INHS Collections Data

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Page 37, records 3601-3700 of 17636

Illinois Natural History Survey - Crustacean Collection

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
13243W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-11
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Current River, Doniphan, Hwy. 160, 36.61788 -90.83971

Faxonius ozarkae Williams
13244W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-11
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Current River, Doniphan, Hwy. 160, 36.61788 -90.83971

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
13245W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-11
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Current River, Doniphan, Hwy. 160, 36.61788 -90.83971

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
13246W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-11
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Current River, Doniphan, Hwy. 160, 36.61788 -90.83971

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
13247W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-03-28
United States, Missouri, Barton, North Fork Spring River, 5.75 mi SSW Lamar, near Hwy. 71, 37.417 -94.30836

Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
13248W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-03-28
United States, Missouri, Barton, North Fork Spring River, 5.75 mi SSW Lamar, near Hwy. 71, 37.417 -94.30836

Faxonius longidigitus (Faxon)
13249   1965-08-19
United States, Missouri, Douglas/ Howell, Indian Creek, 36.99597 -92.09011

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
1325INHS Stream Crew   1972-09-08
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Kaskaskia Ditch, 0.5 mi W Rising, 40.1567 -88.34327

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
13250C.S. Guy   1986-10-30
United States, Missouri, Boone, Gans Creek, 5.2 mi SSE Columbia, first riffle before Gans Creek NA fenceline, 38.88519 -92.28649

Faxonius immunis Hagen
13251W.L. Pflieger   1987-05-15
United States, Missouri, Boone, pond, Rock Bridge State Park, 38.87804 -92.30726

Faxonius hylas (Faxon)
13252R.J. Distefano & C.S. Morris   1987-05-03
United States, Missouri, Madison, Little Rock Creek, near Rt. E, near mouth at St. Francis River, 37.45408 -90.49078

Faxonius peruncus (Creaser)
13253R.J. Distefano & C.S. Morris   1987-05-03
United States, Missouri, Madison, Little Rock Creek, near Rt. E, near mouth at St. Francis River, 37.45408 -90.49078

Cambarus hubbsi Creaser, 1931
13254R.J. Distefano   1987-00-00
United States, Missouri, Madison, Marble Creek, Rt. E, Marble Creek Recreation Area Campground, 37.44957 -90.53872

Faxonius longidigitus (Faxon)
13255D. Menown   1986-05-00
United States, Missouri, Stone, Table Rock Lake, near Camp Fear, James River arm, 36.73077 -93.49957

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
13256W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1978-10-06
United States, Missouri, Monroe, Crooked Creek, 8 mi N Paris, 39.59656 -91.99904

13257W.L. Pflieger   1978-10-17
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Otter Slough, Otter Slough State Wildlife Management Area, 36.74394 -90.10334

Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852)
13258W.L. Pflieger   1978-10-17
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Otter Slough, Otter Slough State Wildlife Management Area, 36.74394 -90.10334

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
13259W.L. Pflieger   1983-10-11
United States, Missouri, Iron, trib. Marble Creek, 10.2 mi N Ironton, 37.45071 -90.60888

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
1326R. Hite   1983-06-28
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Kaskaskia Ditch, 3 mi SSE Bondville, 3 mi S Rt. 10, 40.06952 -88.34557

Faxonius quadruncus (Creaser)
13260W.L. Pflieger   1983-10-11
United States, Missouri, Iron, trib. Marble Creek, 10.2 mi N Ironton, 37.45071 -90.60888

Faxonius neglectus (Faxon)
13261W.L. Pflieger   1983-10-12
United States, Missouri, Howell, Middle Indian Creek, 5 mi NW Willow Springs, Rt. AM, 37.02029 -92.05054

Faxonius lancifer (Hagen)
13262W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-18
United States, Missouri, Dunklin, St. Francis River, 4.5 mi NW Senath, Ben Cash Swamp Wildlife Area, 36.16518 -90.23153

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
13263W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-18
United States, Missouri, Dunklin, St. Francis River, 4.5 mi NW Senath, Ben Cash Swamp Wildlife Area, 36.16518 -90.23153

Faxonius palmeri (Faxon)
13264W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-07-18
United States, Missouri, Dunklin, St. Francis River, 4.5 mi NW Senath, Ben Cash Swamp Wildlife Area, 36.16518 -90.23153

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
13265W.L. Pflieger & T.B. Grace   1979-05-17
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Sugar Creek & tribs, 5.5 mi NNE Troy & Rt. KK & 2 tributaries N of Okete, 39.0568 -90.9471

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
13266W.L. Pflieger   1987-10-01
United States, Missouri, St. Louis, Meramec River, near Times Beach, I-44, 38.50479 -90.59124

Cambarus maculatus Hobbs, 1988
13267W.L. Pflieger   1987-10-01
United States, Missouri, St. Louis, Meramec River, near Times Beach, I-44, 38.50479 -90.59124

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
13268W.L. Pflieger   1987-10-01
United States, Missouri, St. Louis, Meramec River, near Times Beach, I-44, 38.50479 -90.59124

Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852)
13269W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-12
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, pools, 2.8 mi E Brownwood, Hwy. 25, 37.07925 -89.90438

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
1327R. Hite   1983-06-28
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Kaskaskia Ditch, 3 mi SSE Bondville, 3 mi S Rt. 10, 40.06952 -88.34557

13270W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-12
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, swamp & spring, Holly Ridge Conservation Area, 36.84395 -89.90657

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
13271W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-12
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, swamp & spring, Holly Ridge Conservation Area, 36.84395 -89.90657

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
13272W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-22
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Webber Creek, 2.75 mi SW Union, Rt. UU, 38.41963 -91.04858

Faxonius punctimanus (Creaser)
13273W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-22
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Webber Creek, 2.75 mi SW Union, Rt. UU, 38.41963 -91.04858

Faxonius luteus (Creaser)
13274W.L. Pflieger   1986-04-15
United States, Missouri, St. Clair, Brush Creek, 4.5 mi SW Collins, 37.83761 -93.66965

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
13275W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-26
United States, Missouri, Clark, ditch, 1 mi W Wayland, Hwy. 136, just W Fox River, 40.39238 -91.59915

Faxonius immunis Hagen
13276W.L. Pflieger   1986-03-26
United States, Missouri, Clark, ditch, 1 mi W Wayland, Hwy. 136, just W Fox River, 40.39238 -91.59915

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
13277W.L. Pflieger   1986-05-22
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Stanley Creek, 4 mi NE Wappapello, Rt. Z, 36.98588 -90.23796

Faxonius palmeri (Faxon)
13278W.L. Pflieger   1986-05-22
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Stanley Creek, 4 mi NE Wappapello, Rt. Z, 36.98588 -90.23796

13279W.L. Pflieger   1988-03-02
United States, Missouri, Vernon, pools, 0.75 mi N Stotesbury, near Rt. V, 37.97881 -94.56212

1328R. Hite   1983-06-23
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Two Mile Slough, 3 mi W Pesotum, 39.91557 -88.33064

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
13280W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels   1987-06-04
United States, Missouri, Vernon, sloughs, 0.75 mi N Stotesbury, near Rt. V, 37.97881 -94.56212

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
13281W.L. Pflieger & J. Siebels   1987-06-04
United States, Missouri, Vernon, sloughs, 0.75 mi N Stotesbury, near Rt. V, 37.97881 -94.56212

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
13282E. Imoff   2012-05-25
United States, Missouri, Greene, Lake Springfield, Springfield, 4601 S Nature Center Way, 37.1244 -93.2424

Faxonius propinquus (Girard, 1852)
13283A. Moerke   2012-06-00
United States, Michigan, Chippewa, Lake Superior, mouth of Tahquamenon River, 46.5544 -85.0282

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
13284L. Etchison   2012-09-18
United States, Indiana, Delaware, West Fork White River, Muncie, Westside Park, 40.1849 -85.4157

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
13286   2012-09-00
United States, Missouri, Saline, pond, Blind Pony Hatchery, 39.0288 -93.3703

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
13287A. Moerke, et al.   2012-07-00
United States, Michigan, Chippewa, St. Marys River, Sugar Island, Palmers Point, 46.53632 -84.20409

Palaemon kadiakensis Rathbun, 1902
13288N. Huber, et al.   2012-10-23
United States, Illinois, Lake, Des Plaines River, MacArthur Woods Forest Preserve, Libertyville, 0.6 mi N Hwy. 60, 42.2484 -87.9427

13289B.S. Engelbert   2013-04-01
United States, Indiana, Crawford, trib. Otter Creek, Hemlock Cliffs Recreational Area, along trail, 38.27597 -86.53752

Crangonyx pseudogracilis Bousfield, 1958
1329R. Hite   1983-06-23
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Two Mile Slough, 3 mi W Pesotum, 39.91557 -88.33064

Lacunicambarus polychromatus Thoma, Jezerinac & Simon, 2005
13290B.S. Engelbert   2013-04-01
United States, Indiana, Crawford, trib. Otter Creek, Hemlock Cliffs Recreational Area, along trail, 38.27597 -86.53752

Faxonius juvenilis (Hagen, 1870)
13291B.S. Engelbert   2013-04-01
United States, Indiana, Crawford, trib. Otter Creek, Hemlock Cliffs Recreational Area, along trail, 38.27597 -86.53752

Faxonius ronaldi Taylor, 2000
13292B.S. Engelbert   2013-03-31
United States, Indiana, Crawford, Little Blue River, 1.4 mi SSW English, W Tunnel Hill Rd., 38.31641 -86.47723

Faxonius juvenilis (Hagen, 1870)
13293B.S. Engelbert   2013-04-01
United States, Indiana, Harrison, Buck Creek, 3.5 mi NW Laconia, Squire Boone Rd. crossing, 38.06301 -86.13613

Cambarus speleocoopi Buhay & Crandall, 2009
13294A.D., A.V., M.H., E.A. Huryn & M. Kendrick   2012-12-06
United States, Alabama, Marshall, Kellers Cave

13295M.W. Sanderson & P.W. Smith   1953-03-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Salt Fork Vermilion River, Sidney, 40.02909 -88.06632

Faxonius immunis Hagen
13296M.W. Sanderson & P.W. Smith   1953-03-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Salt Fork Vermilion River, Sidney, 40.02909 -88.06632

Faxonius rusticus (Girard, 1852)
13297J.S. Tiemann, S.M. Jaworski, C.A. Phillips, et al.   2012-06-07
United States, Illinois, McHenry, Coon Creek, 6.7 mi NNE Genoa, I-90 bridge, 42.185378 -88.639857

Faxonius rusticus (Girard, 1852)
13298J.S. Tiemann & S.M. Jaworski   2012-09-18
United States, Illinois, Boone, Spring Creek, 7.4 mi ESE Belvidere, I-90 bridge, 42.210519 -88.71854

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
13299J.S. Tiemann & S.M. Jaworski   2012-09-18
United States, Illinois, Boone, Spring Creek, 7.4 mi ESE Belvidere, I-90 bridge, 42.210519 -88.71854

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
133L.M. Page & L.J. Stannard   1973-11-15
United States, Indiana, Posey, Hovey Lake, near Hovey, 37.81576 -87.95824

Faxonius propinquus (Girard, 1852)
1330R. Hite   1983-06-23
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Two Mile Slough, 3 mi W Pesotum, 39.91557 -88.33064

Faxonius rusticus (Girard, 1852)
13300J.S. Tiemann & S.M. Jaworski   2012-06-04
United States, Illinois, McHenry, pond outflow, 6 mi SW Marengo, I-90 crossing, 42.20373 -88.69743

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
13301J.S. Tiemann. A.R. Kuhns, S.M. Jaworski & Nick   2012-07-02
United States, Illinois, Lake, Mill Creek, Grayslake, Rt. 83, just S Center St., 42.3443 -88.03323

Faxonius rusticus (Girard, 1852)
13302J.S. Tiemann, S.M. Jaworski, et al.   2012-06-05
United States, Illinois, Boone, Spring Creek, 7.4 mi ESE Belvidere, I-90 bridge, 42.210519 -88.71854

Faxonius pardalotus Wetzel, Poly, & Fetzner, 2005
13303J.S. Tiemann & K.S. Cummings   2012-08-15
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, Ohio River, near America, 37.12068 -89.11446

Cambarus bartonii bartonii (Fabricius, 1798)
13305D.R. Jones & R.C. Harrington   2006-05-09
United States, Tennessee, Polk, Sylco Creek, 8 mi SSE Benton, along FR 302, 35.07019 -84.58589

13306D.R. Jones & R.C. Harrington   2006-05-09
United States, Tennessee, Polk, Sylco Creek, 8 mi SSE Benton, along FR 302, 35.07019 -84.58589

13307D.R. Jones & N.L. Smith   2003-03-19
United States, Tennessee, Carter, Doe River, Roan Mountain, S.R. 143, 36.19859 -82.0732

Barbicambarus simmonsi (Faxon, 1884)
13308C.A. Taylor & A.J. Stites   2012-10-25
United States, Tennessee, Lawrence, Factory Creek, 2.2 mi S Westpoint, Hardin Loop bridge crossing, 35.10103 -87.54011

Cambarus andersoni Jones & Eversole, 2015
13309C.A. Taylor & A.J. Stites   2012-10-25
United States, Tennessee, Lawrence, Factory Creek, 2.2 mi S Westpoint, Hardin Loop bridge crossing, 35.10103 -87.54011

Faxonius virilis (Hagen, 1870)
1331R. Hite   1983-06-23
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Two Mile Slough, 3 mi W Pesotum, 39.91557 -88.33064

13310C.A. Taylor & A.J. Stites   2012-10-25
United States, Tennessee, Lawrence, Factory Creek, 2.2 mi S Westpoint, Hardin Loop bridge crossing, 35.10103 -87.54011

Cambarus carinirostris Bouchard, 1973
13311G.A. Schuster   2012-09-20
United States, Ohio, Belmont, Brush Run, 1 mi NW Warnock, jct. Brush Run Rd. & Hwy. 149, 40.03179 -80.953

Faxonius obscurus (Hagen, 1870)
13312G.A. Schuster   2012-09-20
United States, Ohio, Belmont, Brush Run, 1 mi NW Warnock, jct. Brush Run Rd. & Hwy. 149, 40.03179 -80.953

Cambarus carinirostris Bouchard, 1973
13313G.A. Schuster   2012-09-20
United States, Ohio, Belmont, Roberts Run, 1 mi NE Lamira, along Hwy. 149, 40.0333 -80.9816

Faxonius obscurus (Hagen, 1870)
13314G.A. Schuster   2012-09-20
United States, Ohio, Belmont, Roberts Run, 1 mi NE Lamira, along Hwy. 149, 40.0333 -80.9816

Faxonius obscurus (Hagen, 1870)
13315G.A. Schuster   2012-09-19
United States, Ohio, Belmont, McMahon Creek, 0.5 mi ESE Glencoe, Hwy. 149 crossing, near jct. Cumberland Run Rd. & Tar Run Rd., 40.0027 -80.8751

Faxonius raymondi Thoma & Stocker, 2009
13316G.A. Schuster   2012-09-19
United States, Ohio, Brown, Straight Creek, 4.3 mi ENE Higginspory, Old Hwy. 68 crossing, 38.7993 -83.889013

Faxonius validus (Faxon, 1914)
13317A.C. Carson, J.G. McWhirter, J. Lipscomb & C. Johnson   2012-09-25
United States, Alabama, Winston, Mill Creek, 8.7 mi SSW Addison, W of Co. Rd. 111, 34.17111 -87.32478

Faxonius lancifer (Hagen)
13318S.B. Adams, W.R. Haag & M.D. Knoerr   2012-09-25
United States, Alabama, Winston, Sipsey Fork, 4.5 mi ENE Double Springs, W of Co. Rd. 111, 34.17571 -87.33222

Faxonius validus (Faxon, 1914)
13319S.B. Adams, W.R. Haag & M.D. Knoerr   2012-09-25
United States, Alabama, Winston, Sipsey Fork, 4.5 mi ENE Double Springs, W of Co. Rd. 111, 34.17571 -87.33222

Lacunicambarus diogenes (Girard, 1852)
1332R. Hite   1983-06-23
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Two Mile Slough, 3 mi W Pesotum, 39.91557 -88.33064

Faxonius lancifer (Hagen)
13320M.L. Warren, A. Dolloff, A.C. Carson & M.R. Bland   2012-09-26
United States, Alabama, Winston, Sipsey Fork, 4.5 mi NE Double Springs, E of Co. Rd. 2 near jct. Co. Rd. 8, 34.18854 -87.3431

Faxonius validus (Faxon, 1914)
13321M.L. Warren, A. Dolloff & M.R. Bland   2012-09-25
United States, Alabama, Winston, Sipsey Fork, 4.5 mi NE Double Springs, E of Co. Rd. 2 near jct. Co. Rd. 8, 34.18854 -87.3431

Faxonius validus (Faxon, 1914)
13322M.L. Warren, A. Dolloff, A.C. Carson & M.R. Bland   2012-09-26
United States, Alabama, Winston, Sipsey Fork, 4.9 mi NE Double Springs, E of Co. Rd. 2, 34.19899 -87.34403

Faxonius validus (Faxon, 1914)
13323M.L. Warren, A. Dolloff & M.R. Bland   2012-09-25
United States, Alabama, Winston, Sipsey Fork, 5.1 mi SSW Grayson, E jct. Co. Rd. 2 & Hwy. 33, 34.21037 -87.34961

Faxonius validus (Faxon, 1914)
13324M.R. Bland & C. Roghair   2012-09-19
United States, Alabama, Winston, Sipsey Fork, 5.1 mi SSW Grayson, E jct. Co. Rd. 2 & Hwy. 33, 34.2114 -87.34976

13325M.R. Bland & C. Roghair   2012-09-19
United States, Alabama, Winston, Sipsey Fork, 5.1 mi SSW Grayson, E jct. Co. Rd. 2 & Hwy. 33, 34.2114 -87.34976

Faxonius validus (Faxon, 1914)
13326S.B. Adams, W.R. Haag & M.D. Knoerr   2012-09-25
United States, Alabama, Winston, Sipsey Fork, 4.5 mi NE Double Springs, E of Co. Rd. 2 near jct. Co. Rd. 8, 34.18854 -87.3431

Faxonius validus (Faxon, 1914)
13327S.B. Adams, W.R. Haag & M.D. Knoerr   2012-09-25
United States, Alabama, Winston, Grindstone Creek, 5.1 mi NE Double Springs, E of Co. Rd. 2 near jct. Co. Rd. 18, 34.19498 -87.3359

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
13328   1910-09-07
United States, Illinois, Champaign, [Saline Branch Drainage Ditch], Urbana, E Crystal Lake Park, 40.12412 -88.20962

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
13329E.T. Ebersol   1888-00-00
United States, Illinois, Adams, Quincy

1333R. Hite   1983-06-23
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Kaskaskia Ditch, 2 mi N Sadorus, 40.01115 -88.34868

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
13330   1932-00-00
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Middle Fork Vermilion River, Penfield, 40.31324 -87.92564

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
13331T.L. Hankinson   1912-06-12
United States, Illinois, Coles, Charleston, Station 86

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
13332A.R. Brigham, J.D. Unzicker & J.L. Browen   1985-05-21
United States, Illinois, Lake, Des Plaines River, 0.7 mi W Russell, W jct. Hwy. 19 & Hwy. 37, 42.49194 -87.92587

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
13333Forbes & Richardson   1892-07-21
United States, Illinois, Carroll, Mississippi River, Savanna, 42.09453 -90.15947

Procambarus acutus (Girard, 1852)
13334   1929-07-27
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Seymour

Page 37, records 3601-3700 of 17636

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