Illinois Natural History Survey - Crustacean Collection (INHS-CRUSTACEAN)
The collection contains primary types of nine species and secondary types of 5 species. The collection contains over 91,000 specimens and 12,100 lots of approximately 350 species in 30 families. Almost all are from North America. About 50% of the collection is from Illinois; the remainder is mostly from the southeastern United States. The best represented groups are crayfishes, shrimps, scuds, slaters, and pill bugs. A few lots of marine crustaceans found along the North American coastline are also present in the collection.
Fluid Collections Manager: Enrique Santoyo-Brito,
Acting Curator: Dusty Swedberg,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 20 May 2024
Cite this collection: Illinois Natural History Survey - Crustacean Collection. Occurrence dataset (ID: 257ea482-2d6f-4cf4-846d-8efeb58f6727) accessed via the INHS Collections Data Portal,, 2025-02-18).
Collection Statistics
17,946 specimen records
16,838 (94%) georeferenced
5,409 (30%) with images (5,441 total images) 5,945 (33%) identified to species 32 families 24 genera 209 species 216 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Geographic Distribution - Nebraska
Click on the specimen record counts within the parenthesis to return the records for that term
Adams (3 ) Antelope (3 ) Blaine (4 ) Boone (5 ) Boyd (1 ) Brown (2 ) Buffalo (3 ) Burt (5 ) Butler (2 ) Cass (4 ) Cedar (6 ) Chase (6 ) Cherry (22 ) Cheyenne (1 ) Clay (1 ) Colfax (3 ) Cuming (5 ) Custer (7 ) Dakota (2 ) Dawes (12 ) Dawson (4 ) Devel (3 ) Dixon (2 ) Dodge (2 ) Douglas (11 ) Dundy (4 ) Fillmore (3 ) Franklin (4 ) Frontier (3 ) Furnas (8 ) Gage (25 ) Garden (6 ) Garfield (1 ) Grant (2 ) Greeley (2 ) Hall (1 ) Hamilton (2 ) Harlan (6 ) Hayes (1 ) Hitchcock (3 ) Holt (8 ) Hooker (3 ) Howard (3 ) Jefferson (16 ) Johnson (4 ) Keith (7 ) Keya Paha (3 ) Kieth (2 ) Kimball (2 ) Knox (7 ) Lancaster (15 ) Lincoln (24 ) Logan (2 ) Loup (2 ) Madison (3 ) Merrick (5 ) Morill (1 ) Morrill (5 ) Nance (2 ) Nemaha (10 ) Nuckolls (4 ) Otoe (6 ) Pawnee (17 ) Pierce (3 ) Platte (3 ) Red Willow (7 ) Richardson (5 ) Saline (16 ) Sarpy (4 ) Saunders (2 ) Scotts Bluff (4 ) Scottsbluff (14 ) Seward (11 ) Sheridan (5 ) Sherman (1 ) Sioux (7 ) Thayer (3 ) Thomas (2 ) Thurston (1 ) Wayne (4 ) Webster (7 ) Wheeler (3 ) York (4 ) [Gage] (3 ) [Nemaha] (1 ) [Saline] (1 )