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Spring River, 2.25 mi NE Stotts City, 37.13001 -93.9171
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12675 W.L. Pflieger 1988-03-24
United States, Missouri, Madison, Twelve Mile Creek, 3 mi S Cherokee Pass, Hwy. 67, 37.45075 -90.29697
12676 W.L. Pflieger 1988-03-24
United States, Missouri, Madison, Twelve Mile Creek, 3 mi S Cherokee Pass, Hwy. 67, 37.45075 -90.29697
Faxonius peruncus (Creaser)
12677 W.L. Pflieger 1988-03-24
United States, Missouri, Madison, Twelve Mile Creek, 3 mi S Cherokee Pass, Hwy. 67, 37.45075 -90.29697
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12678 W.L. Pflieger 1988-03-24
United States, Missouri, Madison, Twelve Mile Creek, 3 mi S Cherokee Pass, Hwy. 67, 37.45075 -90.29697
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12679 W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels 1987-03-20
United States, Missouri, Carter, Bear Camp Creek, 3 mi SE Eastwood, 36.86331 -90.9901
1268 M.A. Morris 1978-06-30
United States, Illinois, Cass, pond, Beardstown, 40.0003 -90.43731
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12680 W.L. Pflieger & S. Olson 1980-04-17
United States, Missouri, Texas, Big Paddy Creek, Paddy Creek Campground, near confluence with Big Piney River, 37.55569 -92.04176
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12681 W.L. Pflieger & S. Olson 1980-04-17
United States, Missouri, Texas, Big Paddy Creek, Paddy Creek Campground, near confluence with Big Piney River, 37.55569 -92.04176
12682 J.S. Tiemann & A.R. Kuhns 2011-09-15
United States, Illinois, McHenry, wetland, 1 mi S Richmond, off, Rt. 12, S edge Richmond pond, 42.45939 -88.30573
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12683 W.L. Pflieger 1983-10-10
United States, Missouri, Crawford, trib. Dry Creek, 4.3 mi SSE Cherryville, 37.78875 -91.26029
Faxonius harrisoni (Faxon)
12684 W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace 1979-06-06
United States, Missouri, St. Francois, Terre Bleue Creek, 3.4 mi ENE Bonne Terre, 37.94694 -90.49988
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12685 W.L. Pflieger 1984-09-19
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Spring River, 3 mi SW Mt. Vernon, Rt. H, 37.07807 -93.85471
Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
12686 W.L. Pflieger 1984-09-19
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Spring River, 3 mi SW Mt. Vernon, Rt. H, 37.07807 -93.85471
Faxonius peruncus (Creaser)
12687 W.L. Pflieger & L. Georgie 1984-03-29
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Clark Creek, 0.5 mi ENE Patterson, 37.19104 -90.53883
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12688 W.L. Pflieger & L. Georgie 1984-03-29
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Clark Creek, 0.5 mi ENE Patterson, 37.19104 -90.53883
12689 W.L. Pflieger 1985-11-14
United States, Missouri, Iron, Clayton Creek, Redmondville, 37.62182 -90.97028
Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
1269 M.A. Morris 1978-06-30
United States, Illinois, Cass, pond, Beardstown, 40.0003 -90.43731
Faxonius hylas (Faxon)
12690 W.L. Pflieger 1985-11-14
United States, Missouri, Iron, Clayton Creek, Redmondville, 37.62182 -90.97028
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12691 W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace 1979-05-14
United States, Missouri, Callaway, Hillers Creek, 7 mi SE New Bloomfield, Rt. BB, 38.6361 -92.00324
Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
12692 W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace 1979-05-14
United States, Missouri, Callaway, Hillers Creek, 7 mi SE New Bloomfield, Rt. BB, 38.6361 -92.00324
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12693 W.L. Pflieger 1987-02-02
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, Joachim Creek, 3.25 mi SE DeSoto, Hwy. V, 38.09387 -90.52983
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12694 W.L. Pflieger 1987-02-02
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, Joachim Creek, 3.25 mi SE DeSoto, Hwy. V, 38.09387 -90.52983
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12695 W.L. Pflieger 1985-10-22
United States, Missouri, Barton, East Fork Dry Wood Creek, 2.25 mi NE Liberal, Hwy. 143, 37.57326 -94.4767
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12696 W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace 1978-10-05
United States, Missouri, Monroe, Salt River, Florida, Hwy. 107, 39.48457 -91.7873
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12697 W.L. Pflieger, T.B. Grace & L. Georgie 1983-08-10
United States, Missouri, Marion, Mississippi River, near W Quincy, Lock & Dam 21, 39.92705 -91.41612
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12698 W.L. Pflieger 1987-10-02
United States, Missouri, Wayne, East Fork Lost Creek, 1.5 mi ESE Shook, Rt. D, 37.03367 -90.28981
Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
12699 W.L. Pflieger 1987-10-02
United States, Missouri, Wayne, East Fork Lost Creek, 1.5 mi ESE Shook, Rt. D, 37.03367 -90.28981
127 E.A. Lisowski & W. Sladek 1975-07-27
United States, Indiana, Monroe, King Blair Cave, 6 mi SW Bloomington, 39.1234 -86.6575
Palaemon kadiakensis Rathbun, 1902
1270 K. Lubinski & S. Sallee 1978-04-11
United States, Illinois, Cass, Illinois River, Beardstown, 40.01927 -90.43547
Faxonius quadruncus (Creaser)
12700 W.L. Pflieger 1987-10-02
United States, Missouri, Wayne, East Fork Lost Creek, 1.5 mi ESE Shook, Rt. D, 37.03367 -90.28981
Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
12701 W.L. Pflieger & S. Olson 1980-04-17
United States, Missouri, Texas, Big Piney River, Boiling Spring, Rt. BB, 37.45941 -91.98887