INHS Insect Collection 3702 R.E. DeWalt 2001-04-19
United States, Illinois, Cumberland, 11 km W Toledo, 39.2817 -88.3595
INHS Insect Collection 9232 DeWalt, Ralph Edward 2000-04-12
United States, Illinois, Saline, 8 km NE Herod, Shawnee National Forest, 37.6324 -88.3748
INHS Insect Collection 32683 R.E. DeWalt 2000-04-05
United States, Illinois, Pope, 0.8 km N Herod, 37.5842 -88.4422
INHS Insect Collection 32713 DeWalt, Ralph Edward 2000-04-05
United States, Illinois, Hardin, 6.5 km WNW Elizabethtown, 37.4599 -88.3772
INHS Insect Collection 32771 R.E. DeWalt 2003-05-21
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Tabcat Creek drainage, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 35.5149 -83.9763, 311m
INHS Insect Collection 32781 R.E. DeWalt, B.D. Heinold 2003-05-21
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 35.5149 -83.9763
INHS Insect Collection 76886 R.E. DeWalt 2005-04-05
United States, Illinois, Pope, 0.8 km N Herod, 37.5842 -88.4422
INHS Odonata 12562 DeWalt, Ralph Edward 2000-09-16
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, 8 km SE Westville, 250 m NE of Maple Grove Lodge,, Forest Glen Preserve, 40.0174 -87.5587
INHS Insect Collection 797883 Jason L Robinson, Charles R Parker 2005-08-19
United States, North Carolina, Avery, milepost 320, Blue Ridge Parkway, 1215m
INHS Insect Collection 797928 Jason L Robinson 2007-03-20
United States, Georgia, Catoosa, Unnamed stream at Brotherton Road, Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, 34.9196 -85.25193, 228m
INHS Insect Collection 797930 Jason L Robinson, Charles R Parker 2007-06-08
United States, Kentucky, Edmonson, Spring on Little Jordan River, 1.9 km E of North Entrance Road, Mammoth Cave National Park, 37.23707 -86.10973, 201m
INHS Insect Collection 797933 Jason L Robinosn, Erika E Bilger, Bruce Wallace 2016-10-24
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Spring seeps, Forest Glen Forest Preservation District, Howard’s Hollow Natrure Preserve, 40.02099 -87.57592, 191m
INHS Insect Collection 763275
INHS Insect Collection 910781 DeWalt, Ralph Edward | Hart, Lily 2020-02-11
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, McCollum seep, 40.05849 -87.57287
INHS Insect Collection 910792 DeWalt, Ralph Edward | Hart, Lily 2020-02-11
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Telescope Creek, 40.05611 -87.56924
INHS Insect Collection 925636 DeWalt, Ralph Edward | Ferguson, S.K. 2020-05-15
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, seep M. Fk. Vermilion R, 0.6 km WNW dam Mingo L, Kennekuk County Park, 40.208839 -87.741591
INHS Insect Collection 1505235 DeWalt, Ralph Edward | Hart, Lily 2022-04-07
United States, Illinois, Coles, Warbler Ridge Trailh. at Bypass Rd, Warbler Ridge GPF, 39.45248 -88.14377
INHS Insect Collection 929745 DeWalt, Ralph Edward 2022-03-16
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Ramsey Lake State Park Recreation Area, 39.17027 -89.13318