INHS Collections Data

Taxa: Poaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 12, records 1101-1200 of 9868

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
J.O. Neill   35511949-07-13
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Intersection of Southern Railroad and Route 157.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
J.O. Neill   12851947-08-06
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Vicinity of Belleville.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
J. O. Neill   70381955-06-00
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, 38.55 -89.9167

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Robert A. Evers   343861952-06-27
United States, Illinois, Saline, Stone Face, northeast of Rudement.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Robert A. Evers   701111961-08-04
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Sugar Creek, northeast of Rushville.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Robert A. Evers   351401952-08-06
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Along Sugar Creek.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Robert A. Evers   309921951-07-14
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, Sugar Creek, northeast of Rushville.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Robert A. Evers   359291952-09-17
United States, Illinois, Shelby, On Williamsburg Hill, southwest of Lakewood.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Loy R. Phillippe   191801991-07-09
United States, Illinois, Union, Atwood Ridge Research Natural Area.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Bill N. McKnight   31711983-07-26
United States, Illinois, Union, Pine Hills, at McCann Springs.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Bill N. McKnight   31711983-07-26
United States, Illinois, Union, Pine Hills, at McCann Springs.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Robert A. Evers   815451964-09-15
United States, Illinois, Union, Panther Den area, north of Lick Creek.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Franklin B. Buser   64621956-06-24
United States, Illinois, Union, Pine Hills.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Robert A. Evers   625081959-09-18
United States, Illinois, Washington, Southeast of Venedy.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Robert A. Evers   448971954-07-14
United States, Illinois, White, Dogtown Hills, south of Maunie.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Eric F. Ulaszek   6571984-07-06
United States, Illinois, Williamson, Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
S.F. Glassman   39081956-09-04
United States, Indiana, Porter, Indiana Dunes State Park, along Trail 10, east side near borer of Beverly Shores.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
H.D. Harrington   H-141943-07-01
United States, Iowa, Linn, East of Cedar Rapids.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Paul Shildneck   C-67091974-07-09
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, By south shoulder of Rulo-White Cloud Road.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
B. King & A.E. Radford   45025 (Radford)1966-07-23
United States, North Carolina, Madison, On French River, west of Hot Springs.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Loy R. Phillippe & Sophia Gehlhausen   206511992-08-12
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topographic map.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Loy R. Phillippe, Jeff Olson & Alicia Nugteren   204521992-06-30
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topographic map.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) Beauvois
Mark A. Basinger   30181992-06-30
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Dry-mesic upland forest at the Fountian Bluff Area off IL 3, near Gorham.

Brachyelytrum erectum (SChreb.) Beauv.
Mark A. Basinger   30101992-06-24
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Sandstone outcrop in a mesic hardwood forest across from Devil's Stand Table at Giant City State Park.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Loy R. Phillippe   246161994-06-21
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Shawnee National Forest. Jonesboro Ranger District, Compartment J-94. McClure 7.5 minute topographic map. Mesic ravine.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Loy R. Phillippe   247431994-06-22
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Shawnee National Forest. Jonesboro Ranger District, Compartment J-97. McClure 7.5 minute topographic map. Wooded slope along gravel road.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Loy R. Phillippe   247671994-06-23
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Shawnee National Forest. Jonesboro Ranger District, Compartment J-104. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topographic map. Floodplain of small creek in woods.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Loy R. Phillippe   246751994-06-22
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Shawnee National Forest. Jonesboro Ranger District, Compartment J-99. McClure 7.5 minute topographic map. Ridgetop woods.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Loy R. Phillippe   248201994-06-23
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Shawnee National Forest. Jonesboro Ranger District, Compartment J-103. Mill Creek 7.5 minute topographic map. North-facing mesic deciduous wooded slope.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Loy R. Phillippe, Kenneth R. Robertson, Sophia Gehlhausen & Geoffrey A. Levin   249221994-07-06
United States, Illinois, Cass, Site M, wooded ravine, Chandlerville 7.5 minute topographic map.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb. ex Spreng.) Beauv.
Trent & Robert Mohlenbrock   Ill-541982-09-18
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Woods, 2 miles south of Carbondale, 1 mile west of U.S. 51.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P. Beauvois
S. Masi, J. Epting, and K. Dritz   532 FCC# 4281996-08-06
United States, Illinois, Cook, Paddock Woods Forest Preserve. Palos Park: 86th. Avenue south of Route 83. About 50 to 60 feet west of trail, 1/2 block north of intersection with service road.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) P. Beauv.
Paul A. Tessene and Jeffrey W. Olson   1311992-05-31
United States, Illinois, Shelby, Hatfield property: woods on steep bluff above south shore of Kaskaskia River . Fancher 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) P. Beauv.
Paul A. Tessene and Jeffrey W. Olson   1921992-05-31
United States, Illinois, Shelby, Taylor property. On steep mesic, north-facing slope, south of Richland Creek. Beecher City 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb. ex Spreng.) Beauv.
Paul A. Tessene & Jeffrey W. Olson   3181992-08-26
United States, Illinois, Shelby, Woods east of Brush Creek and north of dead-end dirt road. Shumway 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauvois
Scott Simon, Marilyn Morris & Loy R. Phillippe   3461992-06-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Horseshoe Bottom Nature Preserve. Collison 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauvois
Scott Simon, Marilyn Morris & Loy R. Phillippe   4341992-07-28
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Horseshoe Bottom Nature Preserve. Collison 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) P. Beauv.
Steven R. Hill with T. Kompare   283861996-07-08
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Stonefort 7.5' quadrangle. Elevation 500 ft. Clifty Creek at Belville Road bridge. Burnside.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P. Beauv.
T. Antonio, S. Masi and J. Epting   79301996-09-19
United States, Illinois, Cook, Paddock Woods Forest Preserve, Palos Park; 86th Avenue south of Route 83; collected west of main trail 1 block north of service road.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe & Jennifer A. Tate   276271996-06-24
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Vermilion River Observatory. Danville SE 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe   310611999-07-25
United States, Tennessee, Cocke, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Cosby Watershed. Hartford 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 2710 feet. Bearneck Cove. Gabes Mountain Trail above Henwallow Falls in mesic ravine.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Mary Ann Feist, Dan Busemeyer   6072000-09-05
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Dean Hills Nature Preserve. Herrick 7.5 minute Quadrangle. Southwest-facing slope near ridge-top.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) Beauvois
M.A. Feist, L.R. Phillippe, D. Busemeyer, C. Carroll, P. Marcum, H. Helm   12842001-09-19
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Lower Panther Creek Watershed. Caulderwood Quadrangle. 1099 feet

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schraber) P. Beauvois
M.A. Feist, L.R. Phillippe, D. Busemeyer, C. Carroll, P. Marcum   13222001-09-20
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Twentymile Creek Trail. Twentymile Creek Watershed. Fontana Dam Quadrangle. 1740 feet

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauvois
R.L. Larimore, D.M. Ketzner   RL1851999-06-28
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Middle Fork Woods Nature Preserve at Kickapoo State Park, west of and adjacent to the MIddle Fork River. Danville NW 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) P. Beauvois
Connie Carroll, Rick Phillippe, Sue Gallo, Dan Busemeyer, Paul Marcum, James Ellis, Rick Larimore, Grant Cunningham   CJC1412002-10-08
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. White oaks sinks watershed. Wear Cove Quadrangle

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) Beauvois
P. B. Marcum, L. R. Phillippe, M. A. Feist, D. M. Ketzner   PBM 13372002-07-17
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Shop Creek Watershed (access off of U.S. 129). Calderwood, TN Quad. Elevation ~ 1000 feet.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) Beauvois
P. B. Marcum, C.J. Carroll, G. Spyreas, S. Gallo, and G. Cunningham   PBM 17042002-10-06
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Shop Creek Watershed (access off of U.S. 129). Calderwood, TN Quad. Elevation ~ 950 feet.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) Beauvois
Dan Busemeyer, Mary Ann Feist, Paul Marcum, & L. Rick Phillippe   13752003-06-20
United States, North Carolina, Swain, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Fontana Lake Watershed. Tuskeegee Quadrangle. Elevation about 1840 feet. Along Fontana Lake trail between Pikey Creek and Kirkland Branch.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) Beauvois
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe,Dan Busemeyer, Connie Carroll, Paul Tessene & Grant Cunningham   22242003-10-07
United States, North Carolina, Swain, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Fontana Lake Watershed. Noland Creek Quadrangle. Along Lakeshore Trail. Elevation about 2020 feet.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schraber) Beauvois
Mary Ann Feist, Rick Phillippe, & Paul Marcum.   17822002-07-15
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Tabcat Creek Watershed. Calderwood Quadrangle. 1000 feet.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, & David M. Ketzner   344852002-07-19
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Twentymile Creek Watershed, southwest part of the park. Outside the park Twentymile Creek goes beneath North Carolina Route 28 and then enters into Cheoah Lake. Fontana Dam Quadrangle, 7.5 minute Series. Elevation about 1620 feet. Along Twentymile Loop Trail above its junction with Wolf Ridge Trail.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Roth) P. Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe & Paul B. Marcum   384682005-10-26
United States, Illinois, McLean, Funk's Grove in young growth riparian woods along Timber Creek. Funk's Grove Illinois Natural Area Inventory Site, just north of Ewing Grove and University Natural Area. About 2.3 mile northeast of McLean, Illinois. In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division., 40.34888 -89.14548, 204m

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, Jim Payne, & Mary Ann Feist   377652005-07-18
United States, Tennessee, Blount, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. (WGS84/NAD83). White Oak Sinks at White Oak Sink., 35.63608 -83.74525, 518m

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P. Beauv.
Michael J. C. Murphy   15392006-07-18
United States, Illinois, Cook, Green Bay Trail Bike Path Survey Corridor - Turnbull Woods (Chicago Botanic Garden), Glencoe, IL, 42.14915 -87.78508

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P. Beauv.
Michael J. C. Murphy   10492006-05-24
United States, Illinois, Kane, I-90 tollway improvement survey corridor., 42.06638 -88.2691

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Michael J. C. Murphy   31432008-07-31
United States, Illinois, Fayette, IDOT U.S. Route 51 Project Area; Clinton, Fayette, Jefferson, Marion, Shelby, and Washington Counties., 39.15602 -89.08948

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Michael J. C. Murphy   33672008-09-23
United States, Illinois, Fayette, IDOT U.S. Route 51 Project Area; Clinton, Fayette, Jefferson, Marion, Shelby, and Washington Counties., 39.15661 -89.08376

Brachyelytrum erectum (Roth) P. Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe, Richard L. Larimore, & John E. Ebinger   410232008-08-20
United States, Illinois, Ogle, White Pine State Park in upland white oak - white pine dominated forest in White Pine State Park Nature Preserve. About 13 mile north of Dixon and 3.75 mile east of Buffalo, Illinois. In the Freeport Section of the Rock River Hill Country Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.9966 -89.4605, 237m

Brachyelytrum erectum (Roth.) P. Beauv.
Paul B. Marcum   56752009-07-09
United States, Illinois, Woodford, ParkLands Foundation’s Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.65412 -89.13531, 200m

Brachyelytrum erectum (Roth) P. Beauvois
Diane Donovan   11662009-09-14
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, Gray Summit, Missouri 63069, woods north and south of river connector to wildflower trail to west to river trail. WGS84. [Coordinates provided were incorrect: 39.8742°N; 105.4464°W]., 129m

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schrab.) P. Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe & John E. Ebinger   424892010-06-24
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Route 149 west out of Murphysboro, 1.5 to 2.0 mile west of Murphysboro at Lake Murphysboro State Park. North side of Lake, small hill prairie. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 37.7874 -89.385, 122m

Brachyelytrum erectum (Roth) P. Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe   431752012-06-27
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Kankakee River State Park. West side of Rock Creek about 0.3 mile north of State Route 102. Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.21133 -87.98469, 183m

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P. Beauv.
R.D. Henry & A.R. Scott   37051983-07-12
United States, Illinois, McDonough, Ferster Woods, 5 miles northeast of Macomb.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P. Beauvois
Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, and Jim Payne   31422005-07-22
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, Along Little Cataloochee Trail. Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.67296 -83.08786, 878m

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Jay Raveill   7841981-07-31
United States, Illinois, Perry, Pyramid State Park, 2 miles west of Pyatts.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
Michael Murphy, Rick Phillippe, and Maury Brucker   49192012-05-29
United States, Illinois, Marshall, Hopewell, IL. Approximately 5 miles north of Chillicothe, IL. 0.4 mile due west of IL Route 29. Lots 184, 185, & 186., 40.99087 -89.45541

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P. Beauv.
Michael Murphy, Rick Phillippe, Maury Brucker, and Mike Miller   48542012-05-18
United States, Illinois, Marshall, Hopewell, IL. Approximately 5 miles north of Chillicothe, IL. 0.4 mile due west of IL Route 29. Lot 108., 40.98494 -89.45596

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe, David M. Ketzner, Connie Carroll, & Paul B. Marcum   335962001-08-13
United States, Illinois, Marion, Stephen A. Forbes State Park. Mount Vernon Hill Country Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Northwest of Forbes Lake near where Lost Fork flows into Forbes Lake. Growing along main channel of Lost Fork., 38.7497 -88.7787

Brachyelytrum erectum (Roth) P. Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe & John E. Ebinger   433982013-07-12
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, About 6 mile west of Danville, Illinois. On the east side of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River near where the river comes to the steep wooded slope. Vermilion River Section of the Wabash Border Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.16013 -87.73964

Brachyelytrum erectum (Roth) P. Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe & John E. Ebinger   434912013-09-19
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Shawnee National Forest. About 3.75 mile east of McClure in Dongola Hollow on wooded slope above where Sammons Creek turns northeast on north side of Grapevine Trail Road. Southern Section of the Ozark Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 37.31121 -89.36604, 177m

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) Beauvois
Alvin R. Diamond   239532013-04-25
United States, Alabama, Butler, Alabama Hwy. 263, 3.44 miles north of Butler County Hwy. 44., 31.932717 -86.697562

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauvois
Loy R. Phillippe, Scott Simon, & Scott Briggs   232681993-10-06
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Seep southeast of Horseshoe Bottom Nature Preserve. Middle Fork State Fish & Wildlife Area. Seep. Along the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Vermilion River Section of the Wabash Border Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.22674 -87.75211

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132880J.P. Shimp   3151991-07-28
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 20.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv
ILLS00132879A.S. Biagi   23481993-07-26
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 28. Cadiz O.A., 37.573185 -88.247412

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreber) Beauvois
ILLS00132878M.A. Basinger & D.M. Ketzner   68251993-09-07
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 19. Along a horsetrail (006; Beaver Trail) 1/2 mile east of Pounds Hollow Lake.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132877J.P. Shimp, A.S. Biagi, & E.M. Jacquart   21571992-07-08
United States, Illinois, Pope, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 37. Gyp Williams Hollow., 37.565312 -88.459804

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132876J.P. Shimp & A.S. Biagi   15921992-06-30
United States, Illinois, Saline, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 2.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132875J.P. Shimp & L.R. Stritch   29551992-08-07
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 34.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132874E.L. Shimp, J.P. Shimp, & L.R. Stritch   28431991-08-03
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 79., 37.240311 -88.556233

ILLS00132873E.L. Shimp & C.F. Schultz   25371991-07-24
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 77., 37.269092 -88.556704

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132872J.P. Shimp   2201991-07-18
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 30. Along Beaver Creek., 37.585212 -88.250035

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132871J. Shimp & A. Biagi   22661992-07-20
United States, Illinois, Saline, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 12. Along forest road 1602.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132870L.R. Stritch   33271991-09-02
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 82. Azotus Field & dry upland woods., 37.298653 -88.537975

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132869E.L. Shimp, L.R. Stritch, & C.F. Schultz   25781991-08-02
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 52. Whoopie Cat., 37.482139 -88.319867

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132868E.L. Shimp   35061991-10-04
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 37. Trigg Tower., 37.489672 -88.627335

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132867L.R. Stritch   16151981-07-11
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 29., 37.59203 -88.626621

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132866L.R. Stritch & E.L. Shimp   3164B1991-08-25
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 38.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132865L.R. Stritch & E.L. Shimp   31421991-08-25
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 38.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132864J.P. Shimp & M.A. Basinger   18941992-07-02
United States, Illinois, Pope, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 13. Along Forest Road 404A., 37.577486 -88.459271

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132863E.L. Shimp & C.F. Schultz   22031991-07-16
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 35.

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132862J.P. Shimp, A. Biagi, & S. Cline   25371992-07-29
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 20. Williams Hill O.A. Along Little Lusk Creek., 37.5634 -88.506304

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132861A.S. Biagi, M.A. Basinger, & A. Poole   25751993-07-28
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Elizabethtown Ranger District, Compartment 29., 37.592102 -88.25459

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
ILLS00132860A.S. Biagi & M.A. Basinger   20771993-07-08
United States, Illinois, Pope, Vienna Ranger District, Compartment 78. Forest Road 1382., 37.240311 -88.556233

Gordon C. Tucker   163952015-06-29
United States, Illinois, Coles, Charleston: S end of Forest Hills Drive, just N of Sunny Dale Rd. WGS84 +/- 200 m., 39.45621 -88.16925

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.
M.A. Basinger   87541994-07-12
United States, Illinois, Hardin, North of Camp Cadiz., 37.577471 -88.254622

Brachyletrum erectum (Schreber) Beauvois
Mary Ann Feist, Brenda Molano-Flores, Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum & Dan Busemeyer   28392004-10-04
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Along Lakeshore Trail and Hazel Creek. In “the Horseshoe.” Hazel Creek Watershed., 35.48038 -83.71451, 569m

Brachypodium pinnatum (Linnaeus) Beauv.
John B. Taft, Loy R. Phillippe, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov   20912000-07-26
Kyrgyzstan, Chuy Region, Karagajly-Kulak, 9 kilometer west of Ak-Tyuk. Tien Shan Flora Region of Central Asia. Elevation about 3400 meters. Site # 2000-114.

Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) P. Beauv.
Richard R. Halse   80142010-07-09
United States, Oregon, Benton, Corvallis; along sidewalk on S.E. 3rd Street by footbridge over the Marys River, south side of river., 44.556476 -123.264779

Briza maxima Linnaeus
A.G. Vestal   s.n.1947-05-12
United States, California, Sonoma, 1 mile east of Occidental. Camp Meeker quadrangle UTM Zone 10, 505500mE, 4251757mN.

Page 12, records 1101-1200 of 9868

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