ILLS00091862 Loy R. Phillippe 26577 1995-06-21
United States, Illinois, Monroe County, Kelly Spring; 6.4 mile south-southeast of Waterloo (P.O.) on Waterloo Sportsman's Club property. Ames 7.5 minute quadrangle., 38.2445 -90.1103
ILLS00091453 Loy R. Phillippe & J.L. Crane 26951 1995-09-20
French Guiana, Saôl, La Fontaine Trail before overlook south from Resort back south toward Saôl.
ILLS00091527 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 97-393 1997-12-15
United States, Florida, Dade, Everglades National Park. Long Pine Key Hammock Number 21.
ILLS00091577 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 97-416 1997-12-15
United States, Florida, Dade, Everglades National Park. Pinelands.
ILLS00091680 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 97-415 1997-12-15
United States, Florida, Dade, Everglades National Park. Pinelands.
ILLS00091681 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1983-01-02
United States, Florida, Dade, Big Cypress Nature Preserve. A mahogany hammock, Loop Road Route 94.
ILLS00091719 J.L. Crane 97-239 1997-10-10
United States, Missouri, Oregon, Mark Twain National Forest. McCormack Lake Recreation Area, in lower portion of McCormack Hollow and adjacent Gasconade Dolomite bluff along north side of Eleven Point River east of McCormack Hollow, south of McCormack Lake. Elevation 550 to 850 feet.
ILLS00091721 J.L. Crane 97-227 1997-10-10
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, Johnson Shut-Ins State Park, along East Fork Black River, east of Highway N. Elevation caculated 800 to 1100 feet.
ILLS00091823 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1983-01-02
United States, Florida, Dade, Big Cypress Nature Preserve. A mahogany hammock, Loop Road Route 94.
ILLS00091829 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1983-01-02
United States, Florida, Dade, Big Cypress Nature Preserve. A mahogany hammock, Loop Road Route 94.
ILLS00091877 J.L. Crane 97-110 1997-05-25
United States, New York, Jefferson County, Three Mile Creek Road Barrens, northwest of Three Mile Creek Road (County Road 5), 17 mile northeast of Houghton Road (County Road 8), 2.4 mile northwest of New York. Hardwood swamp forest and adjacent alvar limestone flats., 44.1333 -76.15
ILLS00091902 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 97-385 1997-12-15
United States, Florida, Dade County, Everglades National Park, Long Pine Key Hammock Number 21. UTM Zone 17, Long Pine Key Quadrangle 1:24,000., 25.3999 -80.6608
ILLS00091903 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1983-01-02
United States, Florida, Dade County, Big Cypress Nature Preserve. In a mahogany hammock, Loop Road Route 94.
ILLS00091918 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1977-01-21
United States, Florida, Monroe County, Long Key State Park., 24.8137 -80.8219
ILLS00091957 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1977-01-21
United States, Florida, Monroe County, Long Key State Park., 24.8137 -80.8219
ILLS00091720 David M. Ketzner 1369 1991-07-17
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Northwest of Flat near King Sink. T. 36N, R. 10W, SW1/4 Sect. 36.
ILLS00091617 David M. Ketzner & Mark Basinger 1463 1993-02-06
United States, Illinois, Jackson County, Buttermilk Hill, northwest of Grimsby.
ILLS00091616 David M. Ketzner & Steve Olson 1631 1994-03-19
United States, Illinois, Hardin County, Hollow east of Lamb and south of Brokaw Hill.
ILLS00091857 David M. Ketzner & Steve Olson 1639 1994-03-20
United States, Illinois, Jackson County, Devil's Backbone, north of Grand Tower. Altenburg 7.5 minute quadrangle.
ILLS00091856 David M. Ketzner 1644 1994-03-21
United States, Illinois, Hardin County, Cave in Rock State Park, east of Cave in Rock along the Ohio River. Cave-in-rock 7.5 minute quadrangle.
ILLS00091569 Loy R. Phillippe 29564 1997-11-28
United States, Tennessee, Hickman County, Middle Tennessee State University Wildlife Management Area, directly (about 10 mile) west-northwest of Centerville and about 2 mile south of the Duck River. Elevation about 720 feet.
ILLS00091492 Loy R. Phillippe 29563 1997-11-28
United States, Tennessee, Hickman County, Middle Tennessee State University Wildlife Management Area, directly (about 10 mile) west-northwest of Centerville and about 2 mile south of the Duck River. Elevation about 720 feet.
ILLS00091860 Loy R. Phillippe 29440 1997-09-23
United States, Illinois, Johnson County, Jug Spring, 5.2 mile (8.4 kilometer) north-northwest of Vienna (town square), 180 meter south-southeast of Dutchman lake. Vienna 7.5 quadrangle. Elevation about 395 feet., 37.4867 -88.9143
ILLS00091493 Loy R. Phillippe & Rex Barbour 29225 1997-08-10
United States, Tennessee, Hickman County, Middle Tennessee State University Wildlife Management Area, directly (about 10 mile) west-northwest of Cenerville and about 2 mile south of the Duck River. (West out or Centerville and then northwest along Whitson Bend Road.
ILLS00091660 Loy R. Phillippe 28840 1997-05-27
United States, Illinois, Saline County, Garden of the Gods. Dry woods above vertical cliff. Herod 7.5 quadrangle.
ILLS00091738 Loy R. Phillippe 2405 1984-07-01
United States, Tennessee, Wilson County, North of Lebanon on Route 231 to the Nathan J. Harsh Bridge then east 2 mile along the Gilmore Hill Road to the Dickerson Chapel Boat Ramp. Walked from there to the main channel of the River. In woods at base of vertical cliff (Limestone cliff) near the Cumberland River.
ILLS00091753 Loy R. Phillippe 2741 1984-08-12
United States, West Virginia, Braxton County, Growing in woods on steep slope above the Wildlife Feeding Area along Stoney Creek Trail in the Elk River Public Hunting and Fishing Area.
ILLS00091785 Loy R. Phillippe 3186 1985-05-24
United States, West Virginia, Lewis County, Weston 7.5 quadrangle. Just south of Jackson Mill State 4-H Camp along the West Fork River with junction with Sycamore Lick Road (County Route 10).
ILLS00091979 Loy R. Phillippe 3221 1985-05-24
United States, West Virginia, Lewis County, Weston 7.5 quadrangle. Just south of Jackson Mill State 4-H Camp along the West Fork River with junction with Sycamore Lick Road (County Route 10). Growing about 1/2 to ridge top. West-facing wooded slope. In woods near intermittent stream.
ILLS00091771 Loy R. Phillippe 3290 1985-08-10
United States, West Virginia, Webster County, Holly River State Park, Growing just south of Potato Knob along fence row and the south side of the Left Fork Holly River. Lichen appeared dark gray.
ILLS00091498 Loy R. Phillippe 3670 1990-04-29
United States, Tennessee, Sevier County, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, About 0.5 mile above Laurel Falls. Woods in near virgin condition.
ILLS00091959 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 97-459 1997-12-16
United States, Florida, Everglades National Park, Cypress Dome along Route 27. Mahogany Hammock 7.5 minute quadrangle., 25.3127 -80.7973
ILLS00091817 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 97-462 1997-12-16
United States, Florida, Everglades National Park, Cypress Dome along Rt. 27, UTM Zone 17, 520396mE, 2799589mN. 25Á18.762'N, 80Á47.842'W.
ILLS00091532 J.D. Schoknecht & J.L. Crane 97-479 1997-12-16
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Everglades National Park, Mahogany Hammock, UTM Zone 17, 509591mE, 2784326mN; 25Á 10.516' N, 80Á 54.313' W.
ILLS00091812 J.L. Crane 97-62 1997-05-23
United States, New York, Jefferson County, Limerick Cedars Preserve, north side of Ranson Road, 1 mile northwest of New York Route 180, 1.2 miles northeast of New York Route 12E at Limerick. Dexter 7.5 minute quadrangle., 44.0499 -76.0499
ILLS00091683 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 97-342 1997-12-14
United States, Florida, Leon, Rest Stop on I10 at mile marker 194, UTM Zone 16, 750651mE, 3375334mN, 30Á29.045'N, 084Á23.348'W.
ILLS00091476 J.L. Crane & Payam M. Fallah 98-305 1998-05-19
United States, Florida, Dade County, Big Cypress National Preserve, Pinecrest Hammock No. 2, 25Á45.721'N, 080Á55.119'W.
ILLS00091679 J.L. Crane & Payam M. Fallah 98-301 1998-05-19
United States, Florida, Dade, Big Cypress National Preserve, Pinecrest Hammock No. 2, 25Á45.721'N, 080Á55.119'W.
ILLS00091900 J.L. Crane & Payam M. Fallah s.n. 1998-05-19
United States, Florida, Dade County, Big Cypress National Preserve, Pinecrest Hammock No. 2. Site No. 98-299. Fiftymile Bend 7.5 minute quadrangle., 25.762 -80.9186
ILLS00091901 J.L. Crane & Payam M. Fallah s.n. 1998-05-19
United States, Florida, Dade County, Big Cypress National Preserve, Pinecrest Hammock No. 2. Site No. 98-298. Fiftymile Bend 7.5 minute quadrangle., 25.762 -80.9186
ILLS00091813 J.L. Crane 97-93 1997-05-25
United States, New York, Jefferson County, Three Mile Creek Road Barrens, northwest of Three Mile Creek Road (County Road 5), 17 mile northeast of Houghton Road (County Road 8). Saint Lawrence 7.5 minute quadrangle., 44.1333 -76.15
ILLS00091676 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1997-12-19
United States, Florida, Collier, Big Cypress National Preserve, Wagon Wheel Trail, Rt. 837, UTM Zone 17, 466874mE, 2871873mN. 25Á 57.921' N, 081Á 19.854' W. Site No. 98-502.
ILLS00091525 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 98-509 1997-12-19
United States, Florida, Collier, Big Cypress National Preserve, Wagon Wheel Trail, Rt. 837, UTM Zone 17, 466874mE, 2871873mN. 25Á 57.921' N, 081Á 19.854' W.
ILLS00091491 Loy R. Phillippe 30261-B 1999-04-29
United States, Tennessee, Cocke County, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Cosby Watershed. Elevation about 1700 feet. Tritt Cemetery Road, about 150 yares from Route 321.
ILLS00091594 Loy R. Phillippe 30265 1999-04-29
United States, Tennessee, Cocke County, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Cosby Watershed. Hartford 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 1700 feet. Tritt Cemetery Road, about 150 yardes from Route 321. Young second growth forest Liriodendron tulipifera dominated with Liquidambar styraciflua, Acer rubrum, Fagus grandifolia, Betula lenta, Tsuga canadensis (young hemlock). Shrubs & undersoty trees: Cornus florida, Carpinus caroliniana, Calycanthus floridus, Hydrangea arborescens. Vines of Toxicodendron radicans, Parthenocissus quinquefolia., 35.7836 -83.2177
ILLS00091724 Loy R. Phillippe 32711 2000-09-27
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Big Creek Watershed. Elevation about 2475 feet. With sycamore, sweet birch, sourwood, & tulip tree.
ILLS00091567 David Ketzner 1383 1991-08-13
United States, Missouri, Oregon County, Many Springs Quadrangle, 7.5 Minute Series. Southwest of Turners Mill near Sisco Hollow. T. 24N, R. 3W, N1/2 NW 1/4 Sect. 16.
ILLS00091549 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & Francisco Ortega VE-350 1993-01-20
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Estado Trujillo, Along mountain rd. from Bocano to Paramo at 2000 meter altitude.
ILLS00091546 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & Francisco Ortega VE-700 1993-01-20
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Estado Trujillo, Along mountain rd. from Bocano to Paramo at 2000 meter altitude.
ILLS00091965 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & D.C. Taphorn VE-123c 1993-01-16
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Santa Rosa del Guache.
ILLS00091517 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & D.C. Taphorn VE-106 1993-01-16
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Santa Rosa del Guache, Biscucuy Quad. No. 6244. 12-1400 meter Altitude.
ILLS00091545 J.L. Crane FG-8 1995-09-14
French Guiana, Santier Botanique, SaÙl
ILLS00091551 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & D.C. Taphorn VE-249 1993-01-24
Venezuela, Tachira, Ca_o Caicara, near Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora Experimental.
ILLS00091824 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega C-115 (VE-238) 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Guramacal Parque National, Bocono
ILLS00091815 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega C-115 (VE-236) 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Guramacal Parque National, Bocono
ILLS00091555 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-244 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Guramacal Parque National, Bocono
ILLS00091840 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-686 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Guramacal Parque National, Bocono
ILLS00091454 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega C-114 (VE-288) 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mu_oz, Laguna de Aguas Negras along the road to Bocano. Altitude 2100 meter.
ILLS00091816 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega C-114 (VE-312) 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mu_oz, Laguna de Aguas Negras along the road to Bocano. Altitude 2100 meter.
ILLS00091807 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-337 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091581 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-338 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091553 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-261 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091554 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-274 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091550 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-279 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091518 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-272a 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091964 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-272b 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter., 9.24549 -70.1819
ILLS00091839 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-272 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter., 9.24549 -70.1819
ILLS00091562 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-338a 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091563 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-276 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091561 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-279a 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091552 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-336 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091806 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-278a 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Tachira, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091560 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & Francisco Ortega C-120 (VE-698) 1993-01-20
Venezuela, Trujillo, Along a mountain road from Bocano to Paramo at 2000 meter Altitude. Parque Nacional.
ILLS00091842 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & Francisco Ortega VE-384a 1993-01-20
Venezuela, Trujillo, Along a mountain road from Bocano to Paramo at 2000 meter Altitude Parque Nacional.
ILLS00091841 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & Francisco Ortega C-120 (VE-346) 1993-01-20
Venezuela, Trujillo, Along a mountain road from Bocano to Paramo at 2000 meter Altitude Parque Nacional.
ILLS00091559 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & Francisco Ortega C-120 (VE-384) 1993-01-20
Venezuela, Trujillo, Along a mountain road from Bocano to Paramo at 2000 meter Altitude Parque Nacional.
ILLS00091548 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & Francisco Ortega VE-714 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Guanare, Rio Guanare at Desembocadero, Altitude 600 meter.
ILLS00091547 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & Francisco Ortega VE-197a 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Guanare, Rio Guanare at Desembocadero, Altitude 600 meter.
ILLS00091966 J.D. Schoknecht, J.L. Crane & D.C. Taphorn C-124 (VE-382) 1993-01-26
Venezuela, Estado Tachira, Branch of Qda, La Pulida, Road to La Fundacion, San Jos_ De Bolivar, Venezuela Quadrangle 5839., 7.72299 -71.9645
ILLS00091951 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-269 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Alt. 2800m.
ILLS00091952 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-336a 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Altitude 2800 meter.
ILLS00091953 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-244 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Guramacal Parque National, Laguna De Los Cedros, Bocono Ven. Quad. 6143, UTM Zone 19P, 364000-368000mE, 1020000-1024000nN.
ILLS00091455 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega C-114 (VE-322) 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mu_oz, Laguna de Aquas Negras along road to Bocano. Altitude 2100 meter.
ILLS00091731 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 61-61 1981-07-30
United States, Tennessee, Loudon County, Woods by Tenn. Route 95 at Eaton. Lenoir City quad., 35.8392 -84.2825
ILLS00091597 Joe F. Hennen s.n. 1957-12-25
United States, Texas, Denton County, One mile northwest of Lake Dallas. Denton East quadrangle
ILLS00091972 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht C-271 1994-08-25
Canada, British Columbia, Wells Gray Provincial Park, Ray Farm, Clearwater Lake, BC quad, 93A/1. Altitude 700 meters.
ILLS00091688 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 99-98 1999-01-03
United States, Florida, Monroe, Everglades National Parks, Bear Lake Trail along the Buttonwood Trail. Flamingo
ILLS00091684 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 99-117 1999-01-03
United States, Florida, Monroe, Everglades National Parks, Bear Lake Trail along the Buttonwood Trail. Flamingo
ILLS00091834 J.L. Crane & J.D, Schoknecht 99-183 1999-01-05
United States, Florida, Monroe County, Everglades National Park, Rowdy Bend Trail., 25.1749 -80.9051
ILLS00091915 J.L. Crane & J.D, Schoknecht 99-146 1999-01-05
United States, Florida, Monroe County, Everglades National Park, Rowdy Bend Trail., 25.1749 -80.9051
ILLS00091689 J.L. Crane & J.D, Schoknecht 99-146a 1999-01-05
United States, Florida, Monroe, Everglades National Park, Rowdy Bend Trail
ILLS00091914 J.L. Crane & J.D, Schoknecht 99-149 1999-01-05
United States, Florida, Monroe County, Everglades National Park, Rowdy Bend Trail., 25.1749 -80.9051
ILLS00091690 J.L. Crane 99-118 1999-01-03
United States, Florida, Monroe, Everglades National Park, Bear Lake Trail along the Buttonwood Trail, Flamingo
ILLS00091578 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1994-12-31
United States, Florida, Monroe, Everglades National Park, Bear Lake Trail, Flamingo.
ILLS00091697 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 75-81
United States, Georgia, Charlton, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Stephen C. Foster State Park, Shore at boat landing, Billy's Island.
ILLS00091926 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 71-81 1981-08-02
United States, Georgia, Charlton County, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Stephen C. Foster State Park, Shore at boat landing, Billy's Island., 30.8317 -82.3335
ILLS00091838 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 76-81 1981-08-02
United States, Georgia, Charlton County, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Stephen C. Foster State Park, Billyês Island at Pine Lands and the Trail to the Dismantled Tram, Billys Island quadrangle., 30.8011 -82.3381
ILLS00091556 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega C-114 (VE-399) 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mu_oz, Laguna de Aguas Negras along the road to Bocano. 2100m Alt.
ILLS00091520 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega VE-270 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guramacal, Alt. 2800m.
ILLS00091558 J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & Francisco Ortega C-116 (VE-275) 1993-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guramacal, Alt. 2800m.