INHS Collections Data

Taxa: Arabis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 4, records 301-400 of 419

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection

Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh.
Steven R. Hill   303521998-06-02
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, Rockford South quad. South side of Kishwaukee River between Beltline Road and BNSF railroad, New Milford Twp. South side of Greater Rockford Airport; degraded prairie.

Steven R. Hill with Stan Tyson   292491997-06-04
United States, Illinois, Brown, Little Missouri Creek, ca. 5 miles north of Sterling; Barrens, slopes below agricultural fields., 39.873905 -90.883237

Arabis fendleri (S.Wats.) Greene
S.R. Hill   309511998-09-19
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Schnebly Hill Road, 0.6-2.1 mile west of exit 320 of Rt. I-17, 11.7 miles east-northeast of Sedona. Elev. 6500-6600 ft.. 2.1 miles west of I-17., 34.886695 -111.702822

Arabis glabra (Linnaeus) Bernth.
S. Masi and J. O'Shaughnessy   7721997-06-12
United States, Illinois, Cook, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe; Lake Cook Road east of I94, east slope above Skokie River, one third mile north of outlet into south lagoon.

Arabis glabra (Linnaeus) Bernth.
S. Masi and J. O'Shaughnessy   7721997-06-12
United States, Illinois, Cook, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe; Lake Cook Road east of I94, east slope above Skokie River, one third mile north of outlet into south lagoon.

Arabis laevigata (Willd.) Poir
S. Masi and J. Epting   8771998-07-30
United States, Illinois, Cook, Deer Grove Forest Preserve, west section, Palatine; west side of Quentin Road, 0.5 mile north of Dundee Road, on minor path above north bank of stream, near Parking Lot E.

Loy R. Phillippe, Geoffrey A. Levin, & Mike Moore   274651996-06-06
United States, Illinois, Carroll, Savanna Army Depot. Green Island 7.5 minute quadrangle. Sand steep bank of the Mississippi River.

Loy R. Phillippe, Kate Kramer, & Mike Moore   275561996-06-20
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Savanna Army Depot. Green Island 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Loy R. Phillippe, Mike Moore & Kenneth R. Robertson   278581996-07-18
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Savanna Army Depot. Green Island 7.5 minute quadrangle. Building D-111, at small cattle exclosure.

Arabis glabra (Linnaeus) Bernhard
Loy R. Phillippe, Geoffrey A. Levin, Kenneth R. Robertson, & Mike Moore   273431996-05-20
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Savanna Army Depot. Green Island 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Arabis glabra (Linnaeus) Bernhard
Loy R. Phillippe, Geoffrey A. Levin, Kenneth R. Robertson, & Mike Moore   273441996-05-20
United States, Illinois, Carroll, Along roadside at Ayres Sand Prairie Nature Preserve, about 2 miles northeast of Savanna and east 0.5 mile of Route 84. Wacker 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Steven R. Hill & Edward G. Voss   316251999-05-24
United States, Michigan, Emmet, The Headlands County Park, about 1.4 miles west-southwest of Mackinaw City, west side of road; Infrequent, local herb, rocky roadbank, forest margin. 0.8 mile south of Gilpin Point.

Arabis laevigata var. laevigata (Muhl. ex Willd.) Poiret
Mary Ann Feist and Brenda Molano-Flores   3002000-04-26
United States, Tennessee, Cocke, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Indian Camp Creek Watershed. Jones Cove 7.5 minute quadrangle. Maddron Bald Trail. Open area between Cole Creek and a small tributary. Elevation about 2290 feet.

Arabis laevigata var. laevigata (Muhl. ex Willd.) Poiret
Mary Ann Feist, Rick Phillippe, and Dan Busemeyer   4302000-06-20
United States, Tennessee, Cocke, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Indian Camp Creek Watershed. Mount Guyot 7.5 minute quadrangle. Maddron Bald Trail. Elevation approx. 4800 feet.

Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, John Ebinger   9332001-06-07
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Dean Hills Nature Preserve. Herrick 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl. ex Willd.) Poiret
Dan Busemeyer, Loy R. Phillippe, & Richard L. Larimore   352000-04-30
United States, Tennessee, Cocke, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Cosby Creek Watershed. Luftee Knob 7.5 minute quadrangle. Old logging road above Cosby Cr. campground. Elevation about 2470 feet.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl. ex Willd.) Poiret
Dan Busemeyer, Loy R. Phillippe, & Richard L. Larimore   872000-05-02
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Big Creek Watershed. Waterville 7.5 minute quadrangle. Big Creek picnic area. Elevation about 1650 feet.

Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Dan Busemeyer, Connie Carroll, Greg Spyreas   8772001-05-02
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Lower Panther Creek Watershed. Caulderwood Quadrangle. 1100 feet

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poiret
R.L. Larimore   RL1621999-05-15
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Middle Fork Woods Nature Preserve at Kickapoo State Park, west of and adjacent to the MIddle Fork River. Danville NW 7.5 minute quadrangle.

R.L. Larimore, L.R. Phillippe   RL7312001-03-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Middle Fork Woods Nature Preserve at Kickapoo State Park, west of and adjacent to the MIddle Fork River. Danville NW 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poiret
Roger A. McCoy & Mark A. Basinger   2911997-06-04
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Whoopie Cat Natural Area. Rosiclare 7.5 minute quadrangle., 37.473947 -88.330046

Steven R. Hill   322122000-04-08
United States, GEORGIA, DADE, Southeast of Trenton, Sitton Gulch Creek, south of Canyon Park Drive, Cloudland Canyon State Park; west of trail parking area, near cave. Elev. 900-1000 ft.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir
Loy R. Phillippe   338472002-04-19
United States, Tennessee, De Kalb, Edgar Evins State Park. UTM 16S 0608744mE, 3991292mN (accuracy + 28 feet).

Arabis laevigata (Muhlenberg) Poiret
Dan Busemeyer and Loy R. Phillippe   62000-04-18
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Dean Hills Nature Preserve, Herrick Quadrangle.

Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh.
Mary Ann Feist & Loy R. Phillippe   9672001-06-12
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Hooper Branch Nature Preserve.

Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, Greg Spyreas, Connie Carroll, Richark L. Larimore, & Grant Cunningham   351202002-10-09
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Tabcat Creek Watershed, southwest part of the park. Outside the park Tabcat Creek goes beneath Tennessee State Route 129 and then enters into Chilhowee Lake. Calderwood Quadrangle, 7.5 minute Series. Elevation about 1320 feet. Upper reaches of Boarhead Branch.

Jon Rebman   29811995-06-12
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, 0.2 mile east of Palm Cemetery Lane, 0.8 mile south of Scott’s Mill Road, Angie and Jeff Langer’s land.

Steven R. Hill; Kate Kramer   336082001-05-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, California Route 18, Cushenbury Grade, northeastern portion of San Bernardino Mountains. About 2350 feet due south of Cactus Spring. Elevation about 6200 feet.

Steven R. Hill; Kate Kramer   336362001-05-02
United States, California, San Bernardino, South of Baldwin Lake, about 0.6 mile southeast of junction of California Route 38 and Shay Road. Slopes near the Los Vaqueros de las Montanas Arena (horse arena). Area undergoing residential development. Elevation about 6800 feet.

Arabis glabra (Linnaeus) Bernh.
Loy R. Phillippe, William C. Handel, & John E. Ebinger   296311998-05-26
United States, Illinois, Lee, Green River Lowland Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division of Illinois. Richardson Wildlife Foundation. Located about 1.5 mile north and 3.6 mile west of Brooklyn. Sublette 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 250 Meters. UTM Zone 16, 318290mE, 4620690mN.

Arabis glabra (Linnaeus) Bernh.
Loy R. Phillippe, William C. Handel, & John E. Ebinger   296471998-05-27
United States, Illinois, Lee, Green River Lowland Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division of Illinois. Richardson Wildlife Foundation. Located about 1.5 mile north and 3.6 mile west of Brooklyn. Sublette 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 250 Meters. UTM Zone 16, 318660mE, 4620600mN.

P.E. Blom   7361981-05-23
United States, Idaho, Boise, 8.5 mile northeast of Boise. Elevation 1706 meter.

Arabis laevigata var. laevigata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Poiret
P. B. Marcum, L. R. Phillippi, M. A. Feist, C. J. Carroll, P. Tessene, G. Spyreas, B. Molano-Flores, K. Langdon, J. Rock, S. Kemp   PBM 10312002-04-28
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Shop Creek Watershed (access off of U.S. 129). Calderwood, TN Quad.

Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum & Daniel T. Busemeyer   357812003-06-23
United States, North Carolina, Swain, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Noland Watershed. Silers Bald Quadrangle. Elevation about 2350 feet. Growing along Noland Creek Trail just below where Horse Cove crosses the trail.

Mary Ann Feist, Brenda Molano-Flores, Paul Marcum, Dan Busemeyer & Loy R. Phillippe   23862003-06-19
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Fontana Lake Watershed. Lake Shore Trail. Tuskeegee Quadrangle. 1999 ft., 35.44669 -83.67951

Arabis laevigata (Muhlenberg) Poiret
Loy R. Phillippe, Connie Carroll, Greg Spyreas, Paul Tessene, Paul B. Marcum, & Mary Ann Feist   340272002-05-01
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Tabcat Creek Watershed, southwest part of the park. Outside the park Tabcat Creek goes beneath Tennessee State Route 129 and then enters into Chilhowee Lake. Calderwood Quadrangle, 7.5 minute Series. Elevation about 1070 feet.

Arabis laevigata (Muhlenberg) Poiret
Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, & Richard L. Larimore   355582003-05-15
United States, Illinois, Fulton, Land owned by The Nature Conservancy. The Emiquon Preserve. Galesburg Section of the Western Forest-Prairie Natural Division. Havana Quadrangle. Elevation about 495 feet. Just above the Illinois River floodplain west of Havana, Illinois on the west side of the Illinois River. Just northeast of Dickson Mounds State Park. Above Dickson Creek.

Arabis laevigata (Willdenow) Poir.
Maury Brucker   882001-04-24
United States, Illinois, Marshall, Hopewell, Illinois. Lot 111. Steuben Township.

Loy R. Phillippe, Daniel T. Busemeyer, Mary Ann Feist, Brenda Molano-Flores, and Paul B. Marcum   373422004-10-05
United States, North Carolina, Swain, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Along edge of Lake Fontana just above the high water line. (WGS84/NAD83)., 35.47137 -83.72422, 536m

Arabis glabra (Linnaeus) Bernhardi
Dan Busemeyer, John E. Ebinger, William McClain, & Loy R. Phillippe   16942004-05-10
United States, Illinois, Mason, Sand Ridge State Forest, 40.38026 -89.8495, 152m

Arabis glabra (Linnaeus) Bernhardi
Dan Busemeyer, John E. Ebinger, William McClain, & Loy R. Phillippe   17112004-05-10
United States, Illinois, Mason, Sand Ridge State Forest. Bishop's Woods., 40.36531 -89.86607, 151m

Arabis laevigata (Willdenow) Poir.
Loy R. Phillippe, Michael J.D. Murphy, & Paul B. Marcum   375342005-05-24
United States, Illinois, McLean, Funk’s Grove, University of Illinois Property. (WGS84/NAD83). In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division., 40.34226 -89.14713, 203m

Arabis glabra (Linnaeus) Berhn.
Loy R. Phillippe & Daniel T. Busemeyer   367302004-05-21
United States, Illinois, Mason, Tomlin Timber Nature Preserve. Illinois River Section of the Illinois River and Mississippi River Sand Areas Natural Division. Easton Quadrangle. Elevation about 525 feet. Growing at former site of Old One Room School-house. (WGS84/NAD83), 40.2005 -89.8598

Loy R. Phillippe & Daniel T. Busemeyer   367472004-05-21
United States, Illinois, Mason, Sand Ridge State Forest. Illinois River Section of the Illinois River and Mississippi River Sand Areas Natural Division. Duck Island Quadrangle. Elevation about 530 feet. Quiver Prairie, the largest open dry sand prairie of the three open sand prairie sites. (WGS84/NAD83), 40.4117 -89.8913

A.G. Vestal   s.n.1947-06-10
United States, California, Ventura, West of Lockwood Valley. Coordinate datum: NAD27., 34.7528 -119.1472

Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Michael J.C. Murphy and James R. Payne   40082006-05-04
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Baskins Creek Trail. WGS84 map datum., 35.69631 -83.48447, 607m

Arabis laevigata (Willdenow) Poir.
Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, & John E. Ebinger   405332008-05-20
United States, Illinois, Ogle, White Pine State Park within White Pine State Park Nature Preserve. About 13 mile north of Dixon and 3.75 mile east of Buffalo, Illinois. Just little east of Pine Creek and just south of the Burlington - Northern Railroad. In the Freeport Section of the Rock River Hill Country Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.99693 -89.4631

Arabis laevigata (Willd.) Poir.
Steven R. Hill   362622005-05-17
United States, Illinois, Ogle, West side of Illinois Route 2, west side of the Rock River, 0.1 - 0.4 mile south of the junction with Mud Creek (Mt. Morris) Road. Slopes south of Mud Creek. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83, 42.05075 -89.347833

Arabis laevigata (Willd.) Poir.
Steven R. Hill   363662005-06-16
United States, Illinois, Kendall, West-facing bluff along east side of Big Rock Creek, north of Hennig Road, Plano. Elevation approximately 200 meters. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83, 41.696056 -88.511167

Arabis laevigata (Willd.) Poir.
Steven R. Hill   364782005-07-19
United States, Illinois, Kendall, North side of Fox River south of River Road, west of Yorkville. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83, 41.63875 -88.502861

Loy R. Phillippe and Jason Zylka   406002008-05-22
United States, Illinois, Will, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie. Blodgett Road Restoration Prairie. In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.3886 -88.17548, 163m

Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, James R. Payne, and Gerry Steinauer   416462009-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, just east of Valentine, Nebraska along and south side of Nebraska Route 12. Collected on north side of the Niobrara River in ravine upland deciduous forest., 42.91156 -100.45336, 722m

Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, James R. Payne, and Gerry Steinauer   416692009-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, just east of Valentine, Nebraska along and south side of Nebraska Route 12. Collected on south side of the Niobrara River in small ravine west of Fort Falls., 42.90172 -100.47033, 738m

Bob Moseley   8301986-07-21
United States, Idaho, Fremont, Peak at head of Targhee Creek, immediately east of pass, Targhee Creek pRNA, Henrys Lake Mountains, Targhee National Forest., 3139m

Arabis laevigata (Willd.) Poir.
Paul B. Marcum and Loy R. Phillippe   50752008-05-21
United States, Illinois, Woodford, ParkLands Foundation’s Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.65358 -89.13308, 221m

Michael Mancuso   6221992-04-17
United States, Idaho, Owyhee, Jump Creek pRNA, about 0.4 miles upstream from Jump Creek Falls, about 8 miles southwest of Marsing. Substrate: Jump Creek Rhyolite., 43.466 -116.919, 914m

Michael J. C. Murphy   35262009-05-19
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Southern edge of Vandalia; bluffs west of the Kaskaskia River, and east of 750 E. (WGS84/NAD83), 38.94171 -89.10254

Loy R. Phillippe, Grant Cunningham, Jenny Stratton, and Valerie Sivicek   427562011-05-30
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 1.9 mile south by southeast of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Along Le Conte Creek just below the Twin Creeks Uplands Research Lab. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.6873 -83.503, 573m

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
Valerie Sivicek, Loy R. Phillippe, Grant Cunningham, and Jenny Stratton   552011-06-02
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Along Alum Cave Trail to Mt. Le Conte. Huggins Hell. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.6493 -83.43689, 1715m

Loy R. Phillippe   431512012-05-23
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, East side of Spring Lake. Just east of the Illinois River and a little north of the Tazewell and Mason County line. Illinois River Section of the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois River Bottomlands Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.44378 -89.89317, 152m

Arabis hirsuta (Linnaeus) Scop.
Loy R. Phillippe & Paul B. Marcum   387942006-06-13
United States, Illinois, Will, Blodgett Dolomite Prairie Natural Area in the Des Plaines State Conservation Area. Along the west side of Interstate 55, north of Grant Creek, and north of High Power lines right-of-way. Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.38939 -88.201, 160m

Arabis laevigata (Willdenow) Poir.
Loy R. Phillippe, David M. Ketzner, & Paul B. Marcum   388352006-06-23
United States, Illinois, Marion, Stephen A. Forbes State Park, west side of Lake on Island near where Mountain Branch enters into the Lake. Mount Vernon Hill Country Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 38.7225 -88.7626, 155m

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
Michael J. C. Murphy   42052011-04-21
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Approximately 3.5 miles north of Vandalia, IL; 0.6 mile west of U.S. Route 51, on terrace just southeast of Hoffman Creek. WGS84/NAD83., 39.06752 -89.10867

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poiret
Loy R. Phillippe & Jennifer Tate   272191996-05-16
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Vermilion River Observatory. About 4 mile southeast of Danville. Vermilion River Section of the Wabash Border Natural Division.

Michael J. C. Murphy   47752012-05-09
United States, Illinois, Will, 2.5 miles west of Wilmington, IL; 500 feet northwest of Interstate-55 and one mile south of Ceco Road. (WGS84/NAD83), 41.30883 -88.20753

Arabis laevigata (Willd.) Poir
Michael Murphy, Rick Phillippe, Maury Brucker, and Mike Miller   46912012-04-05
United States, Illinois, Marshall, Hopewell, IL. Approximately 5 miles north of Chillicothe, IL. 0.4 mile due west of IL Route 29. Lots 184, 185, & 186., 40.9906 -89.45586

Henry Eilers   s.n.1991-05-04
United States, Illinois, Montgomery, Shoal Creek Barrens Nature Preserve. Area 2. (GPS Location WGS84/NAD83 are all given for Shoal Creek Barrens on the East side of Lake Lou Yaeger and are not accurate for the species). In the Effingham Plain Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division., 39.19449 -89.59315

Henry Eilers   s.n.1991-05-26
United States, Illinois, Montgomery, Shoal Creek Barrens Nature Preserve. Area 2, Rocky Ford Barrens. (GPS Location WGS84/NAD83 are all given for Shoal Creek Barrens on the East side of Lake Lou Yaeger and are not accurate for the species). In the Effingham Plain Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division., 39.19449 -89.59315

Henry Eilers   s.n.1991-08-20
United States, Illinois, Montgomery, Shoal Creek Barrens Nature Preserve. Area 2, Rocky Ford Barrens. (GPS Location WGS84/NAD83 are all given for Shoal Creek Barrens on the East side of Lake Lou Yaeger and are not accurate for the species). In the Effingham Plain Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division., 39.19449 -89.59315

Arabis shortii (Fern.) GI.
Michael J. C. Murphy   42762011-05-11
United States, Illinois, McLean, Approximately 1 mile west of Downs, IL, along Kickapoo Creek floodplain and floodplain terrace, about 400 feet south of Interstate-74. (WGS84/NAD83), 40.3952 -88.89406

Arabis laevigata (Willd.) Poir.
Michael J. C. Murphy   42872011-05-11
United States, Illinois, McLean, Approximately 1 mile west of Downs, IL, along Kickapoo Creek floodplain and floodplain terrace, about 400 feet north of Interstate-74. (WGS84/NAD83), 40.39768 -88.89045

Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh.
Michael J. C. Murphy   43312011-05-19
United States, Illinois, McLean, Approximately 2.5 miles north of Downs, IL; 1 mile east of Towanda Barnes Road, on south side of railroad tracks. (WGS84/NAD83), 40.45125 -88.87887

Arabis glabra (Linnaeus) Bernh.
Loy R. Phillippe   317192000-06-13
United States, Illinois, Lee, Green River State Conservation Area. Green River Lowland Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.631 -89.48978

Jay Raveill   12781982-05-19
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. Northwest of Blackberry Lake at edge of trail

ILLS00133977J. Shimp & A. Biagi   22461992-07-20
United States, Illinois, Saline, Shawnee National Forest. Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 12. Along forest road 1602.

ILLS00133976E.L. Shimp & J.P. Shimp   17211991-06-17
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 39.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poiret
ILLS00133978E.L. Shimp, K.E. Nash & C.F. Schultz   15071991-06-03
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 37.

ILLS00128497L.R. Stritch & E.L. Shimp   26591991-06-18
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 56., 37.416733 -88.518538

ILLS00128573E.F. Ulaszek & M.A. Basinger   26351995-06-28
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 79. Burke Branch Research Natural Area., 37.240311 -88.556233

ILLS00128572L.R. Stritch, E.L. Shimp & J.P. Shimp   26011991-06-15
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 53. Keeling South., 37.488003 -88.285437

ILLS00128571L. Stritch, E. Ulaszek & M. Mohlenbrock   s.n.1981-09-02
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Cave Creek Glade.

ILLS00128570E.L. Shimp & J.P. Shimp   17541991-06-17
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 39.

ILLS00128569A.S. Biagi & R. Rubinas   22241993-07-17
United States, Illinois, Pope, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 37. Williams Hill O.A., 37.5667 -88.4667

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poiret
ILLS00128568E.L. Shimp & C.F. Schultz   9251991-05-22
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 33. One-half mile SW of Jackson Hollow. Access by F.S. Road #424.

ILLS00128567E.L. Shimp & C.H. Hainline   36601999-00-00
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 35. Not too far from Forest Road 1540 and County Road 164.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poiret
ILLS00128566L. Stritch, E. Ulaszek & M. Mohlenbrock   s.n.1981-09-02
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Cave Creek Glade.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
ILLS00128565L.R. Stritch & J.P. Shimp   34701992-04-16
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 38.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
ILLS00128564J.P. Shimp & E.L. Shimp   7861992-04-09
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 20.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
ILLS00128563E.L. Shimp   36191992-04-10
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 34.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poiret
ILLS00128562E.L. Shimp & C.F. Schultz   19631991-06-26
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 38.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
ILLS00128561E.L. Shimp & C.F. Schultz   10511991-05-29
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 34.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poiret
ILLS00128560E.L. Shimp & L.R. Stritch   13421991-06-01
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 52., 37.473947 -88.330046

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
ILLS00128559E.L. Shimp, K.E. Nash & C.F. Schultz   14631991-06-03
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 40.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
ILLS00128558E.L. Shimp & K.E. Nash   12411991-05-31
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 35.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
ILLS00128557J.P. Shimp   8361992-04-18
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 30., 37.592102 -88.25459

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poiret
ILLS00128556E.L. Shimp & C.F. Schultz   15931991-06-06
United States, Illinois, Saline, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 4. Stoneface Natural Area.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
ILLS00128555E.L. Shimp   5121991-04-30
United States, Illinois, Union, Jonesboro Ranger District, Compartment 57. LaRue Pine Hills, near Otter Pond.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
ILLS00128554E.L. Shimp & C.F. Schultz   7621991-05-15
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 39. East northeast of the town of Simpson. Just northeast of Johnson Ridge.

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
ILLS00128553L.R. Stritch   10681981-04-12
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 28., 37.504376 -88.58996

Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir.
ILLS00128552A.S. Biagi & T. Prang   19531993-06-26
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Murphysboro Ranger District, Compartment 68. Gap O.A.

Page 4, records 301-400 of 419

Google Map

Google Maps is a web mapping service provided by Google that features a map that users can pan (by dragging the mouse) and zoom (by using the mouse wheel). Collection points are displayed as colored markers that when clicked on, displays the full information for that collection. When multiple species are queried (separated by semi-colons), different colored markers denote each individual species.

Google Earth (KML)

This creates an KML file that can be opened in the Google Earth mapping application. Note that you must have Google Earth installed on your computer to make use of this option.
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