University of Illinois Museum of Natural History Ornithology Collection (UIMNH-O)
Contacts: Dr. Kevin P. Johnson,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 3 August 2016
Cite this collection: University of Illinois Museum of Natural History Ornithology Collection. Occurrence dataset (ID: 5f9acefe-d827-44b8-ae15-91e9680e7f1e) accessed via the INHS Collections Data Portal,, 2025-03-02).
Collection Statistics
5,413 specimen records
0 georeferenced
5,400 (100%) identified to species 75 families 325 genera 505 species 1,142 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Aimophila (21 ) Ammodramus (40 ) Amphispiza (23 ) Arremonops (4 ) Calamospiza (4 ) Calcarius (33 ) Cardinalis (46 ) Chlorophanes (2 ) Chlorurus (9 ) Chondestes (12 ) Cyanerpes (2 ) Euphonia (1 ) Guiraca (6 ) Habia (2 ) Junco (97 ) Melospiza (91 ) Passerculus (68 ) Passerella (40 ) Passerina (27 ) Pheucticus (24 ) Pipilo (95 ) Piranga (43 ) Plectrophenax (8 ) Pooecetes (14 ) Ramphocelus (2 ) Saltator (1 ) Schistochlamys (1 ) Spiza (7 ) Spizella (69 ) Sporophila (9 ) Thraupis (1 ) Volatinia (1 ) Zonotrichia (80 )