ILLS00008467 J.L. Crane s.n. 1983-05-20
United States, Illinois, Saline, Garden of the Gods Recreation Area
ILLS00008470 R.A. Evers 110035 1973-03-22
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Bluff prairie along Middle Fork, 3.5 mile east of Collison.
ILLS00008471 W.S. Brenneman s.n. 1976-08-18
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, North of Illinois Power's Vermilion Power Station (SW1/4 Sect. 20, Pilot Township).
ILLS00008472 W.S. Brenneman s.n. 1978-05-16
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, NE1/4 Sect. 21, Blount Township.
ILLS00008474 Loy R. Phillippe 3593 1989-12-07
United States, Illinois, Washington, Irvington 7.5 minute topographic map, T. 1N, R. 1W, Sect. 36. West of US 51 across from Hickory Hill Church growing in an old field on south side of road.
ILLS00008488 J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1968-05-00
United States, Indiana, Fountain, Portland Arch
ILLS00008483 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1981-10-03
United States, Indiana, Fountain, Portland Arch
ILLS00008489 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 63-80 1980-09-19
United States, Indiana, Fountain, Portland Arch Nature Preserve
ILLS00008490 J.L. Crane 62-80 1980-09-19
United States, Indiana, Vigo, Kieweg Woods, Rural Route 16, West Terre Haute.
ILLS00008498 J.D. Schoknecht & J.L. Crane s.n. 1973-09-01
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park.
ILLS00008497 Betty Nelson s.n. 1981-08-09
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park, along trail 4 in woods.
ILLS00008521 J.L. Crane May-81 1981-06-04
United States, New Hampshire, Grafton, White Mountain National Forest, Silver Cascade
ILLS00008522 J.D. Schoknecht & J.L. Crane s.n. 1978-07-04
United States, New Hampshire, White Mountain National Forest, Dolly Copp. Road, Town Line Road.
ILLS00008525 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1986-08-20
United States, New York, Hamilton, Adirondack Park, Grassy Pond
ILLS00008539 Loy R. Phillippe 2418 1984-07-01
United States, Tennessee, Wilson, North of Lebanon on route 231 to the Nathan J. Harsh Bridge over the Cumberland River and then east 2 miles on the Gilmore Hill Road to the Dickerson Chapel Boat Ramp then to main channel of Cumberland River.
ILLS00008542 Loy R. Phillippe 469 1981-11-24
United States, Tennessee, Wilson, Cedars of Lebanon State Park east side of US 231 about 0.5 to 0.6 mile northeast of swimming pool, growing in forest.
ILLS00008543 Loy R. Phillippe 468 1981-11-24
United States, Tennessee, Wilson, Cedars of Lebanon State Park east side of US 231 about 0.5 to 0.6 mile northeast of swimming pool, growing in forest.
ILLS00008550 Loy R. Phillippe 3396 1985-11-24
United States, West Virginia, Barbour, Audra State Park in Hall, along the Middle Fork River, southern section of the park, ridgetop in a chestnut oak, white oak, and scarlet oak woods.
ILLS00008564 Loy R. Phillippe 1295 1983-04-17
United States, West Virginia, Ritchie, Northern tract of the Murphy Preserve, Ellenboro 7.5 minute topographic map.
ILLS00008565 Loy R. Phillippe 401 1981-11-14
United States, West Virginia, Ritchie, Southwest-facing slope in the Murphy Tract.
ILLS00008569 Robbin C. Moran s.n. 1981-07-04
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Port Wing Scientific Area, boreal forest.
ILLS00008563 J.L. Crane 13-81 1981-06-08
Canada, Nova Scotia, Annapolis, Round Hill, Annapolis Valley
ILLS00008462 Loy R. Phillippe 19717 1991-10-10
United States, Illinois, Randolph, Piney Creek Ravine Nature Preserve; T. 7S, R. 5W, NE1/4 Sect. 27, Welge 7.5 minute topographic map.
ILLS00008468 Loy R. Phillippe 3605 1990-01-30
United States, Illinois, Schuyler, North of Route 103 about 0.3 mile west of Full Gospel Church. Rushville 7.5 minute topographic map. T. 1N, R. 2W, SE1/4 Sect. 26.
ILLS00008524 Loy R. Phillippe 2820 1984-10-08
United States, New Jersey, Burlington, Along Batona Trail 0.5 mile west of Evans Bridge. Wharton State Forest.
ILLS00008421 Loy R. Phillippe & David Ketzner 3817 1990-07-10
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Hidden Cove; T. 8S, R. 4W, N1/2 Sect. 25; Oraville 7.5 minute topo.
ILLS00008557 Robyn M. Girondo s.n. 1981-11-11
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Cranberry Botanical Area, boggy high country, elevation about 4000 feet.
ILLS00008523 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1976-08-06
United States, New Hampshire, Coos, White Mountain National Forest, Slope of Mount Washington (above 5000 feet elevation)
ILLS00008469 Loy R. Phillippe, Scott Simon & Jennifer A. Tate 27084 1996-04-12
United States, Illinois, Vermilion, Vermilion River Observatory. 4 mil southeast of Danville.
ILLS00008510 J.L. Crane & C.A. Shearer C-370 1996-07-05
United States, Massachusetts, Barnstable, Nauset Trail to Doane Rock, Eastham., 41.84167 -69.95806
ILLS00008429 Steven R. Hill & Sue Dees 28711B 1996-09-10
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Clifty Creek at Belville Road bridge, eleavtion ca. 500 feet. Stonefort 7.5 minute quad. T. 11S, R. 4E, NE1/4 NW1/4 NW1/4 NW1/4 Sect. 13 [& sect. 12]. Occasional in dry cedar glades over sandstone, slopes. Northwest of bridge.
ILLS00008533 Loy R. Phillippe 28709 1997-04-21
United States, Tennessee, Jackson, Cummin's Falls along Balckburn Fork on the Cumberland Plateau. About 10 miles directly north of Cookeville.
ILLS00008439 Mark A. Basinger 7811 1993-10-16
United States, Illinois, Pope, Hayes Creek Canyon; T. 12S, R. 5E
ILLS00008419 J.L. Crane s.n. 1983-00-00
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, Shawnee National Forest, Rimrock State Park
ILLS00008513 J.L. Crane s.n. 1997-10-10
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, Johnson Shut-Ins State Park, along East Fork Black River east of Highway N. Elevation caculated 800 to 1100 feet. Site No. 97-220.
ILLS00008438 Loy R. Phillippe, Anthony W. Phillippe & Philip E. Phillippe 28985 1997-06-25
United States, Illinois, Pope, Hayes Creek Canyon. Eddyville 7.5 quadrangle. T. 11S, R. 6E, SE1/4 SW1/4 Sect. 31.
ILLS00008465 Loy R. Phillippe 28837 1997-05-27
United States, Illinois, Saline, Garden of the Gods. Dry woods above vertical cliff. Herod 7.5 quadrangle. T. 10S, R. 7 E, S1/2 Sect. 36
ILLS00008437 Loy R. Phillippe & Philip E. Phillippe 28764 1997-05-26
United States, Illinois, Pope, Shawnee National Forest, Burden Falls. Elevation 550 to 570 feet. Along Burden Creek, north flowing, thus north-flowing wooded ravine and dry sandstone ledges.
ILLS00008553 J.L. Crane Jan-92 2001-04-21
United States, West Virginia, Grant, Greenland Gap along County Route 3-3, above North Fork of Patterson Creek. Ca. 1500 feet Altitude.
ILLS00008562 J.L. Crane & J.L. Crane s.n. 1982-09-16
United States, West Virginia, Tucker, Blackwater Falls State Park
ILLS00008527 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 88-81 1981-08-05
United States, North Carolina, Pisgah National Forest, Blue Ridge Parkway, crest of Pisgah Ridge, Sleepy Gap Turnoff
ILLS00008482 J.L. Crane 03-231 2004-11-28
United States, Indiana, Crawford, Hoosier National Forest, Yellow-Birch Ravine Nature Preserve, Union TWP. Taswell quad. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 16, 539568mE, 4242287mN.
ILLS00008571 J.L. Crane C-264 1994-08-22
Canada, British Columbia, New Westminster, Whistler Mountain Gondola Area Alta Lake, 50.11667 -122.96667
ILLS00008544 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 96-81 1981-08-06
United States, Tennessee, Wilson, Cedars of Lebanon State Park., 30.0757 -86.1579
ILLS00008546 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 96-81 1981-08-06
United States, Tennessee, Wilson, Cedars of Lebanon State Park., 30.0757 -86.1579
ILLS00008545 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 96-81 1981-08-06
United States, Tennessee, Wilson, Cedars of Lebanon State Park.
ILLS00008530 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 39-80 1980-08-02
United States, Pennsylvania, Monroe, Tobyhanna State Park, Beech-maple forest, 41.2382 -75.3591
ILLS00008570 J.D. Schoknecht & J.L. Crane C-270 1994-08-25
Canada, British Columbia, Wells Gray Provincial Park, Helmcken Falls, Mahood Lake
ILLS00008536 Grace Eyster 759 1948-06-30
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, Ramsey Cascade Trail, 3,700ft. Ca. 12 miles east of Gatlinburg.
ILLS00008506 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1983-08-04
United States, Maine, Aroostook, Cranberry Pond along Route 11. North Maine Woods.
ILLS00008529 J.L. Crane 06-124 2006-05-19
United States, Ohio, Gallia, Wayne National Forest, southwest-facing slope with moist to dry exposed sandstone, soil and open mixed oak woods, Greenfield twp., 38.826 -82.4719
ILLS00008528 J.L. Crane 06-134 2006-05-20
United States, Ohio, Adams, Edge of Appalachia Preserve, Buzzardroost Rock Trail.Brush Creek twp., 38.7747 -83.435
ILLS00008507 J.L. Crane 05-128 2005-07-19
United States, Maine, Hancock, Boreal Forest along the coast at Otter Cliff. Seal Harbor quad., 44.3106 -68.1898
ILLS00008574 J.L. Crane, Loy R. Phillippe, Paul Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Brenda Malono-Flores, John Taft, Daniel Busemeyer, Gene Mendelkoch CR-232 2007-01-23
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Las Cruces Biological Station, Remanent Forest
ILLS00008534 Steven R. Hill 31437 1999-04-26
United States, Tennessee, Rutherford, Smyrna, just south of La Vergne town line, east side of US Route 41, 0.6 mile north of County Route 266. 3.8 mile north of Route 102, partly cleared cedar glade. For sale, to be developed; thin clay soil over dolomite. Common greyish green lichen in large circular mounded colonies.
ILLS00008572 J.L. Crane & C.A. Shearer s.n. 1994-08-18
Canada, British Columbia, Chehalis River at the junction with road to Hemlock Valley Harrison Lake, BC quadrangle UTM Zone 10, 577480mE, 5461000mN, 49.2968 -121.934
ILLS00008492 A.S. Methven ASM 9634 1995-09-09
United States, Indiana, Montgomery County, Pine Hills Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008494 A.S. Methven ASM 7667 1993-09-11
United States, Indiana, Montgomery County, Pine Hills Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008493 A.S. Methven ASM 9645 1995-09-09
United States, Indiana, Montgomery County, Pine Hills Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008495 A.S. Methven ASM 7665 1993-09-11
United States, Indiana, Montgomery County, Pine Hills Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008496 A.S. Methven ASM 6131 1989-10-01
United States, Indiana, Montgomery County, Pine Hills Nature Preserve, trail through preserve, mixed hardwoods, hemlock, pine.
ILLS00008511 A.S. Methven ASM 9573 1991-10-24
United States, MIchigan, Emmet County, Wilderness State Park.
ILLS00008400 A.S. Methven ASM 7747 1993-10-13
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008401 A.S. Methven ASM 7764 1993-10-13
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008403 A.S. Methven ASM 6032 1989-09-10
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve. Mixed hardwood forest.
ILLS00008432 A.S. Methven ASM 8414 1998-09-18
United States, Illinois, McDonough County, Argyle State Park.
ILLS00008418 A.S. Methven ASM 6098 1989-11-11
United States, Illinois, Gallatin County, Garden of the Gods Recreational Area, mixed hardwood forest.
ILLS00008517 A.S. Methven ASM 8461 1998-09-24
United States, Missouri, Stoddard County, Holly Ridge Natural Area.
ILLS00008516 A.S. Methven ASM 8472 1998-09-24
United States, Missouri, Stoddard County, Holly Ridge Natural Area.
ILLS00008520 J.L. Crane s.n. 1981-06-04
United States, New Hampshire, White Mountain National Forest. Silver Cascade.
ILLS00008484 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1980-09-19
United States, Indiana, Fountain County, Portland Arch Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008505 J.L. Crane s.n. 1980-09-19
United States, Indiana, Vigo County, Kieweg woods, RR 16, West Terre Haute.
ILLS00008404 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1981-07-07
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve. Douglas Township.
ILLS00008485 S. DeGoosh s.n. 1976-06-26
United States, Indiana, Fountain County, Portland Arch.
ILLS00008526 Petersen & Carroll s.n. 1991-09-20
United States, North Carolina, Macon County, Whiteside Mountain, mixed hardwoods and conifers.
ILLS00008444 A. Parker s.n. 1970-03-00
United States, Illinois, Pope County, Jackson Hollow., 37.51083 -88.69306
ILLS00008531 LaurieÍs Friend s.n. 1995-09-20
United States, South Carolina, ?
ILLS00008512 Stump s.n. 1954-08-04
United States, Missouri, Livingston County, Behind the oven, north side of lodge, Grand Oaks Assembly.
ILLS00008440 G.D. Edawrds s.n. 1993-04-17
United States, Illinois, Pope County, Hayes Creek Canyon. Growing on soil pocket on sandstone bluff.
ILLS00008548 MIchael Slaughter s.n. 1976-06-00
United States, Virginia, Bedford County, Peaks of Otter Natural Area, Falling Water Cascades (area 3).
ILLS00008481 H.F. Thut s.n. 1972-02-00
United States, Florida, Jacksonville.
ILLS00008480 Ray Swamp s.n. 1973-03-00
United States, Florida, ?
ILLS00008406 W.C. Whiteside s.n. 1969-11-09
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Rocky Hollow.
ILLS00008407 W.C. Whiteside s.n. 1969-04-03
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008499 Charles Mertz s.n. 1971-10-25
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park. Lusk fill ant hill area.
ILLS00008500 Charles Mertz s.n. 1971-10-07
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park. Open field.
ILLS00008504 Charles Mertz s.n. 1971-09-10
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park.
ILLS00008501 Charles Mertz s.n. 1971-09-21
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park. The Narrows, hill over looking river; northern exposure, open woods mixed in with moss.
ILLS00008503 Charles Mertz s.n. 1971-09-21
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park. The Narrows, hill over looking river; northern exposure, open woods mixed in with moss.
ILLS00008502 Charles Mertz s.n. 1971-09-21
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park. The Narrows, hill over looking river; northern exposure, open woods mixed in with moss.
ILLS00008575 Annie Sulahian s.n. 1964-01-10
Lebanon, Jesr-il-Bacha. [Jisr-el-Bacha].
ILLS00008576 Nicoals Shahin s.n.
Lebanon, Zirch. North of Beirut.
ILLS00008508 L. Crofutt s.n.
United States, Maine, ?
ILLS00008535 Richard Fried s.n. 1978-10-28
United States, Tennessee, Sevier County, Alum Cave Bluff, Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
ILLS00008430 A. Parker s.n. 1969-03-06
United States, Illinois, Johnson County
ILLS00008476 William McClain s.n. 1975-09-00
United States, Alaska, Wasilla.
ILLS00008434 William McClain s.n. 1977-00-00
United States, Illinois, Macoupin County, Scottville ñRockHouseî
ILLS00008433 William McClain s.n. 1977-00-00
United States, Illinois, Macoupin County, Scottville ñRockHouseî
ILLS00008416 James Jannesse s.n. 1978-05-26
United States, Illinois, Coles County, Fox Ridge State Park, Ridge 117a-plate 2e.
ILLS00008405 Jim Wiedman s.n. 1970-07-24
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve.