INHS Collections Data

Taxa: Capsella
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 3, records 201-262 of 262

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Eric F. Ulaszek   5211984-05-05
United States, Illinois, Williamson, Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Eric F. Ulaszek   5011984-04-13
United States, Illinois, Williamson, Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
R.A. Evers   225691950-05-16
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Mackinaw River east of Goodfield.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
R.A. Evers   43181947-06-14
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Along the roadside at Spring Bay.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
R.A. Evers   1127831974-05-13
United States, Indiana, Warren, Along Big Pine Creek south of Rainsville.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
R. Dale Thomas & David Taylor   82789 & 25211983-03-10
United States, Louisiana, Caddo, Cemetery beside Louisiana 170 and west of Louisiana 1 in Vivian.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Kubicki & Lombardo   30501970-04-25
United States, Maryland, Baltimore, Open field, Harford + Long Green Pike Farm.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Rev. R. Brinker   14991941-04-27
United States, Missouri, Allenton.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Rev. R. Brinker   13991941-04-11
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Paul Shildneck   C-60811974-04-19
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, On low north shoulder of Route 159 about 3 miles east of Falls City.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
R.L. Wyatt   8011966-05-15
United States, North Carolina, Burke, Bud Orders farm, 18 miles north of Morganton off of North Carolina 181.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
R.A. Evers & Clara V. Evers   1055911971-07-08
Canada, Manitoba, Dickies Camp about 3 miles south of The Pas., 53.773289 -101.233333

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
R.A. Evers   842281965-07-19
Canada, Northwest Territories, Stagg River Campground, 11 miles southeast of Rae. District of Mackenzie., 62.720813 -115.804025

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medic.
Loy R. Phillippe & Geoffrey A. Levin   237291994-04-21
United States, Illinois, Cass, Site M. Cox Creek Hill Prairie Natural Area. Northeast of Cox Creek. Newmansville 7.5 minute topographic map.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
Charles N. Horn with Ted Bradley   92861995-05-27
United States, Virginia, Greene, Along South River and County Route 621, 1.9 mile south of junction with County Route 637. North of Stanardsville.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
T. Antonio, S. Masi, and J. Epting   7632 FCC# 851996-05-30
United States, Illinois, Cook, Powderhorn Lake Forest Preserve, Hegewisch (Chicago): Brainard Avenue. Along western edge of lake.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medicus
Loy R. Phillippe, David M. Ketzner, & John E. Ebinger   261601995-04-21
United States, Illinois, Lawrence, Department of Concervation land adjacent to Chauncey Marsh Nature Preserve, 4.4 mile east of Chauncey. Chauncey 7.5 minute quadrangle. Along crop field.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
Mark A. Basinger   10,4771996-04-20
United States, Illinois, Union, Weaver's Woods. Approximately 4 miles south of Jonesboro along Illinois Route 127.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik
S. Masi   8021998-04-09
United States, Illinois, Cook, Residential yard in Chicago: 5722 North Rockwell, near Lincoln and Bryn Mawr.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medic.
Bob Edgin   33222000-04-25
United States, Illinois, Crawford, Emma Vance Woods.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medic.
Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, and John E. Ebinger   329322001-05-09
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Hooper Branch Savanna Nature Preserve. UTM 16, 454009mE, 4538899mN. Leesville 7.5 minute quadrangle. 2 mile south and 9 mile east of St. Anne.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
D.T. Busemeyer, L.R. Phillippe, & G. Beland   9382002-06-20
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Liebert (The Nature Conservancy Property). St. Anne Township. St. Anne 7.5 minute topographic map.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Alvin R. Diamond   137852003-03-09
United States, Alabama, Pike, Troy. Brundidge Street about 1500 feet north of U.S. Highway 231. Troy quadrangle. Collected and distributed through Troy State University.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Jon Rebman   29531995-06-12
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, 0.2 mile east of Palm Cemetery Lane, 0.8 mile south of Scott’s Mill Road, Angie and Jeff Langer’s land.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
Loy R. Phillippe & David M. Ketzner   296621998-06-01
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Vermilion River Observatory, 4.5 mile southeast of Danville. Vermilion River Section of the Wabash Border Natural Division of Illinois. Elevation about 650 feet. Danville SE 7.5 minute quadrangle. UTM 16, 452337mE, 4435094mN.

Steven R. Hill   345552002-05-09
United States, Illinois, Morgan, Southeast quadrant of junction of U.S. Route 67 and Arenzville Road (County Road 11) about 2.8 miles east-northeast of Meredosia. Elevation 453 feet.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medic.
Hu Zhong-hui   162002-04-14
China, Hunan Sheng, Nanyuehengshan Nature Preserve. Altitude 700 meter. [Hunan Province]., 27.226632 112.720288

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Loy R. Phillippe, Dan Busemeyer, Bill McClain, and John E. Ebinger   366932004-05-10
United States, Illinois, Mason, Tomlin Timber Nature Preserve. Easton 7.5 minute quadrangle. About 0.5 mile west of town of Easton and then about 2 miles south on the Kilbourne-Easton blacktop, west side of road about 0.6 mile south of the New Hope Cemetery which is on the east side of the road. Elevation about 525 feet. Northeast corner of the preserve. Former site of Walker’s Grove School.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
A. Atamuradova   s.n.2004-04-24
Uzbekistan, Samarkand Province. Urgut, Amankutan.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
Dan Busemeyer & Rick Larimore   12792003-04-29
United States, Illinois, Fulton, Emiquon (owned by the Nature Conservancy). Havana, IL 7.5 minute USGS quadrangle. West of IL 78/97.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
M.K.V. Zant   101995-05-24
United States, Illinois, Pulaski, On farm along south bank of Cache River just north and west of Grand Chain in Pulaski County Illinois. From farm field near house.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
Dan Busemeyer, Leland Crane, David M. Ketzner, Mary Ann Feist, Richard L. Larimore, Paul B. Marcum, & L. Richard Phillippe   18762004-06-15
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills, of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. (WGS84/NAD83)., 43.99338 -107.21584, 2042m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
Dan Busemeyer, Paul Marcum, & Loy R. Phillippe   20322004-08-13
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Iroquois Woods Nature Preserve, Otto Township, 4 miles south of Kankakee, IL, 41.04733 -87.84799, 183m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
Dan Busemeyer   16662004-04-30
United States, Illinois, Mason, Sand Ridge State Forest. Along main east-west road., 40.3911 -89.8869, 155m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
Dan Busemeyer and Richard L. Larimore   23702005-05-25
United States, Illinois, McLean, Funk's Grove Nature Preserve is an 18 acre tract of land within a larger parcel known as Funk's Grove, one of the largest remnants of virgin forest in Illinois. The grove contains mesic upland forest of the Grand Prairie Natural Division., 40.36168 -89.11787, 204m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Loy R. Phillippe, Michael J.D. Murphy, & Paul B. Marcum   375362005-05-24
United States, Illinois, McLean, Funk’s Grove, University of Illinois Property. (WGS84/NAD83). In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division., 40.34218 -89.14721, 197m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Loy R. Phillippe, Daniel T. Busemeyer, Paul B. Marcum, Michael J.C. Murphy, and John E. Ebinger   373712005-04-14
United States, Illinois, Will, Braidwood Dunes Natural Area, about one mile southeast of Braidwood. (WGS84/NAD83). In the Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie natural Division., 41.25969 -88.19601, 180m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
A.R. Diamond & P.C. Harris   187902008-03-16
United States, Alabama, Covington, Covington County Highway 59, 1.3 miles southwest of Alabama Highway 55. 31° 22' 49" North; -86° 32' 49" West, 31.3802 -86.5636, 75m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medic.
Ken Knowles   191972-06-10
United States, Idaho, [Fremont], Porcupine Guard Station, Ashton, Idaho., 1707m

Paul B. Marcum and Loy R. Phillippe   5010.12008-05-13
United States, Illinois, Woodford, ParkLands Foundation’s Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.65868 -89.13867, 199m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medic.
S. Popovich and S. Weiss   45801995-05-08
United States, Idaho, Jerome, In city of Jerome, southwest corner of Tiger Drive and 19th. Avenue East, in gravelly road bed about 2.5 air kilometer northeast of city center. Elevation 1162 meter, slope 0 percent, aspect: 0°, Ownership was private. Soil: shallow, loamy., 42.7457 -114.491, 1162m

Capsella pursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
A.R. Diamond   211692010-03-13
United States, Alabama, Covington, Andalusia. U.S. Highway 84 by-pass at the railroad tracks. 31° 19' 8.47" North Latitude; 86° 29' 48.39" West Longitude., 31.319 -86.4967, 90m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
A.R. Diamond   211892010-03-18
United States, Alabama, Montgomery, Woodley Road at the north side of Baskin's Mill Creek. 32° 6' 1.3" North Latitude; 86° 7' 39.9" West Longitude., 32.1003 -86.1277, 91m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, and Dan T. Busemeyer   30852005-05-16
United States, Illinois, McLean, Funks Grove Illinois Natural Areas Inventory (INAI) site, Ewing Grove. WGS 84 map datum., 40.34701 -89.14279, 198m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medic.
Danny P. Callihan   2991991-04-18
United States, Illinois, McDonough, Horn Field Campus. EX Western Illinois University, R.M. Myers Herbarium (MWI), Accession #41895.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medic.
R. Maurice Myers   50341975-05-11
United States, Illinois, McDonough, Western Illinois University campus, near greenhouses. EX Western Illinois University, R.M. Myers Herbarium (MWI), Accession #17052.

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medicus
Alvin R. Diamond   227352011-12-04
United States, Alabama, Dale, Ozark. Roy Parker road at Alabama Highway 123., 31.469556 -85.643139, 122m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medicus
Alvin R. Diamond   227882012-01-19
United States, Alabama, Conecuh, US Highway 84, 0.11 mile east of Eula M. Grooms Raod (dirt)., 31.404229 -86.703081, 99m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medic.
Loy R. Phillippe   386802006-05-17
United States, Illinois, Will, Midewin National Tall Gras Prairie, South Patrol Road Prairie Restoration Area. Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. About 1.75 mile northeast of Wilmington, east of the Kankakee River and about 1 mile east and about 0.25 mile south of where Interstate 55 crosses over the Kankakee River just north of Wilmington. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.34501 -88.1711, 167m

Kevin Winship   181988-03-26
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Northwest of Karnak, portion of Lower Cache River Natural Area. Voucher from Master of Science Thesis (SIU).

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medikus
Loy R. Phillippe & Geoffrey A. Levin   272791996-05-21
United States, Illinois, Carroll, Savanna Army Depot. The Mississippi River Section of the Illinois River and Mississippi River Sand Areas Natural Division., 203m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medik.
Stefan P. Johnsrud   122012-03-27
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Urbana. Boneyard Creek between Matthews Street and Griggs Street. Collected for independent study for University of Illinois class IB 490., 40.111473 -88.226479, 229m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medicus
Alvin R. Diamond & P.C. Harris   236602013-01-13
United States, Alabama, Barbour, Clio. Alabama Highway 51, 0.07 mile south of Simmons Road., 31.711 -85.609306, 153m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medicus
Alvin R. Diamond   236682013-01-20
United States, Alabama, Dale, Ariton. Intersection of Alabama Highway 51 and Alabama Highway 123., 31.599877 -85.718937, 141m

Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medic.
Loy R. Phillippe & David M. Ketzner   327892001-04-17
United States, Illinois, Marion, Stephen A. Forbes State Park. Mount Vernon Hill Country Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. West of Forbes Lake near Williams Road and Omega Road., 38.7374 -88.7911, 174m

Ishenbay Sodombekov & Natalya Rogova   KPL_000392004-05-24
Kyrgyzstan, Chui, River Basin Alamedin. Site no: KGP_00003. 42º50.00'N 74º38.00'E (converted to decimal degrees), 800 m (converted to ft)., 42.83333 74.63333, 800m

Buston Islomov   UPL_002122004-04-24
Uzbekistan, Samarkand, Urgut, Alichabulaksay. Site number UZP_00212. 39º18.73'N 66º55.49'E (converted to decimal degrees). 1554m (converted to feet)., 39.31217 66.92483, 1554m

Jay Raveill   13021982-05-19
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park. Trail west of Marsh Lake

Alvin R. Diamond & P.C. Harris   271812016-02-21
United States, Alabama, Houston, Dothan. Along CSXT railroad, ca. 0.1 mile south of Ross Clark Circle., 31.25178 -85.402139

Mark A. Basinger & Robert N. Basinger   s.n.2016-04-29
United States, North Carolina, Rowan, River Road, within 0.1 mile northwest of Cedar Creek & Hinson Road.

Barnhart - Peoria High School   s.n.1889-04-06
United States, Illinois, Peoria, Peoria, IL, 40.72 -89.61

M.A. Basinger   77511993-10-13
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Above the dam/spillway at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area.

Page 3, records 201-262 of 262

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