Paul B. Marcum and Loy R. Phillippe 4993 2008-05-13
United States, Illinois, Woodford, ParkLands Foundation’s Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.65717 -89.13235, 197m
Liu Jin-Kui 384 2004-03-07
China, Dongan, Mt. Shunhuangshan, Dongan County, Hunan Province, China. 300 meters., 27.666667 111.75, 300m
Loy R. Phillippe, David Seigler, Angela Kerber, and John E. Ebinger 35310 2003-03-26
United States, Texas, La Salle, North of Farm Route 133 southwest of Cotulla, Texas. Chaparral Wildlife Management Area. Growing in dry shrubland. Survey Area 1., 28.34031 -99.37961, 163m
Gordon C. Tucker 13655 2004-07-01
United States, Illinois, Cumberland, Neoga: East of Lake Mattoon, near pipeline crossing on County Road 1300 North. Elevation about 200 meter., 39.36 -88.4384, 200m
Xiao Bai-Zhong 4181 2005-05-28
China, Hunan, Yizhang, Mt. Mangshan, Yizhang Co, Hunan Province, China. Elevation 700 meters., 24.94756 112.825745, 700m
J.L. Crane s.n. 1994-12-29
United States, Florida, Monroe, Pinecrest Hammock No. 2. Big Cypress National Preserve., 27.7616 -80.9215
Alvin R. Diamond 22043 2011-05-06
United States, Alabama, Butler, Butler County Highway 11, 0.19 mile north of Cedar Creek., 31.958278 -86.852333, 64m
T.L. Green s.n. 1996-08-09
United States, Illinois, McDonough, Texas Road.
Loy R. Phillippe & Paul B. Marcum 38826 2006-06-13
United States, Illinois, Will, Blodgett Dolomite Prairie Natural Area in the Des Plaines State Conservation Area. Along the west side of Interstate 55, north of Grant Creek, and south of High Power lines right-of-way. Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.387 -88.1965, 162m
Loy R. Phillippe & Steven R. Hill 27148 1996-05-01
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Vermilion River Observatory. About 4 mile southeast of Danville. Vermilion River Section of the Wabash Border Natural Division.
Michael Murphy, Rick Phillippe, Maury Brucker, and Mike Miller 5070 2012-07-03
United States, Illinois, Marshall, Hopewell, IL. Approximately 5 miles north of Chillicothe, IL. 0.4 mile due west of IL Route 29. Lots 184, 185, & 186., 40.99069 -89.4549
Michael Murphy, Rick Phillippe, Maury Brucker, and Mike Miller 4864 2012-05-18
United States, Illinois, Marshall, Hopewell, IL. Approximately 5 miles north of Chillicothe, IL. 0.4 mile due west of IL Route 29. Lot 108., 40.98503 -89.45479
Loy R. Phillippe & John E. Ebinger 43342 2013-05-30
United States, Illinois, McDonough, Spring Lake. West of State Route 67 and north & little west of Macomb. Emmet Township. Galesburg Section of the Western Forest-Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.51304 -90.75375
Alvin R. Diamond 22976A 2012-04-26
United States, Alabama, Montgomery, Alabama Highway 110 at Johnson’s Creek/Bullock County line, 32.272917 -85.986806, 67m
Loy R. Phillippe & Sophia Gehlhausen 20562 1992-07-23
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Along Glenburn Creek and directly north of Pleasant Grove Cemetery. Vermilion River Section of the Wabash Border Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.14258 -87.78296
Loy R. Phillippe & Sophia Gehlhausen 20528 1992-07-15
United States, Illinois, Whiteside, Northwest of Denrock along Burlington Northern Railroad growing on west bank of the railroad. Mississippi River Section of the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois River Bottomlands Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.70171 -89.97933
W.W. Thomas, J. Kallunki, S. Sant'Ana & H.S. Brito 10865 1995-05-10
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Jussari: Ca. 9 km north of Jussari, east off of road to Palmira on farm road past cattle fazenda of Alciato Carvalho. 15º06'58"S, 39º31'58" W., -15.11611 -39.53278
J.L. Crane & J. D. Schoknecht s.n. 1994-12-29
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Pinecrest Hammoch No. 2. Big Cypress Nature Preserve. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 17, 507877mE, 2849127mN. Miami-Dade., 27.7616 -80.9215
Zanthoxylum schinifolium Seib. & Zucc.
Gordon C. Tucker 15689 2011-05-24
China, Hunan, Shaoyang, N of Donkoucan (N of Xinshao), near White Dragon Cave., 27.4135 111.4255
Gordon C. Tucker 16002 2013-06-14
United States, Illinoi, Vermilion, Forest Glen County Preserve: Willow Creek Trail, at north end of trail., 40.020491 -87.578274
Loy R. Phillippe 13817 1989-09-27
United States, Illinois, Madison, About 2.5 miles southwest of Marine, Illinois. East side of Silver Creek north side of Lower Marine Road (township road 281).
M.A. Basinger & D. Ketzner 9930 1995-07-09
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Along the Lake Mingo trail northwest of Snider and off of county road 2300N.
M.A. Basinger 8347 1994-04-05
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, At the northern end of Holden Beach (looking across to Long Beach).
M.A. Basinger s.n. 2001-04-21
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, At less than 10 m from the intersection of Starfish Drive and Ocean Boulevard at Holden Beach.
M.A. Basinger s.n. 2005-12-21
United States, Florida, Collier, Along the Royal Palm Hammock Trail at Collier-Seminole State Park off of US 41.
M.A. & M.F. Basinger s.n. 2015-01-04
United States, Florida, Lee, Along indigo trail at beginning of Wildlife Drive at J.N. "Ding" Darling NWR off of Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel Island.