518834 L. M. Turner
United States, Illinois, Wabash, Mt. Carmel, 38.41491 -87.76576
518835 L. M. Turner
United States, Illinois, Wabash, Mt. Carmel, 38.41491 -87.76576
56733 J. Hurter 1891-04-26
United States, Illinois, St. Clair, 38.46502 -89.93056
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Rock Island, 41.50229 -90.57277
93713 C.E. Burt 1933-06-07
United States, Illinois, Will, 3 mi N Beecher, 41.39246 -87.62456
93714 C.E. Burt 1933-06-07
United States, Illinois, Will, 3 mi N Beecher, 41.39246 -87.62456
93715 C.E. Burt 1933-06-07
United States, Illinois, Will, 3 mi N Beecher, 41.39246 -87.62456
93716 C.E. Burt 1933-06-07
United States, Illinois, Will, 3 mi N Beecher, 41.39246 -87.62456
93717 C.E. Burt 1933-06-07
United States, Illinois, Will, 3 mi N Beecher, 41.39246 -87.62456
468 1967-07-23
United States, Illinois, Randolph, Roth Farm, N of Kaskaskia, 37.9314 -89.9167
469 1967-07-29
United States, Illinois, Randolph, Roth Farm, N of Kaskaskia, 37.9314 -89.9167
470 1967-07-29
United States, Illinois, Randolph, Mississippi River at Kaskaskia, 37.92879 -89.89224
471 1967-07-29
United States, Illinois, Randolph, Kakskaskia, 37.9214 -89.91627
706 1968-09-02
United States, Illinois, Union, Pine Hills, 5 mi E IL Rt. 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.59901 -89.43841
707 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, Pine Hills, 4 mi E IL Rt. 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.57032 -89.43936
708 1968-09-02
United States, Illinois, Union, Pine Hills, 4 mi E IL Rt. 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.57032 -89.43936
709 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, Pine Hills, 4 mi E IL Rt. 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.57032 -89.43936
710 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Jackson, 5 mi N Grand Tower, abandoned house, 37.7011 -89.49825
711 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, 1.5 mi E Rt 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.5487 -89.43968
712 1968-09-02
United States, Illinois, Union, E of IL Rt. 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.56332 -89.44057
713 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, E of IL Rt. 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.56332 -89.44057
714 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Jackson, 5 mi N Grand Tower, 37.7011 -89.49825
715 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, 4 mi E IL Rt. 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.57032 -89.43936
716 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, 1.5 mi E Rt 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.5487 -89.43968
717 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, 1.5 mi E Rt 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.5487 -89.43968
718 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, 4 mi E Rt 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.57032 -89.43936
719 1968-09-02
United States, Illinois, Union, 4 mi E Rt 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.57032 -89.43936
720 1968-08-30
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Big Muddy Rd. at IL Rt. 3, 37.5639 -89.4729
721 1968-08-30
United States, Illinois, Union, Pine HIll Rd., 37.56562 -89.44046
723 1968-09-02
United States, Illinois, Union, 4 mi E IL Rt. 3 on Pine HIll Rd., 37.57032 -89.43936
724 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-30
United States, Illinois, Jackson, bank along Big Muddy River at IL Rt. 3, 37.5623 -89.4721
725 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-30
United States, Illinois, Union, along Pine Hill Rd, 2 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.54466 -89.46235
726 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, night along Pine Hill Rd, 1.5 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.54472 -89.46235
727 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, night in small swamp along Pine Hill Rd, 2 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.56589 -89.44094
728 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-30
United States, Illinois, Jackson, along bank of Big Muddy River at IL Rt. 3, 37.5623 -89.4721
729 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-30
United States, Illinois, Union, Pine Hill Rd, 3 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.54471 -89.46248
730 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-09-03
United States, Illinois, Jackson, abandoned farm on IL Rt. 3, 1mi N of Grand Tower, 37.64142 -89.48222
731 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-09-02
United States, Illinois, Union, ravine 6.5 mi E of IL Rt. 3 on Pine Hill Rd., 37.4875 -89.3302
732 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-09-02
United States, Illinois, Union, pond 7 mi E IL Rt. 3 on Hill Rd., 37.4832 -89.3232
733 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-00
United States, Illinois, Union, swamp and pond at camp area, Pine Hill Rd., 37.514 -89.4224
734 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-09-02
United States, Illinois, Union, camp area, Pine Hill Rd, 4 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.4845 -89.3636
735 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, in woods along Pine Hills Rd, 5 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.59901 -89.43841
736 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-09-01
United States, Illinois, Union, crossing US Rt. 51, 1 mi S Dongola, 37.36183 -89.16464
737 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-09-02
United States, Illinois, Union, woods along Pine Hill Rd, 6 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.489 -89.3388
738 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Jackson, abandoned farm on IL Rt. 3, 1 mi N Grand Tower, 37.64142 -89.48222
740 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, in leaf mound along Pine Hill Rd, 6 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.489 -89.3388
741 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-09-02
United States, Illinois, Union, camp area on Pine Hill Rd, 5 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.4845 -89.3636
742 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Jackson, abandoned farm on IL Rt. 3, 1 mi N Grand Tower, 37.64142 -89.48222
743 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Jackson, abandoned farm on IL Rt. 3, 1 mi N Grand Tower, 37.64142 -89.48222
744 Tom R. Johnson 1968-09-11
United States, Illinois, Jackson, young (18) born to 743, September 11, 1968, 37.64142 -89.48222
745 Tom R. Johnson and Robert J. Leis 1968-08-31
United States, Illinois, Union, along Pine Hills Rd, 1.5 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.54472 -89.46235
815 Dale Becker 1969-06-01
United States, Illinois, Union, just above camp area, Pine Hills Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, 37.58647 -89.43621
816 Tom R. Johnson 1969-06-03
United States, Illinois, Union, swamp in Union Co., 37.4288 -89.3634
817 Tom R. Johnson 1969-05-03
United States, Illinois, Union, under a log at one of two 4- 5 acre ponds, 1.5 mi SE Ware, 37.43901 -89.35957
818 Tom R. Johnson, Dr. George and Dale Becker 1969-05-30
United States, Illinois, Jackson, ditch along gravel road, 1 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.66652 -89.46281
819 George and Dale Becker 1969-06-19
United States, Illinois, Union, just above camp area Pine Hills Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, 37.58647 -89.43621
820 George and Dale Becker 1969-05-30
United States, Illinois, Jackson, swamp along gravel road leading to the Big Muddy River, 37.66681 -89.41922
821 Tom R. Johnson and George Becker 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Clear Spring, Pine Hills, 37.61955 -89.41963
822 Tom R. Johnson 1969-06-02
United States, Illinois, Union, near Drewry Creek, 2 mi NE Cobden, 37.54851 -89.21776
823 Tom R. Johnson, George and Dale Becker 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Clear Spring, Pine Hills, 37.61955 -89.41963
824 Tom R. Johnson 1969-06-03
United States, Illinois, Union, under log, near one of two 4- 5 acre ponds, 1.5 mi SE Ware, 0.5 mi SSW of IL Rt. 146, 37.43901 -89.35957
825 Dale Becker 1969-05-30
United States, Illinois, Jackson, under a log in swamp along dirt road near Big Muddy River, 37.66681 -89.41922
826 Tom R. Johnson 1969-06-02
United States, Illinois, Union, under a log, near Drewry Creek, 2 mi NE Cobden, 37.54851 -89.21776
827 George Becker 1969-06-03
United States, Illinois, Union, woods, near a small creek, 1 mi E IL Rt. 127, 37.40779 -89.28599
828 Tom R. Johnson, George and Dale Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, spring near camp area, Pine Hills Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, 37.588 -89.43566
829 Tom R. Johnson, George and Dale Becker 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Jackson, clear spring, Pine Hills, Shawnee National Forest, 37.61955 -89.41963
830 Tom R. Johnson, George and Dale Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, along Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.56562 -89.44046
831 Tom R. Johnson 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Union, along Pine Hills Rd, near camp area, Shawnee National Forest, 37.58878 -89.43663
832 Tom R. Johnson and George Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, open field near camp area along Pine Hills Rd., 37.59076 -89.43771
833 Dale Becker 1969-05-30
United States, Illinois, Jackson, ditch along gravel road, 1 mi E IL Rt. 3, 37.66652 -89.46281
834 Tom R. Johnson, George and Dale Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, camp area, Pine Hills Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, 37.58789 -89.43699
835 Tom R. Johnson and Dale Becker 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Jackson, ravine on Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.60903 -89.43638
836 Dale Becker 1969-05-30
United States, Illinois, Jackson, swamp along gravel road near Big Muddy River, 37.66681 -89.41922
837 Tom R. Johnson, George and Dale Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.56349 -89.44375
838 Tom R. Johnson 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Union, along Pine Hills Rd, near camp area, Shawnee National Forest, 37.4845 -89.3636
839 Tom R. Johnson and George Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, open field near camp area along Pine Hills Rd., 37.59076 -89.43771
840 Tom R. Johnson 1969-06-01
United States, Illinois, Jackson, from a large island on the Mississippi River, 1 mi S Grand Tower, found under drift wood, 37.61474 -89.49485
841 George Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, woods just off Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.489 -89.3388
842 Tom R. Johnson 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Jackson, at Clear Springs, Shawnee National Forest, 37.61955 -89.41963
843 Tom R. Johnson, George and Dale Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, near camp area, Pine Hills Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, 37.588 -89.43566
844 Tom R. Johnson, George and Dale Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, camp area, Pine Hills Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, 37.58789 -89.43699
845 Dr. George Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, spring near camp area, Pine Hills Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, 37.588 -89.43566
846 Tom R. Johnson 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Union, swamp along Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.54619 -89.43938
847 Tom R. Johnson and Dale Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, swamp along Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.55592 -89.44127
848 Tom R. Johnson and Dale Becker 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Union, swamp along Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.54619 -89.43938
849 Tom R. Johnson, George and Dale Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, swamp along Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.54363 -89.44729
850 Tom R. Johnson and Dale Becker 1969-05-30
United States, Illinois, Union, swamp along Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.54619 -89.43938
851 Tom R. Johnson and Dale Becker 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Union, swamp along Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.54619 -89.43938
852 Dale Becker 1969-06-03
United States, Illinois, Union, swamp at the Union Co. Conservation Area, 37.34734 -89.36512
853 Tom R. Johnson 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Union, Swamp along Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.54619 -89.43938
854 George Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, Swamp along Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.57664 -89.43958
855 Tom R. Johnson 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, spring near camp area, Shawnee National Forest, 37.588 -89.43566
856 Tom R. Johnson 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, swamp on Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.54619 -89.43938
857 George Becker 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, spring near camp area, Pine Hills Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, 37.588 -89.43566
858 Dale Becker 1969-06-03
United States, Illinois, Union, Bluff Lake, garbage dump along gravel road, 37.37129 -89.35226
859 Tom R. Johnson and George Becker 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Union, swamp along Pine Hills Rd, Shawnee National Forest, 37.56592 -89.44091
860 Tom R. Johnson 1969-05-29
United States, Illinois, Union, along Pine Hills Rd., 37.56562 -89.44046
861 Dale Becker 1969-06-02
United States, Illinois, Union, abandoned farm, 3 mi NE Cobden, 37.56022 -89.19776
862 Dr. George Becker 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Union, under boards at an old school house, just off IL Rt. 146, 37.45569 -89.33084
863 Dale Becker 1969-05-31
United States, Illinois, Union, abandoned farm on a gravel road, 2 mi NE Ware, 37.4681 -89.362