ILLS00136041 Raymond Smith 616 1985-09-27
United States, Illinois, Pope, Jackson Hollow Natural Area., 37.519266 -88.700626
ILLS00136035 J. Chelsvig 143 1980-10-08
United States, Illinois, Coles, Eastern Illinois University campus, Charleston.
ILLS00136040 Marilyn Morris & Loy R. Phillippe 508 1990-08-03
United States, Illinois, Mason, About 2 mile northeast of Bath, Illinois. Matanzas Prairie Nature Preserve. Illinois River Section of the Illinois and Mississippi River Sand Area Natural Division. Kilbourne Quadrangle., 40.2154 -90.1129
ILLS00136039 Marilyn Morris & Loy R. Phillippe 585 1990-08-03
United States, Illinois, Mason, About 2 mile northeast of Bath, Illinois. Matanzas Prairie Nature Preserve. Illinois River Section of the Illinois and Mississippi River Sand Area Natural Division. Kilbourne Quadrangle., 40.2154 -90.1129
ILLS00136037 Dan Busemeyer, Paul Marcum, & Loy R. Phillippe 2033 2004-08-13
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Iroquois Woods Nature Preserve, Otto Township, 4 miles south of Kankakee, IL, 41.04733 -87.84799, 183m
ILLS00136036 Michael J. C. Murphy & Rick Phillippe 634 2005-08-15
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Bonnie’s Prairie Nature Preserve, 40.83105 -87.73717
ILLS00136038 Dan Busemeyer and Richard L. Larimore 2412 2005-07-18
United States, Illinois, McLean, Funk's Grove Nature Preserve is an 18 acre tract of land within a larger parcel known as Funk's Grove, one of the largest remnants of virgin forest in Illinois. The grove contains mesic upland forest of the Grand Prairie Natural Division., 40.36174 -89.11617, 203m
ILLS00136047 Steven R. Hill 35396 2003-08-26
United States, Illinois, Will, Exxon Mobil Refinery property, south of Drummond Road, east of Route I-55. Shallow peaty soil over dolomite [Silurian] pavement - like bedrock. (WGS84/NAD83)., 41.402 -88.189, 165m
ILLS00136046 Loy R. Phillippe, Connie Carroll, Dan Busemeyer, & Brenda Molano-Flores 38328 2005-09-29
United States, Illinois, Will, In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie South Patrol Road Restoration Area. About 3 mile north by northwest of Wilmington and east of Prairie Creek. GPS Coordinates from WGS84/NAD 83, 41.34828 -88.16171, 169m
ILLS00136045 Loy R. Phillippe 40942 2008-08-13
United States, Illinois, Will, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie. Blodgett Road Restoration Prairie. In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.38243 -88.17606, 163m
ILLS00136048 Paul B. Marcum and Loy R. Phillippe 5724 2009-08-13
United States, Illinois, Woodford, ParkLands Foundation’s Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.65989 -89.12621, 198m
ILLS00136044 Loy R. Phillippe 41057 2008-08-26
United States, Illinois, Will, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie. Exxon Mobil Dolomite Prairie Natural Area. In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.4033 -88.1753, 162m
ILLS00136042 Bob Edgin 5203 2002-08-15
United States, Illinois, Richland, Big Creek Woods Memorial Nature Preserve. 3 miles south of Onley.
ILLS00136043 Loy R. Phillippe, Greg Spyreas, Jessica Cochran, and John E. Ebinger 41898 2009-08-07
United States, Illinois, Will, Hickory Creek Sedge Meadow in the Will County Forest Preserve. CTAP Number: 300014W. In the Morainal Section of the Northeastern Morainal Natural Division of Illinois. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83., 42.52559 -88.00124, 183m
ILLS00081594 Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Michael J.C. Murphy, and Doris Lagos 3278 2005-06-09
United States, Illinois, McLean, Funks Grove Illinois Natural Areas Inventory (INAI) site; Ewing Grove Tract Buffer Area. WGS 84 map datum.; +/- 43.0 ft.., 40.34683 -89.14328, 198m
ILLS00081593 Gordon C. Tucker 13864 2004-09-17
United States, Illinois, Jasper, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: Rdigway Grassland and Wetland., 38.907222 -88.177222
Loy R. Phillippe & Sophia Gehlhausen 22967 1993-08-25
United States, Illinois, Mason, About 3.2 mile west of Saidora on Route 300N and then 0.6 mile north.
Gloria Zager s.n. 1980-10-09
United States, Illinois, Woodford, Eureka College campus., 40.714 -89.268