ILLS00140366 Virginius H. Chase 11664 1950-10-21
United States, Illinois, Adams, Near Quincy., 39.9333 -91.4
ILLS00140372 R.A. Evers 36307 1952-10-09
United States, Illinois, Lake, In Volo Bog, northwest of Volo., 42.348929 -88.185092
ILLS00140371 Loy R. Phillippe 22534 1993-07-16
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Shawnee National Forest, Oakwood Bottoms, Murphysboro Ranger District, Compartment 16. Gorham 7.5 minute topographic map., 37.682987 -89.462882
ILLS00140368 Steven R. Hill with Paul Tessene 28794A 1996-09-19
United States, Illinois, Cook, Boomerang Slough and vicinity, prairie remnant managed by fire; Palos Park 7.5 minute quadrangle., 41.725014 -87.863945
ILLS00140367 Steven R. Hill 31951A 1999-08-13
United States, Illinois, Alexander, South end Tamms, east side Illinois Route 127, 0.4 mile south of County Road 4; Abundant with Lemna minuta, Azolla mexicana, others?, 37.232415 -89.265291
Dr. R.D. Henry & R.L. Hartman 394 1967-07-07
United States, Illinois, Union, Otter Pond, Pine Hills Field Station. [EX Western Illinois University Herbarium, MWI]., 37.536622 -89.438505
ILLS00140369 M. J. C. Murphy 3221 2008-08-14
United States, Illinois, Du Page, Eola Rd./I-88 interchange IDOT project area., 41.806 -88.24667
ILLS00140373 Michael J. C. Murphy 2926.1 2008-06-25
United States, Illinois, Marion, IDOT U.S. Route 51 Project Area; Clinton, Fayette, Jefferson, Marion, Shelby, and Washington Counties., 38.70134 -89.09747
ILLS00140370 Michael J. C. Murphy & Melinda Coogan 156 2005-05-30
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Middleport Lafayette Post Road Historic Site, 1.9 mile southeast of Watseka, just east of Sugar Creek. (WGS84/NAD83)., 40.75413 -87.71587
ILLS00140438 R.D. Henry & A.R. Scott 1472 1980-09-24
United States, Illinois, Mercer, N. edge of Keithsburg, 41.099479 -90.942643
Michael J. C. Murphy 5855 2017-07-31
United States, Illinois, Lawrence, Approximately 0.5 mile north of Lawrenceville, IL. Approximately 750 feet east of IL Route 1 (just west of abandoned railroad), and 150 feet south of U.S. Route 50, on east margin of excavated ditch., 38.73849 -87.68159
ILL00158502 N.D. Richmond 749 1938-11-00
United States, Virginia, New Kent, Long peninsula formed by the Chicahominy River and Diascond Creek, near Lanexa, 37.423757 -76.901075
ILL00158508 E.H. Daubs 616 1960-12-29
Mexico, Michoacan, Lake Patzcuaro, 20.844086 -105.459375
ILL00158596 E.H. Daubs 908 1962-02-09
United States, Louisiana, Jefferson, East of Bouette, east side of road to landfill., 29.9 -90.3833
ILL00158597 L.C. Wheeler 4744 1939-10-05
United States, Missouri, Boone, Gordon Pond, Columbia, 38.951705 -92.334072, 200m
ILL00158598 E.H. Daubs 758 1961-05-29
United States, Florida, Leon, 1/2 mi. n. of Woodville, 30.321349 -84.247397