Rev. R. Brinker 36 1941-06-21
United States, Florida, Unknown, Pensacola.
A. E. Radford & B.King 45058 1966-07-21
United States, North Carolina, Wake, 2 miles northeas of Rolesville.
H.S. Pepoon 394 1931-08-00
United States, Tennessee, Dudley Creek area, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
H.S. Pepoon 1338 1931-07-20
United States, Tennessee, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Loy R. Phillippe, Dan Busemeyer, & Mary A. Feist 32752 2000-09-29
United States, Tennessee, Cocke, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Cosby Watershed. Hartford 7.5 minute quadrangle. Lower Mount Cammerer Trail, dry southwest-facing slope after second stream crossing beyond Sutton Ridge Overlook. Elevation about 2560 feet.
P. B. Marcum, C.J. Carroll, G. Spyreas, S. Gallo, and G. Cunningham PBM 1709 2002-10-06
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Shop Creek Watershed (access off of U.S. 129). Calderwood, TN Quad. Elevation ~ 1100 feet.
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe,Dan Busemeyer, Connie Carroll, Paul Tessene & Grant Cunningham 2245 2003-10-07
United States, North Carolina, Swain, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Fontana Lake Watershed. Noland Creek Quadrangle. Along Lakeshore Trail. Elevation about 1920 feet.
Kimberely Gulledge 732 2002-07-05
United States, Virginia, Surry, Along State Road 615, 1.1 mi north of junction with Route 612. At edge of clear cut pine plantation.
ILLS00150843 M.A. & M.F. Basinger s.n. 2012-08-10
United States, North Carolina, Burke, Along Blue Ridge Parkway approx. 0.3-0.5 mile NW of NC 181 intersection.