H.S. Pepoon 1108 1931-08-00
United States, Tennessee, Mill Creek valley, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
H.S. Pepoon 1108 1931-08-00
United States, Tennessee, Divide, Mill Creek, Upper Little Pigeon, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Loy R. Phillippe, Richard L. Larimore, Daniel T. Busemeyer, & James L. Ellis 35051 2002-10-06
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Shop Creek Watershed at western end of the Park. Caulderwood Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series. Elevation about 1360 feet. On ridgetop head of Blacksmith Branch that leads into Shop Creek.
Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, Jim Payne, & Mary Ann Feist 37793 2005-07-18
United States, Tennessee, Blount, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. (WGS84/NAD83). Turkeypen Ridge., 35.63355 -83.74152, 600m
Loy R. Phillippe & Grant Cunningham 42602 2010-09-22
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Along (immediately above) Twomile Lead Trail, south of Twomile Branch in headwaters of Thirst Branch. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.6795 -83.5151, 634m
Loy R. Phillippe & Grant Cunningham 42654 2010-09-24
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Along Twomile Lead Trail, along Twomile Branch, located above present location of Horse Stables near Route 441 east of Sugarlands Visitor Information Center. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.67655 -83.50143, 707m
Steven R. Hill 39444 2014-08-29
United States, South Carolina, Oconee, Northeast side of Rt. 28, north of Verner Mill Road, Mountain Rest. Nearly opposite church., 34.8441 -83.13352