INHS Collections Data

Illinois Natural History Survey - Paleontology Collections (INHS-PALEO)

The paleontological collections at the Illinois Natural History Survey are an amalgam of several traditionally independent collections spanning the INHS, our sister-survey the ISGS, and the broader University of Illinois research community. These collections cover a broad scope taxonomically, geographically and temporally, including a wide variety of both marine and terrestrial fossils from strata around the world. Particular strengths include fossil plants and insects from the Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous) of Illinois and a large collection of Midwestern Pleistocene mollusks. In addition, the INHS is also home to the historically significant Milton Sanderson collection of Early Miocene amber from the Dominican Republic as well as a rapidly growing collection of fossil insects from across the globe, ranging in age from Carboniferous to Pleistocene.
Contacts: Dr. Sam W. Heads,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: 318a37b6-6dc3-43eb-ba05-8e1e6325d8a8
Digital Metadata: EML File
Cite this collection:
Illinois Natural History Survey - Paleontology Collections. Occurrence dataset (ID: 318a37b6-6dc3-43eb-ba05-8e1e6325d8a8) accessed via the INHS Collections Data Portal,, 2025-03-02).
Illinois Natural History Survey
1816 S Oak St.
Champaign, IL   61820
United States
Collection Statistics
  • 437 specimen records
  • 433 (99%) georeferenced
  • 1 (0.23%) with images (3 total images)
  • 1 (0.23%) identified to species
  • 9 families
  • 1 genera
  • 1 species
  • 1 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
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Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution