INHS Collections Data

Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection (ILLS-PLANT)

There are three plant herbaria housed at the Evers Laboratory: Illinois Natural History Survey Herbarium (ILLS), the University of Illinois Plant Biology Herbarium (ILL), and the University of Illinois Crop Evolution Laboratory Herbarium (CEL). Together, these collections contain over 1,000,000 specimens making this the second largest herbarium in Illinois and one of the 15th largest in the United States.
Contacts: Jamie Minnaert-Grote, Collections Manager,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 January 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Cite this collection:
Illinois Natural History Survey - Plant Collection. Occurrence dataset (ID: 3a962f1f-7122-432c-bb7d-b625050392e4) accessed via the INHS Collections Data Portal,, 2025-03-02).
Collection Statistics
  • 284,508 specimen records
  • 77,470 (27%) georeferenced
  • 63,530 (22%) with images (64,861 total images)
  • 161,820 (57%) identified to species
  • 571 families
  • 2,470 genera
  • 10,994 species
  • 11,603 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Geographic Distribution - Costa Rica
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