INHS Collections Data

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Hyptis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-29 of 29

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection

Hyptis alata (Raf.) Schinners
J. L. Crane & J. D. Schoknecht   s.n.1980-05-26
United States, Florida, Gate 3 Trail, Pinelands, Everglades National Park.

Hyptis alata (Rafinesque) Shinners
J.L. Crane & J. D. Schoknecht   97-3561997-12-15
United States, Florida, Dade, Long Pine Key Hammock No. 21, Everglades National Park, UTM Zone 17, 534110mE, 2809120mN.

Hyptis alata (Raf.) Shinners
J.L. Crane   05-452005-03-22
United States, Florida, Monroe, Cypress Stand. Loop Road. Big Cypress National Preserve. (WGS84/NAD83). UTM Zone 17, 494063mE, 2848979mN., 25.7607 -81.059

Hyptis alata (Raf.) Shinners
J.L. Crane   06-2922006-02-12
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Sisal Pond. Everglades National Park., 25.4406 -80.7833

Hyptis alata (Rafinesque) Shinners
Alvin R. Diamond   232172012-08-02
United States, Alabama, Bullock, Bullock County Highway 14, 0.08 mile northwest of Bullock County Highway 42. Powerline right-of-way., 32.005806 -85.734694, 128m

Hyptis alata (Raf.) Shinners
M.A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-08-05
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, On Point Camp Branch Road just past (northeast) Tram Road, off of NC 211.

Hyptis alata (Raf.) Shinners
ILLS00148617M.A. & R.N. Basinger   s.n.2007-09-08
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Along Big Neck Road, north of NC 130, 1-2 miles south of Exum at the crossroads with Exum or Point Camp Branch Road.

Steven R. Hill   282421996-06-07
Dominica, Lesser Antilles, Saint Peter Parish. Coastal highway, between Bioche and Colihaut, elevation 150 to 200 feet.

R.A. Zahawi   121995-06-18
Ecuador, Pichincha Province, Reserva Maquipucuna, 0.75 kilometer up main trail. Elevation ~1320 meters, mean annual rainfall 3200-3500 millimeters.

Steven R. Hill   272961995-08-20
Guyana, Region IX. Upper Takutu District: Southern Rupununi Savanna, east side of Rupununi River; wet savanna due northeast of Dadanawa ranch compound.

Charles N. Horn with Steven R. Hill   64241993-03-12
Dominica, West Indies, Saint Joseph Parish, Saint Joseph Parish: Springfield Estate; Archbold Tropical Research Center. North northeast of Roseau.

Marc A. Baker & Nichole Trushel   45031982-07-14
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, 20 kilometers west of Castle Dome, just west of Fish Creek on Apache Trail (Highway 80).

S.R. Hill   308961998-09-18
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Casa Grande Mountains, south of Casa Grande, 0.3 mile south of Rt. I-8. On Trekell Road, then 1.1 miles east towards antennas on ridge.

Steven R. Hill   336502001-05-03
United States, California, Riverside, Northeast-facing slopes of Mount San Jacinto, Tramway Road, halfway up Chino Canyon, about 1-1.5 miles southwest of California Route 111, Palm Springs. At boundary of Palm Springs Aerial Tramway property, at entrance gate. Elevation about 1000-2000 feet.

Hyptis microphylla Pohl ex Benth.
Steven R. Hill with C.N. Horn & J. Wiersema   27340A1995-08-21
Guyana, Region IX. Upper Takutu District: Southern Rupununi Savanna, east side of Rupununi River, Dadanawa . Elev. 110-120 m. Due southeast of Dadanawa compound 1.0-10 km.

Hyptis mutabilis (A. Rich.) Briq.
J.L. Crane   06-1972006-07-06
United States, Florida, Santa Rosa, Vicinity of Sweetwater River at the junction with Route 4. Blackwater State Forest., 30.8555 -86.8504

Hyptis mutabilis (A. Rich.) Briq.
J.L. Crane   06-2092006-07-07
United States, Florida, Santa Rosa, Vicinity of Coldwater Recreation Area. East Fork of the Big Coldwater Creek. Blackwater State Forest., 30.8365 -86.984

Hyptis mutabilis (A. Rich.) Briq.
A.R. Diamond   186022007-11-08
United States, Alabama, Geneva, Alabama Highway 167 at the south side of the Choctawhatchee River. 31° 10' 9" North Latitude; 85° 44' 29" West Longitude. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83., 31.1692 -85.7414, 30m

Hyptis mutabilis (A. Richard) Briquet
Alvin R. Diamond   254142014-08-02
United States, Alabama, Crenshaw, Crenshaw County Hwy. 77, 0.09 mile north of Alabama Hwy. 106., 31.624083 -86.439667

Hyptis obtusiflora C. Presl ex Benth.
R.A. Zahawi   49A1995-06-12
Ecuador, Pichincha Province, Reserva Maquipucuna, 2 kilometers up main trail, pasto 'El Mino'. Elevation ~1360 meters, mean annual rainfall 3200-3500 millimeters.

Hyptis obtusiflora C. Presl ex Benth.
R.A. Zahawi   49B1995-07-06
Ecuador, Pichincha Province, Reserva Maquipucuna, 2 kilometers up main trail. Elevation ~1500 meters, mean annual rainfall 3200-3500 millimeters.

Hyptis pectinata (Linnaeu) Poiteau
Charles N. Horn with Steven R. Hill   64041993-03-11
Dominica, West Indies, Saint John Parish, Saint John Parish: Park and picnic area off of coastal highway at Douglas Bay; northwest of Portsmouth. At sea level.

Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poit. ?
R.A. Zahawi   166A1996-06-14
Ecuador, Pichincha Province, Reserva Maquipucuna, 0.75 kilometer up main trail. Elevation ~1320 meters, mean annual rainfall 3200-3500 millimeters.

Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poit. ?
R.A. Zahawi   166B1996-08-05
Ecuador, Pichincha Province, Reserva Maquipucuna, approximately 1.75 kilometers up main trail. Elevation ~1400 meters, mean annual rainfall 3200-3500 millimeters.

Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poiteau
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-06
United States, Hawaii, Piihonua Road at the parking area to access Waiale Falls on the wailua River in Hilo.

Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poiteau
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-14
United States, Hawaii, Stainback Highway south of Hilo off of HI 11, Hawaii Belt Road, Waiakea Forest Reserve.

Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poit.
M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2012-06-06
United States, Hawaii, Island of Maui. HI 340 north of Waiehu.

Hyptis sidifolia (L'Her.) Briq.
R.A. Zahawi   121A1995-06-21
Ecuador, Pichincha Province, Reserva Maquipucuna, 1.5 kilometers up main trail. Elevation ~1360 meters, mean annual rainfall 3200-3500 millimeters.

Hyptis sidifolia (L'Her.) Briq.
R.A. Zahawi   121B1995-07-13
Ecuador, Pichincha Province, Reserva Maquipucuna, near scientific station. Elevation ~1250 meters, mean annual rainfall 3200-3500 millimeters.

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