ILLS00090796 Loy R. Phillippe 2909 1985-02-23
United States, West Virginia, Grant County, West of Smoke Hole Caverns along Jordan Run, elevation about 1380 feet; Hopeville 7.5 minute topographic map.
ILLS00090797 Loy R. Phillippe 2706 1984-08-06
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia County, Cooper's Rock State Park; Lake Lynn 7.5 minute topographic map, elevation about 2000 feet.
ILLS00090801 Loy R. Phillippe 3542 1986-04-13
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton County, South of Franklin along US 220 (4.45 mile south of junction US 220 and US 33) at Pickle Mountain site of Trout, New Trout and Hamilton Caves.
ILLS00090793 Claire K. Schmitt 1523 1973-09-30
United States, New York, Warren County, Lake George, Tongue Mountain Trail south of First Peak. Shelving Rock 7.5 minute quadrangle., 43.5833 -73.6166
ILLS00090806 Loy R. Phillippe 2240 1983-09-17
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton County, Along hiking trail up the back side (east-facing) of Seneca. Rocks; Upper Tract 7.5 minute topographic map, elevation about 2100 feet.
ILLS00090802 Loy R. Phillippe 2961 1985-03-23
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton County, South of Franklin along US 220 (4.45 mile south of junction of SUS 220 and US 33). Pickel Mountain site of Trout, New Trout and Hamilton caves, elevation about 2500 feet.
ILLS00090803 Loy R. Phillippe 2581 1984-07-22
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton County, Germany Valley, elevation about 2440 feet. Sam Warner Farm about 2.5 mile southeast of Riverton from junction with US 33 and Route 28, drainage of Root Run; Circleville 7.5 minute topographic map.
ILLS00090804 Loy R. Phillippe 2236 1983-09-18
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton County, Seneca. Campground one mile southwest of US 33 along Seneca. Creek on Forest Service Land in rock dry woods; Onego 7.5 minute topographic map, elevation about 2400 feet.
ILLS00090805 Loy R. Phillippe 2236 1983-09-18
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton County, Seneca. Campground one mile southwest of US 33 along Seneca. Creek on Forest Service Land in rock dry woods; Onego 7.5 minute topographic map, elevation about 2400 feet.
ILLS00090800 Loy R. Phillippe 3542 1986-04-13
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton County, South of Franklin along US 220 (4.45 mile south of junction US 220 and US 33) at Pickle Mountain site of Trout, New Trout and Hamilton Caves.
ILLS00090799 Loy R. Phillippe 3542 1986-04-13
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton County, South of Franklin along US 220 (4.45 mile south of junction US 220 and US 33) at Pickle Mountain site of Trout, New Trout and Hamilton Caves.
ILLS00090798 Loy R. Phillippe 3542 1986-04-13
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton County, South of Franklin along US 220 (4.45 mile south of junction US 220 and US 33) at Pickle Mountain site of Trout, New Trout and Hamilton Caves.
ILLS00090808 Loy R. Phillippe 2846 1984-10-13
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas County, Forks of Cranberry Trail (Trail number 245) near the junction of Scenic Highway 150 and the trail about 150 yards down the trail in shruby area, elevation about 4000 feet, Cranberry Backcountry, Monongahelia National Forest.
ILLS00090809 J.D. Schoknecht & J.L. Crane C-273 1994-08-26
Canada, British Columbia, Wells Gray Provincial Park, Dawson Falls, Mahood Lake Quadrangle, 92p/16, 1:50,000. 775 meter altitude.
ILLS00090734 Michael Thon s.n. 1991-09-20
United States, North Carolina, Macon County, Whiteside Mountain in mixed hardwoods and conifers.
ILLS00090770 Loy R. Phillippe s.n. 1983-09-18
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton County, Southwest of US Route 33, along Seneca Creek, Seneca Campground, Onego.
ILLS00090807 Loy R. Phillippe 2240 1983-09-17
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton County, Along hiking trail up the back side (east-facing) of Seneca. Rocks; Upper Tract 7.5 minute topographic map, elevation about 2100 feet. Growing on rock in open woods of chestnut oak, pine, northern red oak and bear oak.
ILLS00090755 Loy R. Phillippe 2909 1985-02-23
United States, West Virginia, Grant County, West of Smoke Hole Caverns along Jordan Run, elevation about 1380 feet; Hopeville 7.5 minute topographic map.
ILLS00090795 L.J. Decker s.n. 1972-07-04
United States, South Dakota, Custer County, Rankin Ridge, Wind Cave National Park.
ILLS00090790 A.C. Skorepa & G.W. Folkerts 4127 1967-06-18
United States, Alabama, Clay County, Cheaha Mountain.
ILLS00090792 A.C. Skorepa & G.W. Folkerts 3131 1967-06-18
United States, Alabama, Cleburne County, Cheaha Mountain, el. 2,200 feet.
ILLS00090791 A.C. Skorepa & George W. Folkerts s.n. 1967-06-18
United States, Alabama, Clay County, Cheaha Mountain, el. 2,200 feet.
ILLS00090794 A.C. Skorepa 5285 1969-09-13
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe County, Mt. Pisgah, el. 5,000 feet.