ILLS00009748 Steven R. Hill 30530 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Walpole, Maine Route 129, just south of Pitcher Road, 4.4 miles south of Maine Route 130. Mixed spruce, fir, white pine, birch forest margin. Sand over granitic outcrops. Common in large colonies, pale blueish-grey lichen. Intricately branched.
ILLS00007282 Steven R. Hill 30527 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Walpole, Maine Route 129, just south of Pitcher Road, 4.4 miles south of Maine Route 130. Mixed spruce, fir, white pine, birch forest margin. Sand over granitic outcrops. Pale blue-green-grey fruticose lichen, thallus hollow. Locally common in large circular colonies with/Cladina.
ILLS00009390 Steven R. Hill 30526 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Walpole, Maine Route 129, just south of Pitcher Road, 4.4 miles south of Maine Route 130. Mixed spruce, fir, white pine, birch forest margin. Sand over granitic outcrops. Fruiting bodies brown; silvery-grey fruticose lichen. Mostly on and with mosses over ledges.
ILLS00009750 Steven R. Hill & Christina Renda 30396 1998-06-15
United States, Maine, Washington, Hunboldt Field Research Institute, Eagle Hill, Steuben, east side Dyer Bay Road; Blue Trail. 3.6 mile south of US Route 1; spruce-fir forest, to Dyer Bay. Granitic-gneiss outcrops and boulders, humus soil. Green-grey tufted branched lichen; locally common.
Dermatocarpon arenosaxi Amtoft
ILLS00010135 Steven R. Hill 30172 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, 4 to 5 mile south of Halltown on private road west of County Road 0. T. 28N, R. 25W, Sect. 14. Sandstone glade. Thin sandy soil over sandstone outcrops. Rather common dark brown, soil-colored ichen on small chunks of stone. Also in small colonies in thin sand, sandstone margins.
ILLS00007426 Steven R. Hill 30171 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, 4 to 5 mile south of Halltown on private road west of County Road 0. T. 28N, R. 25W, Sect. 14. Sandstone glade. Thin sandy soil over sandstone outcrops. Common silvery-grey, coarsely branched lichen on sand. Forming cushions generally 10 centimeter in diameter; barrens.
ILLS00009611 Steven R. Hill 30173B 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, 4 to 5 miles south of Halltown on private road west of County Road 0. T. 28N, R. 25W, Sect. 14. Sandstone glade. Thin sandy soil over sandstone outcrops. Rather common, forming small circular convex cushions (hemispheres). On thin soil on sandstone; grey-green.
ILLS00009416 Steven R. Hill 30524 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Walpole, Maine Route 129, just south of Pitcher Road, 4.4 miles south of Maine Route 130. Mixed spruce, fir, white pine, birch forest margin. Sand over granitic outcrops. Silvery-grey fruticose lichen, mostly on mosses over ledges.
ILLS00008940 Steven R. Hill 30493 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Maine Route 27, north of Gardiner Pond, between Dresden Mills and Wiscasset. Spruce-fir forest, north-facing slopes. Granitic ledges and glacial till, humus. Blueish-grey-green fruticose lichen; fruiting bodies subulate. Granitic-gneiss boulders and outcrops, shade.
ILLS00007962 Steven R. Hill 30490 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Maine Route 27, north of Gardiner Pond, between Dresden Mills and Wiscasset. Spruce-fir forest, north-facing slopes. Granitic ledges and glacial till, humus. Blueish-grey-green fruticose lichen in humus over granitic-gneiss. Fruiting bodies brown; shaded outcrops.
ILLS00099750 Steven R. Hill 30489 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Maine Route 27, north of Gardiner Pond, between Dresden Mills and Wiscasset. Spruce-fir forest, north-facing slopes. Granitic ledges and glacial till, humus. Common grey epiphye, foliose, on Betula papyrifera branches. Edge of marsh.
ILLS00009500 Steven R. Hill 30398 1998-06-15
United States, Maine, Washington, Humboldt Field Research Institute, Eagle Hill, Steuben, east side of Dyer Bay Road; Blue Trail. 3.6 mile south of US Route 1; spruce-fir forest, to Dyer Bay. Granitic-gneiss outcrops and boulders, humus soil. Fruticose lichen, squamose base; fruiting bodies tan-brown.
ILLS00008095 Steven R. Hill 30525 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Walpole, Maine Route 129, just south of Pitcher Road. 4.4 miles south of Maine Route 130. Mised spruce, fir, white pine, birch forest margin. Sand over granitic outcrops. Pale blue-green-grey lichen with scarlet fruiting bodies at apex. Locally common.
ILLS00008904 Steven R. Hill 30529 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Walpole, Maine Route 129, just south of Pitcher Road. 4.4 miles south of Maine Route 130. Mised spruce, fir, white pine, birch forest margin. Sand over granitic outcrops. Cylindrical-stemmed, blue-grey-green fruticose few-branched lichen. Edge of woods, deeper soil above ledges.
ILLS00097995 Steven R. Hill 30535 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Christmas Cove, east side Road (terminus of Main Route 129); near cottages. Coastal spruce-fir forest. Sand, humus over granitic outcrop forming peninsula. Blue-green-grey foliose lichen commonly encrusting Picea twigs.
ILLS00093449 Steven R. Hill 30546 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Christmas Cove, east side Road (terminus of Main Route 129); near cottages. Coastal spruce-fir forest. Sand, humus over granitic outcrop forming peninsula. Blue-green-grey foliose lichen, prostrate on moss.
ILLS00009135 Steven R. Hill 30521 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Walpole, Maine Route 129, just south of Pitcher Road, 4.4 miles south of Maine Route 130. Mixed spruce, fir, white pine, birch forest margin. Sand over granitic outcrops. funnel shaped fruiting bodies with red clavate marginal fruit structures. Pale blueish-grey; occasional.
ILLS00008700 Steven R. Hill 30754 1998-09-01
United States, Illinois, Cass, South of Beardstown, Schneider property, between Stock Lane, railroad, Boulevard Road. T. 17N, R. 12W, NE1/4 SE1/4 NW1/4 Sect. 2, Arenzville Quadrangle. Sand prairie - sand savanna remnant between cropfields at east end of sand ridge. Funnel-shaped thallus; occasional on open sand.
ILLS00009374 Steven R. Hill 30755 1998-09-01
United States, Illinois, Cass, South of Beardstown, Schneider property, between Stock Lane, railroad, Boulevard Road. T. 17N, R. 12W, NE1/4 SE1/4 NW1/4 Sect. 2, Arenzville Quadrangle. Sand prairie - sand savanna remnant between cropfields at east end of sand ridge. Antler-like, erect; occasional in sand.
ILLS00007992 Steven R. Hill 30753 1998-09-01
United States, Illinois, Cass, South of Beardstown, Schneider property, between Stock Lane, railroad, Boulevard Road. T. 17N, R. 12W, NE1/4 SE1/4 NW1/4 Sect. 2, Arenzville Quadrangle. Sand prairie - sand savanna remnant between cropfields at east end of sand ridge. Branch tips red, branches greyish; rather common on open sand.
ILLS00009093 Steven R. Hill 30211 1998-05-04
United States, Illinois, Cass, Between cropfield and railroad near powerline. South of Beardstown, Schneider property, between Stock Lane, railroad, Boulevard Road. T. 17N, R. 12W, SE1/4 SE1/4 NE1/4 Sect. 2, Arenzville West Quadrangle. Sand prairie. Sand. Occasional to locally common lichen on open sand with Opuntia. Thallus grey-green to sulfur, fruiting bodies brown at tip.
ILLS00009630 Steven R. Hill 31263A 1999-04-17
United States, North Carolina, Pender, North side of North Carolina Route 50, 3.4 miles southeast of junction Route 53, Maple Hill. Cutover pineland, white cedar swamps less disturbed. Dark, peat-rich, acid sand.
ILLS00007219 Steven R. Hill 31371 1999-04-21
United States, North Carolina, Bladen, West side North Carolina 242, 0.2 mile south of Cumberland County Line. Pond pine savanna with small pocsins, some dry areas. Deep acid sand variably wet. Infrequent grey herb with brown tips, with sphagnum.
ILLS00010790 Steven R. Hill and Heyward Douglass 31405 1999-04-23
United States, North Carolina, Oconee, Along south side of Brasstown Creek north County Route 15-37-48, northeast of Forest Road 751, 4 mile west of Route 76. Liverwort-like herb on recessed gneissic shaded outcrops.
ILLS00095248 Steven R. Hill and W. Stan Tyson 31512 1999-05-19
United States, Illinois, Brown, East side of Little Missouri Creek, about 5 mile north of Mount Sterling, north of Road. 1500N. T. 1N, R. 4W, Sect. 13. Barrens and mesic slopes. Sandstone outcrops and bluffs, rocky talus, humus. Sandy drainage edge
ILLS00008911 Steven R. Hill 31652A 1999-05-24
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Northeast shore of Burt Lake, at end of Roberts Road, east edge Reeses Swamp, elevation 595 feet. Thuja swamp near brook running into lake; Abies, Salix. Humus, wet peat over glacial till and sand. Occasional on rotting log in swampy woods., 45.5 -84.6667
Dermatocarpon muhlenbergii (Ach.) MÙll. Arg.
ILLS00010339 Steven R. Hill 34443 2001-11-08
United States, Illinois, St. Clair, Falling Spring. At the mouth of the spring flowing from subterranean stream, side of vertical limeston cliffs; east edge of Mississippi River floodplain, 0.3 to 0.4 mile southeast of Route 1-255. Elevation about 560 feet. Limestone cliffs north of springs, Ste. Genevieve Formaton (60 to 200 feet thick) overlying the St. Louis Formation. (150 to 500 feet thick), Mississippian Limestone cliff community - spring community, Vitis, Lonicera maackii, exotic weeds. Local lichen on dry west-facing vertical limestone cliffs, partial shade; reticulate-rugose beneath, tan., 38.5146 -90.1954
ILLS00090108 Steven R. Hill 32793A 2000-08-03
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, At 'Lost Prairie', about 6.0 mile southeast of Rose Lodge, just west of Forest Service Road 210; South of Oregon Route 18 and Salmon River. Elevation 3500 feet. Siuslaw National Forest. Coast Range Ecoregion. Basaltic outcrops, acid peat and humus., 44.95 -123.8167
ILLS00009659 Steven R. Hill 32394 2000-05-30
United States, Illinois, Saline, Harrisburg 7.5 minute quadrangle. Harrisburg; south side of US Route 45; 0.25 mile southwest of Middle Fork of the Saline River. Elevation 350 to 360 feet. Sons of Liberty Gun Club Property. Dry clay-silt-sand mix. In post oak flatwoods at east end of firing range; dry open areas, prairie-woodland margin. Occasional on soil surface in rounded colonies, T. 9S, R. 6E, NW1/4 SE1/4 NW 1/4 Sect. 11.
Xanthoparmelia cumberlandia (Gyelnik) Hale
ILLS00101222 Steven R. Hill 30181 1998-04-25
United States, Missouri, Barry, Missouri Route 86, at sharp road curve, 1 mile north of County Route E; Wolfpen Gap; T. 22N, R. 26W, NW1/4 Sect. 33. Cedar Glade. Dolomitic limestone. Crustose lichen on hard dolomite, both outcrops and pebbles. Pale aqua-green. Common.
ILLS00007847 J.L. Crane s.n. 1991-08-12
United States, New Hampshire, Coos, White Mountain National Forest, Pinkham Notch Road, 44.2574 -71.2541
ILLS00091523 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1991-12-29
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock 21 (Mosier), (NAD83/WGS84), 25.4007 -80.6605
ILLS00091906 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1991-12-29
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade County, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock 23, (NAD83/WGS84)., 25.4007 -80.6347
Parmotrema cristiferum (Taylor) Hale
ILLS00093956 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1991-12-31
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock 21 (Mosier), (NAD83/WGS84), 25.4007 -80.6605
ILLS00098936 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1991-12-31
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock 21 (Mosier), (NAD83/WGS84), 25.4007 -80.6605
Arthonia cinnabarina (DC.) Wallroth
ILLS00005144 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1991-12-31
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock 21 (Mosier), (NAD83/WGS84), 25.4007 -80.6605
ILLS00091830 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1988-01-05
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade County, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock 38A, (NAD83/WGS84)., 25.4037 -80.6547
ILLS00098752 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1988-01-04
United States, Florida, Monroe, Buttonwood Canal, Flamingo. Everglades National Park. (NAD83/WGS84)., 21.1722 -80.9218
ILLS00092742 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1991-12-29
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock No. 23 (Osteen). (NAD83/WGS84)., 25.399 -80.6343
Clathroporina isidiifera R.C. Harris
ILLS00009799 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 99-123 1999-01-03
United States, Florida, Monroe, Everglades National Park at Flamingo, Bear Lake Canoe Trail, NAD 27, UTM Zone 17, 507845mE, 2784320mN., 25.1749 -80.9221
ILLS00089829 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1994-12-28
United States, Florida, Collier, Along Route 23. Southeast of Naples., 26.0099 -81.6611
ILLS00099081 J.L. Crane 04-275 2004-07-22
United States, Colorado, Conejos, Rio Grande National Forest, East of La Manga Pass along Co. Rout 17, near the Conejos River. Osier quad. (NAD), UTM Zone 13, 386774mE, 4103662mN. Alt. 9760 ft., 37.0742 -106.2762
ILLS00099082 J.L. Crane 04-241 2004-07-21
United States, Colorado, Lake, Alpine Meadow, Mount Massive Wilderness Area. Independence Pass quad. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 13, 367071mE, 4330788mN. Alt. 11,000 ft., 39.118 -106.5376
ILLS00099092 J.L. Crane 04-238 2004-07-21
United States, Colorado, Lake, Alpine Meadow, Mount Massive Wilderness Area. Independence Pass quad. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 13, 367071mE, 4330788mN. Alt. 11,000 ft., 39.118 -106.5376
ILLS00092472 J.L. Crane 04-276 2004-07-22
United States, Colorado, Conejos, Rio Grande National Forest, East of La Manga Pass along Co. Route 17, near the Conejos River. Osier quad. (NAD), UTM Zone 13, 386774mE, 4103662mN. Alt. 9760 ft., 37.0742 -106.2762
ILLS00100430 R.E. De Walt s.n. 2009-03-25
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Judge C.R. Magnes State Park, 47.81811 -90.05305
ILLS00005865 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht F-23 1992-01-03
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress National Preserve, 5 miles west of Pinecrest, Loop Road., 25.76031 -81.01555
ILLS00005229 J.L. crane s.n. 2009-03-10
United States, Florida, Monroe, Long Key State Park, 24.8142 -80.82114
Cladina rangiferina (L.) Nylander
ILLS00006861 J.L. Crane s.n. 1992-09-07
United States, Maine, Piscataquis, Along Bartlett Pond, Northeast Piscataquis. UTM Zone 19, Buxton Pond quad. 367000mE, 4225750mN., 38.1698 -70.5183
ILLS00092740 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht F-31 1994-12-28
United States, Florida, Collier, Along Rout 23, Southeast of Naples at Henderson Creek., 26.0419 -81.7126
ILLS00099295 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 99-19a 1999-01-03
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock No. 21. UTM Zone 17, 507815mE, 2781694mN., 25.1512 -80.9224
ILLS00099298 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1991-12-31
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock No. 21 (Mosier), 25.3995 -80.6595
ILLS00099297 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1994-12-30
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock No. 21 (Mosier), 25.3995 -80.6608
ILLS00099296 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 97-363 1987-12-15
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock No. 21 (Mosier)., 25.3985 -80.6608
ILLS00096197 J.L. Crane s.n. 2009-03-10
United States, Florida, Monroe, Long Key State Park. Area behind the coastal dune subjected to salt spray and inundated by salt water., 24.8142 -80.8214
ILLS00092763 J.L. Crane 06-349 2006-07-13
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress National Preserve, Everglades Loop Road (Route 94) at Sweetwater Strand., 25.7877 -81.0991
ILLS00098340 J.L. Crane & Payam M. Fallah 98-225 1988-05-17
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Cypress Dome along Route 27 (Park Road). UTM ZONE 17, 518373mE, 2805807mN, (NAD83/WGS84)., 25.3689 -80.8174
ILLS00006003 J.L. Crane 06-359 2006-07-16
United States, Florida, Lake, Ocala National Forest, Alexander Springs. Alexander Springs (Fl.) quad., 29.0812 -81.5654
ILLS00101543 J.L. Crane 04-285 2004-07-22
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Ca. 15.2 miles east of Tierra Amarillo. Amarillo quad. Nad 27, UTM Zone 13, 376716mE, 4061002mN. Alt. 9760 ft., 36.6885 -106.3799
ILLS00092305 J.L. Crane 04-284 2004-07-22
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba County, Ca. 15.2 miles east of Tierra Amarillo. Amarillo quad. Nad 27. Altitude 9760 feet., 36.6885 -106.3799
Arthonia cinnabarina (DC.) Wallroth
ILLS00005146 J.L. Crane s.n. 1986-01-05
United States, Florida, Collier, Collier Seminole State Park, Royal Palm Hammock, 25.9943 -81.5999
ILLS00101542 J.L. Crane 04-288 2004-07-22
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Ca. 15.2 miles east of Tierra Amarillo. Amarillo quad. Nad 27, UTM Zone 13, 376716mE, 4061002mN. Alt. 9760 ft., 36.6885 -106.3799
ILLS00005663 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1994-09-26
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Togwotee Pass, along Route 26, Elvation 9658 feet., 43.8191 -110.197
ILLS00092739 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht F-30 1994-12-28
United States, Florida, Collier, Florida Route 23 Southeast of Naples., 26.0419 -81.7126
ILLS00100943 R.E. De Walt s.n. 2009-03-25
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Judge C.R. Magnes State Park, 47.81811 -90.05305
Hypotrachyna revolta (Fl_rke) Hale
ILLS00090635 R.E. De Walt s.n. 2009-03-25
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Judge C.R. Magnes State Park, 47.81811 -90.05305
ILLS00005515 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht Jul-82 1982-07-28
United States, Montana, Flathead, Glacier National Park, Woods by Camas Creek., 48.6241 -114.027
ILLS00099668 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1987-01-03
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Mahogany Hammock, 25.3216 -80.8338
Arthonia cinnabarina (DC.) Wallroth
ILLS00005152 J.L. Crane 06-353 2006-07-13
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress National Preserve, Vicinity of Monument Lake, Quad. Monroe Station (Fl.)., 25.868 -81.1136
ILLS00090901 J.L. Crane 06-353a 2006-07-13
United States, Florida, Collier County, Big Cypress National Preserve, Vicinity of Monument Lake, Monroe Station (FL) quadrangle., 25.7877 -81.0991
ILLS00098354 J.L. Crane 06-353c 2006-07-13
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress National Preserve, Vicinity of Monument Lake, Monroe Station (FL) quad., 25.7877 -81.0991
ILLS00005709 J.L. Crane 06-353b 2006-07-13
United States, Florida, Collier, Big Cypress National Preserve, Vicinity of Monument Lake, Monroe Station (FL) quad., 25.7877 -81.0991
Parmotrema rigidum (Lynge) Hale
ILLS00094503 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1979-01-06
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress National Preserve, Loop Road (Route 94), 25.7467 -80.9489
ILLS00091013 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1976-03-00
United States, Florida, Charlton County, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Stephen C. Foster State Park, Billy's Island., 30.8014 -82.3478
Cryptothecia striata Thor
ILLS00010105 J.L. Crane & C.A. Shearer C-211 1994-01-01
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock No. 21., 25.3985 -80.6608
Cryptothecia "montagnei" sensu Lucking
ILLS00010057 J.L. Crane 19-May 2005-03-22
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Big Cypress National Preserve, Pinecrest Hammock No. 2 at the Wellhead. Loop Road (Route 94), Fifty Mile Bend quad. (NAD 27). UTM Zone 17, 508113mE, 2849212mN., 25.7624 -80.9191
Cryptothecia striata, Thor
ILLS00010104 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1986-01-02
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock 38-A (Redd), 25.4038 -80.6539
ILLS00008285 J.L. Crane 02-522 2002-12-26
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key, Long Pine Key quad., 25.4008 -80.6568
ILLS00098351 J.L. Crane 02-540 2002-12-25
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress Nature Preserve, Loop Road (Route 94) west of Forty Mile Bend, Fifty Mile Bend quad, 25.7614 -80.8989
ILLS00098911 J.L. Crane 02-543 2002-12-25
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress Nature Preserve, Loop Road (Route 94) west of Forty Mile Bend, Fifty Mile Bend quad, 25.7614 -80.8989
Parmotrema praesorediosum (Nylander) Hale
ILLS00094429 J.L. Crane 02-541 2002-12-25
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress Nature Preserve, Loop Road (Route 94) west of Forty Mile Bend, Fifty Mile Bend quad, 25.7614 -80.8989
ILLS00096338 J.L. Crane 02-546 2002-12-25
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress Nature Preserve, Loop Road (Route 94) west of Forty Mile Bend, Fifty Mile Bend quad, 25.7614 -80.8989
ILLS00098352 J.L. Crane 02-592 2002-12-23
United States, Florida, Monroe, Layton Trail. Layton Key. Long Key quad., 24.8258 -80.8159
ILLS00098350 J.L. Crane 02-548a 2002-12-25
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress Nature Preserve, Loop Road (Route 94) west of Forty Mile Bend, Fifty Mile Bend quad, 25.7614 -80.8989
ILLS00005742 J.L. Crane 02-593 2002-12-23
United States, Florida, Monroe, Layton Trail. Layton Key. Long Key quad., 24.8258 -80.8159
ILLS00091020 J.L. Crane 02-598 2002-12-29
United States, Florida, Liberty County, Appalachicola National Forest, Forest Road off Route 375, Ward quadrangle. NAD 27., 30.3603 -84.6472
ILLS00096340 J.L. Crane 02-542a 2002-12-25
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress Nature Preserve, Loop Road (Route 94) west of Forty Mile Bend, Fifty Mile Bend quad, 25.7614 -80.8989
ILLS00096718 J.L. Crane 02-542b 2002-12-25
United States, Florida, Monroe, Big Cypress Nature Preserve, Loop Road (Route 94) west of Forty Mile Bend, Fifty Mile Bend quad, 25.7614 -80.8989
Cladina evansii (des Abb.) Hale & Culberson
ILLS00006723 J.L. Crane 02-603 2002-12-29
United States, Florida, Liberty, Appalachicola National Forest, Forest Road off Route 375, Ward quad. NAD 27, 30.3603 -84.6472
Cladina subtenuis (des Abb.) Hale & Culberson
ILLS00007049 J.L. Crane 02-602 2002-12-29
United States, Florida, Liberty, Appalachicola National Forest, Forest Road off Route 375, Ward quad. NAD 27, 30.3603 -84.6472
Cladina santensis Tuckerman
ILLS00006942 J.L. Crane 02-604 2002-12-29
United States, Florida, Liberty, Appalachicola National Forest, Forest Road off Route 375, Ward quad. NAD 27, 30.3603 -84.6472
ILLS00089488 J.L. Crane 02-609 2002-12-29
United States, Florida, Liberty, Appalachicola National Forest, Forest Road off Route 375, Ward quad. NAD 27, 30.3603 -84.6472
Parmotrema chinense (Osbeck) Hale & Ahti
ILLS00093887 J.L. Crane 02-618 2002-12-29
United States, Florida, Wakulla, Apalachicola National Forest, Pine Creek Boat Landing at the end of Pine Creek Road off Route 375. Smith Creek quad. NAD 27., 30.2453 -84.6975
ILLS00100997 J.L. Crane 02-621 2002-12-29
United States, Florida, Wakulla, Apalachicola National Forest, Pine Creek Boat Landing at the end of Pine Creek Road off Route 375. Smith Creek quad. NAD 27., 30.2453 -84.6975
ILLS00100586 J.L. Crane 02-619 2002-12-29
United States, Florida, Wakulla, Apalachicola National Forest, Pine Creek Boat Landing at the end of Pine Creek Road off Route 375. Smith Creek quad. NAD 27., 30.2453 -84.6975
Parmotrema tinctorum (Delise ex Nylander) Hale
ILLS00094637 J.L. Crane 02-617 2002-12-29
United States, Florida, Wakulla, Apalachicola National Forest, Pine Creek Boat Landing at the end of Pine Creek Road off Route 375. Smith Creek quad. NAD 27., 30.2453 -84.6975
ILLS00089251 J.L. Crane 98-293 1998-05-19
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Big Cypress National Preserve, Pinecrest Hammock No. 2, 25.762 -80.9186
ILLS00096407 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1975-08-23
United States, Oregon, Lane, Siuslaw National Forest, Devilês Elbow State Park, Hecets Head quad., 44.1346 -124.109
ILLS00093450 J.L. Crane s.n. 1993-05-23
United States, Maine, Piscataquis, South end of Caribou Lake on the Greenville road. Maine North Woods., 46.8046 -68.0671
Graphis scripta (L.) Acharius
ILLS00089460 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1982-09-17
United States, West Virginia, Randolph, Monongahela National Forest, Spruce Knob, elevation 4862 feet, 38.7943 -79.5101