ILLS00008854 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1982-09-17
United States, West Virginia, Randolph, Monongahela National Forest, Spruce Knob, elevation 4862 feet, 38.8663 -79.6986
ILLS00008831 J.L. Crane 01-204 2001-09-09
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Mackinaw State Forest, Forest off Alpino State Road., 45.6165 -84.36958
ILLS00008874 Donna Wagner 568 2001-04-07
United States, Indiana, Montgomery County, Pine Hills Nature Preserve, in mixed decidous forest.
ILLS00008836 Loy R. Phillippe s.n. 1973-10-12
United States, Tennessee, Blount County, ?
ILLS00008850 Loy R. Phillippe 2211 1983-09-11
United States, West Virginia, Randolph County, Wildell 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 3520 feet. Along edge of jeep trail just south of Yokum Run near its junction with Shaaver's Fork.
ILLS00008845 Loy R. Phillippe 2125 1983-08-03
United States, West Virginia, Doddridge County, West Union 7.5 minute quadrangle. West side of Middle Island Creek up intermittent stream (on south side) leading into Middle Island Creek. Slope of hill 22Á; aspect of hill 32Á northeast-facing. Elevation about 820 feet. Growing on Juglans nigra about 12 to 25 feet up the tree. Tree d.b.h. 48.9 centimeter.
ILLS00008848 Loy R. Phillippe 2329 1984-04-07
United States, West Virginia, Randolph County, Near Sinks of Gandy Cave. Near Warner Run and gravel roadside. In open sparsely wooded pasture. Sinks of Gandy 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 3480 feet.
ILLS00008837 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1977-06-00
United States, Tennessee, Knox County, Knoxville, Tennessee.
ILLS00008843 W. Whiteside s.n. 1976-05-16
United States, Tennessee, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
ILLS00008841 W. Whiteside s.n. 1970-05-30
United States, Tennessee, Sevier County, Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
ILLS00008856 Beth Davis s.n. 1997-06-27
United States, Wyoming, 14 mile west of Buffalo, in the Big Horn Mountains.
ILLS00008844 Ginger De Cuir s.n. 1973-09-29
United States, Tennessee, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
ILLS00008834 A. Parker s.n. 1969-11-18
United States, New York, Steuben County, ?
ILLS00008886 Michael Slaughter s.n. 1976-06-00
United States, Virginia, Bedford County, Peaks of Otter Natural Area, split rail fence (area 5).
ILLS00008887 Loy R. Phillippe 2718 1984-08-12
United States, West Virginia, Braxton County, Elk River Public Hunting and Fishing Area, along edge of Stoney Creek Trail; small rock quarry.
ILLS00008875 Daniel Theobald s.n. 1995-09-09
United States, Indiana, Montgomery County, Pine Hills Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008882 Paul Lock s.n.
United States, Louisiana, Rapides Parish, Lake Valentine
ILLS00008879 Charles Mertz s.n. 1971-10-25
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park. Lusk Fill Area.
ILLS00008878 C. Mertz s.n. 1971-11-05
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park. Lusk Gravel Pit.
ILLS00008877 C. Mertz s.n. 1971-11-05
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park.
ILLS00008876 A.S. Methven ASM 6121 1989-10-01
United States, Indiana, Montgomery County, Shades State Park; Tsuga and mixed hardwood forest.
ILLS00008885 A. Parker s.n. 1969-06-03
United States, New York, Alleghany County, ?
ILLS00008869 A. Parker s.n. 1969-03-01
United States, Illinois, Johnson County, ?
ILLS00008872 A. Parker s.n. 1970-03-01
United States, Illinois, Pope County, Jackson Hollow., 37.51083 -88.69306
ILLS00008892 ? s.n.
Earth, ?, ?
ILLS00008822 M.C. Jernegan 16 2007-02-20
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve, amongst mosses and soil.
ILLS00008832 A.S. Methven ASM 9578 1991-10-24
United States, Michigan, Emmet County, Wilderness State Park, soil at base of trees.
ILLS00008867 A.S. Methven ASM 6057 1989-11-04
United States, Illinois, Jackson County, HeronÍs Pond. Bald cypress swamp and mixed hardwoods.
ILLS00008866 James Jannesse s.n. 1978-05-27
United States, Illinois, Coles County, Fox Ridge State Park, ridge 96e, plate 5a.
ILLS00008864 Robert Williams s.n. 1979-00-00
United States, Illinois, Coles County, Rocks Park.
ILLS00008880 C. Mertz s.n. 1971-10-07
United States, Indiana, Parke, Turkey Run State Park.
ILLS00008862 W.C. Whiteside s.n. 1974-10-21
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008883 Paul Lock s.n.
United States, Louisiana, Vernon Parish, Lake Fullerton.
ILLS00008870 W.M. McClain s.n. 1977-00-00
United States, Illinois, Macoupin County, Scottville ñRockhouseî.
ILLS00008863 Jim Weidman s.n. 1970-10-17
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008865 Mark Lembke s.n. 1978-09-12
United States, Illinois, Coles County, Lincoln Log Cabin., 39.38056 -88.20167
ILLS00008891 Petersen & Carroll s.n. 1991-09-06
United States, Wisconsin, Oneida County, North side of Road Q, between Parish and Enterprize; mixed hardwoods and conifers.
ILLS00008884 J.L. Crane s.n. 1981-06-18
United States, Maine, York County, Waterboro.
ILLS00008888 Loy R. Phillippe s.n. 1985-05-17
United States, West Virginia, Tyler County, Route 18, 2.1 mile south of Joseph Mills at junction of Route 18 and 74. On Juniperus virginiana on ridge top.
ILLS00008846 Loy R. Phillippe s.n. 1985-10-25
United States, West Virginia, Harrison County, Salem, West Virginia. Bear Track Run, north of Route 50. Elevation about 1100 feet. Open field near stream.
ILLS00008889 Loy R. Phillippe s.n. 1985-05-17
United States, West Virginia, Tyler County, Route 18, 2.1 mile south of Joseph Mills at junctions of Routes 18 and 74. on Juglans nigra, DBH 26.8 centimeter.
ILLS00008890 Loy R. Phillippe s.n. 1985-08-10
United States, West Virginia, Webster County, Holly River State Park. South of Potato Knob. Open field with Magnolia tripetala and Betula lenta in the area.
ILLS00008825 T. Ryan 47 2005-04-02
United States, Illinois, Pope County, Bell Smith Springs.
ILLS00008818 Isaac Klaus ITK 15 2005-03-22
United States, Illinois, Coles County, Lakeview Park, Charleston. Mixed deciduous forest.
ILLS00008819 A. McDonnell ALM 48 2005-03-22
United States, Illinois, Coles County, Lakeview Park, Charleston. Mixed deciduous forest.
ILLS00008824 J.A. Womack JAW 48 2005-04-02
United States, Illinois, Pope County, Bell Smith Springs. Mixed deciduous forest.
ILLS00008820 Vincent Millhoff 17 2005-03-22
United States, Illinois, Coles County, Lakeview Park, Charleston.
ILLS00008821 G.C. Hickman 68 2007-04-14
United States, Illinois, Gallatin County, Rim Rock Trail.
ILLS00008839 Sean Jones 14 2005-02-09
United States, Tennessee, Sevier County, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Laurel Falls., 35.672 -83.5831
ILLS00008840 Dave Brussells s.n. 1973-09-20
United States, Tennessee, Sevier County, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Mt. Leconte.
ILLS00008826 A.C. Skorepa 4288 1968-05-21
United States, Illinois, Pope County, Lusk Creek Canyon.
ILLS00008827 A.C. Skorepa 4288 1968-05-21
United States, Illinois, Pope County, Lusk Creek Canyon.
ILLS00008859 J.L. Crane 99-368 1999-05-08
Canada, Nova Scotia, Yarmouth, Red Maple Swale. Lat.: 44 03' 50" N, Long.: 065 34' 24" W. UTM Zone 20, 293906mE, 4882177mN., 44.06389 -65.57333
ILLS00101679 W.J. Sundberg 1100 1967-01-07
United States, California, San Mateo, La Honda.
ILLS00101680 D.E. Madden 494 1966-11-11
United States, California, Del Norte, Jedediah Smith State Park.
ILLS00008858 J.D. Schoknecht & J.L. Crane C-268 1994-08-24
Canada, British Columbia, Spahats Creek Provincial Park, White Raft River, BC quad 82M/13 NAD 27, UTM Zone 11, 301000mE, 5738000mN., 51.7575 -119.883
ILLS00008893 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1976-08-06
United States, New Hampshire, Coos, White Mountain National Forest, Summit of Mount Washington, Mount Washington (NH) quad. Coordinate datum: NAD 83/WGS84., 44.2703 -71.3033
ILLS00008896 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1984-08-02
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park, 4 miles from the west entrance.
ILLS00008895 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1984-08-05
United States, Maine, Aroostook, Pillsbury Pond Camp.
ILLS00008894 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1983-08-05
United States, Maine, Aroostook, Pillsbury Pond Camp.
ILLS00008902 J.L. Crane 03-284 2003-12-27
United States, Florida, Marion, Along County Road 314.
ILLS00008903 Michael Slaughter s.n. 1976-06-00
United States, Virginia, Bedford County, Peaks of Otter Natural Area, Sharp Mt. top (area 8).
ILLS00008900 R. Nybuer s.n. 1975-11-07
United States, Illinois, Clark County, 1 mile north of Clark Center, on Penn. Central R.R. track.
ILLS00008898 W. Whiteside s.n. 1975-11-12
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Clark Center.
ILLS00008899 W. Whiteside s.n. 1975-11-12
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Clark Center.
ILLS00008897 Vincent Miillhoff 22 2005-02-22
United States, Illinois, Clark County, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve.
ILLS00008901 A.C. Skorepa 1889 1965-10-24
United States, Illinois, Pope County, Lusk Creek Canyon.
ILLS00008907 David Ketzner 1959 1997-06-16
United States, Maine, Washington, PEagle Hill Wildlife Research Station, southeast of Steuben on Dyer Neck, at summit of Eagle Hill.
ILLS00008906 Steven R. Hill & Christina Renda 30394 1998-06-15
United States, Maine, Washington, Humboldt Field Research Institute, Eagle Hill, Steuben, east side Dyer Bay Road; Blue Trail. 3.6 mile south of U.S. Route 1.
ILLS00008905 Steven R. Hill 30503 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Christmas Cove, East Side Road (terminus of Maine Route 129); some summer cottages. West side of road.
ILLS00008904 Steven R. Hill 30529 1998-06-20
United States, Maine, Lincoln, Walpole, Maine Route 129, just south of Pitcher Road. 4.4 miles south of Maine Route 130. Mised spruce, fir, white pine, birch forest margin. Sand over granitic outcrops. Cylindrical-stemmed, blue-grey-green fruticose few-branched lichen. Edge of woods, deeper soil above ledges.
ILLS00008908 J.L. Crane 9-Nov 2011-04-28
Canada, New Brunswick, Charlotte County, Lepreau Parish: New River Beach Provincial park. Barnaby Head hiking trail, between Raspberry Cove and Chitticks Beach. Humid coastal forest of Abies balsamea and Picea rubens, with scattered Betula cordifolia and Sorbus americana, and bryophyte-dominated understory., 45.128 -66.525
ILLS00008909 J.L. Crane 99-281 1999-05-07
Canada, Nova Scotia, Queens, Thomas Raddall Provincial Park, Port Joli. Lat.: 43 50' 16" N, Long.: 064 53' 23" W. UTM Zone 20, 348084mE, 4855629mN., 43.83778 -64.88972
ILLS00008910 J.L. Crane 99-294 1999-05-07
Canada, Nova Scotia, Queens, Thomas Raddall Provincial Park, Port Joli. Lat.: 43 50' 16" N, Long.: 064 53' 23" W. UTM Zone 20, 348084mE, 4855629mN., 43.83778 -64.88972
ILLS00008911 Steven R. Hill 31652A 1999-05-24
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Northeast shore of Burt Lake, at end of Roberts Road, east edge Reeses Swamp, elevation 595 feet. Thuja swamp near brook running into lake; Abies, Salix. Humus, wet peat over glacial till and sand. Occasional on rotting log in swampy woods., 45.5 -84.6667
ILLS00008917 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1983-08-05
United States, Maine, Aroostook, North Maine Woods, T. 8, R. 11, Pillsbury Pond Camp.
ILLS00008930 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1975-08-00
United States, Montana, Glacier Naitonal Park, McDonald Creek Horesetrail.
ILLS00008931 J.L. Crane 97-42 1997-05-23
United States, New York, Jefferson, Perch River Barrons, East of New York 180, caculated 1 mile northeast of New York 12E at Limerick.
ILLS00008932 J.L. Crane 97-94 1997-05-25
United States, New York, Jefferson, Three Mile Creek Road Barrens, NW of Three Mile Creek Rd. (Co. Rd. 5) 17mi NE of Houghton Rd. (Co. Rd. 8).
ILLS00008933 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 91-81 1981-08-05
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, Pisgah National Forest, Courthouse Valley Overlook, elevation 5,362 fteet. Blue Ridge Parkway.
ILLS00008935 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht C-275 1994-08-26
Canada, British Columbia, Shadden/Spahats Creek Provincial Park, 750m Altitude.
ILLS00008937 J.L. Crane & C.A. Shearer C-35 1992-08-26
Canada, Quebec, Rivire Rupert south of Rapides Kauntuskueuch at jct with Rt 109 at Pont de Rupert (NAD 27), UTM Zone 18, Lac Mezires quad 32N/6, 331240mE, 5691720mN., 51.3517 -77.4236
ILLS00008919 J.L. Crane 01-175 2001-09-08
United States, Michigan, Alger, Lake Superior State Forest, Forest along H-58E., 46.6623 -85.8947
ILLS00008918 L. Crofutt s.n.
United States, Maine, ?
ILLS00008925 W. Whiteside s.n. 1980-10-03
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan County, ?
ILLS00008929 J. Johnson s.n. 1989-10-12
United States, Michigan, Emmet County, Wilderness State Park. In dune area along Lake Michigan.
ILLS00008920 A. Methven ASM 9727 1991-10-25
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan County, Cladonia barrens.
ILLS00008927 W. Whiteside s.n. 1979-05-00
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan County, Near Douglas Lake.
ILLS00008922 A.S. Methven ASM 5928 1989-10-13
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan County, Cladonia Barrens. Disturbed, sandy soil, pine oak forest.
ILLS00008923 A.S. Methven ASM 5929 1989-10-13
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan County, Cladonia Barrens. Disturbed sandy soil, pine oak forest.
ILLS00008924 A.S. Methven ASM 5988 1989-10-13
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan County, ReeseÍs Bog/Burt Lake. White ceder swamp/dune area, mixed hardwoods and conifers.
ILLS00008926 W. Whiteside s.n. 1979-05-00
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan County, Near Douglas Lake.
ILLS00008928 W. Whiteside s.n. 1978-10-08
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan County, Near Douglas Lake.
ILLS00008921 L.A. Koutnik s.n. 1989-10-13
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan County, Cladonia Barrens. Disturbed pine/oak sandy area.
ILLS00008934 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1982-07-23
Canada, Alberta, Trail to Ram Falls, Ram Falls Campground, Forestry Trunk Road, Rocky Mountain Forest Reserve.
ILLS00008936 J.L. Crane 99-292 1999-05-07
Canada, Nova Scotia, Queens, Thomas Raddall Provincial Park, Port Joli. Lat.: 43 50' 16" N, Long.: 064 53' 23" W. UTM Zone 20, 348084mE, 4855629mN., 43.83778 -64.88972
ILLS00008953 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht C-271 1994-08-25
Canada, British Columbia, Wells Gray Provincial Park, Clearwater Lake, Ray Farm, BC Quad 93A/1, 1:50,000, UTM Zone 10, 699000-700000nE, 5781000-5783000mN Elevation 700 meters.
ILLS00008944 J.L. Crane 97-340 1997-10-13
United States, Missouri, Carter, Along south side of Skyline Drive, 36Á 57' 25' N, 91Á 02' 25' W. Mark Twain National Forest., 36.95694 -91.04028
ILLS00008948 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1989-08-13
United States, New York, Hamilton, Whitney Park, Sabattis.
ILLS00008947 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1992-09-08
United States, New York, Hamilton, Adirondack Park, Grassy Pond near Blue Mountain Lake