ILLS00067635 Scott Simon, Marilyn Morris & Loy R. Phillippe 535 1992-08-24
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Horseshoe Bottom Nature Preserve. Collison 7.5 minute quadrangle. East side of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River.
ILLS00067414 S. Masi and J. Epting 505 FCC# 364 1996-07-22
United States, Illinois, Cook, Watersmeet Forest Preserve. Northfield: Happ Road, south of Winnetka Road, at junction of bike and horse trails at river's edge. South of bridge.
ILLS00067564 Loy R. Phillippe 26685 1995-07-21
United States, Illinois, Monroe, Auctioneer Cave Spring, 3.5 mile northeast of Valmeyer, south of Trout Hollow Road. Valmeyer 7.5 minute quadrangle. UTM Zone 15, 4245200mN, 739075mE.
ILLS00067620 Mark A. Basinger 9862 1995-06-30
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Around 4 mile south of Jonesboro off of Illinois 127.
ILLS00067701 H. S. Pepoon 260 1931-00-00
United States, Tennessee, Great Smoky Mountains.
ILLS00067466 Mark A. Basinger 11941 1999-06-27
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Thompson Woods; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
ILLS00067690 Steven R. Hill 28523 1996-08-21
United States, Pennsylvania, Pike, Rest area, Rt. I-84W ca. 4 miles south of Paupack; moist woodland margin.
ILLS00067637 Loy R. Phillippe & Jennifer Jawad 27889 1996-07-25
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Vermilion River Observatory. Danville 7.5 minute quadrangle.
ILLS00067696 Loy R. Phillippe 31056 1999-07-25
United States, Tennessee, Cocke, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Cosby Watershed. Hartford 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 2710 feet. Bearneck Cove. Gabes Mountain Trail at Henwallow Falls along moist rock walls, plant about 5 feet tall, flowers orange.
ILLS00067428 W. Hess, N. Stoynoff, K. Weis, K. Bolger 7857 1997-08-14
United States, Illinois, Du Page, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois. East side in Crowley's Pond area, in M-77/Area grid area. Voucher for plant samples collected for the University of Illinois, College of Pharmacy and Glaxo Pharmaceutical Company for anti-inflammatory drug testing.
ILLS00067418 Bob Edgin 3729 2000-09-13
United States, Illinois, Crawford, Emma Vance Woods.
ILLS00067436 Bob Edgin 4258 2001-06-15
United States, Illinois, Edwards, Beadles Barrens Nature Preserve. 4 miles southwest of Albion.
ILLS00067688 M.A. Feist, L.R. Phillippe, D. Busemeyer, C. Carroll, P. Marcum 1319 2001-09-20
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Twentymile Creek Trail. Twentymile Creek Watershed. Fontana Dam Quadrangle. 1740 feet
ILLS00067632 R.L. Larimore, L.R. Phillippe RL448 2000-08-24
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Middle Fork Woods Nature Preserve at Kickapoo State Park, west of and adjacent to the MIddle Fork River. Danville NW 7.5 minute quadrangle.
ILLS00067482 Roger A. McCoy 136 1996-05-05
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Property of Dewey and Kay McCoy, Off of Friendship Loop, west of Goreville. Lick Creek Quadrangle.
ILLS00067695 D.T. Busemeyer, M.A. Feist, P.B. Marcum, & L.R. Phillippe 611 2001-07-09
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Panther Creek Watershed. Calderwood 7.5 minute quadrangle. Hannah Mountain Trail. Elevation about 3900 feet.
ILLS00067685 D.T. Busemeyer, M.A. Feist, P.B. Marcum, & L.R. Phillippe 666 2001-07-12
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Big Creek Watershed. Luftee 7.5 minute quadrangle. Big Creek Trail. Elevation about 2300 feet.
ILLS00067694 D.T. Busemeyer, M.A. Feist, P.B. Marcum, & L.R. Phillippe 742 2001-09-17
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Panther Creek Watershed. Cades Cove 7.5 minute quadrangle. Hannah Mountain Trail. Elevation about 4600 feet.
ILLS00067633 Gordon C. Tucker 11880 1999-08-28
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Kickapoo State Park: south end of Clear Lake., 40.137778 -87.743889
ILLS00067673 A.R. Diamond 12661 2001-09-09
United States, Alabama, Pike, Pike County Highway 30, 0.2 mile west of the Patsaliga River/ Crenshaw County line.
ILLS00067465 Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Jason A. Koontz, James L. Ellis, & Connie Carroll 33636 2001-08-23
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Iroquois County State Conservation Area. Donovan 7.5 minute quadrangle.
ILLS00067439 Dan Busemeyer, Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Jeff Matthews, & Donna Wagner 166 2000-06-15
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Dean Hills Nature Preserve, Herrick Quadrangle.
ILLS00067480 Loy R. Phillippe, Geoffrey A. Levin, & Mike J. Moore 28037 1996-08-21
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Savanna Army Depot. Mississippi River Section of the Illinois River and Mississippi River Sand Area Division. Bellevue 7.5 minute quadrangle. UTM 15, 714411mE, 4684308mN. Just south of Blanding Landing Recreation Area.
ILLS00067506 Loy R. Phillippe, William C. Handel, & John E. Ebinger 30982 1999-07-20
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Kankakee Sands Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division of Illinois. Nelson Property (privately owned land), floodplain on the south shore of the Kankakee River, about 9.5 mile east of Momence, Illinois. Illiana Heights 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 625 feet. UTM Zone 16, 454530mE, 4556930mN.
ILLS00067411 Kim Wise 90
United States, Illinois, Coles, Walker’s Ford.
ILLS00067692 P. B. Marcum, C.J. Carroll, G. Spyreas, S. Gallo, and G. Cunningham PBM 1675 2002-10-06
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Shop Creek Watershed (access off of U.S. 129). Calderwood, TN Quad. Elevation ~ 905 feet.
ILLS00067693 Mary Ann Feist, Rick Phillippe, & Paul Marcum. 1813 2002-07-15
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Tabcat Creek Watershed. Calderwood Quadrangle. 1070 feet.
ILLS00067445 Loy R. Phillippe & Paul B. Marcum 35927 2003-08-12
United States, Illinois, Fulton, Land owned by The Nature Conservancy. The Emiquon Preserve. Illinois River Section of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois River Bottomlands Natural Division. Havana Quadrangle. Elevation about 430 feet. Just above the Illinois River floodplain west of Havana, Illinois on the west side of the Illinois River. East of Dickson Mounds State Park. East side of Routes 97/78.
ILLS00067478 M.K.V. Zant 69 1995-09-05
United States, Illinois, Jefferson, A few feet north and west across the road from the sign marked 2150N and 300E.
ILLS00067687 Loy R. Phillippe, Jim Payne, and Paul B. Marcum 37044 2004-07-28
United States, North Carolina, Swain, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Cascade section in the upper reaches of Hazel Creek and below Welch Ridge, along or near Hazel Creek Trail. (WGS84/NAD83)., 35.5477 -83.57903
ILLS00067534 Elden E. Neal 1629 1968-08-09
United States, Illinois, McDonough, Flora of Lake Vermont Park. [map shows location within park].
ILLS00067658 Loy R. Phillippe 37851 2005-08-02
United States, Illinois, Will, Braidwood Dunes and Savanna Nature Preserve. 0.8 mile southeast of Braidwood and northwest of the Bohemian Cemetery. Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. (NAD83/WGS84)., 41.25587 -88.19714
ILLS00067684 Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, and Jim Payne. 3495 2005-07-20
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Purchase Knob Area. WGS84 map datum., 35.5892 -83.06099
ILLS00067553 Loy R. Phillippe, Bill McClain, & John E. Ebinger 37189 2004-08-18
United States, Illinois, Mason, South of Havana along main highway (Route 78) south towards Bath. Havana Quadrangle, elevation about 450 feet. The Illinois River Section of the Illinois & Mississippi Rivers Bottomlands Natural Division. Growing in a series of seep areas along White Oak Creek. (WGS84/NAD83), 40.25666 -90.08663
ILLS00067505 Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, and John E. Ebinger 36983 2004-07-15
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Iroquois Woods Nature Preserve. Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Kankakee Quadrangle. Low woods along the Iroquois River. Elevation about 615 feet., 42.0422 -87.846
ILLS00067669 Loy R. Phillippe & John E. Ebinger 39167 2006-09-06
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Spring Bay Fen Nature Preserve, about 2 mile south of Spring Bay and 0.75 mile west of Illinois Route 26. East side of the Illinois River. In the Illinois River Section of the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois River Bottomlands Natural Division., 40.78618 -89.5349
ILLS00067700 Loy R. Phillippe, Cassandra Allsap, Connie Cunningham, Grant Cunningham, Paul B. Marcum 38947 2006-06-29
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. WGS84/NAD83. Along Greenbrier Road near the Middle Prong of the Little Pigeon River in wetland., 35.73265 -83.41038
ILLS00067657 Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, & Connie Carroll 40083 2007-08-15
United States, Illinois, Will, Wilmington Shrub Prairie Nature Preserve. 3 miles east of Braidwood (junction of Route 53 & 113) along Route 113, 1.5 mile north on Zilm Road, and then 0.5 mile west. In the Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83, 41.27501 -88.16404
ILLS00067668 Michael J. C. Murphy, Toni Atkinson & Loy R. Phillippe 2441 2007-09-26
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Spring Bay Fen Nature Preserve. NAD83/WGS84, 40.78653 -89.53487
ILLS00067510 Michael J. C. Murphy 2353 2007-08-01
United States, Illinois, Lake, Deerfield Rd. Bike Path, IDOT study site. NAD84/WGS83, 42.16719 -87.9146
ILLS00072001 Loy R. Phillippe & John E. Ebinger 39167 2006-09-06
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Spring Bay Fen Nature Preserve, about 2 miles south of Spring Bay and 0.75 miles west of Illinois Route 26. East side of the Illinois River. In the Illinois River Section of the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois River Bottolmands Natural Division., 40.78618 -89.5349
ILLS00067427 Anthony Tate 22 2007-09-11
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Walnut Point State Park. 39° 42' 15" N; -88° 2' 4" W., 39.70417 -88.03445
ILLS00067699 Loy R. Phillippe & James R. Payne 42305 2009-10-09
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Sinks. Along Little River Road (Tennessee State Highway 73) just just within entrance to The Sinks adjacent to parking area and edge of woods. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.66961 -83.66181
ILLS00067570 Loy R. Phillippe, Richard L. Larimore, & John E. Ebinger 40983 2008-08-19
United States, Illinois, Ogle, White Pine State Park along Pine Creek, east edge of Pine Creek, riparian vegetation. About 13 mile north of Dixon and 3.75 mile east of Buffalo, Illinois. In the Freeport Section of the Rock River Hill Country Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.9938 -89.471
ILLS00067682 Paul B. Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Brenda Molano-Flores, Valerie Sivicek, James R.Payne, and Gerry Steinauer 5821 2009-08-18
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Niobrara Valley, Nebraska. Valentine National Wildlife Refuge, located approximately 20 miles south of Valentine, Nebraska; Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 42.54659 -100.72626
ILLS00067681 Valerie A. Sivicek, Paul B. Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Brenda Molano-Flores, Gerry Steinauer, and James R.Payne 36 2009-08-19
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Niobrara Valley, Nebraska. Steve Hanson property, approximately 3 miles south of Valentine, NE; Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83, 42.826344 -100.531325
ILLS00067680 Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, James R. Payne, Valerie A. Sivicek, and Brenda Molano-Flores 42037 2009-08-21
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Niobrara Valley Preserve. About 38 mile southeast of Valentine Nebraska, south side of the Niobrara River. East of Valentine along State Route 12 to Norden and then south to the Niobrara River and then east down river below Wolbach Ranch. Below the river bluff near where Buzzard Canyon drains into the Niobrara River., 42.76628 -99.88647
ILLS00067667 Paul B. Marcum and Richard L. Larimore 5268 2008-07-28
United States, Illinois, Woodford, ParkLands Foundation’s Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.66119 -89.11024
ILLS00067609 Steven R. Hill 38115 2009-06-02
United States, Illinois, Saline, Eldorado. Approximately 100.6 meters southwest of Garner Road, 18.3 meters west of US Route 45, just south of Brush Creek and west side of dismantled New York Central Railroad berm. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 37.86547 -88.40117
ILLS00067698 Loy R. Phillippe, Grant Cunningham, Jenny Stratton, and Valerie Sivicek 42748 2011-05-30
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 1.9 mile south by southeast of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Along Le Conte Creek just below the Twin Creeks Uplands Research Lab. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.6867 -83.502
ILLS00067539 Paul B. Marcum, Richard L. Larimore, and Mary Ann Feist 3825 2005-10-11
United States, Illinois, McLean, Funks Grove Illinois Natural Areas Inventory (INAI) site. Stubblefield Woodlots Nature Preserve. WGS 84 map datum; +/- 33.0 ft., 40.36664 -89.11289
ILLS00067540 Paul B. Marcum and Loy R. Phillippe 3669 2005-08-12
United States, Illinois, McLean, Funks Grove Illinois Natural Areas Inventory (INAI) site; Ewing Grove Tract Buffer. WGS 84 map datum.; +/- 23 ft., 40.34702 -89.1421
ILLS00067532 R.D. Henry & A.R. Scott 3167 1983-08-01
United States, Illinois, McDonough, Good Hope Marsh, east side of road 1500 East, 3 miles east of Good Hope.
ILLS00067546 Loy R. Phillippe, David M. Ketzner, Connie Carroll, & Paul B. Marcum 33582 2001-08-13
United States, Illinois, Marion, Stephen A. Forbes State Park. Mount Vernon Hill Country Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Northwest of Forbes Lake where stream un-named stream joins Lost Fork at the north end of Forbes Lake. On the west side of the flood plain., 38.7483 -88.78
ILLS00067987 Loy R. Phillippe 20599 1992-07-27
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Middle Fork State Fish & Wildlife Area. Seep. Along the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Vermilion River Section of the Wabash Border Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.22674 -87.75211
ILLS00067984 Loy R. Phillippe 22765 1993-08-18
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Shawnee National Forest, Oakwood Bottoms, Murphysboro Ranger District, Compartment 18. East of Fountain Bluff and west of the Muddy River. Forbland, open swale and edge of bottomland woods along east side of railroad. Southern Section of the Lower Mississippi River Bottomlands Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 37.67197 -89.46673
ILLS00127598 E.L. Shimp 3053 1991-08-20
United States, Illinois, Pope, vienna Ranger District, Compartment 38., 37.504826 -88.700493
ILLS00127761 E.L. Shimp 3312 1991-08-28
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 35.
ILLS00129127 E.F. Ulaszek & M.A. Basinger 2794 1995-07-26
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 79. Burke Branch Research Natural Area., 37.240397 -88.574752
ILLS00129126 J.P. Shimp & A.s. Biagi 1740 1992-07-01
United States, Illinois, Saline, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 2.
ILLS00129125 E.L. Shimp & C.F. Schultz 2447 1991-07-23
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 76. Property on SE side of County Road 157., 37.25493 -88.593319
ILLS00129124 J.P. Shimp 242 1991-07-18
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 30., 37.577341 -88.272956
ILLS00129123 E.L. Shimp, J.P. Shimp & L.R. Stritch 2911 1991-08-03
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 79., 37.240311 -88.556233
ILLS00129122 J.P. Shimp, A. Biaig & S. Cline 2619 1992-07-29
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 20. Williams HIll O.A. Along Little Lusk Creek., 37.5634 -88.506304
ILLS00129121 E.L. Shimp 2925 1991-08-19
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 35.
ILLS00129120 E.L. Shimp, L.R. Stritch & M.A. Basinger 6074 1993-08-18
United States, Illinois, Saline, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 73.
ILLS00129119 L.R. Stritch 3266 1991-09-01
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 82. Terrace & Riparian Area at Mill Springs., 37.210807 -88.556444
ILLS00129118 J.P. Shimp 689 1991-08-25
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 21., 37.59205 -88.217639
ILLS00129117 J.P. Shimp & A.S. Biagi 2403 1992-07-21
United States, Illinois, Saline, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 12.
ILLS00129116 J.P. Shimp 418 1991-08-15
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 20.
ILLS00129115 J.P. Shimp & M.A. Basinger 1931 1992-07-02
United States, Illinois, Pope, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 13., 37.577486 -88.459271
ILLS00129114 M.A. Basinger 5960 1993-06-28
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 34. Around 1.5 miles southeast of Reagan School.
ILLS00129113 A.S. Biagi, M.A. Basinger & A. Poole 2677 1993-07-29
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 29. Along Forest Road 1763., 37.579274 -88.255352
ILLS00129112 M.A. Basinger & E.L. Shimp 5839 1993-06-21
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 73. Above Bay Creek off of County Road 175A around 1 mile west from Bradford Cemetery., 37.298801 -88.556492
ILLS00129111 E.L. Shimp & C.F. Schultz 2555 1991-07-24
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 77., 37.269092 -88.556704
ILLS00129110 L.R. Stritch 1592 1981-07-11
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 29., 37.59203 -88.626621
Henry Eilers s.n. 1991-06-23
United States, Illinois, Montgomery, Shoal Creek Barrens Nature Preserve. In the Effingham Plain Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division. Area 2., 39.19 -89.59
Henry Eilers s.n. 1991-08-01
United States, Illinois, Montgomery, Shoal Creek Barrens Nature Preserve. In the Effingham Plain Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division. Area 2., 39.19 -89.59
M.A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger s.n. 2016-10-10
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, old road, now a multiuse trail, to the east of the intersection of CR 527 and CR 519, Holly Ridge Conservation Area.
M.A. & M.F. Basinger s.n. 2016-09-04
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Adjacent to parking area to hiking trail on HWY 150, Highland Scenic Highway, Monongahela National Forest.
Liu Jin-Kui 700 2004-09-15
China, Dongan, Hunan Province, China. Local Mt. Shunhuangshan, Dongan Co., 27.666667 111.75, 450m
Liu Jin-Kui 700 2004-09-15
China, Hunan, Dongan, Local. Mt. Shunhuangshan. Altitude 450 meter., 27.666667 111.75, 450m
ILLS00067704 Steven R. Hill; B.E. Dutton 32960 2000-08-12
United States, OREGON, TILLAMOOK, West side US Rt. 101, 0.6 mile north of Farmer Creek, mile marker 82.2. Coast Range Ecoregion.
Liu Jin-Kui 721 2004-09-26
China, Dongan, Hunan Province, China. Local Mt. Shunhuangshan, Dongan Co., 27.666667 111.75, 550m
Liu Jin-Kui 721 2004-09-26
China, Hunan, Dongan, Local. Mt. Shunhuangshan. Altitude 550 meter., 27.666667 111.75, 550m
ILLS00067705 Robert A. Evers 67593 1960-09-07
United States, Illinois, Adams, Austin Creek Gorge, northwest of Fall Creek.
ILLS00067707 Rev. R. Brinker 1292 1942-08-11
United States, Illinois, Adams, Coe's Spring, 8 miles southeast of Quincy.
ILLS00067706 Rev. R. Brinker 3577 1944-07-20
United States, Illinois, Adams, Along Burton Creek.
ILLS00067711 Robert A. Evers 70359 1961-08-09
United States, Illinois, Alexander, East of McClure.
ILLS00067712 Robert A. Evers 48857 1955-08-18
United States, Illinois, Bond, North of Mulberry Grove.
ILLS00067713 Robert A. Evers 92063 1967-07-19
United States, Illinois, Brown, Along McKee Creek, south of Mt. Sterling., 39.974117 -90.763806
ILLS00067714 Robert A. Evers 48719 1955-08-13
United States, Illinois, Brown, Along McKee Creek, south of Mt. Sterling., 39.974117 -90.763806
ILLS00067715 Robert A. Evers 35199 1952-08-06
United States, Illinois, Brown, East of Siloam Village, Siloam Springs State Park., 39.8833 -90.9
ILLS00067716 Kenneth R. Robertson & E. B. Himelick 1928 1978-09-06
United States, Illinois, Bureau, Miller-Anderson Woods Nature Preserve., 41.241695 -89.410364
ILLS00067717 Robert A. Evers 112060 1973-09-05
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, Northwest of Kampsville.
ILLS00067718 Robert A. Evers 84828 1965-08-31
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, North of Hardin.
ILLS00067719 Leo Campbell & C. J. Alexopoulos s.n. 1930-08-26
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, South of Jess Ringhauser's peach orchard, south of Hardin.
ILLS00067721 Robert A. Evers 13888 1948-08-27
United States, Illinois, Carroll, South section, Palisades State Park.
ILLS00067724 Grace Loescher 177 1947-07-25
United States, Illinois, Champaign, West of Mahomet.
ILLS00067725 Robert A. Evers 34630 1952-07-22
United States, Illinois, Clark, 8 miles south of Marshall.