ILLS00135025 A.S. Biagi, M.A. Basinger, & A. Poole 2564 1993-07-28
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Shawnee National Forest Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 29, 37.592102 -88.25459
ILLS00135031 M.A. Basinger & E.L. Shimp 8534 1994-05-02
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Shawnee National Forest Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 64 at Bell Pond Natural Area along the east side of County Road 174 (1/4-1/2 mile north of Island Hill) at the village of Grantsburg
ILLS00135042 J.P. Shimp, A.S. Biagi & E.M. Jaquart 2065 1992-07-08
United States, Illinois, Pope, Shawnee National Forest Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 37, 37.577486 -88.459271
ILLS00135035 E.L. Shimp & C.F. Schultz 1945 1991-06-26
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Shawnee National Forest Vienna Ranger District
ILLS00135032 L.R. Stritch 4222 1993-05-17
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Shawnee National Forest Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 35
ILLS00135027 J.P. Shimp 265 1991-07-18
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Shawnee National Forest Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 30, 37.592102 -88.25459
ILLS00135033 E.L. Shimp & C.H. Hainline 3657 1992-04-15
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Shawnee National Forest Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 35. Not too far from Forest Road 1540 and County Road 164.
ILLS00135026 E.L. Shimp, L.R. Stritch & C.F. Shultz 2614 1991-08-02
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Shawnee National Forest Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 52, 37.473947 -88.330046
ILLS00135047 E.L. Shimp & C.F. Shultz 2445 1991-07-23
United States, Illinois, Pope, Shawnee National Forest Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 76. Property on SE side of County Road 157., 37.25493 -88.593319
ILLS00135046 E.L. Shimp, J.P. Shimp, & L.R. Stritch 2900 1991-08-03
United States, Illinois, Pope, Shawnee National Forest Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 79, 37.240311 -88.556233
ILLS00135043 J.P. Shimp & M.A. Basinger 1947 1992-07-02
United States, Illinois, Pope, Shawnee National Forest Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 13, 37.577486 -88.459271
ILLS00135041 J.P. Shimp, A. Biagi, & S. Cline 2507 1992-07-29
United States, Illinois, Pope, Shawnee National Forest Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 20, 37.577307 -88.514394
ILLS00127289 E.L. Shimp & C.F Schultz 1880 1991-06-24
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 33., 37.504826 -88.700493
Loy R. Phillippe, Paul Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Dianne Phillippe, & Paul Hlina 43768 2015-05-27
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Brule River State Forest located east of Amnicon Falls State Park and north of US State Route 2. At bridge crossing on Secondary Road FF over Brule River about 1.1 mile west of junction of Secondary Roads FF & H and about 0.5 mile south of Wisconsin Secondary Road FF. Upland Forest on sandy bank on east side of the Brule River and west of Len Root Road., 46.62589 -91.59257
ILLS00133133 L.R. Stritch & A.S. Biagi 3584 1992-07-02
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 19., 37.562728 -88.551416
Henry Eilers s.n. 1991-05-12
United States, Illinois, Montgomery, Shoal Creek Barrens Nature Preserve. In the Effingham Plain Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division. Area 2., 39.19 -89.59
Henry Eilers s.n. 1995-04-15
United States, Illinois, Montgomery, Shoal Creek Barrens Nature Preserve. In the Effingham Plain Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division. In new south unit., 39.19 -89.59
Alice M. DeJarnett 1445 1990-08-11
United States, Illinois, Jersey, Pere Marquette State Park. St. Andrew's Ridge.
Maianthemum trifolium (Linnaeus) Sloboda
Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Stephanie Glass, Paul Hlina, and Paul B. Marcum 44088 2016-07-20
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Brule River State Forest. Vapa Road Bog, west side of the Brule River about 16 mile northeast of Solon Springs, Wisconsin. North side of Vapa Road, a little more than 1000 meters southeast of Whisky Lake and about 4 mile west and 0.5 mile north of Cedar Island Airport. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 46.45353 -91.66006
Mary Kay Solecki and John B. Taft 2180 1986-09-16
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Samuel Boardman State Park at Arch Rock viewpoint., 42.643 -124.408
ILLS00126005 L.R. Stritch 1144 1981-05-02
United States, Illinois, Pope, Shawnee National Forest. Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 28., 37.518993 -88.58982
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger s.n. 2016-07-19
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Brough. On Granite Creek Ranch Road, three miles north of Sutton off Glenn Hwy, AK 1.