INHS Collections Data

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Chamaesyce blodgettii, Euphorbia blodgettii (Chamaesyce blodgettii, Chamaesyce chiogenes, Chamaesyce nashii, Euphorbia batabanensis, Euphorbia bermudiana, Euphorbia chiogenes)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-23 of 23

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex A.S. Hitchc.) Small
ILLS00138608Robert A. Evers   1160651980-07-28
United States, Florida, Lee, Zion Lutheran Church, south of Ft. Meyers., 26.640628 -81.862308

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex A.S. Hitchc.) Small
ILLS00138554Robert A. Evers & Clara V. Evers   1158481978-01-18
United States, Florida, Lee, KOA Campground, 4 miles (6.4 km) north of Ft. Myers., 26.698728 -81.872308

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelmann ex Hitchcock) Small
ILLS00138555J.L. Crane   02-5742002-12-23
United States, Florida, Monroe, Spanish Harbor Keys. Coordinate Datum: NAD27., 24.6494 -81.3164

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
ILLS00138553J. Richard Abbott   17281992-04-03
United States, Florida, Pinellas, NW of St. Petersburg, SW of Clearwater, Indian Rocks Beach, W of Gulf Boulevard off end of 2nd Avenue.

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelman ex Hitchcock) Small
ILLS00138552J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht   s.n.1995-01-01
United States, Florida, Monore, Long Pine Key State Park, Long Pine Key. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 17, 517388mE, 2744256mN., 24.8144 -80.8279

Euphorbia blodgettii Englm. ex Hitchc.
ILLS00141380R.M. Meyers   35821971-08-27
United States, Florida, Sarasota, Lido Key., 27.316991 -82.581487

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
ILLS00147450M.A. Basinger   s.n.2007-01-05
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Long Pine Key Nature Trail within 1 mile west of Long Pine Key Campground & Picnic Area at Everglades National Park., 25.399999 -80.699382

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
ILLS00147577M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2015-01-04
United States, Florida, Lee, Wildlife Drive past the exit gate of J.N. "Ding" Darling NWR, off of Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel Island., 26.436157 -82.090544

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchcock) Small
ILLS00147640M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2014-12-29
United States, Florida, Charlotte, At Tippecanoe II Mitigation Area off of Joppa & Flamingo Avenues, south of SR 776, Englewood Road., 26.994099 -82.173464

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchcock) Small
ILLS00147756M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2013-12-28
United States, Florida, Monroe, At Curry Hammock State Park, mile marker 56 off of US 1, Crawl Key., 24.74264 -80.984793

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchcock) Small
ILLS00147755M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2013-12-25
United States, Florida, Monroe, Parallel to US 1 from Kyle Avenue to Banana Boulevard, Crawl Key., 24.747225 -80.978358

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm ex Hitchcock) Small
ILLS00147872M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2014-12-29
United States, Florida, Charlotte, At Tippecanoe II Mitigation Area off of Joppa & Flamingo Avenues, south of SR 776, Englewood Road., 26.994099 -82.173464

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Englem. ex Hitchcock) Small
ILLS00147996M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2013-12-26
United States, Florida, Monroe, Watson Boulevard west of Key Deer Boulevard, Key Deer National Wildlife Refuge off of US 1, Big Pine Key., 24.669865 -81.353969

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchcock) Small
ILLS00147995M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2013-12-25
United States, Florida, Monroe, Along paved path parallel to US 1 from Kyle Avenue to Banana Boulevard, Crawl Key., 24.7475 -80.974167

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchcock) Small
ILLS00147987M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2013-12-26
United States, Florida, Monroe, Middle Torch Key Road off of US 1 just south of Big Pine Key., 24.685142 -81.407304

University of Illinois - Vascular Plant Collection

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
ILL00153134Grace Loeschen   1946-12-26
United States, Florida, Broward, Hollywood., 26.015829 -80.181762

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
ILL00153135R.A. Evers   1160651980-07-28
United States, Florida, Lee, Zion Lutheran Church, south of Fort Myers., 26.516785 -81.895203

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
ILL00153136Harold N. Moldenke   7841930-03-18
United States, Florida, Monroe, Lower Matecumbe Key., 24.86222 -80.7175

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
ILL00153137Harold N. Moldenke   7651930-03-12
United States, Florida, Monroe, Upper Matecumbe Key., 24.888978 -80.6782

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
ILL00153138Harold N. Moldenke   8531930-04-01
United States, Florida, Monroe, Pine Crest [Pinecrest], 25.761754 -80.828436

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
ILL00153139John K. Small   37271912-11-00
United States, Florida, Key West., 24.554592 -81.79148

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
ILL00153140Harold N. Moldenke   3901930-01-11
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Miami Beach., 25.782613 -80.225245

Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
ILL00153141William R. Mazon, Ellsworth P. Killip   15681920-04-00
Jamaica, Pigeon Island, 10 miles of Old Harbour Bay., 17.796674 -77.07478

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